97 research outputs found

    Artritis Sèptica de canyell secundària a traumatisme (segles X-XI)

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    En general, les anquilosis poden ser degudes a diversos processos (reumàtic, infecciós, traumàtic o per immobilització perllongada) i amb freqüència és difícil atribuirles a una causa concreta. Es presenta un cas d’un individu medieval (S. X - XI) del monestir de Sant Benet de Bages (Sant Fruitós, El Bages), que presenta una fractura obliqua del tercer metacarpià esquerre, amb signes d’osteomielitis secundària a la fractura i anquilosi del canell i de l’epífisi distal del radi. En aquest cas, la història natural del procés patològic és molt clara i pot ajudar, per la seva morfologia, a l’estudi d’altres casos d’anquilosi en que aquesta no sigui tan clara. També es fa una valoració del seguiment de les fonts clàssiques (en concret Cels i la seva obra De Medicina) sobre el tractament de les fractures en època medieval

    Garnet-clinopyroxene bearing assemblages in the 'upper catazonal unit' of the Cabo Ortega! Complex (NW Spain)

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    [Resumen] Se han estudiado los siguientes materiales de la 'unidad catazonal superior' del Complejo del Cabo Ortegal conteniendo asociaciones con granate-clinopiroxeno: eclogitas, granulitas básicas, intercalaciones gneísicas en las granulitas, piroxenitas con granate, gneises de la aureola de contacto de las rocas ultramáficas, metabasitas de la 'formación Candelaria' y 'carbonatitas'. Los datos termobarométricos obtenidos sugieren que, mientras que los minerales de algunos de estos materiales han sufrido importantes reajustes composicionales durante los procesos de retromorfosis (e. g. granulitas con distena, intercalaciones gneísicas en granulitas, -intercalaciones u1tramáficas en gneises, etc.), otros han conservado elementos mineralógicos con la composición alcanzada durante el episodio metamórfico que originó la formación de las asociaciones con granate-clinopiroxeno. Este segundo grupo de materiales puede subdividirse en dos categorías: 1) aquellos materiales en los que la asociación granate-clinopiroxeno se formó en torno a los 800 oC y 15 ± 1. 5 kbar (eclogitas 'tipo-I', granulitas de la 'formación Bracariza', piroxenitas con granate de los macizos de rocas u1tramáficas 'carbonatitas'), y, 11) aquellos en los que dicha asociaci6n se formó a unos 700 oC y la misma P aproximadamente (eclogitas y granulitas intercaladas en las formaciones gneísicas). Aunque las diferencias no son muy importantes, es posible que los dos conjuntos litológicos representen dos gradientes metamórficos distintos y, por tanto, la existencia en dicha 'unidad' de materiales con diferentes historias tectono-metamórficas.[Abstract] The following materials from the 'uper' catazonal unit' of the Cabo Ortegal Complex, containing garnet-clinopyroxene assemblages, have been studied: eclogites, basic granulites, gneissic intercalations within granulites, garnetbearing pyroxenites, gneisses from the contact aureole of the ultramafic rocks, metabasites from the 'Candelaria formation' and 'carbonatites'. The thermobarometric data obtained from this study suggest that the minerals from several of those materials underwent strong compositional readjustements during the subsequent retromorphic events (e. g. the kyanite-bearing granulites, the gneissic intercalations in granulites, the u1tramafic intercalations in gneisses, etc.). The remaining materials have preserved mineral compositions attained during the metamorphic episode that produced the garnetclinopyroxene assemblages; these materials may be classified as follows: 1) those in which the garnet-clinopyroxene assemblage formed at ca. 800 oC and 15 ± ± 1,5 kbar ('type-I' eclogites, granulites from the 'Bacariza formation', garnetbearing pyroxenites from the ultramafic massifs and 'carbonatites'), and, 11) those where the same association developed at ca 700 oC and more or less the same P conditions (eclogites and granulites intercaled in gneisses). Although these differences in P and Tare not very important, it is possible that these two groups represent two different metamorphic gradients, and therefore the existence in this 'unit' of the Complex of two lithological sub-units with different tectono-metamorphic histories

