458 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic interaction between a laser beam and semiconductor nanowires deposited on different substrates: Raman enhancement in Si Nanowires

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    Producción CientíficaRaman scattering of Si nanowires (NWs) presents antenna effects. The electromagnetic resonance depends on the electromagnetic coupling of the system laser/NW/substrate. The antenna effect of the Raman signal was measured in individual NWs deposited on different substrates, and also free standing NWs in air. The one phonon Raman band in NWs can reach high intensities depending on the system configuration; values of Raman intensity per unit volume more than a few hundred times with respect to bulk substrate can be obtained.Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA302U13

    Bacterial adhesion efficiency on implant abutments: A comparative study

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    The attachment of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 28213 onto six different materials used to manufacture dental implant abutments was quantitatively determined after 2 and 24 h of contact between the materials and the bacterial cultures. The materials were topographically characterized and their wettability determined, with both parameters subsequently related to bacterial adhesion. Atomic force microscopy, interferometry, and contact angle measurement were used to characterize the materials’ surfaces. The results showed that neither roughness nor nano-roughness greatly influenced bacterial attachment whereas wettability strongly correlated with adhesion. After 2 h the degree of E. coli attachment markedly differed depending on the material whereas similar differences were not observed for S. aureus, which yielded consistently higher counts of adhered cells. Nevertheless, after 24 h the adhesion of the two species to the different test materials no longer significantly differed, although on all surfaces the numbers of finally adhered E. coli were higher than those of S. aureus. [Int Microbiol 2013; 16(4):235-242]Keywords: implant abutments · glass fiber · bacterial adhesion · nano-roughness · wettability · biomaterial

    Tratamiento odontológico integral en un paciente afecto de Corea de Huntington

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    Se presenta un caso de rehabilitación oral con prótesis fija en un paciente afecto de corea de Huntington, con retraso psíquico moderado y una importante descoordinación motriz. El tratamiento consistió en una primera fase bajo anestesia general (tratamiento odontología conservadora, tratamiento periodontal y exodoncias). En una segunda sesión, después de mantener unos niveles de placa dental correctos, se procedió al tallado de los dientes pilares y toma de registros oclusales, todo ello bajo sedación profunda. El resto de las pruebas ajuste de oclusión y cementado con premedicación psico-sedante

    Analysis of the Relationship between Tourism and Food Culture

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    In recent years, gastronomy has established itself as one of the key elements for the enhancement, sustainable and consolidation of tourist destinations. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge on gastronomic tourism in European countries, specifically in the analysis of the relationship between gastronomy, culture and tourism as the research focuses on the city of Córdoba, Spain. The methodology of this research involved conducting surveys with foreign travelers who were lunching or dining at various restaurants in the historic area, and these facilities were characterized by having in their gastronomic menus major typical culinary products of the city using the concept of tapas, i.e., the presentation of gastronomy through small portions of food. The results of the study indicate that the healthy component of the gastronomy represents the main dimension. Based on the detected dimensions, three types of international visitors are established (healthy-cultural tourist, cultural tourist and generic tourist) which are considered valid and useful for segmenting the market. This highlights the importance given to gastronomy by tourists as part of the cultural identity of a place and the satisfaction achieved through the gastronomy of the city of Córdoba

    Síntesis y eficacia de formulaciones de liberación lenta del herbicida Mesotriona

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    Ponencia presentada en el XV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Malherbología SEMh 2015 “La Malherbología y la Transferencia Tecnológica” Sevilla, 19 al 22 de octubre de 2015[ES]: Se ha comprobado la eficacia de formulaciones desarrolladas mediante complejos surfactante-sepiolita en la reducción de la lixiviación del herbicida mesotriona. Entre las formulaciones desarrolladas se ha escogido aquella que presentaba un perfil de liberación más lento en ensayos in vitro. Al aplicarse en columnas de suelo se observó una lixiviación del herbicida y acumulación con la formulación comercial en los segmentos inferiores a diferencia de la formulación desarrollada, que se correlacionaba con un incremento de la bioeficacia en los segmentos superiores. En experimentos en parcelas de campo, a diferencia de la formulación comercial, no se observó un rebrote de las malas hierbas al usar la formulación desarrollada. [EN]: Synthesis and efficiency of slow release formulations of the herbicide mesotrione. The bioefficay of developed formulations based on surfactant-sepiolite complexes for reduced leaching of the herbicide mesotrione was tested. The formulation with a slower release pattern in in-vitro experiments was chosen for soil column and field experiments. In soil columns, the commercial formulation was leached and accumulated in the lower segments unlike the synthesized formulation, with a higher amount retained in the upper segments which was also correlated with a higher bioefficacy. In field experiments, a regrowth of weeds with the clay-based formulation was not observed, unlike the commercial formulation.Esta investigación ha recibido financiación a través de los proyectos CMT2009-07425 (MEC) cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y el Proyecto Bilateral Hispano-Argentino PRI-PIBAR-2011-1393 (MINECO-MINCYT). Carmen Galán agradece la beca Predoctoral disfrutada y asociada al Proyecto de Excelencia P09- RNM-4581.Peer Reviewe

