864 research outputs found

    Innovación y Emprendimiento : Innovación y emprendimiento de los pequeños y medianos productores agroindustriales en Nicaragua

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    El presente trabajo de investigación, es el resultado de una minuciosa investigación documental, que permite conocer las innovaciones que están realizando las agroindustrias en Nicaragua. Este documento hace referencia a las iniciativas que tienen los productores para agregar valor y transformar su producción, los logros a través de las asistencias brindadas por el gobierno de Nicaragua y por otros Organismos no gubernamentales, quienes han sido los promotores de impulsar el fomento al emprendedurismo de las familias productoras, también los han ayudado a superar algunos de los retos y limitantes a los que se enfrentan. Para fortalecer la investigación se realizó un trabajo de campo en el parque nacional de feria, donde se aplicaron encuestas a los pequeños productores que asisten a ofertar sus productos ya transformados. Esta feria es impulsada por la Dirección del Parque de Ferias del Ministerio de Economía Familiar, institución que trabaja bajo los ejes de los programas de Gobierno, tales como el Programa Nacional de Agroindustria Rurales (PNAIR), quinen tiene como objetivo promover las innovaciones y las transformación de productos procesados. El presente estudio se realizó con la finalidad de conocer de qué manera las familias productoras están innovando y emprendiendo nuevas actividades dentro de su proceso productivo. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron conocer las distintas formas en que las familias productoras están innovando. Sobresaliendo entre ellos productos como mermeladas, cajetas, vinos y medicina natural, los cuales han venido mejorando la presentación de sus productos, que les da una mejor presentación, al igual que el envasado, entre otros

    Insect chitosan as a natural antimicrobial against vegetative cells of Bacillus cereus in a cooked rice matrix

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    [EN] This study investigates the antimicrobial activity of insect chitosan against vegetative cells of Bacillus cereus in a rice matrix. Sample culture solutions were prepared with different concentrations of insect chitosan (150, 180, 220 and 250 ¿g/mL) and tested at three temperatures (30 ¿C, 20 ¿C and 10 ¿C), which simulate different storage temperature scenarios of precooked rice. The results indicate that insect chitosan has antimicrobial activity that depends on temperature and chitosan concentration. For the assays with chitosan at 10 ¿C, all concentrations were bactericidal during the study time, reaching a maximum inactivation of 6 log cycles for 250 ¿g/mL. At 20 ¿C and at 30 ¿C a bacteriostatic activity was observed for concentrations of 150 ¿g/mL and 180 ¿g/mL. Results also showed that concentrations of 220 ¿g/mL and 250 ¿g/mL were bactericidal for all the temperatures tested during the storage time. When rice is cooked and not stored at an appropriate temperature, below 10 ¿C, the consumer¿s health is at risk. In these cases, insect chitosan could be a good additional control measure to control B. cereus growth and toxin formation in cooked rice.We want to thank TRACE-RICE project, Reference Number AMD-1934-1 and grant PID 2020-116318RB-C31 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by "ERDF A way of making Europe", the support for this Research.Valdez, MI.; Garcia, J.; Ubeda-Manzanaro, M.; Martínez López, A.; Rodrigo, D. (2022). Insect chitosan as a natural antimicrobial against vegetative cells of Bacillus cereus in a cooked rice matrix. Food Microbiology. 107:1-5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2022.1040771510

    Red internacional de mujeres por el patrimonio: gestión comunitaria para el desarrollo local del barrio de Analco

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    Desde 1987 la ciudad de Puebla es reconocida por la UNESCO como Patrimonio cultural de la humanidad y desde 1977 un polígono de la ciudad fue denominado Zona de Monumentos por el INAH, en donde se encuentran los barrios fundacionales de Puebla. Por otro lado, de acuerdo a datos del INEGI en el 2021 México tenía 128 millones de habitantes, de los cuales 65.5 millones eran mujeres. Sin embargo, a pesar de los esfuerzos por la equidad de género, las estadísticas muestran un aumento en la violencia contra las mujeres. Esto se agravó durante la pandemia, donde las mujeres sufrieron más impacto económico que los hombres. Esta desigualdad también es vivida en la ciencia, donde las mujeres representan menos del 34% del total de investigadores y solo el 12% son reconocidas por academias científicas. A pesar de algunos avances, persisten problemas de representación y participación de mujeres en espacios científicos y relacionados a la toma de decisiones para la protección del patrimonio cultural. Ante esta situación en el barrio fundacional de Analco nace el proyecto denominado "Red internacional de mujeres por el patrimonio" el cual busca preservar el patrimonio material y vivo en Latinoamérica mediante la gestión comunitaria y participativa de mujeres en la ciencia. Por lo tanto, esta investigación tiene el objetivo de analizar la manera en que este proyecto contribuye a la permanencia, participación y liderazgo de las mujeres en el ámbito científico y dentro del barrio de Analco. En este sentido, esta investigación hace uso de la metodología Investigación-Acción Participativa (IAP) que por medio de un conjunto acciones aplicadas promueve el cambio social, facilitando el análisis de problemas sociales complejos, como los existentes en Analco. En conclusión, la Red internacional de mujeres por el patrimonio desde sus alcances académicos ha brindado un espacio de desarrollo para las mujeres en la ciencia y la búsqueda por la equidad de género y preservación del patrimonio material e inmaterial. A su vez, la misma red desde su papel de acompañante ha generado que las mujeres del barrio de Analco participen en la gestión comunitaria de su barrio contribuyendo a su liderazgo, empoderamiento y a la lucha por su al derecho a la ciudad en la protección de su patrimonio tangible e intangible. Las mujeres del barrio aún necesitan seguir incidiendo en la mejora de su comunidad, pero la unión que han generado entre ellas y sus avances son sin duda un ejemplo de lucha por la equidad de género en barrios históricos protegidos por la UNESCO

    Generic boundaries in subtribe Saussureinae (Compositae: Cardueae): Insights from Hyb-Seq data

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    The subtribe Saussureinae is a highly speciose group with more than 600 species distributed in the Northern Hemisphere and is particularly species-rich at the high mountains of central and eastern Asia. Saussurea and Jurinea are the two main genera described within the subtribe. However, up to 15 satellite genera are recognized in some recent taxonomic treatments with an analytical viewpoint. For the first time, we carried out a complete sampling to clarify generic boundaries based on a well-resolved phylogeny of Saussureinae. We employed a Hyb-Seq technique that targets 1061 nuclear conserved ortholog loci designed for Compositae. After a filtering of potential paralogs, 588 loci were retained to infer phylogenetic trees under concatenation and coalescence approaches. High branch support resolution was recovered at the generic level, but a non-monophyletic pattern was detected for most of the genera as they are currently circumscribed. Accordingly, we propose a new generic delimitation based on the three main clades recovered in the backbone tree, which are also in agreement with morphological evidence: Dolomiaea, Saussurea, and Jurinea. Following this classification into three genera, 18 new combinations are proposed. This new genus delineation will be used as a basis for future evolutionary studies in the Saussureinae.Financial support from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Project CGL2015-66703-P MINECO/FEDER, UE and Ph.D. grant to Sonia Herrando-Moraira) and the Catalan government (“Ajuts a grups consolidats” 2017-SGR1116) is also greatly acknowledged. This study has been performed under the Ph.D. program “Plant Biology and Biotechnology” of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION TAXONOMIC IMPLICATIONS NOTE ADDED IN PROOF AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS ACKNOWLEDGMENT

    E-WOM en redes sociales asociadas al valor de las marcas de boutiques online

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    Online boutiques in Tarapoto must effectively manage the perception of their consumers on social networks, since shared opinions influence purchasing decisions and, consequently, the value of the brand. The research sought to determine the association between E-WOM on networks and the value of Tarapoto 2023 online boutique brands. The study, of an applied and correlational type, was based on a sample of 384 clients to whom questionnaires were applied. The results reflected that 54.4% considered E-WOM as regular and the brand value was regular in 50.8%. Likewise, it was verified that the dimensions E-WOM motivation, the intention to consult E-WOM; E-WOM volume, E-WOM adoption were significantly associated with brand equity with significance less than 0.05, likewise, E-WOM on social media was significantly associated with the brand equity of Tarapoto online boutiques with significance equal to 0.000 and coefficient equal to 0.816. In conclusion, the way customers interact and share their experiences online has a significant impact on the image and commercial success of online boutiques in a digitalized world.Las boutiques online de Tarapoto deben gestionar eficazmente la percepción de sus consumidores en redes sociales, ya que las opiniones compartidas influyen en las decisiones de compra y, en consecuencia, en el valor de la marca. La investigación buscó determinar la asociación entre el E-WOM en redes y el valor de las marcas de boutiques online Tarapoto 2023. El estudio, de tipo aplicado y correlacional, se basó en una muestra de 384 clientes a quienes se les aplicaron cuestionarios. Los resultados reflejaron que el 54,4% consideró el E-WOM como regular y el valor de marca fue regular en un 50,8%, así mismo, se comprobó que las dimensiones motivación E-WOM, la intención de consultar E-WOM; el volumen E-WOM, la adopción E-WOM se asociaron significativamente con el valor de marca con una significancia menor a 0,05, así mismo, el E-WOM en redes se asocia significativamente con el valor de las marcas de boutiques online Tarapoto con una significancia igual a 0,000 y un coeficiente igual a 0,816. En conclusión, la manera en que los clientes interactúan y comparten sus experiencias en línea tiene un impacto significativo en la imagen y el éxito comercial de las boutiques online en un mundo digitalizado

