1,163 research outputs found

    Relapse of incisor crowding: a visit to the prince of salina

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    The management of the retention period after comprehensive orthodontic treatment is of great importance, as a primary goal of clinician. Considerable controversy still surrounds the problem of stability after the retention period. Many studies analyze factors associated to the presence of crowding or incisor irregularity and find predictive features on its relapse. Most studies have reported little o no correlation between the treatment changes in the biological parameters - clinical, biometric (irregularity index, intermolar width, intercanine width, arch length, overjet, overbite), or cephalometric variables- that ocurred and the posttretament and postretention changes that may predict their future development. This article provides a bibliographical overview on the relapse of dental alignment in treated cases. In a brief historical introduction, the first studies on the long-term stability of orthodontic results are analysed. The article then goes on to assess studies that focus attention on anteroinferior alignment before finally studying relapse of upper crowding. It concludes by making some final comments in the light of the bibliography provided and the differents schools regarding retention needs and methods

    Colour morph does not predict brood size in the Booted Eagle.

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    Mechanisms regulating colour polymorphism remain largely unknown and detailed investigation is required to explore the biological consequences on population dynamics. This paper presents the first study of the possible connection between colour polymorphism and productivity in a Booted Eagle (Aquila pennata) population breeding in southeastern Spain. To that end we used 19 years of data of non-marked individuals. A total of 738 pale (91.6%) and 68 dark (8.4%) adult Booted Eagles were observed in our study area, including 57 territories. Our results suggest that colour morph of both sexes remained stable in the population over the study period. Although we found a higher number of offspring produced by parents exhibiting the dark morph than those of the pale morph, statistical differences were not significant. Hence, our models showed that colour polymorphism was not a good predictor of Booted Eagles'productivity, although further research by capture-recapture analysis would be needed to explore the influence of colour variation on fitness components at individual level and its consequences at population level of long-lived species

    Simulation of gelled propellant doughs isothermal flow through extrusion dies using finite difference method

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    During the ram extrusion of gelled propellants, the possible flow instabilities can affect the extruded propellant quality. The numerical modelling helps to enhance the geometry of extrusion die, by minimizing the product distortion caused by material flow during this forming process. In the present work, a numerical model based on the finite difference method is proposed to analyze the flow simulation of double-base gelled propellant doughs through annular channels of extrusion dies. The proposed model implements the pseudo-plastic behavior described by these energetic materials. This model will be used to deduce the configuration of spider legs and annular channels that allow optimize the quality of extruded gelled propellant.The researchers acknowledge to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Commission their support throughout the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) by the INNPACTO research project “Smart Propellants” (IPT-2011-0712-020000), involving EXPAL Systems S.A. and Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena (UPCT)

    Understanding Motivations and Segmentation in Ecotourism Destinations. Application to Natural Parks in Spanish Mediterranean Area

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    [EN] Ecotourism is one of the tourism variants with more annual growth. Motivation has become a fundamental criterion for travel behavior. Segmentation is used to identify the market niches of different tourism products and services. This study collects these three elements and is designed to examine demand segmentation and motivations in ecotourism. The analysis was carried out in the Albufera and Serrania de Cuenca Natural Parks, both located in the Mediterranean area in Spain. The analysis sample consists in 349 surveys obtained in situ. For the data analysis, a factor analysis and nonhierarchical K-media segmentation were performed. The results show eight motivational dimensions: "Interpersonal relationships", "Self-development", "Escape", "Building personal relationships", "Nature", "Ego-defensive function", "Rewards", and "Fun". According to tourists' motivations, three ecotourist segments are obtained: "Nature", "Multiple motives", and "Reward and Escape". This research can assist companies and institutions to improve tourism service offers and perform efficient marketing planning.This work has been supported by Universitat Politecnica Valencia, the fieldwork has been done during the mobility stay at the Castilla la Mancha University (Cuenca) in summer 2019. (Programa de apoyo a la carrera del profesorado).Carrascosa López, C.; Carvache-Franco, M.; Mondéjar-Jiménez, J.; Carvache-Franco, W. (2021). Understanding Motivations and Segmentation in Ecotourism Destinations. Application to Natural Parks in Spanish Mediterranean Area. Sustainability. 13(9):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13094802S11613

