59 research outputs found

    School starters’ early structure sense

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    Low and high achieving children’s competences regarding pattern and structure at the beginning of formal schooling are comparatively analyzed in order to evaluate the range of school starters’ early structure sense. The results suggest overall high pre-instructional competences which, however, differ strongly between the mathematical high and low achievers. Cognitive milestones for the development of a sound early structure sense are named

    Rot, gelb, blau, rot, gelb, blau – und weiter?! Inhalte, Bedeutung und Unterrichtsideen für den Kompetenzbereich „Muster und Strukturen“

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    Dieser Artikel ist eine Zusammenfassung des Theorieteils eines Workshops am Lehrertag der GDM-Tagung. Ziel des Workshops war es, die anwesenden Lehrer für das Thema „Muster und Strukturen“ zu sensibilisieren

    Sentido estructural temprano de estudiantes al inicio de su escolarizaciĂłn

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    I analyse low and high achieving children’s competences regarding pattern and structure at the beginning of formal schooling comparatively. The aim is to evaluate the range of school starters’ early structure sense. The results suggest overall high pre-instructional competences which, however, differ strongly between the mathematical high and low achievers. I name cognitive milestones for the development of a sound early structure sense.Analizo comparativamente las competencias relacionadas con patrones y estructura al comienzo de la escolaridad formal en escolares con bajo y alto rendimiento académico. El objetivo es evaluar la gama de sentido estructural de niños que se inician en la escuela. Los resultados sugieren en general altas competencias pre-instruccionales las cuales, no obstante, difieren considerablemente entre los escolares de bajo y alto rendimiento académico. Identifico hitos cognitivos para el desarrollo de un sentido estructural sólido

    Designing a virtual cockpit for helicopter offshore operations

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    In recent years the number of offshore wind farms is rapidly increasing. Especially coastal European countries are building numerous offshore wind turbines in the Baltic, the North, and the Irish Sea. During both construction and operation of these wind farms, many specially-equipped helicopters are on duty. Due to their flexibility, their hover capability, and their higher speed compared to ships, these aircraft perform important tasks like helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) as well as passenger and freight transfer flights. The missions often include specific challenges like ship landings or hoist operations to drop off workers onto wind turbines. However, adverse weather conditions frequently limit offshore helicopter operations. In such scenarios, the adoption of aircraft-mounted sensors and obstacle databases together with helmet-mounted displays (HMD) seems to offer great potential to improve the operational capabilities of the helicopters used. By displaying environmental information in a visual conformal manner, these systems mitigate the loss of visual reference to the environment. This helps the pilots to maintain proper situational awareness (SA). This paper presents how our previously introduced concept of an HMD-based virtual flight deck can enhance offshore helicopter missions. The advantages of this system – for instance its “see-through the airframe”-capability and its highly-flexible cockpit instrument setup – enable us to design entirely novel pilot assistance systems. The work analyzes the specific requirements on our virtual cockpit so as to assist the helicopter crew in offshore-specific tasks. The gained knowledge is used to propose and evaluate concepts for a virtual cockpit that is tailor-made for helicopter offshore maneuvers

