278 research outputs found

    How to avoid a lack of work engagement among public police professionals

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    This study aims to analyze the combined effect of five conditions—influence at work, interactional justice, workload, laissez-faire leadership, and emotional exhaustion—on the absence of work engagement in public police professionals. Using qualitative comparative analysis on a sample of 119 police professionals, the results show that none of the conditions on their own is necessary to lead to the absence of these professionals' work engagement. In addition, five casual configurations allow for the conclusion that influence at work, interactional justice, emotional exhaustion, and laissez-faire leadership are key conditions, while workload is less decisive in leading to the absence of work engagement in police professionals. The results inform managers of public police institutions on what variables can further contribute to creating workspaces in which learning, professional development, and positive experiences prevail among employees. This study is especially valuable to police professionals because the very nature of their work leads to engagement in acquiring a very powerful meaningS

    Chamber specific expression of Myosin heavy chain 7b in the heart of vertebrates

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    In extant vertebrates, myosin heavy chain (MyHC) 6 and 7 are the main isoforms of atrial and ventricular myocardium respectively, whereas MyHC7b has been proposed to be an ancient cardiac isoform only expressed during embryonic development in modern species. In preliminary immunohistochemical studies of the heart of the lesser spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula; Chondrichthyes), we have observed that while MF20 labels homogeneously all the myocardium, A4.1025 labels the inflow cardiac segments (sinus venosus and atrium) but not the outflow segments (ventricle and conus arteriosus). In order to interpret these results, we have performed western and slot blots from samples of dogfish and hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) hearts, HPLC-ESI-MS/MS from dogfish samples, and immunohistochemistry in hearts of representative species of vertebrates, namely elasmobranchs, polypteriforms, acipenseriforms, teleosts and mammals, using MF20 and A4.1025 antibodies. Western and slot blot results confirmed the specificity of MF20 and A4.1025 for MyHC in dogfish, as well as their differential reactivity against different myocardial segments. HPLC-ESI-MS/MS using protein databases from Callorhinchus milii (Chondrichthyes) and Chordata revealed the presence of MyHC6 and 7 in all the dogfish myocardial segments, and of MyHC7b only in the outflow segments. Immunohistochemistry showed that while MF20 signals were homogeneous in all the myocardial segments of all the species studied, A4.1025 signals were restricted to the inflow myocardial segments in elasmobranchs, homogeneous in teleosts and acipenseriforms, and low in the ventricle of polypteriforms. It can be inferred that the A4.1025 antibody, as opposed to MF20, has a low affinity for MyHC7b, at least in the dogfish. In addition, we show that MyHC distribution in the cardiac chambers has changed during the evolution of gnathostomes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.Study supported by grants CGL2017-85090-P and CGL2014-52356-P (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad), FPU15/03209 (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte), contract UMAJI75 (Junta de Andalucía, European Social Found), FEDER and Universidad de Málaga

    ¿Qué hay de pez en tu corazón? Los puntos clave de la evolución cardíaca.

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    Los peces son un grupo diverso de organismos acuáticos -compuesto por condrictios y osteictios- que disponen de un sistema circulatorio cerrado simple, a diferencia del resto de vertebrados, los tetrápodos, que poseen un sistema circulatorio cerrado doble. Ambos grupos tienen un órgano que actúa como bomba de propulsión, el corazón. Anatómicamente, el corazón de los peces, se diferencia al de tetrápodos por ser tubular y estar constituido por seis segmentos, que en sentido caudo-cefálico son: seno venoso, atrio, región atrioventricular, ventrículo, cono arterioso y bulbo arterioso, por los que la sangre circula en un solo sentido. La longitud relativa del bulbo y el cono arterioso varía entre los diferentes grupos de peces. En algunos tetrápodos, como los mamíferos, el corazón es tetracamerado y consta de dos aurículas y dos ventrículos comunicados mediante regiones atrioventriculares. En la pared de todos los segmentos miocárdicos, tanto de peces como de tetrápodos se diferencian tres capas, que de la más externa a la más interna son: epicardio, miocardio y endocardio. El bulbo arterioso no es miocárdico y su pared se compone por epicardio, una capa media formada por musculatura lisa, elastina y colágeno, y endocardio. En peces, el miocardio tiene una morfología variable (mixta o esponjosa), mientras que en tetrápodos solo es compacta. Durante las primeras etapas (estadios) del desarrollo cardiaco de tetrápodos, el corazón, tiene una morfología tubular similar al de los peces. En estadios posteriores, tiene lugar un evento de torsión que, como consecuencia, cambia la posición caudal de la región de entrada de sangre a una posición cefálica. Esta nueva distribución junto a la compartimentación del corazón en cuatro cámaras, es lo que permite el establecimiento de una circulación doble. Con el fin de aumentar el conocimiento existente, nos disponemos a describir y comparar corazones de peces y tetrápodos adultos, así como su desarrollo. Una incursión desde la óptica de la ciencia básica para conocer mejor un órgano con gran interés médico. El trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el proyecto CGL2014-52356-PUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto CGL2014-52356-

