101 research outputs found

    Maneig farmacològic de la pacient embarassada a la consulta dental

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    Treball Final de Grau d'Odontologia, Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017, Director: Alex Fernández SolanasL’embaràs és una condició normal i saludable que causa alteracions en la fisiologia de la pacient, resultat de l’augment de les necessitats maternes i fetals. L’increment de la secreció hormonal i el creixement fetal indueixen determinades variacions que afecten significativament la farmacocinètica dels diferents medicaments. Així, la prescripció d’aquests durant el període gestacional no s'ha de basar només en l'etiologia de la malaltia, sinó també en l'efecte del fàrmac sobre l'embrió, ja que pot ser tòxic i/o donar lloc a lesions irreversibles. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és revisar la literatura a la cerca de respostes basades en l'evidència pel que fa als dilemes freqüents entre els dentistes en relació amb la farmacoteràpia dental de les dones embarassades. Es donarà èmfasi específic als fàrmacs freqüentment prescrits pels odontòlegs: anestèsics locals, analgèsics i antiinflamatoris, antimicrobians, ansiolítics i medicaments d'emergència. D'aquesta revisió es pot concloure que els fàrmacs comunament utilitzats en odontologia són segurs durant l'embaràs. Nogensmenys, els dentistes han d'avaluar acuradament els riscos i els beneficis de prescriure o administrar qualsevol medicament a una pacient gestant, i la decisió apropiada ha de reflectir l'evidència actual. En alguns casos, la dosificació ha de ser modificada o fins i tot, el medicament pot estar contraindicat; tanmateix, hi ha ocasions en que no és necessari cap tipus d’ajustament

    Transit quality evaluation: processes conducted by managers and operators

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    The development of quality policies applied to the public transport sector has increased the operators and managers interest in ensuring passengers’ satisfaction standards; therefore, their actions have been instrumented through the quality of service perception. In this context, the research project GESCAL performs a comparative analysis about the evaluation techniques used by the operators, from the passengers’ point of view, as a tool that support the service quality management. This comparison shapes the innovative nature of this research. This paper presents, the diversity of procedures carried out at a national level for evaluating passengers’ perceptions about the transit service quality. Some conclusions are obtained through a qualitative analysis based on in-depth interviews conducted to operators and administrations of different public transport services (bus, train, tramway and light rail services in the urban, metropolitan and interurban contexts).These results permit to affirm that these procedures are to a large extent standardized, but the implemented methodologies are heterogeneous between organizations due to the influence of the exogenous context and different endogenous factors of the organization. Likewise, the objectives of the quality evaluation service campaigns can be affected by these conditioning factors and, in some cases there is no correspondence between the applied methodology and the postulated objectivesSpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Research Project TRA2015-66235-R)

    Label-free detection of nosocomial bacteria using a nanophotonic interferometric biosensor

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    Nosocomial infections are a major concern at the worldwide level. Early and accurate identification of nosocomial pathogens is crucial to provide timely and adequate treatment. A prompt response also prevents the progression of the infection to life-threatening conditions, such as septicemia or generalized bloodstream infection. We have implemented two highly sensitive methodologies using an ultrasensitive photonic biosensor based on a bimodal waveguide interferometer (BiMW) for the fast detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), two of the most prevalent bacteria associated with nosocomial infections. For that, we have developed a biofunctionalization strategy based on the use of a PEGylated silane (silane-PEG-COOH) which provides a highly resistant and bacteria-repelling surface, which is crucial to specifically detect each bacterium. Two different biosensor assays have been set under standard buffer conditions: One based on a specific direct immunoassay employing polyclonal antibodies for the detection of P. aeruginosa and another one employing aptamers for the direct detection of MRSA. The biosensor immunoassay for P. aeruginosa is fast (it only takes 12 min) and specific and has experimentally detected concentrations down to 800 cfu mL (cfu: Colony forming unit). The second one relies on the use of an aptamer that specifically detects penicillin-binding protein 2a (PBP2a), a protein only expressed in the MRSA mutant, providing a photonic biosensor with the ability to identify the resistant pathogen MRSA and differentiate it from methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA). Direct, label-free, and selective detection of whole MRSA bacteria has been achieved, making possible the direct detection of also 800 cfu mL. According to the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of the device, a theoretical limit of detection (LOD) of around 49 and 29 cfu mL was estimated for P. aeruginosa and MRSA, respectively. Both results obtained under standard conditions reveal the great potential this interferometric biosensor device has as a versatile and specific tool for bacterial detection and quantification, providing a rapid method for the identification of nosocomial pathogens within the clinical requirements of sensitivity for the diagnosis of infections

