41 research outputs found

    Histological Study of Glandular Variability in the Skin of the Natterjack Toad-Epidalea calamita (Laurenti, 1768)-Used in Spanish Historical Ethnoveterinary Medicine and Ethnomedicine

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    Simple Summary Common toads, including the natterjack toad (Epidalea calamita), have been used since ancient times for remedies, and thus constitute excellent biological material for pharmacological and natural product research. After a previous analysis of the historical-folk therapeutic use of amphibians in Spain, a histological study was carried out to provide a complementary ethnopharmacological view through the analysis of the integumentary heterogeneity of the serous (venom) and mucous glands from two adult specimens. Plastic-embedded semi-thin sections showed that serous/venom glands are cytologically homogeneous in spite of their genetic and biochemical complexity, leading to a cocktail that remains stored until extrusion. On the contrary, mucous glands, working continuously, show a more complex cytological variation and regional heterogeneity, which suggests an adaptive variability, leading to an invisible topographic map of skin toxicity. Natterjack toad-based folk remedies are usually extracted from the whole animal as a therapeutic unit in ethnoveterinary practice. However, a new ethnopharmacological vision could emerge from the study of tegumentary regional variation. Common toads have been used since ancient times for remedies and thus constitute excellent biological material for pharmacological and natural product research. According to the results of a previous analysis of the therapeutic use of amphibians in Spain, we decided to carry out a histological study that provides a complementary view of their ethnopharmacology, through the natterjack toad (Epidalea calamita). This species possesses a characteristic integument, where the parotoid glands stand out, and it has been used in different ethnoveterinary and ethnomedical practices. This histological study of their glandular variability allow us to understand the stages through which the animal synthesises and stores a heterogeneous glandular content according to the areas of the body and the functional moment of the glands. To study tegumentary cytology, a high-resolution, plastic embedding, semi-thin (1 micron) section method was applied. Up to 20 skin patches sampled from the dorsal and ventral sides were processed from the two adult specimens collected, which were roadkill. Serous/venom glands display a genetic and biochemical complexity, leading to a cocktail that remains stored (and perhaps changes over time) until extrusion, but mucous glands, working continuously to produce a surface protection layer, also produce a set of active protein (and other) substances that dissolve into mucous material, making a biologically active covering. This study provides a better understanding of the use of traditional remedies in ethnoveterinary medicine

    Digital intimate partner violence among peruvian youths : validation of an instrument and a theoretical proposal

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    The present study presents psychometric information on a new instrument, the Digital Intimate Partner Violence Questionnaire (DIPVQ), and explores the similitudes and differences between in-person and digital-based abuses (those that involve the use of information and communication technologies [ICTs]). In all, 449 Peruvian students took part in the study (X = 21.2 years; SD = 4.3 years; 73% women). DIPVQ structure was determined by carrying out an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with polychoric correlation matrices and oblique rotation. In-person violence was assessed using the Dating Violence Questionnaire (DVQ) and self-labeling questions (e.g., feeling trapped, afraid, and abused). Relationship satisfaction was assessed using the Perceived Relationship Quality Components–Short Form (PRQC-SF). EFA showed a two-scale structure for the DIPVQ: control-centered cyberabuse (N = 5; control, monitoring, and identity theft; EAP alpha = .96) and damage-centered cyberabuse (N = 7; unwanted sexual contents, blackmailing, and causing debts throughout ICT; Expected-A-Posteriori alpha = .97). DIPVQ had direct relationship to DVQ and self-labeling (p < .001; d = 0.38-1.18), and inverse to PRQC-SF (p = .11; d = .22-.33). Behaviors such as impersonation and monitoring were reported by more than 20% of participants. Online and offline victimization coexist in 42% of cases, while 3.6% of aggressions happened exclusively via ICT. DIPVQ is a valid and reliable measure of digital victimization. The controlcentered scale had a higher frequency, although the damage-centered scale had stronger relationship to feeling afraid and abused. While previous literature has classified online aggressions regarding their aesthetic appearance, it seems that their functional value (control vs. hurting) could provide a better framework for understanding these aggressions

    Application of M. Heidenhain’s ferric haematoxylin for the study of semi-thin sections (human adenohypophysis)

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    La hematoxilina férrica de Heidenhain ha sido una de las técnicas citológicas clásicas de mayor utilidad. Su capacidad de teñir múltiples estructuras celulares y extracelulares al mismo tiempo la convierte en una técnica histológica general. En el presente trabajo se describe su aplicación a cortes semifinos tomando como ejemplo la adenohipófisis humana, discutiendo sus mecanismos de tinción y demostrándose su utilidad para evidenciar la variabilidad citológica y realizar análisis de imagen.Heidenhain´s iron hematoxylin has been one of the most useful methods of classical cytology. Its ability to stain simultaneously many cell and extracellular structures makes it a general purpose histological technique. This current work describes its application to semithin sections, using human adenohypophysis, discussing the staining mechanism and showing his usefulness to evidence cytological variability and to perform image analysis

    Evolución de la victimización y la tolerancia ante la violencia en el noviazgo de mujeres adolescentes españolas. Un estudio de cohortes

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    La violencia contra la mujer es un problema social que ha pasado en pocos años de ser considerado una cuestión perteneciente a la intimidad de la pareja a ganar gran presencia y centralidad en las políticas sociales y sanitarias españolas. Este cambio se ha reflejado en la aparición de programas de prevención, dirigidos a dotar a la población adolescente y juvenil de herramientas para la detección temprana de la violencia en las primeras relaciones de noviazgo. El presente texto compara los datos de victimización sufrida y de tolerancia ante la violencia de dos grupos de 257 y 342 mujeres escolarizadas adolescentes (X=16,6 años, DT=1,14 años), evaluadas en 2001 y 2010, respectivamente, utilizando el Cuestionario de Violencia de Novios (CUVINO) como herramienta de evaluación. Los datos extraídos mostraron niveles estadísticamente similares en la victimización de ambos grupos. Sin embargo, los niveles de tolerancia asociados a los abusos dentro de la pareja mostraron cambios en los 8 factores recogidos por el CUVINO, con una molestia media inferior en el grupo de mujeres más reciente. Aunque las conclusiones extraídas quedan limitadas por el tamaño y selección de las muestras, estos resultados representan una llamada de atención hacia la necesidad de evaluar el impacto y utilidad de los esfuerzos preventivos llevados a cabo con jóvenes

    Avances en el estudio fractográfico de fibras cerámicas de circonaerbia mediante microscopía óptica confocal

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    La microscopía óptica confocal (LSCM, Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy) es una técnica microscópica basada en una construcción óptica que permite eliminar la luz procedente de zonas no enfocadas de la muestra. Mientras que es de amplio uso en Ciencias de la Vida, la aplicación de LSCM a la Ciencia de Materiales no ha sido apenas explorada, siendo prácticamente inexistentes los estudios fractográficos que se apoyen en LSCM. A pesar de ello, sus características (obtención de información tridimensional, resolución por debajo de la micra y sencilla preparación de muestras) la convierten en una herramienta idónea para una multitud de problemas fractográficos, debido a la obtención rápida de valiosa información y a su buena coordinación con la microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM). En este trabajo, los autores estudian en detalle un sistema de interés (fibras cerámicas de circona dopada con un 5% molar de erbia, sometidas a ensayos de tracción a alta temperatura) mediante LSCM. Además de poner de relieve la utilidad de la técnica y de revelar la textura característica de la superficie de fractura de dichas fibras, se encuentra que dicha textura refleja la estructura nanométrica de precipitados propia del material.Laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) is a microscopic technique based on an optical construction which allows the microscope to discard the light coming from unfocused zones of the sample. Whereas LSCM is extensively used in Natural Sciences (Biology, Medicine...), its use in Materials Science is almost unexplored and, in particular, there are essentially no fractographical studies using LSCM. However, its characteristics (gathering of 3D information, better than micron resolution and simple sample preparation) make LSCM an ideal tool in a wide selection of fractographical problems, owing to the fast adquisition of valuable information and to the excellent sinergy with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In the present work, the authors study an interesting system (ZrO2 -5% mol Er2 O3 fibers, submitted to tensile strength in hightemperature conditions) in detail with LSCM. In addition to showcasing the usefulness of LSCM in fractographical studies and revealing the characteristic texture of the fracture surface in such fibers, said texture is found to closely resemble the nanometric precipitate structure which is unique to this material