    Embryonic development of bicuspid aortic valves.

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    Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most common congenital cardiac malformation, frequently associated with aortopathies and valvulopathies. The congenital origin of BAV is suspected to impact the development of the disease in the adult life. During the last decade, a number of studies dealingwith theembryonic development of congenital heart disease have significantly improved our knowledge on BAV etiology. They describe the developmental defects, at the molecular, cellular and morphological levels, leading to congenital cardiac malformations, including BAV, in animal models. These models consist of a spontaneous hamster and several mouse models with different genetic manipulations in genes belonging to a variety of pathways. In this review paper, we aim to gather information on the developmental defects leading to BAV formation in these animal models, in order to tentatively explain the morphogenetic origin of the spectrum of valve morphologies that characterizes human BAV. BAV may be the only defect resulting from gene manipulation in mice, but usually it appears as the less severe defect of a spectrum of malformations, most frequently affecting the cardiac outflow tract. The genes whose alterations cause BAV belong to different genetic pathways, but many of them are direct or indirectly associated with the NOTCH pathway. These molecular alterations affect three basic cellular mechanisms during heart development, i.e., endocardial-to-mesenchymal transformation, cardiac neural crest (CNC) cell behavior and valve cushion mesenchymal cell differentiation. The defective cellular functions affect three possible morphogenetic mechanisms, i.e., outflow tract endocardial cushion formation, outflow tract septation and valve cushion excavation. While endocardial cushion abnormalities usually lead to latero-lateral BAVs and septation defects to antero-posterior BAVs, alterations in cushion excavation may give rise to both BAV types.Consejería de Salud y Familias, Junta de Andalucía (grant PI-0530-2019). Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (grant CGL2017-85090-P, fellowships FPU15/03209 to M.A.L.-U. and PRE2018-083176 to M.T.S.-N.). FEDER fund

    Myosin heavy chain isoforms in the myocardium of the atrioventricular junction of Scyliorhinus canicula (Chondrichthyes, Carcharhiniformes)

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    Coincide la versión posprint (aceptada) con la publicada (pdf del editor)The atrioventricular (AV) junction of the fish heart, interposed between the atrium and the ventricle, has been studied anatomically and histologically in several chondrichthyan and teleost species. Nonetheless, knowledge about myosin heavy chain (MyHC) in the AV myocardium remains scarce. This is the first report to provide data on the MyHC isoform distribution in the myocardium of the AV junction in chondrichthyans, specifically in Scyliorhinus canicula, a shark species whose heart reflects the primitive cardiac anatomical design in gnathostomes. The anti-MyHC A4.1025 antibody was used to detect differences regarding MyHC isoforms in the five dogfish examined, as the fast-twitch isoforms MYH2 and MYH6 have a higher affinity for this antibody than the slow-twitch isoforms MYH7 and MYH7B. The histochemical findings show that the myocardium of the AV junction connects the atrial trabeculated myocardium with the trabeculated layer of the ventricular myocardium. The immunohistochemical results indicate that the distribution of MyHC isoforms in the AV junction is heterogeneous. The atrial portion of the AV myocardium is positive against the A4.1025 antibody, as that of the atrial myocardium. In contrast, the ventricular portion of the AV junction is not labelled, as is the case with the ventricular myocardium. This dual condition suggests that the myocardium of the AV junction has two contraction patterns: its atrial portion contracts in line with the atrial myocardium, whereas its ventricular portion follows the contraction pattern of the ventricular myocardium. Thus, the transition of the contraction wave from the atrium to the ventricle may be established in the AV segment because of its heterogeneous MyHC isoform distribution. The findings support the hypothesis that a distinct MyHC isoform distribution in the AV myocardium enables a synchronous contraction of inflow and outflow cardiac segments in vertebrates lacking a specialized cardiac conduction system.FEDER Funds; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Grant/Award Numbers: CGL2017-85090-P, FPU15/03209, PRE2018-08317