    Latent classes of eating disorders and addictions by sex: Implication of alexithymia and stressful life events in youths

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    Introduction: Eating disorders (EDs) and behavioural addictions show common psychological vulnerability factors such as alexithymia and stressful life events (SLE). This study aims, firstly, to explore the prevalence and latent profiles of participants based on their risk of suffering EDs, gambling disorder (GD), alcohol and/or drug abuse, and compulsive buying (CB) by sex. Secondly, it aimed to test whether alexithymia and having experienced SLE are associated with group membership. Methods: The sample was predominantly drawn from university students and social networks. It was composed of 352 young adults between 18 and 35 years old, of whom 77.8% were women and 22.2% men. Results: The results showed that the most prevalent disorders of the sample were alcohol, EDs, CB, drugs and GD, respectively. Moreover, latent class analyses were conducted based on the risk of suffering EDs or addictions by sex. Three main profiles were found: ‘Men with addictions’, ‘Healthy women’ and ‘Women with EDs’. Finally, differences in SLE and alexithymia levels were tested by latent classes. “Men with addictions” and “Women with EDs” had higher scores on alexithymia and SLE than the group of “Healthy women”. However, the group of “Women with EDs” (class 3) reported significantly higher levels of SLE and alexithymia than the other two groups. Discussion and conclusion: In conclusion, we discuss the possibility that some vulnerability factors operate generally and transdiagnostically in EDs and addictive disorders. The identification of clinical phenotypes could complement and deepen prediction, prevention and treatment research in clinical settings. The need to take sex and gender differences into account is reinforced.We thank the Spanish Ministry of Health for institutional support. The research was funded by the Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (PNSD; Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs; Ref: 2020I007). The funders played no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The research is also supported by a predoctoral grant for training university teachers from the Spanish Ministry of Universities (FPU20/03045) and a post-doctoral grant from the Basque Government

    Recent advances in nanoplasmonic biosensors : applications and lab-on-a-chip integration

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    Motivated by the recent progress in the nanofabrication field and the increasing demand for cost-effective, portable, and easy-to-use point-of-care platforms, localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) biosensors have been subjected to a great scientific interest in the last few years. The progress observed in the research of this nanoplasmonic technology is remarkable not only from a nanostructure fabrication point of view but also in the complete development and integration of operative devices and their application. The potential benefits that LSPR biosensors can offer, such as sensor miniaturization, multiplexing opportunities, and enhanced performances, have quickly positioned them as an interesting candidate in the design of lab-on-a-chip (LOC) optical biosensor platforms. This review covers specifically the most significant achievements that occurred in recent years towards the integration of this technology in compact devices, with views of obtaining LOC devices. We also discuss the most relevant examples of the use of the nanoplasmonic biosensors for real bioanalytical and clinical applications from assay development and validation to the identification of the implications, requirements, and challenges to be surpassed to achieve fully operative devices

    Biodiesel Is Dead: Long Life to Advanced Biofuels—A Comprehensive Critical Review