    Left ventricular filling patterns in patients with previous myocardial infarction measured by conventional cine cardiac magnetic resonance

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    To explore left ventricular filling patterns in patients with a history of previous myocardial infarction (MI) using time-volume curves obtained from conventional cine-cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) examinations. Consecutive patients with a history of previous MI who were referred for CMR evaluation constituted the study population, and a consecutive cohort of sex and age-matched patients with a normal CMR constituted the control group. The following CMR diastolic parameters were evaluated: peak filling rate (PFR), time to PFR (tPFR), normalised PFR adjusted for diastolic volume at PFR (nPFR), and percent RR interval between end systole and PFR. Fifty patients were included, 25 with a history of previous MI and 25 control. The mean age was 59.6 ± 13.9 years and 27 (54%) were male. Within the control group, age was significantly related to PFR (r = -0.53, p = 0.007), whereas among patients with previous MI age was not related to PFR (r = -0.16, p = 0.44). PFR (252.4 ± 96.7 ml/s vs. 316.0 ± 126.4 ml/s, p = 0.05) and nPFR (1.6 ± 1.2 vs. 3.3 ± 1.5, p<0.001) were significantly lower in patients with previous MI, whereas no significant differences were detected regarding tPFR (143.0 ± 67.5 ms vs. 176.2 ± 83.9 ms, p = 0.13) and % RR to PFR (18.1 ± 9.7% vs. 20.6 ± 12.2%, p = 0.44). MI size was related to LV ejection fraction (r = -0.76, p<0.001), PFR (r = -0.40, p = 0.004), nPFR (r = -0.52, p<0.001) and left atrium area (r = 0.40, p = 0.004). Patients at the lowest PFR quartile (<200 ml/s) showed a larger MI size (Q1 26.5 ± 25.5%, Q2 15.5 ± 20.9%, Q3 6.3 ± 12.4%, Q4 8.8 ± 14.1%, p = 0.04). At multivariate analysis, MI size was the only independent predictor of the lowestPFR (p = 0.017). Infarct size has an impact on LV filling profiles, as assessed by conventional cine CMR without additional specific pulse sequences.Fil: Rodriguez Granillo, Gaston Alfredo. Sanatorio "Otamendi y Miroli S.A.". Servicio de Diagnóstico por Imágenes. Departamento de Imágenes en Cardiología. Centro de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Mejía Campillo, Marlon. No especifíca;Fil: Rosales, Miguel A.. Sanatorio "Otamendi y Miroli S.A.". Servicio de Diagnóstico por Imágenes. Departamento de Imágenes en Cardiología. Centro de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares; ArgentinaFil: Bolzán, Gabriel. No especifíca;Fil: Ingino, Carlos. No especifíca;Fil: López, Federico. No especifíca;Fil: Degrossi, Elina. Sanatorio "Otamendi y Miroli S. A."; ArgentinaFil: Lylyk, Pedro. Sanatorio "Otamendi y Miroli S. A."; Argentin

    Intermittent hypoxia increases kidney tumor vascularization in a murine model of sleep apnea

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    We investigate the effects of intermittent hypoxia (IH), a characteristic feature of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), on renal cancer progression in an animal and cell model. An in vivo mouse model (Balb/c, n = 50) of kidney cancer was used to assess the effect of IH on tumor growth, metastatic capacity, angiogenesis and tumor immune response. An in vitro model tested the effect of IH on RENCA cells, macrophages and endothelial cells. Tumor growth, metastatic capacity, circulating vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and content of endothelial cells, tumor associated macrophages and their phenotype were assessed in the tumor. In vitro, VEGF cell expression was quantified.Although IH did not boost tumor growth, it significantly increased endothelial cells (p = 0.001) and circulating VEGF (p<0.001) in the in vivo model. Macrophages exposed to IH in vitro increased VEGF expression, whereas RENCA cells and endothelial cells did not. These findings are in keeping with previous clinical data suggesting that OSA has no effect on kidney cancer size and that the association observed between OSA and higher Fuhrman grade of renal cell carcinoma may be mediated though a proangiogenic process, with a key role of macrophages

