197 research outputs found

    Teaching with technology innovation of information and communication 2.0 social science: Working with a proposal for interactive concepts maps

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    Este artículo describe una experiencia innovadora universitaria con mapas conceptuales interactivos sobre los principales ámbitos de intervención socio-educativa del educador social/ trabajador social, desarrollada con 115 estudiantes noveles de dos titulaciones diferentes de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla), correspondiente al curso académico 2010-11. El presente estudio forma parte de la investigación denominada: “Innovación docente 2.0 con Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en el EEES”, en el marco de la Acción 2 de Proyectos de Innovación y Desarrollo Docente, subvencionada por el Vicerrectorado de Docencia y Convergencia Europea de la mencionada Universidad. Entre los objetivos destacan: fomentar el papel activo y autónomo de los estudiantes en el proceso de construcción del conocimiento, elaborar mapas conceptuales interactivos con aplicaciones relacionadas con el software social y reflexionar y analizar los principales ámbitos de intervención social del educador social/trabajador social.This research describes an innovative college experience with concept interactive maps about the main socio-educational intervention of the social educator / social worker developed with 115 novel students from two different degrees of the Social Sciences Faculty at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla), for the academic year 2010-2011. Also, the present study is part of the research entitled: “Teaching innovation 2.0 with Information and Communication Technologies in the EHEA”, within the framework of Action 2 of Innovation and Educational Development Projects funded by the Vice-Chancelor for Teaching and European convergence from the aforementioned university. The objectives include: promoting the active and independent role of students in the process of constructing knowledge, developing interactive concept mapping software applications related to social and reflect and analyze the major areas of social intervention for the social educator / social worker

    University experience on the functions of social educator with 2.0 technologies

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    En el artículo se describe una experiencia de innovación en enseñanza universitaria, con presentaciones educativas interactivas sobre las principales funciones del Educador/a Social. Entre sus objetivos destacan: Reflexionar sobre las principales funciones del profesional de la Educación Social, favorecer el rol activo y autónomo de los estudiantes en el proceso de construcción del conocimiento. La experiencia educativa ha corroborado que las principales funciones reconocidas para este alumnado son orientar (66,15%), educar y enseñar conocimientos y experiencias (52,31%), motivar (41,54%), dinamizar (40%), informar y promover (27,69%), tutorizar (24,62%), evaluar (18,46%), investigar (16,92%), intervenir socialmente y favorecer los procesos de mediación (13,85%).The article describes an innovative experience in university teaching, with interactive educational presentations on key functions of Social Educator. Its objectives include: Reflect on the main professional functions of social education, promote active and independent role of students in the process of building knowledge, promote learning. The study confirmed that the main functions for students are: guide (66.15%), educate, and teach or transfer knowledge and experience (52.31%), motivate (41.54%), animate and stimulate (40%), inform and promote (27.69%), facilitate processes and tutoring (24.62%), evaluate (18.46%), investigate (16.92%), be socially involved and encourage mediation processes (13,85%)

    Experiencias universitarias en diferentes titulaciones de la universidad Pablo de Olavide : construcción de ideas previas sobre la sociedad de la información con software social 2.0

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    La investigación describe una experiencia innovadora universitaria con software social a través de nubes de palabras (Word Clouds) sobre las características principales de la Sociedad de la Información correspondientes a dos titulaciones de Grado y Doble Grado de Educación Social y Trabajo Social de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla), correspondiente al curso académico 2011-12. Su enlace es: http://practicas3000.jimdo.com/. El presente estudio forma parte de la investigación denominada: "Formación didáctica en Cloud Computing: Competencias digitales, estrategias didácticas y e-actividades con tecnología Web 2.0 en el EEES", en el marco de la Acción 2 de Proyectos de Innovación y Desarrollo Docente subvencionado por el Vicerrectorado de Docencia y Convergencia Europea de la mencionada Universidad. Entre los objetivos destacan: fomentar el papel activo y autónomo de los estudiantes en el proceso de construcción del conocimiento, indagar sobre las ideas previas del alumnado sobre la Sociedad de la Información, elaborar on-line nubes de conceptos/ palabras (Word Clouds ) con aplicaciones relacionadas con el software social, crear un repositorio sobre esta temática para posteriores promociones académicas y reflexionar sobre las concepciones previas en relación con la Sociedad de la Información actual.This research describes an experience of university innovative with social software through Word Clouds about the principal features of the Information Society for two degrees (Graduate in Social Education and Graduate Double at Social Education and Social Work) of the Faculty of Social Sciencies of the University Pablo de Olavide (Seville), for academic course 2011-12. This is the link: http://practicas3000.jimdo.com/. The present study is part of the research called: "Didactic formation in Cloud Computing: Digital competences, didactics strategies y e-task with Web 2.0 tecnology in EEES", under Action 2 of Innotation Projects and Faculty Development subsidized by Vice President for Teaching and European Convergence of mentioned University. Between the objetives stand: promote the active and autonomous paper of students in construction of knowledge process, investigate about previous ideas of the student body about the Information Society, develop on-line Word Clouds with applications related with the social software, create a repository about this topic for subsequent academic promotions and reflect on preconceptions regarding the current Information Society

