2,219 research outputs found

    Los orígenes del atraso

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    1 archivo PDF (2 páginas); incluye ilustraciones en blanco y negro. fhseptemReseña a "Los orígenes del atraso: nueve ensayos de historia económica de México en los siglos XVIII y XIX" donde se reflexiona sobre el atraso económico de México en concreto sobre sus causas fechas y dimensiones

    Culebrilla ciega – Blanus cinereus (Vandelli, 1797)

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    Reptiles - Orden Squamata - Familia Blanidae en la Enciclopedia Virtual de Vertebrados Españoles, http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/. Versiones anteriores: 14-03-2003; 2-04-2004; 30-11-2006; 10-05-2007; 27-07-2009; 8-10-2009A comprehensive review of the natural history of the Iberian worm lizard Blanus cinereus in Spain.Peer reviewe

    Rethinking Ephemeral Architecture. Advanced Geometry for Citizen-Managed Spaces

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    In recent years there have been a high amount of citizen initiatives that address the complex problems of the contemporary city. There are empty or disused spaces that have been reused for urban gardens, for social use, to encourage integration and civic activities activation, etc. Traditional architectural processes do not provide realistic solutions to these initiatives that, along with limited financial resources, have led to the emergence of architectures and self-constructed facilities, almost as an emergency mode, without necessary planning, media and constructive knowledge. The democratization of technology, thanks to laboratories of digital production, combined with knowledge of the properties of different surfaces through the CAD-CAM tools, offers new opportunities for the development of a lightweight, flexible and low impact architecture, very according to the needs of citizens' initiatives that naturally arise in our cities. The new existing scenario contemplates the figure of the architect, or engineer, not only as an agent of the market, but as a professional able to propose efficient solutions to problems from within, bringing their specific knowledge and serving as bridges between the new technological solutions and the challenges of society

    Los mercaderes de la Ciudad de México en el siglo XVI y el comercio con el exterior

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    En el artículo se ofrecen datos sobre los grandes mercaderes de la Ciudad de México en el siglo XVI, la principal plaza mercantil de la Nueva España, y su participación en el comercio con el exterior en esa centuria. Se abordan la importancia comercial de la capital virreinal, las principales rutas del comercio con el exterior, la composición de la comunidad mercantil, la participación de los grandes mercaderes en el comercio trasatlántico e intercolonial y en la comercialización de las mercancías.The article offers data on the Mexico’s merchants in the XVI century, the business main center of New Spain, and their participation in the foreign trade in that century. They are approached the commercial importance of the vice regal capital, the main routes of the foreign trade, the composition of the mercantile community, the participation of the wealthy merchants in the transatlantic exchange and colonial trade and in the commercialization of the goods

    Impacto de un Programa de Continuidad Asistencial tras el alta de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos

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    Existen una serie de factores que determinan el mal pronóstico de los pacientes que son trasladados de la UCI a la planta de hospitalización. Tras el paso por la UCI, estos pacientes se convierten en pacientes frágiles y especialmente vulnerables. La identificación de estos factores predictores de mortalidad en la planta (mortalidad post-uci) y una escala pronóstica basada en la impresión subjetiva del médico intensivista, sería de utilidad para seleccionar aquellos pacientes que se beneficiarían del Plan de Continuidad Asistencial (PCA) tras el alta de UCI. El PCA consistiría en un seguimiento de estos pacientes en planta, colaborando con el médico responsable, hasta la resolución de aquellos problemas originados durante su ingreso en UCI. Método. Se trata de un estudio cuasi experimental en el que se compara el grupo de pacientes incluídos en el Programa de Continuidad Asistencial, con un grupo control extraído de una base de datos de pacaientes dados de alta de UCI . La constitución del grupo control se hizo en base a edad, APACHE II y motivo de ingreso en UCI, y de forma aleatoria. Se realizó el análisis estadístico a través del test de Chi Cuadrado y prueba exacta de Fisher para variables cualitativas, y para variables cuantitativas contínuas se aplicó el test de T student para muestras independientes, y el no paramétrico de Mann-Whitney o Kruskal Wallis. Resultados. En el periodo de estudio se incluyeron 108 pacientes en el PCA que se compararon con otros 108 pacientes con la misma edad, severidad de la enfermedad (APACHE II) e igual motivo de ingreso (grupo control). La edad media fue de 60±13 en el grupo control y de 61±15 en el grupo experimental. El APACHE II fue de 17±8 en el grupo control frente a un 17±7 en el grupo experimental. En cuanto al grupo diagnóstico tampoco se encontraron diferencias significativas entre el grupo control y el de intervención: ingreso de tipo médico 54 vs 56, ingreso de cirugía programada 15 vs 13, y de cirugía urgente 39 vs 39. La comorbilidad previa al ingreso en UCI medida a través del índice Charlson, puntuó en el grupo control un valor medio de 3,19±2 (IC 95% 2,7 a 3,6) y en el grupo de intervención un valor medio de 5,08±3 (IC 95% 4,49 a 5,68) (p<0,005). La mortalidad postUCI del grupo experimental fue del 6,4% respecto a un 26% del grupo control (p<0,005). Los reingresos fueron 13 en el grupo control, y 5 en el de intervención (p=0,04). La satisfacción de los pacientes y familiares se realizó a través de una encuesta, resultando el 91% satisfechos, y 9% no contestaron. Conclusiones. Un Plan de Continuidad Asistencial tras el alta de UCI constituye una estrategia eficaz reduciendo la mortalidad post-UCI y el número de reingresos. Repercute favorablemente en la calidad percibida por los pacientes y sus familiares. No precisa un aumento de los recursos de personal porque es desempeñado por el mismo intensivista que da el alta a la planta, añadiendo una sobrecarga de trabajo asumible por el profesional

