149 research outputs found

    Proyecto de prevención en el consumo de alcohol para adolescentes

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    El consumo de alcohol entre los jóvenes es muy elevado, y los inicios son cada vez más tempranos. La adolescencia es una etapa clave en la adquisición y consolidación de estilos de vida. Si durante este periodo se fomentan unas pautas saludables frente al consumo de esta sustancia, aumentarán las probabilidades de adoptar conductas responsables frente al alcohol. El objetivo del trabajo que se presenta, es poner en marcha un proyecto para la prevención de alcohol en adolescentes escolarizados en sexto de educación primaria, situados en el contexto rural del municipio de Daroca, con la necesidad de concienciar y sensibilizar sobre los peligros que entraña el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas. Esta propuesta promueve actuaciones informadoras y formadoras, mediante grupos cooperativos, que tratan de desarrollar hábitos y actitudes saludables, a la vez que se enseñan a tomar decisiones responsables con el fin de reducir las consecuencias de consumo de alcohol.<br /

    High-density lipoproteins and immune response: A review

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    High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) are heterogeneous lipoproteins that modify their composition and functionality depending on physiological or pathological conditions. The main roles of HDL are cholesterol efflux, and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant functions. These functions can be compromised under pathological conditions. HDLs play a role in the immune system as anti-inflammatory molecules but when inflammation occurs, HDLs change their composition and carry pro-inflammatory cargo. Hence, many molecular intermediates that influence inflammatory microenvironments and cell signaling pathways can modulate HDLs structural modification and function. This review provides a comprehensive assessment of the importance of HDL composition and anti-inflammatory function in the onset and progression of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, immune cell activation during progression of atheroma plaque formation can be influenced by HDLs through HDL-derived cholesterol depletion from lipid rafts and through HDL interaction with HDL receptors expressed on T and B lymphocytes. Cholesterol efflux is mediated by HDL receptors located in lipid rafts in peripheral cells, which undergo membrane structural modifications, and interferes with subsequent molecules interactions or intracellular signaling cascades. Regarding antigen-presentation cells such as macrophages or dendritic cells, HDL function may then modulate lymphocytes activation in immune response. Our review also contributes to the understanding of the effects exerted by HDLs in signal transduction associated to our immune cell population during chronic diseases progression.Junta de Andalucía US-126345

    Analyzing the Scientific Evolution of the Sustainable Development Goals

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    Development must balance social, economic, and environmental sustainability; it is for this reason that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are integrated, in fact, action in one of them will affect outcomes in others. In consequence, research on the SDGs is broad, complex, and fragmented due to the great diversity of disciplines and approaches involved, making it difficult to obtain valuable and unbiased information for future studies. As a result, a comprehensive review of contributions could provide a comprehensive critical perspective. This article applies SciMAT software to analyze the evolution of this field of research through a systematic literature review of bibliographic records on the SDGs and a review based on bibliometric analysis of 10,272 selected records. Additionally, hidden themes and their development in this field from 1990 to 2020 have been identified to produce strategic diagrams, graphs of thematic evolution and performance indicators of the research field in different periods. The results obtained show a constantly evolving scientific field, from its initial focus on the millennium goals to the gradual inclusion of the current SDGs. They provide field experts with a comprehensive overview of the status quo and predict the dynamic directions of future research, serving as a basis for the development of new strategies for the implementation of the SDGs.FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento, thanks to the project “Design of strategists to face the impact of COVID-19 on the compliance with the SDGs in Andalusia”, reference number CV20-0117

    A new source of representative secondary PET nanoplastics. Obtention, characterization, and hazard evaluation

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    Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAltres ajuts: Juan de la Cierva IJC2020-2686IMicro and nanoplastics (MNPLs) are emergent environmental pollutants requiring urgent information on their potential risks to human health. One of the problems associated with the evaluation of their undesirable effects is the lack of representative samples, matching those resulting from the environmental degradation of plastic wastes. To such end, we propose an easy method to obtain polyethylene terephthalate nanoplastics from water plastic bottles (PET-NPLs) but, in principle, applicable to any other plastic goods sources. An extensive characterization indicates that the proposed process produces uniform samples of PET-NPLs of around 100 nm, as determined by using AF4 and multi-angle and dynamic light scattering methodologies. An important point to be highlighted is that to avoid the metal contamination resulting from methods using metal blades/burrs for milling, trituration, or sanding, we propose to use diamond burrs to produce metal-free samples. To visualize the toxicological profile of the produced PET-NPLs we have evaluated their ability to be internalized by cells, their cytotoxicity, their ability to induce oxidative stress, and induce DNA damage. In this preliminary approach, we have detected their cellular uptake, but without the induction of significant biological effects. Thus, no relevant increases in toxicity, reactive oxygen species (ROS) induction, or DNA damage -as detected with the comet assay- have been observed. The use of representative samples, as produced in this study, will generate relevant data in the discussion about the potential health risks associated with MNPLs exposures

    Experimental verification of memristor-based material implication NAND operation

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    Memristors are being considered as promising devices for highly dense memory systems as well as the potential basis of new computational paradigms. In this scenario, and in relation with data processing, one of the more specific and differential logic functions is the material implication logic also named as IMPLY logic. Many papers have been published in this framework but few of them are related with experimental works using real memristor devices. In the paper authors show the verification of the IMPLY function by using Ni/HfO2/Si\mathrm{Ni}/\mathrm{HfO}_{2}/\mathrm{Si} manufactured devices and laboratory measurements. The proper behavior of the IMPLY structure (2 memristors) has been shown. The paper also verifies the proper operation of a two-steps IMPLY-based NAND gate implementation, showing the electrical behavior of the circuit in a cycling operation. A new procedure to implement a NAND gate that requires only one step is experimentally shown as well.Postprint (author's final draft

