Philosophies are the foundation for any science, the primary inquest for any science actually starts from philosophy. Whatever scientific theories have been laid today are the transformed versions of philosophy only, Ayurveda being a philosophical science has proven its relevance till date, because of its thumping philosophical background. The philosophy of Shadpadartha is the common root for Indian philosophies and Ayurveda, Dravya or substance/matter is considered to be the foremost Padartha by Vaisheshika philosophers, though Ayurveda has placed it after Samanya, Vishesha and Guna, it has given utmost importance to it because of its applicability and supremacy in Chikitsa. Charaka Samhita has emphasized the importance of the Karana Dravyas for the homeostasis of body tissue and thus maintaining good state of health, the Nine Karana Dravyas viz, Pancha Mahabhuta, Atma, Manas, Kaala and Disha/ Dik or Desha are the materialistic causes for the creation and health