    KIR+ CD8+ T Lymphocytes in Cancer Immunosurveillance and Patient Survival: Gene Expression Profiling

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    Killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) are molecules expressed by the most important cells of the immune system for cancer immune vigilance, natural killer (NK) and effector T cells. In this manuscript we study the role that cytotoxic CD8+ T cells expressing KIR receptors could play in cancer immune surveillance. With this objective, frequencies of different KIR+ CD8+ T cell subsets are correlated with the overall survival of patients with melanoma, ovarian and bladder carcinomas. In addition, the gene expression profile of KIR+ CD8+ T cell subsets related to the survival of patients is studied with the aim of discovering new therapeutic targets, so that the outcome of patients with cancer can be improved. Killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) are expressed by natural killer (NK) and effector T cells. Although KIR+ T cells accumulate in oncologic patients, their role in cancer immune response remains elusive. This study explored the role of KIR+CD8+ T cells in cancer immunosurveillance by analyzing their frequency at diagnosis in the blood of 249 patients (80 melanomas, 80 bladder cancers, and 89 ovarian cancers), their relationship with overall survival (OS) of patients, and their gene expression profiles. KIR2DL1+ CD8+ T cells expanded in the presence of HLA-C2-ligands in patients who survived, but it did not in patients who died. In contrast, presence of HLA-C1-ligands was associated with dose-dependent expansions of KIR2DL2/S2+ CD8+ T cells and with shorter OS. KIR interactions with their specific ligands profoundly impacted CD8+ T cell expression profiles, involving multiple signaling pathways, effector functions, the secretome, and consequently, the cellular microenvironment, which could impact their cancer immunosurveillance capacities. KIR2DL1/S1+ CD8+ T cells showed a gene expression signature related to efficient tumor immunosurveillance, whereas KIR2DL2/L3/S2+CD8+ T cells showed transcriptomic profiles related to suppressive anti-tumor responses. These results could be the basis for the discovery of new therapeutic targets so that the outcome of patients with cancer can be improved

    Linfangioma lingual: caso clínico

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    Los linfangiomas son masas de mayor o menor extensión, de origen controvertido. Son malformaciones congénitas del sistema linfático, poco frecuentes, que distintos autores consideran de carácter neoplásico, hamartomatoso o de displasia congénita. Afectan piel o mucosas, así como tejidos subcutáneos o submucosos, en cualquier localización. Se clasifican en superficiales (circunscritos) y profundos (cavernosos, higromas, quísticos), en base a su asiento y al tamaño de las formaciones vasculares linfáticas

    Pleasure, Health and Sociability. Food Fact and Food Choice through Iberian Ham

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    A medida que avanzan los estudios sobre el polisémico ámbito de la alimentación humana, resulta más necesario considerar mayor número de variables para analizar con solvencia el hecho alimentario. Más allá de los estudios sobre las fases de producción y distribución, nuestra propuesta se centra en la fase del consumo y trata de identificar los elementos que explican por qué las sociedades seleccionan y prefieren unos alimentos en detrimento de otros. Actualmente, la selección alimentaria está intrínsecamente presente en el hecho alimentario de las sociedades modernas, relegando a un segundo plano los factores biológicos y fisiológicos, en relación a parámetros dominantes comparados con el placer, la salud y la sociabilidad. Mediante una combinación de técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas, este estudio propone la relevancia de dimensiones como el placer y la salud como elementos que guían a los consumidores para elegir un determinado producto gourmet, como es el caso del jamón ibérico en España.Esta investigación es el resultado del proyecto I+D (CSO2013-42468-P) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Las marcas de calidad en el mundo rural: nuevos retos para productores y consumidores