469 research outputs found

    Spectral functions and correlations in a bosonic Josephson junction

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2014, Tutors: Artur Polls i Bruno Julia DíazWe analyse the properties of an ultracold atomic cloud trapped in an external doublewell potential with the Bose-Hubbard approximation. We characterize the many-body properties of the system through the study of the single-particle spectral functions, identifying the di erent regimes that the system exhibits for all the possible parameters in this approach

    Aislamiento de Verticillium dahliae de suelo y caracterización morfológica de sus microesclerocios

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    En este trabajo se describe una metodología que facilita el aislamiento directo de V. dahliae del suelo. Tras procesar la muestra por Tamizado Húmedo, se siembran alícuotas de la suspensión resultante en placas del medio Agar Polipectato Sódico Modificado (APSM) sobre las que se ha extendido una lámina de celofán. Las colonias de microesclerocios de V. dahliae formadas sobre el celofán se recuperan retirando la cuadrícula de la lámina que las contiene. Las colonias adheridas al celofán se tratan en un baño de ultrasonidos, se lavan y se filtran utilizando una bomba de vacío. Tras el filtrado, el residuo resultante se siembra en nuevas placas de APSM, PDA o PDA acidificado, donde las colonias de Vi dahliae crecen libres de contaminantes, y se pueden transferir para obtener el cultivo puro. Se ha obtenido así una colección de aislados de suelo de V. dahliae, cuyos microesclerocios producidos sobre APSM se han caracterizado morfológicamente. Los valores de la relación longitud/anchura de los microesclerocios de los aislados obtenidos mostraron una amplia variabilidad comparados con los microesclerocios de los aislados de referencia, VI17 (defolíante) y V4 (no defolíante) de V. dahliae. Las características morfológicas de los microesclerocios en APSM podrían estar relacionadas con el patotipo del aislado de este agente, como ha sido descrito por otros autores en otros medios de cultivo. Por ello, este método de aislamiento podría facilitar en el futuro estudios de ecología y virulencia del patógeno. Adicionalmente, la metodología desarrollada podría aplicarse de forma simultánea para la determinación de la densidad de inoculo de V. dahlia

    Shortcut to adiabaticity in spinor condensates

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    We devise a method to shortcut the adiabatic evolution of a spin-1 Bose gas with an external magnetic field as the control parameter. An initial many-body state with almost all bosons populating the Zeeman sublevel m=0m=0, is evolved to a final state very close to a macroscopic spin-singlet condensate, a fragmented state with three macroscopically occupied Zeeman states. The shortcut protocol, obtained by an approximate mapping to a harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian, is compared to linear and exponential variations of the control parameter. We find a dramatic speedup of the dynamics when using the shortcut protocol.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in bivalve mollusks and marine sediments

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    The presence of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater pose the question of whether this new pandemic virus could be released into watercourses and potentially continue to finally reach coastal waters. In this study, we employed two bivalve molluscan species from the genus Ruditapes as sentinel organisms to investigate the presence of SARS-CoV-2 signals in the marine coastal environment. Estuarine sediments from the natural clam banks were also analyzed. Viral RNA was detected by RT-qPCR, targeting IP4, E and N1 genomic regions. Positive samples were also subjected to a PMAxx-triton viability RT-qPCR assay in order to discriminate between intact and altered capsids, obtaining indirect information about the viability of the virus. SARS-CoV-2 RNA traces were detected in 9/12 clam samples by RT-qPCR, from which 4 were positive for two different target regions. Viral quantification ranged from <LoQ to 4.48 Log genomic copies/g of digestive tissue. Regarding the sediment samples, 3/12 were positive by RT-qPCR, but only IP4 region was successfully amplificated. Quantification values for sediment samples ranged from <LoQ to 3.60 Log genomic copies/g of sediment. RNA signals disappeared in the PMAxx-triton viability RT-qPCR assay, indicating non-infectious potential. In addition, the recently discovered human-specific gut associated bacteriophage crAssphage was also quantified as a biomarker for the presence of human-derived wastewater contamination on the study area. CrAssphage was detected in 100% of both types of samples with quantification values ranging from <LoQ to 5.94 Log gc/g digestive tissue and from <LoQ to 4.71 Log gc/g sediment. Statistical analysis also showed that quantification levels for the crAssphage in clams are significantly higher than in sediments. These findings represent the first detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the marine environment, demonstrating that it can reach these habitats and make contact with the marine lifeThis study was partly supported by Grant ED431C 2018/18 from the Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional, Xunta de Galicia (Spain)S

    Com fer un ordinador quàntic?