    Minisymposium 11: FrĂĽhe mathematische Bildung

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    Das Symposium Frühe mathematische Bildung bot ein Diskussionsforum für aktuelle Forschung zum mathematischen Lernen der 0- bis 7-Jährigen. In diesem Jahr war mit zwei Vorträgen insbesondere die Perspektive der Fachkraft vertreten, ein Vortrag fokussierte darüber hinaus den Einfluss des Lernsettings auf das mathematische Lernen der Kinder. Allen Beiträgen ist gemeinsam, dass sie das kindliche mathematische Lernen im Kontext von Spiel- und Alltagssituationen untersuchen. Frühes mathematisches Lernen kann in der Kindertagesstätte insbesondere durch qualitativ hochwertige Interaktionen zwischen frühpädagogischen Fachkräften und Kindern gefördert werden. Mit unterschiedlichen Formen solcher Interaktionen beschäftigten sich die ersten beiden Vorträge des Minisymposiums. Lena Aumann und Hedwig Gasteiger fokussierten dabei auf das Feedback, das frühpädagogische Fachkräfte in spielbasierten Lernsituationen der Kindertagesstätte geben. Feedback scheint eine bedeutende Rolle in Erwachsenen-Kind-Interaktionen zu spielen und kann in positives und negatives Feedback unterschieden werden. Aumann und Gasteiger unterschieden und charakterisierten diese in weitere, unterschiedliche Formen von Feedback und konnten eine hohe Rate an Feedback in spielbasierten Einszu-Eins-Interaktionen zeigen. Darüber hinaus arbeiteten sie eine Art von negativem, jedoch konstruktivem Feedback heraus, das weiter daraufhin untersucht werden sollte, inwiefern es die kindliche mathematische Entwicklung positiv beeinflussen könnte

    Navigating Stories in Times of Transition

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    Introduction: In this paper, we present the project Navigating Stories in Times of Transition, a collaboration between the University of Twente and the Netherlands eScience Center. The project aims to make state-of-the-art tools for natural language processing available to researchers in the social sciences and humanities (SSH). The tools we develop advance multidisciplinary approaches to analyzing stories across different media and time. We are particularly interested in further developing digital story grammar, a computational method for narrative analysis (Andrade & Andersen, 2020). We want to show how an analysis of personal narratives collected in the times of COVID-19 pandemic with our computerized narrative tools will help researchers to chart how people make sense of the pandemic and respond to its socio-political framings in uncertain times (Murray & Sools, 2014). We will embed our tools in relevant infrastructures to make them sustainable for future use (such as CLARIAH or the SSH Open Marketplace). As a platform for integrating the tools, we use Orange, a modular data mining toolkit (Demšar et al., 2013).Current practices: Narrative researchers already use several software programs, such as Atlas.ti and NVivo for qualitative data analysis, LIWC for automatic text analysis, and Excel, R, SPSS, and Stata for statistical analysis. In the past decade, automated natural language analysis tools have become available that could be useful for narrative analysis. Whereas several methods for natural language analysis (e.g., named entity recognition and sentiment analysis) have already been integrated into various tools used for narrative research studying textual data in English, the situation is direr for other languages. In addition, the application of more advanced approaches such as semantic role labelling and digital story grammar requires programming ability, which prevents broad application.Goals: We aim at making digital story grammar available for other languages than English. In our initial work, we have developed crude versions of digital story grammar based on semantic role labelling for Dutch, Danish and German. Our next work has two objectives. First, inspired by narrative methodology, we want to extend our tools to advance the analysis from the level of sentences to the story level. Second, to register changes in narratives in response to societal events, we intend to enable comparative analyses across time and space with computational methods. Initially, we will focus on analyzing the dynamic relationship between narratives and societal conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic.Concluding remarks: Our project aims at making state-of-the-art tools for natural language processing and data visualization available to SSH researchers. In our initial work, we have developed a new version of digital story grammar for the languages of Dutch, Danish and German. Our project will extend the digital toolbox for narrative analysis and thus support researchers in studying larger volumes of digital texts. All software produced by the project will be open source and we strive to balance usability and complexity when developing our tools for narrative research

    Post-2020 climate agreements in the major economies assessed in the light of global models

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    Integrated assessment models can help in quantifying the implications of international climate agreements and regional climate action. This paper reviews scenario results from model intercomparison projects to explore different possible outcomes of post-2020 climate negotiations, recently announced pledges and their relation to the 2 °C target. We provide key information for all the major economies, such as the year of emission peaking, regional carbon budgets and emissions allowances. We highlight the distributional consequences of climate policies, and discuss the role of carbon markets for financing clean energy investments, and achieving efficiency and equity
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