    Diseño de accesorio para un aerosol de pintura destinado a las artes plásticas

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    [ES] Los rociadores de aerosoles actuales, consiguen una muy elevada calidad de vaporización de la pintura. Sin embargo, la abertura del cono de proyección es muy elevada, limitando la capacidad de los mismos para conseguir trazos finos en trabajos de bellas artes y pintura mural. Actualmente, los artistas proponen varias soluciones caseras que comparten por internet. En este TFG, se propone el diseño formal de un nuevo accesorio para aerosoles de pintura que pueda ser aprovechado por las empresas del sector. El objetivo es que este diseño pueda ser incorporado a los botes de aerosoles existentes sin un coste adicional elevado. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto, se realizará inicialmente un estudio preliminar de productos y posibles soluciones existentes, tanto comerciales como caseras. Mediante los datos obtenidos y la normativa aplicable, se propondrá la solución técnica y diseño definitivo acompañado de todos los planos necesarios, estudio de color, esquemas, presupuesto, presentación de producto, propuesta de materiales y aquellos documentos que son necesarios para su posible fabricación y necesarios para superar con éxito el TFG.[EN] The sprayers of current aerosols, get a very high paint vaporization quality. However, the opening of the projection cone is very high, limiting the capacity of themselves to get fine lines in fine art works and mural painting. Currently, artists propose several solutions homemade sharing online. In this TFG, the design is proposed formal of a new accessory for paint sprays that can be taken advantage by this sector the companies. The goal is that this design can be incorporated into existing aerosol cans without an additional high cost. To achieve the proposed objective, it initially carry out a preliminary study of products and posible existing solutions, both commercial and homemade. Through the data obtained and the applicable regulations, the solution will be proposed technique and final design accompanied by all plans necessary, color study, schemes, budget, presentation of product, proposal of materials and those documents that are necessary for its possible manufacture and necessary to overcome with success the TFG.[CA] Les arruixadores d'aerosols actuals, aconsegueixen una molt elevada qualitat de vaporització de la pintura. No obstant això, l'obertura del con de projecció és molt elevada, limitant la capacitat els mateixos per a aconseguir traços fins en treballs de belles arts i pintura mural. Actualment, els artistes proposen diverses solucions casolanes que comparteixen per internet. En aquest TFG, es proposa el disseny formal d'un nou accessori per a aerosols de pintura que puga ser aprofitat per les empreses del sector. L'objectiu és que aquest disseny puga ser incorporat als bots d'aerosols existents sense un cost addicional elevat. Per a aconseguir l'objectiu proposat, es realitzarà inicialment un estudi preliminar de productes i possibles solucions existents, tant comercials com casolanes. Per mitjà de les dades obtingudes i la normativa aplicable, es proposarà la solució tècnica i disseny definitiu acompanyat de tots els plans necessaris, estudi de color, esquemes, pressupost, presentació de producte, proposta de materials i aquells documents que són necessaris per a la seua possible fabricació i necessaris per a superar amb èxit el TFG.López Franco, JJ. (2019). Diseño de accesorio para un aerosol de pintura destinado a las artes plásticas. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/136935TFG

    Plan estratégico de marketing para la microempresa Estuches Franco en el departamento del Valle del Cauca y el Eje Cafetero para los años 2014 y 2015

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    La planeación estratégica de marketing comienza con una investigación y análisis, iniciando por un análisis interno de nuestra empresa, luego el entorno o medio externo y también nuestra micro entorno o sector. Después de recopilar y analizar la información debemos desarrollar metas y objetivos para saber que esperamos lograr. También hay que llevar a cabo un desarrollo y mantenimiento de las relaciones con el cliente, conociendo como y porque compran lo que compran, y por ultimo tomar decisiones que permitan trazar la estrategia. Estuches Franco surge a comienzos del año 2008 y se dedica a la fabricación y comercialización de estuches y exhibidores para joyería y accesorios en general, desde cajas plegadizas y estuches de terciopelo, que los clientes utilizan para empacar sus productos, hasta paños u exhibidores que son utilizados para surtir las vitrinas. Durante los últimos 5 años se ha logrado crear fuertes relaciones comerciales con los clientes y con diferentes proveedores que permitieron mejorar la calidad de los productos sin afectar el precio, sin duda alguna han sido unos socios estratégicos muy importantes para continuar en el mercado. Debido a la maquinaria y los conocimientos adquiridos la empresa tiene potencial para diversificar y aumentar sus cartera de negocios, pero primero debe lograr una mayor participación en el mercado, llegando con más y mejores alternativas a sus clientes actuales y clientes potenciales, para ello se requiere diseñar las estrategias de marketing necesarias que le permitan seguir creciendo en el mercado.PregradoADMINISTRADOR(A) DE EMPRESA

    O xogo de construción con bloques en nenos e nenas de 2 a 3 anos: estudo descritivo da calidade de contextos, procesos e resultados