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    Conferència realitzada el Dissabte, 19 de Febrer de 2022En aquesta xerrada t'explicarem perquè hauries de voler tenir (o no) un ordinador quàntic. Introduirem la física quàntica i com, a partir d'aquesta, podem realitzar operacions lògiques i resoldre problemes. Si tens suficients ganes, temps i diners, també t'explicarem com construir-ne un*. Quantum fun! * Pensa-t'ho bé

    Prescripción de las acciones monitorias y los procesos ordinarios para el cobro de las obligaciones

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    Introduction: The topic to be investigated is part of the need to know the legal vacuum that exists of the prescription time to collect the obligation by order for payment procedure. These procedures grant the actor the power to exercise the collection action for a monetary, liquid debt, demandable and expired, as stated in article 356 of the COGEP whenever it does not exceed fifty Unified Basic Salaries. Objective: The objective of this investigation has been to analyze the collection of obligations through payment order procedure to establish the need to correct the legal vacuum that exists regarding the prescription time of these. Methodology: The research is part of a systematic method, as well as the analytical - synthetic and deductive - inductive, the approach used is the qualitative one. Thus, an academic work of a historical descriptive and review documentary type has also been prepared. Results: The evidence that proves a previous relationship between creditor and debtor was analyzed when the document -which is intended to be collected- has been created unilaterally by the creditor. Conclusions: Regarding the collection action, COGEP does not establish any time for the prescription, thus generating a structural vacuum that is unavoidable to correct.Introducción: La temática a investigar se enmarca en las necesidades de saber el vacío legal que existe del tiempo de prescripción para cobrar la obligación por procedimiento monitorio, Estos procedimientos otorga al actor la facultad de ejercer la acción de cobro por una deuda dineraria, líquida, exigible y vencida, como consta en el artículo 356 del COGEP toda vez que no exceda de cincuenta Salarios Básicos Unificados. Objetivo: El objetivo de la presente investigación ha sido analizar el cobro de obligaciones a través de procedimiento monitorio a fin de establecer la necesidad de subsanar el vacío legal que existe respecto del tiempo de prescripción de estas. Metodología: La investigación se enmarca en un método sistemático, así como el analítico - sintético y deductivo – inductivo, el enfoque empleado es el cualitativo. Así también se ha elaborado un trabajo académico de tipo documental histórico descriptivo y de revisión. Resultados: Se analizó la prueba que acredita una relación previa entre acreedor y deudor, cuando el documento -que se pretende cobrar- haya sido creado unilateralmente por el acreedor. Conclusiones: Sobre la acción de cobro, el COGEP no estatuye tiempo alguno para la prescripción generando así un vacío estructural que resulta ineludible subsanar. Área de estudio general: Jurisprudencia y Ciencias Sociales. Área de estudio específica: Derecho civil


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    El presente artículo consta de dos partes bien diferenciadas. En la primera de ellas se realizará un breve recorrido por el estado de la Ciencia española durante los siglos XVIII y XIX, destacando los aspectos más importantes de dicha época. En la segunda, mostraremos los aspectos biográficos más importantes de la vida de Salvador Jiménez Coronado, primer director del Real Observatorio Astronómico de Madrid, así como sus aportaciones al campo de las ciencias, de la matemática y de la educación. No se puede acabar este resumen sin mencionar que, en este texto, se adjuntan dos documentos inéditos hasta la fecha como son su partida de nacimiento y su partida de defunción

    Influence of pH on the adsorption-desorption of doxycycline, enrofloxacin, and sulfamethoxypyridazine in soils with variable surface charge

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGIn this research, the adsorption/desorption of the antibiotics doxycycline (DC), enrofloxacin (ENR), and sulfamethoxypyradazine (SMP) was studied in 6 agricultural soils with predominance of variable charge, both before and after removing organic matter by calcination. DC adsorption was high at acidic pH, and decreased at pH values above 8. Removal of organic matter with calcination caused just a slight decrease in adsorption, and even in some soils adsorption was similar to that in non-calcined samples. The adsorption coefficients (Kd) were higher for the DC− species compared to DC+, DC0 and DC2−. Regarding DC desorption, the values were very low throughout the pH range covered in the study (2–12), both in the calcined samples and in those not subjected to calcination. ENR showed a similar behavior to DC regarding the effect of pH, since ENR adsorption also decreased at basic pH, but the effect of removing organic matter was different, as it caused a clear decrease in ENR adsorption. The species with the highest Kd was in this case ENR0, although ENR+ is also quantitatively important as regards Kd value in calcined samples. For this antibiotic, no differences in desorption were observed between calcined and non-calcined samples. Finally, SMP adsorption also decreased as pH increased, and, in addition, similarly to what happened with ENR, in general, there was a strong decrease in SMP adsorption when organic matter was removed. The species with the highest Kd in this case was SMP+ in non-calcined samples, but SMP0 and SMP− become more relevant in calcined samples. The percentages of SMP desorption were higher than those for the other two antibiotics, and an increase occurs at intermediate pH values, being higher for calcined samples. These results can be considered relevant in terms of increasing the knowledge as regards the possible evolution and fate of the three antibiotics studied. Specifically, for different pH conditions and with different organic matter contents, when they reach soils and other environmental compartments after being discharged as contaminants. This could have important repercussions on public health and the overall environmentMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CGL2015-67333-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CGL2015-67333-C2-2-

    Shortcut to adiabaticity in spinor condensates

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    We devise a method to shortcut the adiabatic evolution of a spin-1 Bose gas with an external magnetic field as the control parameter. An initial many-body state with almost all bosons populating the Zeeman sublevel m = 0 is evolved to a final state very close to a macroscopic spin-singlet condensate, a fragmented state with three macroscopically occupied Zeeman states. The shortcut protocol, obtained by an approximate mapping to a harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian, is compared to linear and exponential variations of the control parameter. We find a dramatic speedup of the dynamics when using the shortcut protocol