320 research outputs found

    Aesthetical Appeal and Dissemination of Architectural Heritage Photographs in Instagram

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    Image-based social networks are environments where users share their photographs and involuntarily contribute to evolve and to spread the meaning of things. For this reason, it is essential to use this source of information to determine how people perceive cultural heritage, specifically building heritage. These interactive spaces have a visual component that is essential to understand users' perception of heritage architecture and that may also influence the dissemination of images. This research aims to describe the social concept of architectural heritage on Instagram and to explore whether the aesthetic appeal resources influence its dissemination. Images indexed to the hashtag #patrimonioarquitectonico (Spanish language version of #architecturalheritage) were collected for the period of three months (n = 180 images). A graphical and observational analysis was performed on categories of four variables of aesthetical appeal: human dimension, color, linear perspective and aesthetical quality. Subsequently, descriptive, cross-tabulation and variance analyses were applied. The findings have proven that regular users share a fairly heterogeneous vision of building types concerning architectural heritage, and that there are stakeholder accounts that could be altering their meaning due to strategies to protect residential areas. The paper describes how the aesthetic appeal variables add meaning to the social perception of the building heritage and which ones statistically influence its dissemination in terms of likes and engagement on Instagram

    Purpose Adequacy as a Basis for Sustainable Building Design: A Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Higher Education Classrooms

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    [Abstract] Building design is one of the essential elements to consider for maximizing the sustainability of construction. Prior studies on energy and resource consumption and on indoor environmental quality indicators (IEQs) are increasingly frequent; however, attention has not been focused on design as supporting the function performed within architecture. Educational buildings have specific conditions related to teaching methodologies, including activating students and promoting participation and interaction in the classroom. This manuscript aims to explore whether the social dimension of physical space in educational settings can explain a student’s academic outcome. For this, the Learning Environment and Social Interaction Scale was designed and validated and applied to 796 undergraduate students at the University of Coruña, and multiple linear regression analysis was applied to the academic results. The results display a structure comprising five factors; these include novelties such as the division of conventional IEQs into two groups: the workspace and the classroom environment. In addition, place attachment, the design of the classroom as a facilitator of social interaction, the learning value of social interaction, and the satisfaction of the IEQ demonstrated their influence on the academic result

    Architectural Indoor Analysis: A Holistic Approach to Understand the Relation of Higher Education Classrooms and Academic Performance

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    The influence of learning space on users has been broadly accepted and tested. However, the literature has focused on single factor research, instead of holistic approaches. Additionally, lower educational levels have been the focus of interest, while higher education is moving towards multi-method teaching. This paper focuses on how learning spaces for different purposes (practice and lecture rooms) may influence academic performance from a holistic approach of learning physical environment perception. For this, the iPEP scale (Indoor physical environment perception) is used and validated through Cronbach Alpha and Exploratory Factorial Analysis. Then, multiple linear regression is conducted. The results indicate that iPEP measures near to 63 percent of the construct, which is structured in six factors. Moreover, linear regression analyses support previous literature concerning the influence of learning physical environment on academic performance (R2 = 0.154). The differences obtained between practice and lecture room in terms of predictor variables bring to the light the need to diagnose learning environments before designing changes in educational buildings. This research provides a self-reported way to measure indoor environments, as well as evidence concerning the modern university, which desires to combine several teaching methods

    La evaluación en las materias Gráfico Visual de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

