102 research outputs found

    A recently introduced Dichelobacter nodosus strain caused an outbreak of footrot in Norway

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    BACKGROUND: In 2008, an outbreak of ovine footrot occurred in Norway. Dichelobacter nodosus isolates collected between 2008 and 2011 have been characterised. Isolates defined as virulent by the gelatin gel test (GG-test) were only found in sheep in Rogaland County, where the severe cases of footrot were registered. The majority (96%) of the virulent isolates belonged to serogroup A. It is suspected that they represent a newly introduced strain, and the aim of the present study was to investigate whether they are genetically similar. Sixty-one virulent isolates from sheep and 116 benign isolates from sheep, cattle and goats were included. Four GG-test virulent isolates from Danish sheep were also included. All isolates were genotyped by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and by PCR for pgr variant determination. RESULTS: The Norwegian virulent isolates were assigned to 8 pulsotypes (PTs), while the benign isolates were assigned to 66 PTs. Thirty-seven (68.5%) of the 54, virulent, serogroup A isolates belonged to the same PT, and included isolates from 2008 through 2011. Isolates belonging to this PT were defined as the outbreak strain. The remaining virulent serogroup A isolates belonged to 4 PTs differing by ≀3 bands from the outbreak strain. Two virulent, Danish, serogroup A isolates differed by 2 bands from the Norwegian outbreak strain. All but 3 (95%) of the virulent isolates had the pgrA variant while 85% of the benign isolates had the pgrB variant. CONCLUSION: This study provides evidence that the footrot outbreak in Norway in 2008 most likely was caused by new introduction and local spread of one virulent D. nodosus strain

    Contemporary ocean warming and freshwater conditions contribute to delay the completion of maturation in Atlantic salmon

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    The completion of maturation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) depends on environmental conditions that affect both feeding opportunities and growth, which would provide sufficient lipid stores for reproduction. However, if the level of energy reserves of a given fish is below a certain genetic threshold at a critical decision time further gonadal development is arrested and fully maturation postponed. This individual development pattern suggests that the proportion of fish maturing at a given sea age could vary from year to year according to the feeding opportunities in the oceanic migratory habitat, and the growth rate during freshwater residence that might be associated with growth at sea. In this study we show that sea age at maturity of adults caught in multiple Norwegian rivers has increased with increasing sea surface temperature (SST) experienced by the fish in autumn months during their first year at sea. Furthermore, freshwater conditions measured by river discharge during summer months one year ahead of seaward migration is positively related with increasing sea age at maturity. This result is discussed within the broad changes occurring in the North-east Atlantic pelagic food web mostly related with the current ocean warming, and river conditions influencing growth rates

    Additive Bayesian networks for antimicrobial resistance and potential risk factors in non-typhoidal Salmonella isolates from layer hens in Uganda

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    Background: Multi-drug resistant bacteria are seen increasingly and there are gaps in our understanding of the complexity of antimicrobial resistance, partially due to a lack of appropriate statistical tools. This hampers efficient treatment, precludes determining appropriate intervention points and renders prevention very difficult. Methods: We re-analysed data from a previous study using additive Bayesian networks. The data contained information on resistances against seven antimicrobials and seven potential risk factors from 86 non-typhoidal Salmonella isolates from laying hens in 46 farms in Uganda. Results: The final graph contained 22 links between risk factors and antimicrobial resistances. Solely ampicillin resistance was linked to the vaccinating person and disposal of dead birds. Systematic associations between ampicillin and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim and chloramphenicol, which was also linked to sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim were detected. Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim was also directly linked to ciprofloxacin and trimethoprim. Trimethoprim was linked to sulfonamide and ciprofloxacin, which was also linked to sulfonamide. Tetracycline was solely linked to ciprofloxacin. Conclusions: Although the results needs to be interpreted with caution due to a small data set, additive Bayesian network analysis allowed a description of a number of associations between the risk factors and antimicrobial resistances investigated

    Changes in selection and evolutionary responses in migratory brown trout following the construction of a fish ladder

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    Brown trout (Salmo trutta) are extensively harvested and its habitat highly influenced by human encroachments. Using a 40-year time series of mark–recapture data we estimate vital rates for a piscivorous trout population. This population spawns upstream of a waterfall, which historically acted as a migration barrier for smaller trout. In 1966, the waterfall was dammed and a fish ladder constructed. All fish ascending the fish ladder were individually tagged and measured for a variety of traits. The fish ladder overall favoured access to upstream spawning areas for middle-sized trout, resulting in stabilizing selection acting on size at spawning. Over time, natural and fishing mortality have varied, with fishing mortality generally decreasing and natural mortality increasing. The average and, particularly, variance in size-at-first-spawning, and growth rates during the first years of lake residence have all decreased over the 1966–2003 period. These changes are all consistent with a shift from directional to stabilizing selection on age and size at spawning. Estimated rates of phenotypic change are relatively high, in particular for size at first spawning, adding further support for the growing notion that human interference may lead to rapid life-history trait evolution

    Prevalence, antimicrobial susceptibility and risk factors associated with non-typhoidal Salmonella on Ugandan layer hen farms

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    Abstract Background Non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) are among the leading global foodborne pathogens and a significant public health threat. Their occurrence in animal reservoirs and their susceptibilities to commonly used antimicrobials are poorly understood in developing countries. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence, determine antimicrobial susceptibility and identify risk factors associated with NTS presence in laying hen farms in Uganda through a cross-sectional study. Results Pooled faecal samples were collected from 237 laying hen farms and these were analysed for NTS following standard laboratory procedures. In total, 49 farms (20.7%; 95% Confidence interval (CI): 15.6–25.6%) were positive for NTS presence. Altogether, ten Salmonella serotypes were identified among the confirmed 78 isolates, and the predominant serotypes were Salmonella Newport (30.8%), S. Hadar (14.1%), S. Aberdeen (12.8%), S. Heidelberg (12.8%), and S. Bolton (12.8%). Phenotypic antimicrobial resistance was detected in 45(57.7%) of the isolates and the highest resistance was against ciprofloxacin (50.0%) followed by sulphonamides (26.9%) and sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim (7.7%). Resistance was significantly associated with sampled districts (p = 0.034). Resistance to three or more drugs, multi-drug resistance (MDR) was detected in 12 (15.4%) of the isolates, 9 (75%) of these were from Wakiso district. A multivariable logistic model identified large farm size (OR = 7.0; 95% CI: 2.5–19.8) and the presence of other animal species on the farm (OR = 5.9; 95% CI: 2.1–16.1) as risk factors for NTS prevalence on farms. Having a separate house for birds newly brought to the farms was found to be protective (OR = 0,4; 95% CI: 0.2–0.8). Conclusion This study has highlighted a high prevalence and diversity of NTS species in laying hen farms in Uganda and identified associated risk factors. In addition, it has demonstrated high levels of antimicrobial resistance in isolates of NTS. This could be because of overuse or misuse of antimicrobials in poultry production. Also importantly, the insights provided in this study justifies a strong case for strengthening One Health practices and this will contribute to the development of NTS control strategies at local, national and international levels

    Tilsyn av vassdragsanlegg er nĂždvendig for vassdragsmiljĂžet

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    Artikkelen beskriver hvordan vassdragsanlegg, hovedsakelig vannkraft og akvakultur, er blitt fulgt opp i perioden 2010-2019 pÄ landskap- og miljÞsiden i bygge- og driftsfasen av NVE som tilsynsorgan. Et bredt spekter av kontrollmetoder er benyttet, hvorav inspeksjoner har stÞrst volum med ca. 250 Ärlig. Revisjoner er mest ressurskrevende og ca. 15 blir gjennomfÞrt Ärlig. Selv om de fleste kontrollene viser at regel-verk blir etterlevd, forekommer avvik relativt ofte. Det ble gjort 135 reaksjonsvedtak som om-fattet 5 anmeldelser og en tilbaketrekking av vassdragskonsesjon. I de fleste tilfellene rettet virksomhetene det ulovlige forholdet uten at vedtak ble fattet. I perioden 2012-2019 ble 16 virksomheter revidert 2-11 ganger. Det er ingen indikasjoner pÄ at en pÄfÞlgende revisjon resul-terer i fÊrre avvik enn den fÞrste revisjonen. Det var en betydelig grad av gjentakende avvik pÄ samme forhold. Dette viser at det ikke nÞdven-digvis er en systematisk positiv effekt internt i virksomheten som fÞlge av revisjon pÄ et konkret anlegg

    Threshold values of river discharge and temperature for anglers' catch of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L

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    The catch by anglers of adult Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was studied over a 5-year period in the River Gaula, Norway. Atlantic salmon were caught over a wide range (23–570 m3 s−1) of the observed extent of river discharge (13–950 m3 s−1) and throughout the range of temperature (4–23 °C), but both factors strongly affected catch rate. Significant correlations between the number of Atlantic salmon caught daily, and water temperature (r = 0.33) and river discharge (r = −0.42) were found in 1987 and 1989, respectively. The highest daily catch occurred between 50 and 150 m3 s−1, and at temperatures between 13 and 16 °C. Threshold values for water discharge and temperature were found to exist at 250 m3 s−1 and 8 °C, with the highest catches below and above these values, respectively