    Messaging performance of FIPA interaction protocols in networked embedded controllers

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    Agent-based technologies in production control systems could facilitate seamless reconfiguration and integration of mechatronic devices/modules into systems. Advances in embedded controllers which are continuously improving computational capabilities allow for software modularization and distribution of decisions. Agent platforms running on embedded controllers could hide the complexity of bootstrap and communication. Therefore, it is important to investigate the messaging performance of the agents whosemainmotivation is the resource allocation in manufacturing systems (i.e., conveyor system). The tests were implemented using the FIPA-compliant JADE-LEAP agent platform. Agent containers were distributed through networked embedded controllers, and agents were communicating using request and contract-net FIPA interaction protocols. The test scenarios are organized in intercontainer and intracontainer communications. The work shows the messaging performance for the different test scenarios using both interaction protocols

    KIR+ CD8+ T Lymphocytes in Cancer Immunosurveillance and Patient Survival: Gene Expression Profiling

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    Killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) are molecules expressed by the most important cells of the immune system for cancer immune vigilance, natural killer (NK) and effector T cells. In this manuscript we study the role that cytotoxic CD8+ T cells expressing KIR receptors could play in cancer immune surveillance. With this objective, frequencies of different KIR+ CD8+ T cell subsets are correlated with the overall survival of patients with melanoma, ovarian and bladder carcinomas. In addition, the gene expression profile of KIR+ CD8+ T cell subsets related to the survival of patients is studied with the aim of discovering new therapeutic targets, so that the outcome of patients with cancer can be improved. Killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) are expressed by natural killer (NK) and effector T cells. Although KIR+ T cells accumulate in oncologic patients, their role in cancer immune response remains elusive. This study explored the role of KIR+CD8+ T cells in cancer immunosurveillance by analyzing their frequency at diagnosis in the blood of 249 patients (80 melanomas, 80 bladder cancers, and 89 ovarian cancers), their relationship with overall survival (OS) of patients, and their gene expression profiles. KIR2DL1+ CD8+ T cells expanded in the presence of HLA-C2-ligands in patients who survived, but it did not in patients who died. In contrast, presence of HLA-C1-ligands was associated with dose-dependent expansions of KIR2DL2/S2+ CD8+ T cells and with shorter OS. KIR interactions with their specific ligands profoundly impacted CD8+ T cell expression profiles, involving multiple signaling pathways, effector functions, the secretome, and consequently, the cellular microenvironment, which could impact their cancer immunosurveillance capacities. KIR2DL1/S1+ CD8+ T cells showed a gene expression signature related to efficient tumor immunosurveillance, whereas KIR2DL2/L3/S2+CD8+ T cells showed transcriptomic profiles related to suppressive anti-tumor responses. These results could be the basis for the discovery of new therapeutic targets so that the outcome of patients with cancer can be improved

    El índice de calidad de la nutrición en las residencias de ancianos (QUINN). Una nueva herramienta para evaluar la calidad de la dieta en las residencias de ancianos