    Validation of the Questionnaire on Attitudes Towards Dog Assisted Interventions (CAINTAP) among Southern Spanish college students: perceived benefits and fears

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    Introducción: Las intervenciones asistidas por animales (IAA) cuentan con amplia tradición en varios países occidentales, donde diversas revisiones y meta-análisis han demostrado sus ventajas. No obstante, poco se sabe de las expectativas que los y las hispanohablantes mantienen al respecto. El presente estudio aporta una herramienta de evaluación sobre las actitudes hacia IAA. Material y métodos: un total de 474 estudiantes universitarios con edades de X=22,7 años (dt=5,61), en su mayoría mujeres (80%), tomaron parte del estudio. El equipo de investigación desarrolló un instrumento de evaluación denominado Cuestionario sobre Actitudes hacia las Intervenciones Asistidas por Perros (CAINTAP). Resultados: el análisis factorial exploratorio retuvo 20 ítems en dos factores, etiquetados como Actitudes Positivas (N=11) y Actitudes Negativas (N=9), ambos con alphas>0,87. El alumnado refirió mantener buenas expectativas hacia las IAA, mientras que los temores con mayor presencia correspondieron a comportamientos fácilmente modificables mediante adiestramiento. Discusión: este estudio aporta datos psicométricos del primer instrumento de evaluación sobre IAA en español, herramienta de utilidad para anticipar dificultades en centros en los que se desee llevar a cabo programas de intervención con perros.Introduction: animal-assisted interventions (AAI) have a long tradition in some western countries, with many reviews and meta-analyses demonstrating their benefits, but little is known about expectations held by Spanish-speakers. This study develops an assessment tool, and provides empirical data on perceived opportunities and dangers. Methods: A total of 474 college students (aged X=22.7; SD=5.61 years), mostly women (80%), took part in the study. Researchers developed the Questionnaire on Attitudes Towards Dogs Assisted Interventions (CAINTAP), which was then validated. Results: Exploratory factor analysis revealed a two-factor structure which retained 20 items, scales being coined Positive Attitudes (N = 11) and Negative Attitudes (N = 9), both with alphas greater than 0.87. The students demonstrated good expectations for IAA, while the most frequent fears were related to easily modifiable behaviors. Discussion: This study provides psychometric data of the first questionnaire on IAA developed in Spanish, a useful tool that might help to anticipate difficulties regarding intervention with dogs

    An investigation of silicon carbide-water nanofluid for heat transfer applications

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    Thermal conductivity and mechanical effects of silicon carbide nanoparticles uniformly dispersed in water were investigated. Mean size of SiC particles was 170 nm with a polydispersity of 30% as determined from small-angle x-ray scattering and dynamic light scattering techniques. Room temperature viscosity of the nanofluids ranged from 2 to 3 cP for nominal nanoparticle loadings 4 – 7 vol %. On a normalized basis with water, viscosity of the nanofluids did not significantly change with the test temperature up to 85 °C. Optical microscopy of diluted nanofluid showed no agglomeration of the nanoparticles. Thermal conductivity of the fluid was measured as a function of the nominal nanoparticle loading ranging from 1 to 7 vol %. Enhancement in thermal conductivity was approximately 28% over that of water at 7 vol % particle loadings under ambient conditions. Enhancements in thermal conductivities for the nanofluids with varying nanoparticle loadings were maintained at test temperatures up to 70 °C. Results of thermal conductivity have been rationalized based on the existing theories of heat transfer in fluids. Implications of using this nanofluid for engineering cooling applications are discussed.Universidad de Chicago Argonne LLC (EE. UU.)-DE-AC02-06CH1135

    Complex I syndrome in striatum and frontal cortex in a rat model of Parkinson disease

