108 research outputs found

    Understanding of Nityaga Kaala from Geographical perspective in India

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    Philosophies are the foundation for any science, the primary inquest for any science actually starts from philosophy. Whatever scientific theories have been laid today are the transformed versions of philosophy only, Ayurveda being a philosophical science has proven its relevance till date, because of its thumping philosophical background. The philosophy of Shadpadartha is the common root for Indian philosophies and Ayurveda, Dravya or substance/matter is considered to be the foremost Padartha by Vaisheshika philosophers, though Ayurveda has placed it after Samanya, Vishesha and Guna, it has given utmost importance to it because of its applicability and supremacy in Chikitsa. Charaka Samhita has emphasized the importance of the Karana Dravyas for the homeostasis of body tissue and thus maintaining good state of health, the Nine Karana Dravyas viz, Pancha Mahabhuta, Atma, Manas, Kaala and Disha/ Dik or Desha are the materialistic causes for the creation and health

    Can genetics guide exercise prescriptions in osteoarthritis?

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and has a multifactorial etiology. Current management for OA focuses on minimizing pain and functional loss, typically involving pharmacological, physical, psychosocial, and mind-body interventions. However, there remain challenges in determining which patients will benefit most from which interventions. Although exercise-based interventions are recommended as first-line treatments and are known to be beneficial for managing both the disease and illness of OA, the optimal exercise prescription is unknown, due in part to our limited understanding of the precise mechanisms underlying its action. Here we present our perspective on the potential role of genetics in guiding exercise prescription for persons with OA. We describe key publications in the areas of exercise and OA, genetics and OA, and exercise and genetics, and point to a paucity of knowledge at the intersection of exercise, genetics, and OA. We suggest there is emerging evidence to support the use of genetics and epigenetics to explain the beneficial effects of exercise for OA. We identify missing links in the existing research relating to exercise, genetics, and OA, and highlight epigenetics as a promising mechanism through which environmental exposures such as exercise may impact OA outcomes. We anticipate future studies will improve our understanding of how genetic and epigenetic factors mediate exercise-based interventions to support implementation and ultimately improve OA patient care

    Dual Role of Ribosome-Binding Domain of NAC as a Potent Suppressor of Protein Aggregation and Aging-Related Proteinopathies

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    The nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC) is a conserved ribosome-associated protein biogenesis factor. Whether NAC exerts chaperone activity and whether this function is restricted to de novo protein synthesis is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that NAC directly exerts chaperone activity toward structurally diverse model substrates including polyglutamine (PolyQ) proteins, firefly luciferase, and Aβ40. Strikingly, we identified the positively charged ribosome-binding domain in the N terminus of the βNAC subunit (N-βNAC) as a major chaperone entity of NAC. N-βNAC by itself suppressed aggregation of PolyQ-expanded proteins in vitro, and the positive charge of this domain was critical for this activity. Moreover, we found that NAC also exerts a ribosome-independent chaperone function in vivo. Consistently, we found that a substantial fraction of NAC is non-ribosomal bound in higher eukaryotes. In sum, NAC is a potent suppressor of aggregation and proteotoxicity of mutant PolyQ-expanded proteins associated with human diseases like Huntington’s disease and spinocerebellar ataxias

    Awesome SOSS: Transmission Spectroscopy of WASP-96b with NIRISS/SOSS

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    The future is now - after its long-awaited launch in December 2021, JWST began science operations in July 2022 and is already revolutionizing exoplanet astronomy. The Early Release Observations (ERO) program was designed to provide the first images and spectra from JWST, covering a multitude of science cases and using multiple modes of each on-board instrument. Here, we present transmission spectroscopy observations of the hot-Saturn WASP-96b with the Single Object Slitless Spectroscopy (SOSS) mode of the Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph, observed as part of the ERO program. As the SOSS mode presents some unique data reduction challenges, we provide an in-depth walk-through of the major steps necessary for the reduction of SOSS data: including background subtraction, correction of 1/f noise, and treatment of the trace order overlap. We furthermore offer potential routes to correct for field star contamination, which can occur due to the SOSS mode's slitless nature. By comparing our extracted transmission spectrum with grids of atmosphere models, we find an atmosphere metallicity between 1x and 5x solar, and a solar carbon-to-oxygen ratio. Moreover, our models indicate that no grey cloud deck is required to fit WASP-96b's transmission spectrum, but find evidence for a slope shortward of 0.9μ\mum, which could either be caused by enhanced Rayleigh scattering or the red wing of a pressure-broadened Na feature. Our work demonstrates the unique capabilities of the SOSS mode for exoplanet transmission spectroscopy and presents a step-by-step reduction guide for this new and exciting instrument.Comment: MNRAS, in press. Updated to reflect published versio

    Awesome SOSS: transmission spectroscopy of WASP-96b with NIRISS/SOSS

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    This is the final version. Available from Oxford University Press via the DOI in this recordData availability: All data used in this study is publicly available from the Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes: https://mast.stsci.edu/portal/Mashup/Clients/Mast/Portal.htmlThe future is now - after its long-awaited launch in 2021 December, JWST began science operations in 2022 July and is already revolutionizing exoplanet astronomy. The Early Release Observations (ERO) programme was designed to provide the first images and spectra from JWST, covering a multitude of science cases and using multiple modes of each on-board instrument. Here, we present transmission spectroscopy observations of the hot-Saturn WASP-96 b with the Single Object Slitless Spectroscopy (SOSS) mode of the Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph, observed as part of the ERO programme. As the SOSS mode presents some unique data reduction challenges, we provide an in-depth walk-through of the major steps necessary for the reduction of SOSS data: including background subtraction, correction of 1/f noise, and treatment of the trace order overlap. We furthermore offer potential routes to correct for field star contamination, which can occur due to the SOSS mode's slitless nature. By comparing our extracted transmission spectrum with grids of atmosphere models, we find an atmosphere metallicity between 1× and 5× solar, and a solar carbon-to-oxygen ratio. Moreover, our models indicate that no grey cloud deck is required to fit WASP-96 b's transmission spectrum, but find evidence for a slope shortward of 0.9 μm, which could either be caused by enhanced Rayleigh scattering or the red wing of a pressure-broadened Na feature. Our work demonstrates the unique capabilities of the SOSS mode for exoplanet transmission spectroscopy and presents a step-by-step reduction guide for this new and exciting instrument