    Terapia asistida por animales = Animal-supported therapy

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    Resumen: Objetivo: Explorar la relación existente entre la terapia por animales y la mejoría de los pacientes con diferentes patologías. Método: Revisión narrativa. Bases de datos consultadas: Pubmed, Cuiden y Scielo. Se incluyeron los artículos publicados en español e inglés que planteaban testar la relación entre la terapia con animales y la mejoría de pacientes con diferentes patologías. Resultados: Se identificaron 35 artículos con objetivos e hipótesis que planteaban testar la relación entre la terapia con animales y la mejoría de pacientes con diferentes patologías, de los cuales se incluyeron 20. Conclusiones: Hay estudios científicos, que demuestran que los animales aportan beneficios para la salud para aquellas personas que conviven con ellas.Palabras clave: Terapia asistida por animales, revisión, salud. Abstract: Objective: To explore the relationship between pet therapy and improvement in patients with different pathologies. Method: Narrative review. Databases searched: PubMed, Cuiden and Scielo. Articles published in Spanish and English posed test the relationship between pet therapy and improvement of patients with different pathologies were included. Results: 35 articles objectives and hypotheses posed test the connection between pet therapy and improvement of patients with different pathologies, of which 20 were included were identified. Conclusions: There are scientific studies showing that animals provide health benefits for those who live with them.Keywords: animal-assisted therapy, review, health

    Activity of Antibiotics and Potential Antibiofilm Agents against Biofilm-Producing Mycobacterium avium- intracellulare Complex Causing Chronic Pulmonary Infections

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    Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) cause lung infections in patients with underlying pulmonary diseases (PD). The Mycobacteriumavium-intracellulare complex (MAC) is the most frequently involved NTM. The MAC-PD treatment is based on the administration of several antibiotics for long periods of time. Nonetheless, treatment outcomes remain very poor. Among the factors involved is the ability of MAC isolates to form biofilm. The aim of the study was to assess the in vitro activity of different antibiotics and potential antibiofilm agents (PAAs) against MAC biofilm. Four antibiotics and six PAAs, alone and/or in combination, were tested against planktonic forms of 11 MAC clinical isolates. Biofilm was produced after 4 weeks of incubation and analyzed with the crystal violet assay. The antibiotics and PAAs were tested by measuring the absorbance (minimum biofilm inhibition concentrations, MBICs) and by performing subcultures (minimum biofilm eradication concentrations, MBECs). The clarithromycin/amikacin and clarithromycin/ethambutol combinations were synergistic, decreasing the MBECs values compared to the individual antibiotics. The amikacin/moxifloxacin combination showed indifference. The MBIC values decreased significantly when PAAs were added to the antibiotic combinations. These results suggest that antibiotic combinations should be further studied to establish their antibiofilm activity. Moreover, PAAs could act against the biofilm matrix, facilitating the activity of antibiotics

    Objetos de oro y epicampaniforme en la Cova del Gegant. Relaciones en la costa mediterránea de la Península Ibérica durante la Edad del Bronce

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    En este trabajo se analiza el estrato XXV de la Cova del Gegant (Sitges, Barcelona), adscrito a la Edad del Bronce, y se destaca la problemática cronológica de este período. En este yacimiento encontramos decoraciones epicampaniformes del "Grupo del Nordeste", tradicionalmente atribuidas a un Bronce Antiguo, un osario colectivo datado por C14 en el Bronce Medio, ornamentos en ámbar/resina de amplia cronología y dos piezas áureas, muy escasas en el nordeste de la Península Ibérica, que vinculamos con el episodio sepulcral. Las piezas arqueológicas y la serie de dataciones radiocarbónicas nos proporcionan datos importantes sobre las redes de intercambio y los desplazamientos a lo largo de la fachada mediterránea de la Península Ibérica durante la Edad de Bronce

    Gold artifacts and Late Bell Beaker from Cova del Gegant: Interaction along the Mediterranean coastline of the Iberian Peninsula during Bronze Age

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    En este trabajo se analiza el estrato XXV de la Cova del Gegant (Sitges, Barcelona), adscrito a la Edad del Bronce, y se destaca la problemática cronológica de este período. En este yacimiento encontramos decoraciones epicampaniformes del “Grupo del Nordeste”, tradicionalmente atribuidas a un Bronce Antiguo, un osario colectivo datado por C14 en el Bronce Medio, ornamentos en ámbar/resina de amplia cronología y dos piezas áureas, muy escasas en el nordeste de la Península Ibérica, que vinculamos con el episodio sepulcral. Las piezas arqueológicas y la serie de dataciones radiocarbónicas nos proporcionan datos importantes sobre las redes de intercambio y los desplazamientos a lo largo de la fachada mediterránea de la Península Ibérica durante la Edad de Bronce.This paper presents archaeological layer XXV from Cova del Gegant (Sitges, Barcelona), ascribed to Bronze Age, and focuses on this period’s chronological issues. Cova del Gegant yielded Late Bell Beaker pottery featuring a decorative style akin to the “Northeastern Group” (generally ascribed to Early Bronze Age), human remains associated with a collective burial (radiocarbon dated to Middle Bronze Age), amber and/or resin ornaments, and two gold artifacts (very scarce in the NE of Iberian Peninsula). The archaeological artifacts and radiocarbon dating range provide important data concerning the exchange networks and movements along the Mediterranean coastline during Bronze Age.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio