35 research outputs found

    Paikallisen ruoan matkailullinen vetovoima: Kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    The popularity of food tourism – tourism in which food is a main motive for travelling – has increased. The food tourist often chooses a destination, because of local food. Not only food tourists, but also other tourists are interested in local food. By focusing on local food, a destination can differentiate itself from other destinations, gain economic advantages, maintain cultural heritage and strengthen its identity. Moreover, food tourism can contribute to extending tourist seasons. We approach local food as a social construct negotiated between various tourism actors. In this review, the focus lies in the question of why tourists are interested in consuming local food. Answers to the question have been searched through existing literature, which shows that there are many reasons for tourists’ desire to consume local food. Tourists seek for experiences, authenticity and the possibility to learn about local cultures. Through food choices tourists also construct their identities. Taste, freshness and healthiness are further reasons for consuming local food, as well as a desire to support the local economy and fulfill environmental responsibility. Social motives are also important reasons. For example, eating together with family or friends strengthens bonds between them. Local food also offers possibilities to get to know local people. The touristic attractiveness of local food is, thus, a construction of different meanings attached to the local food by tourists. This should be taken into account in destination development.The popularity of food tourism – tourism in which food is a main motive for travelling – has increased. The food tourist often chooses a destination, because of local food. Not only food tourists, but also other tourists are interested in local food. By focusing on local food, a destination can differentiate itself from other destinations, gain economic advantages, maintain cultural heritage and strengthen its identity. Moreover, food tourism can contribute to extending tourist seasons. We approach local food as a social construct negotiated between various tourism actors. In this review, the focus lies in the question of why tourists are interested in consuming local food. Answers to the question have been searched through existing literature, which shows that there are many reasons for tourists’ desire to consume local food. Tourists seek for experiences, authenticity and the possibility to learn about local cultures. Through food choices tourists also construct their identities. Taste, freshness and healthiness are further reasons for consuming local food, as well as a desire to support the local economy and fulfill environmental responsibility. Social motives are also important reasons. For example, eating together with family or friends strengthens bonds between them. Local food also offers possibilities to get to know local people. The touristic attractiveness of local food is, thus, a construction of different meanings attached to the local food by tourists. This should be taken into account in destination development

    Toward culturally sensitive tourism Report from Finnish Lapland

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    Cultural sensitivity in Sámi tourism: A systematic literature review in the Finnish context

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    The use of Sámi cultures in the Finnish tourism business has been problematic for many decades. The aim of this article is to explore how the notion of cultural sensitivity could help to find alternative approaches and new solutions to this situation, especially for Sámi tourism. For this purpose, a systematic literature review method was used to examine and describe how previous academic literature has approached the issue of cultural sensitivity in the Finnish context. While the concept has not been used in tourism research in Finland, previous discussions have focused on questions of respect, cultural sustainability, cultural carrying capacity, cultural representations and cultural identity in tourism contexts. Simultaneously, research in other fields of study has drawn attention to the importance of healing, reconciliation and recognition for Sámi cultures. Reviewing the social work and pedagogy literature indicates how the idea of cultural sensitivity can enrich the search for more responsible ways of thinking, doing and researching tourism. In sum, the article calls for future research, theoretical conceptualization and practical application of cultural sensitivity that emphasizes recognition of and respect for cultural differences.Kulttuurisensitiivisyys saamelaismatkailussa: Suomea koskeva systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus Saamelaiskulttuurien käyttö suomalaisessa matkailuliiketoiminnassa on ollut ongelmallista vuosikymmenten ajan. Tässä artikkelissa pohdimme, kuinka kulttuurisensitiivisyyden käsitteen avulla voitaisiin löytää vaihtoehtoisia lähestymistapoja ja uusia ratkaisuja tähän tilanteeseen. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla tarkastelemme, miten aiemmassa akateemisessa kirjallisuudessa on lähestytty kulttuurisensitiivisyyttä. Katsauksen mukaan kulttuurisensitiivisyyden käsitettä ei ole aiemmin käytetty matkailun yhteydessä; sen sijaan on keskusteltu kunnioituksesta, kulttuurisesta kestävyydestä, kulttuurisesta kantokyvystä, kulttuurisista representaatioista ja kulttuurisesta identiteetistä. Muilla tieteenaloilla on korostettu eheytymisen, väliensovittelun ja saamelaiskulttuurien tunnustamisen tärkeyttä. Sosiaalityön ja pedagogiikan alojen kirjallisuus osoittaa, että kulttuurisensitiivisyys auttaa etsimään vastuullisempia tapoja ajatella, tehdä ja tutkia matkailua. Kaiken kaikkiaan artikkeli peräänkuuluttaa kulttuurisensitiivisyyden käyttöä tutkimuksessa, sen teoreettista käsitteellistämistä ja käytäntöön soveltamista

    Towards an ethical tourism recovery in Northern peripheries

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    Unsustainable tourism growth prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and disruption of tourism caused by its outbreak, together with the global environmental crisis and different global and local injustices, have raised debates on what tourism should be like in the future. A more ethical tourism sector post-recovery has become a topical issue for strategy making in post-pandemic tourism. In this research note, we tie together local stakeholder views on ethical tourism recovery in northern peripheries, a review of current tourism strategies in the area and relevant literature to add to the debate regarding ethical tourism recovery in the region. Our findings show that the local stakeholders participating in our research saw need for more inclusive and participatory community-centred tourism planning and development than most of the reviewed tourism strategies, which were mainly following neoliberal utilitarian ethics. Ethics should be explicitly referenced and discussed in tourism planning and policy making and form an integral part of tourism strategies, and further research is needed to support this transition

    Kohti kulttuurisensitiivistä matkailua : Suomen Lappi

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    Miksi paikallinen ruoka kiinnostaa matkailijoita?

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