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    Many countries are immersed in several strategies to reduce the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of internal combustion engines. One option is the substitution of these engines by electric and/or hydrogen engines. However, apart from the strategic and logistical difficulties associated with this change, the application of electric or hydrogen engines in heavy transport, e.g., trucks, shipping, and aircrafts, also presents technological difficulties in the short-medium term. In addition, the replacement of the current car fleet will take decades. This is why the use of biofuels is presented as the only viable alternative to diminishing CO2 emissions in the very near future. Nowadays, it is assumed that vegetable oils will be the main raw material for replacing fossil fuels in diesel engines. In this context, it has also been assumed that the reduction in the viscosity of straight vegetable oils (SVO) must be performed through a transesterification reaction with methanol in order to obtain the mixture of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) that constitute biodiesel. Nevertheless, the complexity in the industrial production of this biofuel, mainly due to the costs of eliminating the glycerol produced, has caused a significant delay in the energy transition. For this reason, several advanced biofuels that avoid the glycerol production and exhibit similar properties to fossil diesel have been developed. In this way, “green diesels” have emerged as products of different processes, such as the cracking or pyrolysis of vegetable oil, as well as catalytic (hydro)cracking. In addition, some biodiesel-like biofuels, such as Gliperol (DMC-Biod) or Ecodiesel, as well as straight vegetable oils, in blends with plant-based sources with low viscosity have been described as renewable biofuels capable of performing in combustion ignition engines. After evaluating the research carried out in the last decades, it can be concluded that green diesel and biodiesel-like biofuels could constitute the main alternative to addressing the energy transition, although green diesel will be the principal option in aviation fuel

    Expression of DDX11 and DNM1L at the 12p11 Locus Modulates Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Susceptibility

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    This study employed genetic and functional analyses using OASIS meta-analysis of multiple existing GWAS and gene-expression datasets to identify novel SLE genes. Methods: Four hundred and ten genes were mapped using SNIPPER to 30 SLE GWAS loci and investigated for expression in three SLE GEO-datasets and the Cordoba GSE50395-dataset. Blood eQTL for significant SNPs in SLE loci and STRING for functional pathways of differentially expressed genes were used. Confirmatory qPCR on SLE monocytes was performed. The entire 12p11 locus was investigated for genetic association using two additional GWAS. Expression of 150 genes at this locus was assessed. Based on this significance, qPCRs for DNM1L and KRAS were performed. Results: Fifty genes were differentially expressed in at least two SLE GEO-datasets, with all probes directionally aligned. DDX11, an RNA helicase involved in genome stability, was downregulated in both GEO and Cordoba datasets. The most significant SNP, rs3741869 in OASIS locus 12p11.21, containing DDX11, was a cis-eQTL regulating DDX11 expression. DDX11 was found repressed. The entire 12p11 locus showed three association peaks. Gene expression in GEO datasets identified DNM1L and KRAS, besides DDX11. Confirmatory qPCR validated DNM1L as an SLE susceptibility gene. DDX11, DNM1L and KRAS interact with each other and multiple known SLE genes including STAT1/STAT4 and major components of IFN-dependent gene expression, and are responsible for signal transduction of cytokines, hormones, and growth-factors, deregulation of which is involved in SLE-development. Conclusion: A genomic convergence approach with OASIS analysis of multiple GWAS and expression datasets identified DDX11 and DNM1L as novel SLE-genes, the expression of which is altered in monocytes from SLE patients. This study lays the foundation for understanding the pathogenic involvement of DDX11 and DNM1L in SLE by identifying them using a systems-biology approach, while the 12p11 locus harboring these genes was previously missed by four independent GWAS

    Study protocol of a randomised clinical trial testing whether metacognitive training can improve insight and clinical outcomes in schizophrenia