    Experience may allow increasing accuracy of the innate chemosensory recognition of snake predators by Iberian wall lizards

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    Many animals can recognize chemical cues of predators and show defensive responses, but antipredatory behavior can be costly and should be modulated depending on the level of risk posed by each predatory species. Recognition ability may be innate, but it is not clear whether there might also be local adaptation to predation pressure levels or some learning component. We examined the chemosensory ability of naïve and adult Iberian wall lizards, Podarcis hispanicus, to detect chemical cues of two closely related Coronella snake species in two localities within the same continuous population. Lizards in each locality are sympatric with only one of the two snake species. Our results showed an innate chemosensory discrimination of predatory snake cues, as both adult lizards and captive reared naïve hatchlings, which had not had any previous experience with the snake cues, had short latencies to the first tongue-flick, increased tongue-flick responses, and active escape behavior from the scent of either of the two snake species. Moreover, adult lizards, but not naïve hatchlings, showed differential responses to the two different snake species, with higher responses to the snake species that is sympatric in each locality. This strongly suggests that there is a learning component acquired through previous lifetime experiences that may increase accuracy of the discrimination of the sympatric snake. Therefore, through learning of local conditions, lizards may modulate their innate antipredatory responses to the risk level posed by each snake species.Financial support was provided by the project MICIIN-CGL2011-24150/BOS.Peer reviewe

    Effect of art therapy in anxiety and depression, training sociocultural and reducing prison recidivism in inmate

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    El presente documento ofrece una revisión de programas de arteterapia implementados en las prisiones del mundo, valorando sus efectos dentro del conjunto de los programas de rehabilitación para población reclusa. Ofrece asimismo un informe del programa de arteterapia desarrollado, durante los años 2006 a 2009, en el Centro Penitenciario Huelva II. Se presentan sus objetivos, metodología y resultados de la evaluación cuantitativa y cualitativa de su influencia en los niveles de ansiedad y depresión, así como el efecto obtenido en la reincidencia penitenciaria y en la capacitación sociocultural.This document provides an overview of art therapy programs implemented in prisons in the world, assessing its effects in rehabilitation programs for prison population. Report also offers art therapy program developed during the years 2006 to 2009, in the prison Huelva II. Objectives, methodology and results of the quantitative and qualitative assessment of their influence on levels of anxiety and depression are presented, and the effect obtained in prison recidivism and the sociocultural training

    Microgeographical variations in coloration of male Iberian wall lizards may be related to habitat and climatic conditions

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    Intraspecific variations in coloration may represent a compromise between selection for intraspecific communication and selection for thermoregulation and predator avoidance. Iberian wall lizards, Podarcis hispanica, exhibit substantial levels of intraspecific variation that cannot be necessarily attributed to genetic differences. We compared variations in coloration and habitat use of three phenotypically distinct populations of P. hispanica in Central Spain. Results suggested that differences in coloration may be related to habitat characteristics and climatic conditions. Thus, lizards from populations with colder temperatures were darker and larger, which may favor thermoregulation. Lizards that lived in habitats with more vegetation and darker granite rocks showed a dark brown to black dorsal coloration. In contrast, lizards from habitats with gypsum and light sandy soil without vegetation or large rocks had a brighter yellow to green dorsal coloration. These differences may increase crypsis to predators in each habitat. There were also differences in the characteristics and relative importance of sexual visual signals (i.e., ventrolateral coloration and number of lateral blue spots) and chemical signals (i.e., number of femoral pores) that might increase efficiency of communication in each environment. Natural selection for traits that allow a better thermoregulation, predator avoidance, and communication might lead to population divergence.Financial support was provided by the project MICIIN-CGL2011-24150/BOS and by an “El Ventorrillo” CSIC grant to Marianne Gabirot.Peer reviewe


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    Right-handed neutrinos and the CDF II anomaly

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    We point out that right-handed neutrinos can resolve the tension between the latest CDF II measurement of the WW-boson mass, MWM_W, and the standard model. Integrating out the new states yields a single d=6d=6 operator, which induces a deviation from unitarity in the PMNS matrix. This alters the extraction of the Fermi constant from muon decay and increases the prediction for MWM_W, in line with the CDF II result. Non-unitarity of the PMNS matrix would also affect beta, meson, and tau decays. We find that the CDF II value for MWM_W can be explained without conflicting with lepton flavour universality constraints or the invisible decay width of the ZZ. However, the so-called Cabibbo angle anomaly is worsened if right-handed neutrinos are the origin of the d=6d=6 operator. The situation improves if the operator coefficient is left unconstrained, implying additional sources of new physics, but a common explanation of both anomalies is in tension with universality bounds.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, REVTeX