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    Evaluation is a complex activity that is part of the educational process and has always been a main concern for teachers. This research was conducted through an analysis of the educational guides of all technical degrees from the University of Santiago taking into account every course dealing with Visual Design in order to find out what are the evaluative strategies used. The results, which indicate that out of the 12 subjects of Visual Graphic Expression present at USC, only 2 (16.6% of the sample) detail how to conduct the assessment, and in both cases the exam accounts for 60 or 65% of the final grade.La evaluación es una actividad compleja que forma parte del proceso educativo y siempre ha constituido una preocupación central del docente. Aunque a veces es percibida como el componente más incómodo del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, resulta esencial contar con un sistema de evaluación que legitime y promueva la calidad Esta no constituye una labor que se realiza al margen del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, siendo una actividad integrada la acción docente.  Consideramos que la evaluación es uno de los elementos clave del proceso formativo en cualquier nivel educativo, sus finalidades son amplias y no se remiten solamente a calificar, clasificar o aprobar estudiantes o que este sea capaz simplemente de reproducir la información asimilada. Dada su importancia, las formas de evaluación y sus estrategias asociadas han de ser variadas, además de constituir una fuente de información lo suficientemente amplia como para calificar a los estudiantes, puesto que no sería responsable pretender evaluar las tres dimensiones del aprendizaje empleando solo las formas correspondientes a una de estas dimensiones. Sin embargo, Andreu y Labrador afirman que la evaluación sigue mayoritariamente asociada con el examen, poco a poco ha ido surgiendo una nueva forma de entender la formación universitaria, reconceptualizándose el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que incluye también un cambio en el enfoque de la evaluación. Así pues, dada la importancia que posee la evaluación se ha realizado una investigación a través del análisis de las guías docentes de todas las titulaciones técnicas de la Universidad de Santiago que contienen entre sus materias alguna relacionada con la Enseñanza Gráfico Visual para averiguar  cuáles son las estrategias evaluadoras que se emplean. Los resultados, que indican que de las 12 asignaturas de Expresión Gráfico Visual presentes en la USC, sólo en 2 (16,6% de la muestra) se detalla el modo de realizar la evaluación, siendo en ambos casos e examen el responsable del 60 o 65% de la nota final. Es resto de la calificación se realiza a través de los trabajos. Cabe destacar que a pesar de no estar detallada su ponderación, en el 75% de los casos se utiliza el examen como parte de la evaluación, y el 66,66% las prácticas

    Analogue and Digital Access to Architectural Information

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    [Abstract] Access to architectural information has undergone great changes due to the global use of the internet. In the digital environment, the quantity of information and its "free" availability create advantages compared to the high costs of editing and publishing books and magazines. This fact has resulted in a tendency to simplify the content with striking images and avoid information from texts that emphasise the philosophy of the project. Previous research indicates that both digital and analogical sources are complementary, but there is no examination of whether the search behaviours or the types of architectural information influence students’ results. This research aims to observe the digital and analogue access habits of architecture students and to delve into the reasons for these behaviours. A questionnaire on access to architectural information has been designed and validated, in which 170 undergraduate students from the School of Architecture of the Universidade da Coruña have participated. The results show that younger students focus on image-based social networks as a source of information, despite acknowledging that higher-quality information can be found in analogue sources such as books and magazines. Furthermore, it has been detected that information search habits influence student results, depending on the nature of the subject.http://ixdea.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/idea2010/index.php?s=102&link=ToC_47_P&link=47_11_abstrac

    Architectural Graphics Research: Topics and Trends through Cluster and Map Network Analyses

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    [Abstract] Graphic representation is a fundamental language in architecture and engineering because it facilitates the communication of any type of information. Therefore, professionals and students need continuous and updated training, with scientific references being the best source of knowledge. However, accessing the latest findings is a complex process for people in the professional world or without an extensive research background since there are no specific filters in the databases, such as architectural graphics. This manuscript aims to define the research topics and trends in architectural graphics as a point of reference for novel professors and new researchers in graphics or drawing. A database on the Scopus-indexed scientific production of the professors of architectural graphics from public architecture schools in Spain has been developed. Furthermore, cluster and map network analyses have been performed using VOSviewer with different levels of co-occurrence to define what this group of academics investigates and how the issues are related. The results evidenced a structure in four categories: the philosophy and theory of architectural graphics, the theory of geometry in architectural heritage, the application of digital graphics in architecture education and urban design management. Research gaps are mentioned and a base framework for the future of research in architectural graphics is proposed