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    Background: Although insight in schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSD) has been associated with positive outcomes, the effect size of previous treatments on insight has been relatively small to date. The metacognitive basis of insight suggests that metacognitive training (MCT) may improve insight and clinical outcomes in SSD, although this remains to be established. Methods: This single-center, assessor-blind, parallel-group, randomised clinical trial (RCT) aims to investigate the efficacy of MCT for improving insight (primary outcome), including clinical and cognitive insight, which will be measured by the Schedule for Assessment of Insight (Expanded version) (SAI-E) and the Beck Cognitive Scale (BCIS), respectively, in (at least) n = 126 outpatients with SSD at three points in time: i) at baseline (T0); ii) after treatment (T1) and iii) at 1-year follow-up (T2). SSD patients receiving MCT and controls attending a non-intervention support group will be compared on insight level changes and several clinical and cognitive secondary outcomes at T1 and T2, whilst adjusting for baseline data. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) will be piloted to assess functioning in a subsample of participants. Discussion: To the best of our knowledge, this will be the first RCT testing the effect of group MCT on multiple insight dimensions (as primary outcome) in a sample of unselected patients with SSD, including several secondary outcomes of clinical relevance, namely symptom severity, functioning, which will also be evaluated with EMA, hospitalizations and suicidal behaviour.This study was supported by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and European Union via the Intertalentum Project Grant-Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (GA 713366) to JDLM who is the Princiapl Investigator. This grant therefore funds both JDLM’s salary and the consumable expenses related to the study. JDLM, VGRR, ASEM, MLBE, LMI, LML, SSA, AAR and EBG’s salaries come from the Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz, where this study is currently being carried out, which therefore provides the necessary institutional/departmental support for its development. Additional departmental support concerning the use of Ecological Momentary Assessment (see Methods section, page 11 -last paragraph- and page 12 –first paragraph-, for details) is provided by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Madrid, Spain) (ISCIII PI16/01852) and the Madrid Regional Government (Madrid, Spain) (B2017/BMD-3740 AGES-CM 2CM; Y2018/TCS-4705 PRACTICO-CM). ASD acknowledges funding supports from University College London, which covers his salar

    Six years walking towards the progress: diagnostic evaluation in Andalusia

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    Con esta comunicación se pretende dar a conocer las características y aspectos más relevantes de las Pruebas de Evaluación de Diagnóstico. Se muestran algunos datos significativos, tanto a nivel mundial como nacional, aunque se hará un recorrido más amplio sobre estas pruebas en la comunidad de Andalucía, recogiendo aspectos como: novedades, finalidad, destinatarios, instrumentos, competencias evaluadas y resultados. También se hace mención al informe PISA, con el que estas pruebas están muy relacionadas.With this communication is intended to inform the most important features and aspects of diagnostic assessment tests. It is shown some significant data, both globally and national, although it will make a more extensive route about these tests at Andalucía, collecting aspects like: news, finality, aims, recipients, tools, skills and results. This kind of tests is related with the PISA report, which is also mentioned

    Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Omomyc Shows Lasting Structural Integrity and Long Terminal Half-Life in Tumor Tissue

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    Omomyc; Mass spectrometry; Protein therapeuticsOmomyc; Espectrometría de masas; Terapéutica de proteínasOmomyc; Espectrometria de masses; Terapèutica de proteïnesMYC is an oncoprotein causally involved in the majority of human cancers and a most wanted target for cancer treatment. Omomyc is the best-characterized MYC dominant negative to date. In the last years, it has been developed into a therapeutic miniprotein for solid tumor treatment and recently reached clinical stage. However, since the in vivo stability of therapeutic proteins, especially within the tumor vicinity, can be affected by proteolytic degradation, the perception of Omomyc as a valid therapeutic agent has been often questioned. In this study, we used a mass spectrometry approach to evaluate the stability of Omomyc in tumor biopsies from murine xenografts following its intravenous administration. Our data strongly support that the integrity of the functional domains of Omomyc (DNA binding and dimerization region) remains preserved in the tumor tissue for at least 72 hours following administration and that the protein shows superior pharmacokinetics in the tumor compartment compared with blood serum.This research has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 872212 and from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion under grant no. RTC2019-007067-1