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    Acknowledgements: the authors would like to thank the cooperation of the personnel of this institution — Yolanda Velasco, Alfredo Zapatero-Llanos, Carolina Calderon-Niño, and Lidia Peña-Rampérez, and all the residents of the center who participated in the study. The authors would like to thank Verónica Casanova- Muñoz for her constructive comments on some aspects of this manuscript.Background: the assessment of diet quality (DQ) is fundamental to the study of disease-diet associations, and it is necesary to implement an easy to-apply tool in nursing homes (NHs). Our objective was to propose and apply a novel diet quality indicator (DQIn) using an a priori approach for NHs. Methods: the QUality Index for Nutrition in Nursing homes (QUINN) was implemented in a public NH located in Valladolid, Spain, during a 5-week period (n = 137 subjects). The choice of the QUINN components was based on a rapid review. The QUINN was based on 15 dietary components — 12 were basic (vegetables, fruits, legumes, olive oil, cereals, dairy, white fish and seafood, white-meat, eggs/positive; other fats, red and processed meat, and sweets/negative), and 3 were supplementary (fruits and vegetables variety, oily-fish, and whole-grains/positive). Each component was classified into 4-categories (0, 1, 2 o 3 points; range: 0-45 points). Results: the QUINN was tested on a menu offered by a NH giving a result of 34 points (good diet). The components with the highest scores were related to the Mediterranean diet (high consumption of legumes, olive oil, white fish and shellfish; low intake of other fats; and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables), together with cereals, white meat, dairy, and eggs. The components that required a major change were red- and processed-meats, sweets, and whole grains. Conclusion: the menu of this Spanish NH showed a good DQ according to the QUINN. The assessment of the DQ in NHs using QUINN will allow the proposal of interventions aimed at improving their diet.Antecedentes: la valoración de la calidad de la dieta es fundamental para el estudio de las asociaciones enfermedad-dieta, y es necesario implantar una herramienta de fácil aplicación en las residencias de ancianos. Nuestro objetivo fue proponer y aplicar un nuevo indicador de calidad de la dieta (diet quality indicator, DQIn) utilizando un enfoque a priori para su utilización en residencias de ancianos. Métodos: el Índice de Calidad Nutricional en Residencias de Ancianos (QUality Index for Nutrition in Nursing homes, QUINN) se aplicó en una residencia pública de Valladolid durante un periodo de 5 semanas (n = 137 sujetos). La elección de los componentes del QUINN se basó en una revisión rápida. En el QUINN se consideraron 15 componentes dietéticos, 12 básicos (verduras, frutas, legumbres, aceite de oliva, cereales, lácteos, pescado blanco y marisco, carnes blancas, huevos/positivos; otras grasas, carnes rojas y procesadas, y dulces/negativos) y 3 adicionales (variedad de frutas y verduras, pescado azul, y cereales integrales/positivos). Cada componente se clasificó en 4 categorías (0, 1, 2 o 3 puntos; rango: 0-45 puntos). Resultados: el QUINN se aplicó en el menú ofertado por una residencia de ancianos dando un resultado de 34 puntos (dieta de buena calidad). Los componentes con mayor puntuación estaban relacionados con la dieta mediterránea (alto consumo de legumbres, aceite de oliva, pescado blanco y marisco, bajo consumo de otras grasas y variedad de frutas y verduras), junto con los cereales, las carnes blancas, los lácteos y los huevos. Los componentes que requerían un cambio importante fueron las carnes rojas y procesadas, los dulces y los cereales integrales. Conclusión: el menú de esta residencia de ancianos situada en España mostró una calidad de la dieta buena según el QUINN. La evaluación de la calidad de la dieta en las residencias de ancianos mediante el QUINN permitirá proponer intervenciones para mejorar la dieta

    Acute Effects of Muscular Fatigue on Vertical Jump Performance in Acrobatic Gymnasts, Evaluated by Instrumented Insoles: A Pilot Study

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    The study of fatigue during training is becoming a very useful tool to avoid possible injuries not only during the training sessions but also during recovery time. Many researches have proved that concepts such as muscular fatigue and postactivation potentiation have a close relationship. With this aim, vertical jump can provide a very important information that can help to analyze the muscular fatigue that happened during this type of activity, mainly if the monitoring system is able to measure jumping parameters during their regular training session in their natural training environment. This study was performed with instrumented insoles called ECnsole. These insoles were tested with a group of twelve volunteers. In a tumbling surface, the participants performed a jumping protocol in three conditions: rest, fatigue-induced, and recovery. Using these validated insoles, the acrobatic gymnasts showed an inability to use the stretch-shortening cycle for improving vertical jumping performance after fatigue condition, although no deterioration of jump performance was found.Junta de Andalucía European Commission P10-TIC5997European Commissio