    An approach to the use of word embeddings in an opinion classification task

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    In this paper we show how a vector-based word representation obtained via word2vec can help to im- prove the results of a document classifier based on bags of words. Both models allow obtaining nu- meric representations from texts, but they do it very differently. The bag of words model can representdocuments by means of widely dispersed vectors in which the indices are words or groups of words.word2vec generates word level representations building vectors that are much more compact, where in- dices implicitly contain information about the context of word occurrences. Bags of words are very effec- tive for document classification and in our experiments no representation using only word2vec vectorsis able to improve their results. However, this does not mean that the information provided by word2vecis not useful for the classification task. When this information is used in combination with the bags ofwords, the results are improved, showing its complementarity and its contribution to the task. We havealso performed cross-domain experiments in which word2vec has shown much more stable behaviorthan bag of words models.Junta de Andalucía P11-TIC-7684 M

    Turismo del vino en el marco de Jerez. Un análisis desde la perspectiva de la oferta

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    Spain is a country with a well established tourism sector and a great wine-growing tradition, and is now constructing tourist wine routes with the aim of developing rural areas and, consequently, creating new tourist destinations. In this paper, an analysis of the supply of wine tourism in a specific area of Spain, the Sherry Region, is presented, with the aim of analysing how wine can be a key resource in tourism in a given geographical area.España, un país con un consolidado sector turístico y una gran tradición vitivinícola, está vertebrando la creación de rutas turísticas del vino con la finalidad de desarrollar áreas rurales y crear, por tanto, nuevos destinos turísticos. En este artículo presentamos un análisis de la oferta del enoturismo en una determinada zona, el Marco de Jerez, con la finalidad de analizar cómo el vino (y la gastronomía) pueden ser, y a veces lo es, el principal atractivo para visitar una determinada área geográfica

    Virtual learning environment in the "Construction of non-structural elements" Technical Architecture subject

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    By creating a virtual learning environment for the “Construction of non-structural elements” Technical Architecture subject, various activities were adapted to the European Higher Education Area with the aim of promoting practices that would help students develop their skills and abilities through both group and individual work. The main aim was to determine which learning tools help to improve teaching quality and help how teaching work is managed. The process of implementing the platform and the degree of its success are described through teachers’ experiences and by the data gathered from surveys administered to the students involved. The results obtained indicate that the needs of the subject are best suited to workshop activities, as they foster students’ critical sense and increase the quality of the final document produced

    Estimating the workload of a student adapted to the EHEA in the "Construction of non-structural elements" Technical Architecture subject

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    The new ECTS credit accumulation and transfer scheme, established for adaptation to the European Higher Education Area, entails changing from the old approach to a more student-centred learning approach, measuring the time students spend on study and encouraging independent learning and more active participation. Consequently, student workload includes the hours corresponding to attendance at lectures (theoretical and/or practical sessions), study, seminars, assignments, work experience or projects, and those required for the preparation and sitting of examinations and assessment tests. The aim of this research is to estimate the workload of a student in the third-year “Construction of non-structural elements” subject on the current Technical Architecture degree course (currently being phased out) and adapt it to the demands of the Building Engineering degree course. The descriptive and experimental methodology uses a survey-type tool to gather the data sought. The results obtained indicate the need for the length of course activities to be reconsidered so as to reduce student workload and adjust the time spent on activities to the established limits. The need is also detected to correct low class attendance so as to improve both teaching quality and academic results.This research is based on the findings of the Research Network on implementation of ECTS in the Technical Architecture subject "Building Non-Structural Elements", and was conducted within the context of the call for proposals issued by the "University Teaching Research Networks Project 2010-2011", supported by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Strategic Planning and Quality and the Institute of Education Sciences at the University of Alicante

    Segmentation and sociodemographic profile of heritage tourist

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    Purpose – Heritage tourism has been greatly developed in recent years, especially in cities declared the World Heritage Sites. This kind of research comes from the need of understanding the demands of tourists in destinations. Design – This research studies the sociodemographic profile of tourists and their perceptions about the attributes of the city of Sucre, which has been declared the World Heritage Site. This research is based on two previous theoretical models. Methodology – The fieldwork consisted of conducting 529 personal surveys. The field work was carried out via personal interviews with the tourists in Sucre. The conducted period was between November 2017 and March 2018. Approach – A high cultural level and a medium-high income level characterise most tourists. The attributes that a patrimonial tourist destination must have were analysed in order to make it a sustainable site, where both culture and tourism come together. Findings – The main results of the investigation show a segmentation of the tourists that visit this city into four types: alternative, cultural, emotional, and patrimonial tourists. Originality of the research – The results of this research determine the most highly valued attributes of the city and those that should be improved