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction named complex I syndrome was observed in striatum mitochondria of rotenone treated rats (2 mg rotenone/kg, i. p., for 30 or 60 days) in an animal model of Parkinson disease. After 60 days of rotenone treatment, the animals showed: (a) 6-fold increased bradykinesia and 60% decreased locomotor activity; (b) 35-34% decreases in striatum O 2 uptake and in state 3 mitochondrial respiration with malate-glutamate as substrate; (c) 43–57% diminished striatum complex I activity with 60–71% decreased striatum mitochondrial NOS activity, determined both as biochemical activity and as functional activity (by the NO inhibition of active respiration); (d) 34–40% increased rates of mitochondrial O 2 •- and H 2 O 2 productions and 36–46% increased contents of the products of phospholipid peroxidation and of protein oxidation; and (e) 24% decreased striatum mitochondrial content, likely associated to decreased NO-dependent mitochondrial biogenesis. Intermediate values were observed after 30 days of rotenone treatment. Frontal cortex tissue and mitochondria showed similar but less marked changes. Rotenone-treated rats showed mitochondrial complex I syndrome associated with cellular oxidative stress in the dopaminergic brain areas of striatum and frontal cortex, a fact that describes the high sensitivity of mitochondrial complex I to inactivation by oxidative reactions.Fil: Valdez, Laura Batriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Bioquímica y Medicina Molecular. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad Medicina. Instituto de Bioquímica y Medicina Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Zaobornyj, Tamara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Bioquímica y Medicina Molecular. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad Medicina. Instituto de Bioquímica y Medicina Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Bández, Manuel J.. Universidad de Cádiz; EspañaFil: López Cepero, José María. Universidad de Cádiz; EspañaFil: Boveris, Alberto Antonio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Navarro, Ana. Universidad de Cádiz; Españ

    Animal-assisted interventions and quality of life: expectations among Spanish University students

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    El presente estudio evalúa las expectativas mantenidas por estudiantes universitarios (N= 474; X= 22,7 años; DT= 5,6 años) hacia las ventajas que las intervenciones asistidas por animales proporcionan para mejorar la calidad de vida en distintos colectivos. Los resultados fueron extraídos del Mejora de Calidad de Vida, un instrumento de elaboración propia que mostró adecuadas cualidades psicométricas (cuatro factores de fácil interpretación, con un 49% de varianza explicada y alfas comprendidas entre ,76 y ,89), y mostraron actitudes muy positivas (tamaño de efecto grande; TE>,80) con independencia de la rama de conocimiento de los participantes (Ciencias Sociales, Sanitarias o de la Educación). Haber convivido con mascotas se asoció con mejores expectativas. El presente estudio puso de relieve las buenas expectativas mantenidas por los futuros profesionales de distintos ámbitos de intervención sobre las intervenciones asistidas por animales, a la vez que subrayó las carencias formativas existentes en los actuales planes de estudio. Por último, se discuten las implicaciones de estos hallazgos para el desarrollo de intervenciones asistidas por animales.The present study assessed expectations among university students (N= 474, X= 22.7, SD=5.6 years) towards the possible benefits of animal-assisted interventions on quality of life. Attitudes were measured with the Improving Quality of Life scale, which is an instrument created ad hoc that demonstrated adequate psychometric properties (four easily interpretable factors, with 49% of explained variance and alphas ranging from .76 to .89). The results showed that the participants (from the departments of Social, Health or Educational Sciences) had very positive attitudes (high effect sizes, ES>.80) regardless of training. The experience of sharing households with pets was associated with better expectations. These findings emphasize the high expectations that future professionals in different fields hold regarding animal-assisted interventions, and highlight the current shortcomings in training curricula. The implications of these findings for the development of animal-assisted interventions are discussed

    Influence of biographical variables and academic background on attitudes towards animal-assisted interventions

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    Over the past two decades, there has been increasing evidence of the benefits of animal-assisted interventions (AAI) among diverse groups and settings. However, little is known of the variables that can affect the attitudes of professionals towards these interventions. Two studies were done with university students in southern Spain. The first study (N=474, 80% women, M=23 years old) showed that personal experience with companion animals was the variable that best predicted intent to practice AAI, following by information received by the mass media and gender (higher intent among men). In this study, neither reading scientific literature on the topic nor formal training in AAI had a significant effect. The second study (N=22 women, M=24.5 years old) evaluated the change in attitudes before and after a three-hour learning session that included technical information and practical exercises. According to this study, 95% of the participants had higher expectations for AAI after the session, a change that can be attributed mainly to the direct experience with the animal and to a lesser extent, to the conceptual and scientific contents of the session. Researchers discuss the implicit risk of confusion detected between personal preferences and the technical capacity of AAI, revealing a need for training that is not currently covered in undergraduate studies