    Impact of the climatic changes in the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition on Irano-Turanian species. The radiation of genus Jurinea (Compositae)

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABThe Irano-Turanian region is one of the world's richest floristic regions and the centre of diversity for numerous xerophytic plant lineages. However, we still have limited knowledge on the timing of evolution and biogeographic history of its flora, and potential drivers of diversification remain underexplored. To fill this knowledge gap, we focus on the Eurasian genus Jurinea (ca. 200 species), one of the largest plant radiations that diversified in the region. We applied a macroevolutionary integrative approach to explicitly test diversification hypotheses and investigate the relative roles of geography vs. ecology and niche conservatism vs. niche lability in speciation processes. To do so, we gathered a sample comprising 77% of total genus richness and obtained data about (1) its phylogenetic history, recovering 502 nuclear loci sequences; (2) growth forms; (3) ecological niche, compiling data of 21 variables for more than 2500 occurrences; and (4) paleoclimatic conditions, to estimate climatic stability. Our results revealed that climate was a key factor in the evolutionary dynamics of Jurinea. The main diversification and biogeographic events that occurred during past climate changes, which led to colder and drier conditions, are the following: (1) the origin of the genus (10.7 Ma); (2) long-distance dispersals from the Iranian Plateau to adjacent regions (∼7-4 Ma); and (3) the diversification shift during Pliocene-Pleistocene Transition (ca. 3 Ma), when net diversification rate almost doubled. Our results supported the pre-adaptation hypothesis, i.e., the evolutionary success of Jurinea was linked to the retention of the ancestral niche adapted to aridity. Interestingly, the paleoclimatic analyses revealed that in the Iranian Plateau long-term climatic stability favoured old-lineage persistence, resulting in current high species richness of semi-arid and cold adapted clades; whereas moderate climate oscillations stimulated allopatric diversification in the lineages distributed in the Circumboreal region. In contrast, growth form lability and high niche disparity among closely related species in the Central Asian clade suggest adaptive radiation to mountain habitats. In sum, the radiation of Jurinea is the result of both adaptive and non-adaptive processes influenced by climatic, orogenic and ecological factors

    African Mountain Thistles: Three New Genera in the Carduus-Cirsium Group

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    The floras on the highest mountains in tropical eastern Africa are among the most unique floras in the world. Despite the exceptionally high concentration of endemic species, these floras remain understudied from an evolutionary point of view. In this study, we focus on the Carduus-Cirsium group (subtribe Carduinae) to unravel the evolutionary relationships of the species endemic to the tropical Afromontane and Afroalpine floras, aiming to improve the systematics of the group. We applied the Hyb-Seq approach using the Compositae1061 probe set on 190 samples (159 species), encompassing representatives of all genera of Carduinae. We used two recently developed pipelines that enabled the processing of raw sequence reads, identification of paralogous sequences and segregation into orthologous alignments. After the implementation of a missing data filter, we retained sequences from 986 nuclear loci and 177 plastid regions. Phylogenomic analyses were conducted using both concatenated and summary-coalescence methods. The resulting phylogenies were highly resolved and revealed three distinct evolutionary lineages consisting of the African species traditionally referred to as Carduus and Cirsium. Consequently, we propose the three new genera Afrocarduus, Afrocirsium and Nuriaea; the latter did notably not belong to the Carduus-Cirsium group. We detected some incongruences between the phylogenies based on concatenation vs. coalescence and on nuclear vs. plastid datasets, likely attributable to incomplete lineage sorting and/or hybridization

    Island-like mountain radiations in Asia: The case study of the genera Saussurea and Jurinea

