761 research outputs found

    Online risk perception in young people and its effects on digital behaviour

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    An important part of current research regarding online risks is aimed at analysing cyber aggression according to its frequency and type. By contrast, there is less scientific knowledge available on risk perception, the analysis of its components, and the measurement and impact on the behaviour of minors on the Internet. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to establish a classification of minors based on their perception of risk, digital consumption habits, family and/or educational protection factors, and the flow of communication. A structured questionnaire was used from a sample of 865 minors aged 10 to 17 from the Autonomous Region of Madrid. Data were processed using SPSS 15.0 and SPAD 5.0. After a factor and classification analysis was conducted, seven different groups were obtained. The predominant profile, in 42% of the cases, is that of a ‘prudent person’, characterized by a high perception of risk, not spending an excessive amount of time on the Internet, avoiding unsafe behaviour, talking with parents about online difficulties, receiving advice, and having clear rules on Internet use. The perception of risk is shown as a relevant construct in relation to other indicators such as child-rearing techniques used by parents, the time children spend on Internet, dependency on the device, and the type of digital behavior involved

    Adaptation and validation of the Yildirim & Correia nomophobia scale in Spanish students of ‘Compulsory Secondary Education’

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    Aunque no se trata de un fenómeno reciente, la Nomofobia (No Mobile Phone Phobia) entendida como una adicción comportamental que implica un alto temor a quedarse sin teléfono móvil, está siendo objeto de investigación desde diferentes disciplinas dada las importantes consecuencias que se están observando entre la población más joven. Sin embargo, son pocos los instrumentos capaces de medir esta adicción no reconocida como tal por el DSM-V. En el presente trabajo se ha llevado a cabo el proceso de adaptación y validación de la escala de medición de la Nomofobia de Yildirim y Correia. Para ello se procedió a una adaptación lingüística y cultural de la misma, seguida de una revisión por parte de expertos en la materia. La decisión del grupo de expertos supuso una modificación de la redacción y la inclusión de un nuevo ítem. La escala resultante se aplicó a una muestra de 372 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, en institutos públicos de la provincia de Alicante. Los resultados permitieron la validación de la escala objeto de este estudio.Although is not a recent phenomenon, Nomophobia (No Mobile Phone Phobia), understood as a behavioral addiction that implies a high fear of being left without a mobile phone, is being researched from different disciplines given the important consequences that are being observed between the younger population. However, there are few instruments to measure this addiction not recognized by the DSM-V. In the present work the process of adaptation and validation of the measurement scale of the Nomophobia of Yildirim and Correia has been carried out. A linguistic and cultural adaptation of the scale was carried out, followed by a review by the experts in the field. The group of experts proposed a modification of the wording and the inclusion of a new item. The final scale was applied to a sample of 372 students of Compulsory Secondary Education, in public institutes of the Province of Alicante. The results allowed the validation of the Yildirim and Correia scale

    La Civilidad en las Castas Veladas del México Actual

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    This paper deals with the problem of the present patterns of living together of Mexicans, starting from the concept of Caste, managed during the Colonial times. In the New Spain, that concept meant ‘racial mixture’ and, with that meaning, the concept integrated two different semantic horizons: that of the mixture of races and that of the social stratum. During the Colonial times, the caste placed people in two different horizons, one based on somatic characteristics, and another, based on social hierarchy. Today, the Novohispanic meanings of the words ‘caste’ y ‘race’ are absent. The issue of the somatic differences has disappeared from the analysis of the identity of the Mexican, but those differences are still underlined as a sign of differences of economic, educative and cultural wealth, and, overall, as a sign of interpersonal manners, that is, as signs of differences of civility.El escrito aborda el problema de los actuales patrones de convivencia de los mexicanos, a partir del concepto de Casta, manejado durante la Colonia. En la Nueva España ese concepto significó ‘mezcla racial’ y, con ese significado, el concepto integró dos distintos horizontes semánticos: el de mezcla de razas y el de estrato social. Durante la Colonia, la casta ubicaba a las personas dentro de dos distintos horizontes, uno basado en características somáticas, y otro, basado en la jerarquización social. Hoy, los significados novohispanos de las palabras ‘casta’ y ‘raza’ están ausentes. El tema de las diferencias somáticas ha desaparecido del campo del análisis de la identidad del mexicano, pero esas diferencias todavía son señaladas como signo de diferencias de riqueza económica, educativa y cultural, y sobre todo, como signo de maneras de trato interpersonal, es decir, como signos de diferencias de civilidad

    PLA2G6-associated neurodegeneration (PLAN): Characterization of patients and drug screening

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    Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA) envolve a group of rare neurodegenerative disorders characterized by brain iron accumulation, progressive extrapyramidal dysfunction (dystonia, stiffness, choreoathetosis), and presence of axonal spheroids, usually limited by the central nervous system.   Within the differents subtypes of NBIA, in this study we focussed in PLA2G6-associated neurodegeneration (PLAN), diseases caused by a mutation in the phospholipase A2 group VI (PLA2G6). PLA2G6 encodes the enzyme iPLA2b, a calcium-independent phospholipase A2 which is involved in lipid metabolism. The loss of iPLA2b’s function result in mitochondrial abnormalities and synaptic transmission impairment in neurons among other alterations.   In the current work we studied the pathophysiology of three confirmed cases of PLAN using fibroblasts derived from the patients: PLAN 10 (heterozygous mutation), PLAN 11(heterozygous mutation) and PLAN 8 (homozygous mutation). The aim of this study is to characterize, in patient-derived fibroblasts, the pathological alterations produced by PLA2G6 mutations. Main methods used were Western blot and Prussian Blue Staining. Our results confirm iron accumulation in patients-derived fibroblasts, impaired autophagy and ferritinophagy, especially in the patient that suffers the homozygous mutation (Plan 8). The purpose is to carry out a drug screening able to reverse the pathophysiology observed

    Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical Activity in Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education by a FPU ("Formacion Profesorado Universitario") grant for the authors Andres Calvache-Mateo and Laura Lopez-Lopez (grant number, FPU:19/02609, FPU:17/00408).The management of chronic diseases (CD) includes physical activity (PA). It is necessary to determine the effects of COVID-19 restrictions in CD. The aim was to review the research related to PA levels before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in people with CD. This review was designed according to PRISMA guidelines and registered in PROSPERO: CRD42020218825. The search was performed in CINAHL, Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science up to January 2021. The PICOS recommendations were applied. The search was conducted by two reviewers, who completed the data extraction of included articles. Methodological quality was assessed using the STROBE checklist, and a meta-analysis was conducted. The literature search strategy identified 227 articles. Five studies remained and were included. Only three studies were included in the meta-analysis. Two articles used accelerometers to objectively compare PA levels before and during the pandemic. Three studies made this comparison using an online survey. All articles showed a decrease in PA levels during the COVID-19 pandemic. The meta-analysis showed a significant reduction in PA levels during pandemic. PA levels during the COVID-19 pandemic have been reduced with respect to previous levels of PA in patients with CD.German Research Foundation (DFG) FPU:19/02609 FPU:17/0040

    Análisis de la comparación del método estándar ISO 6579-2002 con PCR Tiempo Real como prueba de Tamizaje para la detección de Salmonella spp en carne molida, CNDRMINSA, Noviembre Diciembre 2014

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    Salmonella es un género de bacterias que pertenecen a la familia Enterobacteriaceae, actualmente contempla cerca de 2700 serovares. Son bacilos Gram negativos, aerobios facultativos, móviles con flagelos, productores de ácido sulfúrico (H2S). Su hábitat fundamental es el tracto intestinal de personas y animales. Es transmitida a través de alimentos, agua y por vía fecal oral siendo la carne molida uno de los principales vehículos de transmisión debido al incumplimiento de las Normas Técnicas Obligatorias (NTON- 0307808), las cuales agrupan una serie de medidas de higiene, condiciones de transporte e infraestructura del expendio. Es por tal razón que se hizo necesario el desarrollo de esta investigación donde el objetivo principal fue el Análisis de la comparación del método convencional ISO 6579-2002 con PCR Tiempo Real como prueba de Tamizaje para la detección de Salmonella spp en carne molida, CNDR-MINSA, Noviembre Diciembre 2014 Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, no probabilístico por conveniencia. De 39 tramos distribuidores de carne se recolecto un total de 25 muestras de carne molida que correspondieron a los 5 lotes en estudio. De las cuales se obtuvo 100% de positividad por ambos métodos, lo que demostró la alta sensibilidad de la PCR Tiempo Real como prueba de tamizaje para la detección de este agente patógeno. Por otra parte deben ser consideradas como principal paso a seguir el cumplimiento de medidas higiénicas por los distribuidores en el procesamiento, transporte y manipulación ya que de ello depende en gran manera la contaminación del producto. Así como la vigilancia constante por parte del MINSA para garantizar su cumplimiento y la utilización de la PCR Tiempo Rea ya que por los resultados obtenidos en el estudio confirma ser una valiosa prueba de tamizaje con igual sensibilidad que el método convencional en la búsqueda de Salmonella sp

    Strategies for Solving Addition Problems Using Modified Schema-Based Instruction in Students with Intellectual Disabilities

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    A study is presented on the strategies employed to solve additive change problems by three students with intellectual disabilities (two of them with autism spectrum disorder). The students followed a program involving modified schema-based instruction. The results show an improvement in the problem-solving skills of the three students, who achieved successful formal strategies associated with identifying the operation. We analyze the importance of adapting and/or emphasizing certain steps in the instruction process in order to tailor them to the difficulties of each student

    Nomophobia in teenagers: digital lifestyle, social networking and smartphone abuse

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    Smartphone use influences teenagers’ behaviors and lifestyles, not always in a positive way. Abuse and dependence on the use of this device is what has led to the study of nomophobia. The objective of this research is to measure the level of nomophobia in adolescents, and to study their digital consumption habits. The study seeks to analyze the relationships between risk of nomophobia, digital behavior, age and smartphone use. A structured questionnaire has been applied to a sample of 850 students aged 12 to 16. The data has been analyzed with SPSS and SPAD. Multivariate statistical characterization, one of the most recent data mining techniques, has been used to study differences in teenagers’ behaviors according to their risk of nomophobia, and to find related explanatory variables. Teenagers’ nomophobia risk ranges from mild to moderate, showing a relation with age, academic performance and intensity of use of mobile social networking apps. The risk of nomophobia responds to differences in students’ digital, social, relational and educational behaviors, and exhibits differences according to academic performance, age, gender, motivation and self-perception
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