    Indicators Framework for Sustainable Urban Design

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    [Abstract] Climate change and sustainability have recently been object of study due to the impact on the planet and on human activity of the first and the benefits that could derive from the efficiency of the second. Particularly, urban environments are locations that represent a high percentage of emissions of gases, waste, resources use and so forth. However, they are places where great changes can be made, in an attempt to accomplish the urgent challenge to adapt to current and projected rates of climate change. Research has shown that a fruitful approach to urban sustainability is to describe indicators that measure the effectiveness of current processes of urban infrastructures, analyze areas in need of improvement and measure the effect of any actions taken. The significant feature of this research relies on its global approach, considering both major worldwide used and less widely-spread frameworks and the analysis of the 32 selected tools and guidelines, including over 2000 indicators. The result is a proposed structure of 14 categories and 48 indicators, easily applicable in urban areas, that tries to fulfill basic aspects to obtain a general diagnosis of the sustainable nature of the urban environment, which can serve as support to detect the strongest and weakest areas in terms of their sustainability

    El impacto del diseño del espacio y otras variables socio-físicas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Equidade e Innovación en Educación. 5016V01[Abstract] Learning space is a common element in the whole teaching and learning process. Improving the understanding among the learning physical environment and student’s relationships, outcome and behaviour, can mean a large-scale cultural development by helping in the fight against rising inequality in recent years, exacerbated by the crisis. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account the longevity of educational buildings and the high economic cost for their rehabilitation or new construction, since the learning space should be able to readjust to the needs of users and teaching methodologies that arise in much shorter intervals than the durability of these edifications. This research project fits into the line of research Socio-educational inclusion and exclusion processes, more specifically in Equity, social change and sustainable development, by aiming to analyze how the design of the school environment influence the teaching-learning process. Thus, learning space function as a common factor that improves the quality of the learning process. We will analyze how teaching may be influenced by spatial organization, by detecting interferences or barriers of the space design in the learning process. For this purpose, quantitative and qualitative methodologies are used through techniques such as perception questionnaires, interviews and documentary analysis.[Resumo] O espazo físico educativo é un elemento común ao conxunto da sociedade estudantil. A inversión nun factor que non fai exclusións, pode significar un desenvolvemento cultural a gran escala e repercutir na loita contra a desigualdade crecente nos últimos anos, agravada pola crise. Como consecuencia disto, dado o coste económico, a permanencia no tempo das edificacións educativas e a necesidade de proxectos de rehabilitación e/ou conservación de moitas destas, o espazo de aprendizaxe debería poder reaxustarse ás necesidades dos usuarios e das metodoloxías docentes que xorden en intervalos moito máis curtos que a durabilidade destas edificacións. Este proxecto de investigación situase na liña de investigación de procesos de inclusión e exclusión socioeducativa e máis concretamente en “Equidade, cambio social e desenvolvemento sostenible”, plantexando como obxectivo analizar o deseño de espazo escolar onde se desenvolven os procesos de ensino e aprendizaxe e cómo contribúen ou inflúen sobre estes. Deste xeito, este elemento común do proceso educativo serve para mellorar a calidade do proceso de aprendizaxe. Analizarase cómo o ensino pode verse influenciado pola organización espacial e se fará énfase en detectar as interferencias ou barreiras que o deseño do espazo significa no proceso de aprendizaxe. Para isto se empregarán metodoloxías cuantitativas e cualitativas a través de técnicas como cuestionarios de percepción, entrevistas e análise documental.[Resumen] El espacio físico educativo es un elemento común al conjunto de la sociedad estudiantil. La inversión en un factor que no hace exclusiones, puede significar un desarrollo cultural a gran escala y repercutir en la lucha contra la desigualdad creciente en los últimos años, agravada por la crisis. Como consecuencia de esto, dado el coste económico, la permanencia en el tiempo de las edificaciones educativas y la necesidad de proyectos de rehabilitación y / o conservación de muchas de estas, el espacio de aprendizaje debería poder reajustarse a las necesidades de los usuarios y de las metodologías docentes que surgen en intervalos mucho más cortos que la durabilidad de estas edificaciones. Este proyecto de investigación se encuadra en la línea de investigación de procesos de inclusión y exclusión socioeducativa y en concreto en “equidad, cambio social y desarrollo sostenible”, planteando como objetivo analizar el diseño del espacio escolar donde se desarrollan los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje y cómo contribuyen o influyen sobre éstos. De esta forma, este elemento común del proceso educativo sirve para mejorar la calidad del proceso de aprendizaje. Se analizará cómo la enseñanza puede verse influenciada por la organización espacial, y poner en énfasis el detectar las interferencias o barreras que el diseño del espacio significa en el proceso de aprendizaje. Para ello se utilizarán metodologías cuantitativas y cualitativas a través de técnicas como cuestionarios de percepción, entrevistas y análisis documental