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    Trabajo presentado en el XIX International Botanical Congress (IBC 2017), celebrado en Shenzhen (China) del 23 al 29 de julio de 2017Evolutionary radiations represent events in which many species or lineages evolved from a common ancestor in a short period of time. Many plant radiations have been triggered by island-like ecological opportunities following mountain uplift; the mountain ranges with the steepest and widest environmental gradients, such as the Andes, are home of exceptional regional species pools (and also exceptional endemism rates), mainly derived from evolutionary radiations. The Himalayan-Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (HQTP) and the adjacent Hengduan Mountains (HM) are considered one of the main biodiversity hotspots of the world thanks to its richness in species and endemics. Both regions show extreme altitudinal ranges compressed in short distances as a consequence of the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates, and thus constitute ideal evolutionary scenarios to study diversification processes in mountain regions. We have identified two possible cases of alpine radiations in the Saussurea-Jurinea complex (Compositae-Cardueae), involving some 550 species in total. Saussurea shows an amazing number of species (more than 300) in the HQTP and Hengduan mountains, although a considerable number of species are also found on the west side of the mountains of Middle Asia (Tian Shan and Pamir-Alay). Jurinea, in contrast, has the highest number of species (150 sp.) in the Tian Shan and Pamir-Alay. Our general objectives are the following: a) To carry out an extensive sampling of Saussurea and Jurinea, especially centred in the two main radiation areas in the HQTP and Tian Shan mountains; b) To generate well-resolved phylogenies of both genera using a multi-loci approach through next-generation-sequencing (NGS) analyzed by Bayesian inference and parsimony, and explore coalescent-based species tree estimation with our NGS data set; c) On the basis of the new phylogenies, conduct phylogenetic comparative analyses and multi-model biogeographical inference to address the following questions: Do the alpine species of both genera in Asian mountains constitute clades with clearly higher rates of diversification than their lowland relatives? How many independent radiations took place in the complex? If several, did they occur at the same period, and are they comparable in terms of speciation rates? Which factors (intrinsic or extrinsic) shape species radiations, i.e., do the radiations follow a geographical model, an adaptive model, or a mixed model? Our results will be a major contribution to the study of alpine radiations especially in the HQTP, and will open a methodological pathway for the analysis of very large radiations in other genera.Peer reviewe

    Energy Estimation of Cosmic Rays with the Engineering Radio Array of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) is part of the Pierre Auger Observatory and is used to detect the radio emission of cosmic-ray air showers. These observations are compared to the data of the surface detector stations of the Observatory, which provide well-calibrated information on the cosmic-ray energies and arrival directions. The response of the radio stations in the 30 to 80 MHz regime has been thoroughly calibrated to enable the reconstruction of the incoming electric field. For the latter, the energy deposit per area is determined from the radio pulses at each observer position and is interpolated using a two-dimensional function that takes into account signal asymmetries due to interference between the geomagnetic and charge-excess emission components. The spatial integral over the signal distribution gives a direct measurement of the energy transferred from the primary cosmic ray into radio emission in the AERA frequency range. We measure 15.8 MeV of radiation energy for a 1 EeV air shower arriving perpendicularly to the geomagnetic field. This radiation energy -- corrected for geometrical effects -- is used as a cosmic-ray energy estimator. Performing an absolute energy calibration against the surface-detector information, we observe that this radio-energy estimator scales quadratically with the cosmic-ray energy as expected for coherent emission. We find an energy resolution of the radio reconstruction of 22% for the data set and 17% for a high-quality subset containing only events with at least five radio stations with signal.Comment: Replaced with published version. Added journal reference and DO

    Research priorities to address the global burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the next decade

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    Background The global prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has increased markedly in recent decades. Given the scarcity of resources available to address global health challenges and respiratory medicine being relatively under-invested in, it is important to define research priorities for COPD globally. In this paper, we aim to identify a ranked set of COPD research priorities that need to be addressed in the next 10 years to substantially reduce the global impact of COPD. Methods We adapted the Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI) methodology to identify global COPD research priorities. Results 62 experts contributed 230 research ideas, which were scored by 34 researchers according to six pre-defined criteria: answerability, effectiveness, feasibility, deliverability, burden reduction, and equity. The top-ranked research priority was the need for new effective strategies to support smoking cessation. Of the top 20 overall research priorities, six were focused on feasible and cost-effective pulmonary rehabilitation delivery and access, particularly in primary/community care and low-resource settings. Three of the top 10 overall priorities called for research on improved screening and accurate diagnostic methods for COPD in low-resource primary care settings. Further ideas that drew support involved a better understanding of risk factors for COPD, development of effective training programmes for health workers and physicians in low resource settings, and evaluation of novel interventions to encourage physical activity. Conclusions The experts agreed that the most pressing feasible research questions to address in the next decade for COPD reduction were on prevention, diagnosis and rehabilitation of COPD, especially in low resource settings. The largest gains should be expected in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) settings, as the large majority of COPD deaths occur in those settings. Research priorities identified by this systematic international process should inform and motivate policymakers, funders, and researchers to support and conduct research to reduce the global burden of COPD