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    O presente estudo céntrase no xogo de nenos e nenas de 2 a 3 anos con bloques de madeira e da resposta a tres preguntas principais: como xogan con este tipo de material; como é o benestar e a implicación durante o xogo; e como se pode axudar a enriquecelo. A investigación desenvólvese levando a cabo un estudo de casos múltiple en 4 aulas de centros diferentes. Os resultados amosan que estes nenos e nenas están funcionando nun ambiente que presenta abundantes mostras de benestar, a un nivel elevado das súas capacidades; non só pola precisión dos seus movementos, senón tamén pola complexidade das súas construcións, polo exercicio dunha simbolización temperá e pola modulación das súas relacións cos iguais

    Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system: A theoretical framework proposal

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    The purpose of this paper is to understand, with an emphasis on the psychological perspective of the research problem, the consumer's adoption and use of a certain web site recommendation system as well as the main psychological outcomes involved. The approach takes the form of theoretical modelling. Findings: A conceptual model is proposed and discussed. A total of 20 research propositions are theoretically analyzed and justified. Research limitations/implications: The theoretical discussion developed here is not empirically validated. This represents an opportunity for future research. Practical implications: The ideas extracted from the discussion of the conceptual model should be a help for recommendation systems designers and web site managers, so that they may be more aware, when working with such systems, of the psychological process consumers undergo when interacting with them. In this regard, numerous practical reflections and suggestions are presented

    Long-term analysis of upper incisor crowding. A longitudinal study orthodontically treated patients

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    Introduction: Although there are numerous studies in the literature on alignment stability in the lower arch, there are few referring to the upper arch. Aims: To assess upper arch stability (irregularity index, widths and length of arch, overjet and overbite) in orthodontically treated patients by comparing late incisor stability with the initial malocclusion and type pf treatment undertaken. Study design: The study models of 51 patients, treated with or without extractions, were analysed at three different points in time: pre-treatment (T1), post-treatment (T2) and post-retention (T3) (average 5 years). The following parameters were measured: irregularity index, arch length, inter-canine and inter-molar widths, overjet and overbite. Results: The results showed that upper incisor crowding relapses, although a net improvement is noted in comparison to the initial state both in cases treated with or without extractions. The arch length also relapses in both cases. The inter-canine and inter-molar widths as well as the overjet and overbite are stable in the long term. The long-term response of maxillary incisor alignment is unpredictable. Conclusions: There is a statistically significant reduction in incisor irregularity, length and width of arch (inter-canine and inter-molar widths), whereas overjet and overbite undergo a reduction of little magnitude. No statistically significant correlation is noted between late incisor stability and the initial malocclusion or type of treatment

    Construcción de un instrumento con escalas de comportamiento para la evaluación la calidad docente en modalidades blended learning

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    The assessment of teaching quality in blended learning modalities has become a key element in the context of higher education. However, current evaluation systems present certain limitations. Behavioral scales overcome many of these limitations, offering an alternative for this task. This study describes the process of constructing an assessment instrument with behavioral scales to evaluate university teachers in blended learning modalities, following the BARS (Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales) methodology. The design process included interviews and surveys involving a total of 477 students, as well as a panel of professors who were experts in this teaching modality. The behavioral scales in the final instrument highlight the importance of certain particularly significant teaching-related aspects of blended learning models, namely: teacher-student communication; learning resources; course design; and the teacher’s technical competencies. The authors conclude that the final instrument provides clear and unambiguous feedback, enables the teacher to take specific corrective measures, and reinforces the formative purpose of evaluation in these modalities.La evaluación de la calidad docente en modalidades de enseñanza blended learning se ha convertido en un elemento clave en el contexto de la Educación Superior. Sin embargo, los sistemas de evaluación actuales presentan ciertas limitaciones. Las escalas de comportamiento permiten superar muchas de estas limitaciones, postulándose como una alternativa adecuada para esta tarea. El presente trabajo describe el proceso de construcción de un instrumento de medición con escalas de comportamiento para la evaluación de la calidad docente en modalidades blended learning siguiendo la metodología BARS (Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales). Su diseño, mediante entrevistas y encuestas, involucra a un total de 477 estudiantes, así como a un panel de docentes expertos en este modelo de enseñanza. Las escalas de comportamiento en el instrumento final resaltan la importancia de ciertos aspectos docentes propios de las modalidades blended learning. Los más notables son los siguientes: la comunicación profesor-alumno, los recursos de aprendizaje, el diseño del curso y las competencias técnicas del docente. Los autores concluyen que el instrumento final proporciona al profesorado una retroalimentación clara y libre de ambigüedades, lo cual permite la adopción de medidas correctoras e impulsa el fin formativo de la evaluación en estas modalidades