    Epidermoid cyst in the floor of the mouth of a 3-year-old

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    Epidermoid cysts are a rare entity in the oral cavity and are even less frequent in the floor of the mouth, representing less than 0.01% of all the cases. We present the case of a 3-year-old girl with a growth in the floor of the mouth with 2 months of evolution and without changes since it was discovered by her parents. The lesion was asymptomatic; it did not cause dysphagia, dyspnea, or any other alteration. A CT scan with contrast was done which revealed the location and exact size of the lesion, allowing an intraoral approach for its excision. The histological examination confirmed the clinical speculation of an epidermoid cyst

    A MCDM methodology to determine the most critical variables in the pressure drop and heat transfer in minichannels

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    This paper proposes a methodology aiming at determining the most influent working variables and geometrical parameters over the pressure drop and heat transfer during the condensation process of several refrigerant gases using heat exchangers with pipes mini channels technology. A multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methodology was used; this MCDM includes a mathematical method called SIMUS (Sequential Interactive Modelling for Urban Systems) that was applied to the results of 2543 tests obtained by using a designed refrigeration rig in which five different refrigerants (R32, R134a, R290, R410A and R1234yf) and two different tube geometries were tested. This methodology allows us to reduce the computational cost compared to the use of neural networks or other model development systems. This research shows six variables out of 39 that better define simultaneously the minimum pressure drop, as well as the maximum heat transfer, saturation pressure fluid entering the condenser being the most important one. Another aim of this research was to highlight a new methodology based on operation research for their application to improve the heat transfer energy efficiency and reduce the CO2 footprint derived of the use of heat exchangers with minichannels.Eloy Hontoria is grateful to Project RTI2018-099139-B-C21 financed by FEDER/ Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Agencia Estatal de Investigación

    Modelling and real-data validation of a logistic centre using TRNSYS®: Influences of the envelope, infiltrations and stored goods

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    In this paper, the authors aim to support users when modelling scenarios with complex processes entailing thermal loads and infiltrations. The large building analysed is a logistics centre for the replenishment and distribution of perishable foodstuffs where cold chains must be maintained. The logistics centre, with 96 loading/unloading docks, handles large turnovers of different goods. This produces heat inside the facility. Due to continuous loading/unloading, the infiltrations in the building, and the fixed and variable thermal loads, this facility consumes a large amount of energy. Aiming to optimise the centre and contribute to sustainable development goal SDG7, this building has been modelled with a classical non-D envelope using TRNBuild® and also with the more sophisticated 3D software, SketchUp®, to compare and validate their results over a year with real consumption, as well as to assess the main sources of energy consumption. To obtain reliable results, the authors provide some methodology models to identify the sources of the building's thermal losses and quantify the different sources of consumption. These models are useful tools to support decision-makers (to improve insulation and arrange loads, among other things) when trying to reduce energy use in large buildings with intense operating processes. The results indicate that by modelling the entire facility with 3D software, the model estimation differs from real consumption by around 7.22%, while using a non-D model increases the difference to 26%. Additionally, the results show that around 47% of the energy consumption in the building is due to air infiltrations during loading/unloading, 18% is due to perishable products, and around 30% is due to building insulation. The methodology and models presented here, including the possibility of modifying the thermal load profiles, have demonstrated their capacity to reduce and optimise the load demand of refrigeration for warehouses if reliable data records are available.This research was funded by RTI2018-099139-B-C21 from Ministry of Science and Innovation - National Research Agency (MCIN/AEI) 10.13039/501100011033 and by ‘‘ERDF A way of making Europe” of the ‘‘European Union”