    Envisioning the idea. Creative graphic processes in architecture and concept art

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    [EN] The research delves into the creative graphic processes of architecture and concept art, a stage of visual development in world-creating industries such as video games and animation. Pre-production strategies such as conceptual drawings, color scripts or miniature sketches are related to study drawings, sequential drawings or serial visions that define the experience and architectural narrative. The suitable coherence between the visual strategies to explore the idea and the communicative purpose could be useful in architectural design as considering experiential and emotional perception. The findings bring to light a visual development methodology based on design analysis.[ES] El artículo establece un paralelismo entre el arte de concepto desarrollado en industrias creadoras de mundos como los videojuegos y la animación y los procesos gráficos creativos de la arquitectura. Se pone en relación estrategias de pre-producción, como los dibujos conceptuales, el guion de color o los bocetos en miniatura, con los dibujos de estudio, los dibujos secuenciales o las visiones seriales que definen la experiencia y la narrativa gráfica arquitectónica. La coherencia entre las distintas estrategias visuales para explorar la idea y el propósito comunicativo podría ser útil en el diseño arquitectónico al considerar cuestiones vinculadas a la percepción experiencial y emocional. Los hallazgos manifiestan una metodología de desarrollo visual basada en el análisis del diseño de la idea.López-Chao, V.; Fernández-Álvarez, AJ. (2023). Visualizar la idea. Procesos gráficos creativos en arquitectura y arte de concepto. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 28(49):180-195. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2023.19064180195284

    A bibliometric approach to graphic procedures as a research method

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    [EN] This article deals with the role of Architectural Graphics as a scientific discipline, so the objective is to examine whether graphic procedures are consolidated as a scientific method. For this, 318 publications of the teaching and research staff of the area in architecture schools of public universities are analyzed. These are analyzed according to their content, presence in the EGA journal, type of graphic contribution and graphic research method, as well as the relationship between them. The most important conclusions show a wide acceptance of the graphic method as a tool for scientific analysis in journals other than the EGA.[ES] Este artículo profundiza en el papel de la Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica como disciplina científica, por lo que su objetivo consiste en examinar la aceptación de procedimientos de análisis gráficos en arquitectura como método científico. Para ello, se analizan 318 publicaciones del personal docente e investigador  del área EGA en escuelas de arquitectura de universidades públicas. Éstas se analizan según su contenido, presencia en la revista EGA, tipología de aportación gráfica y método de investigación gráfico, así como la relación entre las mismas. Las conclusiones más importantes demuestran una amplia aceptación del método gráfico como herramienta de análisis científico en publicaciones diferentes a la revista EGA.López-Chao, V.; Amado, A.; Miotto Bruscato, U. (2022). Un enfoque bibliométrico a los procedimientos gráficos como método de investigación. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 27(45):218-231. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2022.16451OJS218231274