    Sobre la reforma de la Constitución

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    En esta encuesta un grupo de Catedráticos de Derecho Constitucional responden a un conjunto de preguntassobre la reforma constitucional: sobre las normas que rigen la reforma de la Constitución Española de 1978, sobre la prácticade dichas normas, sobre las materias constitucionales que sería necesario reformar, y, en particular, sobre la reforma introducidaen el art. 135 CE en 2011, tanto respecto al procedimiento seguido para la misma, como a su contenido. In this Academic Survey a group of Constitutional Law Professors answer some questions about constitutionalreform, and particularly about the regulation of Constitutional Reform in Spain, the practice of this constitutionalreform, the constitutional matters that should be amended or modified, and, of course, about the last constitutional reform ofart. 135 CE (the content of the reform and also the special reform procedure)

    Implications of ICT in the socio-educational scope and social services: a college experience of innovation and teaching development with 2.0 technologies

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    El presente estudio emana del proyecto Innovación Docente 2.0 con Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, desarrollado en el marco de los Proyectos de Innovación y Desarrollo Docente de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO), financiado por el Vicerrectorado de Docencia y Convergencia Europea de dicha Universidad. En el artículo se describe una experiencia de innovación en enseñanza universitaria, con presentaciones educativas interactivas sobre los principales ámbitos de intervención socio-educativa del educador y el trabajador social. En la misma participaron 115 estudiantes noveles de dos titulaciones diferentes de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, durante el curso académico 2010-2011. Entre sus objetivos destacan: fomentar el papel activo y autónomo de los estudiantes en el proceso de construcción del conocimiento, favorecer el aprendizaje multimodal y elaborar presentaciones multimedia interactivas acerca de las ventajas e inconvenientes de las TIC en ámbitos educativos con aplicaciones de software social (Prezi y Blogs). El estudio ha corroborado que dichas estrategias metodológicas metacognitivas pueden favorecer la categorización de conceptos relevantes, así como facilitar el andamiaje socio-cognitivo y el pensamiento creativo digital del estudiantado.This study comes from the 2.0 Teaching Innovation with Information and Communication Technologies in the European Space for Higher Education, developed within the framework of the Innovation Projects and Faculty Development at the University Pablo de Olavide (UPO), funded by the Vice President for Teaching and European Convergence of the University. The article describes an innovative experience in college teaching, with interactive educational presentations on key areas of socio-educational intervention of the educator and social worker. 115 first year students coming from two different degrees from the Social Sciences Faculty took part in the research during the academic year 2010-2011. Its objectives include: promoting active and independent role of students in the process of constructing knowledge, facilitate multimodal learning and develop interactive multimedia presentations on the advantages and disadvantages of ICT in educational areas, with social software applications. The research has confirmed that such methodological strategies can promote metacognitive categorization of relevant concepts, as well as facilitate the socio-cognitive scaffolding and digital creative thinking of students.peerReviewe

    Academic Resilience to Difficulties in Learning Mathematics

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    Este trabajo parte de una revisión conceptual e investigadora acerca del concepto de resiliencia académica en general, para centrarse en el estudio de la resiliencia ante las dificultades en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas mediante un análisis comparativo y sumativo de los datos extraídos de los dos principales estudios transnacionales sobre rendimiento matemático, como son TIMSS y PISA. Se utiliza información procedente de estos estudios, relacionada con los factores y mecanismos de protección y desarrollo de la resiliencia académica para postular unas líneas de investigación hacia un nuevo modelo educativo donde la educación emocional ocupe un rol modulador de los aspectos cognitivos y procedimentales que favorezca la predisposición y actitudes positivas hacia el aprendizaje de las matemáticas en la vía del desarrollo de la capacidad resiliente de perseverancia y superación de las dificultades en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas.This paper is focused on studying resilient students. It begins with a conceptual review and research on the concept of academic resilience in general, to focus on the study of resilience to the difficulties in learning mathematics and summative through a comparative analysis of the data from the two major national studies on performance mathematician, such as TIMSS and PISA. Information from these studies, related to the factors and mechanisms of protection and development of academic resilience to apply research lines towards a new educational model where the emotional education occupies a modulatory role of cognitive and procedural aspects that favors It uses the and positive disposition towards learning mathematics in the development path of the resilient capacity of perseverance and overcoming difficulties in learning mathematics attitudes