2,731 research outputs found

    Modeling the live-pig trade network in Georgia: Implications for disease prevention and control.

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    Live pig trade patterns, drivers and characteristics, particularly in backyard predominant systems, remain largely unexplored despite their important contribution to the spread of infectious diseases in the swine industry. A better understanding of the pig trade dynamics can inform the implementation of risk-based and more cost-effective prevention and control programs for swine diseases. In this study, a semi-structured questionnaire elaborated by FAO and implemented to 487 farmers was used to collect data regarding basic characteristics about pig demographics and live-pig trade among villages in the country of Georgia, where very scarce information is available. Social network analysis and exponential random graph models were used to better understand the structure, contact patterns and main drivers for pig trade in the country. Results indicate relatively infrequent (a total of 599 shipments in one year) and geographically localized (median Euclidean distance between shipments = 6.08 km; IQR = 0-13.88 km) pig movements in the studied regions. The main factors contributing to live-pig trade movements among villages were being from the same region (i.e., local trade), usage of a middleman or a live animal market to trade live pigs by at least one farmer in the village, and having a large number of pig farmers in the village. The identified villages' characteristics and structural network properties could be used to inform the design of more cost-effective surveillance systems in a country which pig industry was recently devastated by African swine fever epidemics and where backyard production systems are predominant

    Information structure violations in passive constructions at the syntax-discourse interface by advanced L2 English learners

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    In the recent history of linguistics, there have been several theories that have attempted to give a full account of the functional architecture of the mind. One of the most important was Fodor's in the 1980s. In line with his theory of the modularity of mind, Sorace and Filiaci (2006) put forward the Interface Hypothesis (IH from now onwards). It originally proposed that language structures involving an interface between syntax and other cognitive domains are less likely to be acquired completely than structures involving an internal interface (e.g., lexicon-syntax) and that external interfaces acquisition are problematic and lead to residual deficits even in very advanced stages of L2 development. Researchers have concentrated mostly on the syntax–discourse interface as it has turned out to cause more deficits because it requires speakers to integrate syntactic information with information about the discourse status of different entities. This study focuses on the way a group of 12 very advanced L2 English learners and another 12 native speakers of English manage the informational distribution of passive (vs. active) constructions. Much research has been conducted on passives regarding their acquisition and instruction in both L1 and L2, in adults as well as in children, but there are no studies that analyse in depth its informational distribution, as far as we are concerned. As such, in the present dissertation, the topic of research is the processing and knowledge of information in passive constructions by means of two tasks. On the one hand, an on-line task has been designed that will test the participants' processing, and on the other, an off-line task that will test their knowledge. The decision to use two different types of task is based on a series of predictions made by the IH. According to this hypothesis, learners will experience processing deficits that will show in the on-line task, as they need to integrate more elements, which takes a higher toll on their working memories, whereas no deficits will be experienced in the off-line task, and they will behave in a native-like manner. Therefore, the predictions are as follows: (i) in the on-line task, learners will show higher Reading Times when processing sentences whose information structure has been violated, and (ii) in the off-line task, learners will show higher acceptability rates for those sentences whose information structure has not been violated. All in all the results obtained and analysed in this study support the general predictions of IH, as well as the ones present in this dissertation, and shed light on the otherwise underexplored area of information structure distribution and processing of passive sentences in L2 English acquisition, fitting into the body of literature produced up to now on the syntax-discourse interface and adding valuable information on passive constructions. The data gathered also provide new findings on how both learners and natives process passive constructions at the syntax-discourse level and point out the deficits in said processing, adding to the corpora of interface knowledge.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Filologías Inglesa y Alemana. Máster en Literatura y Lingüísticas Inglesas. Curso 2013-2014Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Psicología Experimental. Máster en Literatura y Lingüísticas Inglesas. Curso 2013-201

    Contribución a una prosopografía sobre judeoconversos en Málaga en época de los Reyes Católicos : el apellido Beltrán (1487-1518)

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    En este artículo la autora analiza aquellos repobladores con el apellido Beltrán que se establecieron en Málaga en el transcurso de la repoblación, contribuyendo así al estudio de una prosopografía sobre judeoconversos en el Reino de Granada.In this paper the author analizes those people bearing the last name Beltrán who took part in the repopulation process, making thus a contribution to the study of a prosopography on people converted from Jew in the Kingdom of Granada

    Contribución a la historia de Coín : el topónimo "malara"

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    En los fondos notariales del Archivo Histórico Provincial de Málaga se conserva el testamento otorgado por Antón de Malara, vecino de la villa de Coín, de cuyo apellido y linaje ha quedado memoria histórica tanto en el nombre de una pequeña calle del casco histórico de la villa como en el de uno de los partidos rurales que estructuran el término municipal de Coín.The will made by Anton de Malara is contained in the notarial records of Malaga Provincial Historical Archive. He was resident of the villaje of Coin where thr historical memory of his ancestry and family name have been kept. Both a small street in the old quarters of the village and one of the rural districts within the municipal area of Coin bear his name

    El universo familiar de los Santisteban, regidores de Málaga en época de los Reyes Católicos : una contribución desde la prosopografía

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    El apellido Santisteban se introdujo en la sociedad repobladora de Málaga a partir de dos familias que portaban el mismo apellido y que tempranamente formaron parte de la élite malagueña en calidad de regidores: una, la encabezada por mosén Pedro de Santisteban, capitán real y alcaide de la villa de Almogía; la otra, encabezada por Diego de Santisteban, escudero de las guardas y criado de los reyes. Aunque apenas se trasluce en la documentación la relación de consanguinidad que existía entre uno y otro, lo cierto es que Diego de Santisteban era hijo del alcaide de Almogía. El hecho de que el parentesco existente entre ambos se mantuviera prácticamente oculto, lo que impide considerarlos como integrantes de un mismo linaje, justifica que abordemos el estudio de una y otra familia de modo independiente pero también relacionándolas, sin olvidar que entroncaron con linajes judíos.The “Santisteban” last name appeared in the society of Malaga after the Christian Conquest in two different families. The two leading members of both families raised an early position like members of the Christian Urban Oligarchy like city councillors (regidores). Moreover Mosén Pedro deSantisteban was Royal Captain and Warden of Almogía and Diego de Santisteban, Squire of the Royal Guards (escudero de las guardas) and Kings´ Household servant.We have no definitive of their consanguineous relationship in the contemporary sources, however more probably it is this that existed. In fact, I believe that Diego de Santisteban was the son of the Royal Warden of Almogía. Even if I undertake the study of one and another family in independents ways, the aim of this paper is to link both families like members of a same lineage and also to point out the their relationship with other lineages of Converted Jews (judeoconversos)

    Diàspora japonesa a Catalunya

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    La presència japonesa a Catalunya es troba especialment relacionada amb les seves inversions econòmiques en sectors productius. L'establiment de grans corporacions japoneses transnacionals mitjançant filials va començar a final de la dècada de 1960 (Sanyo, 1969; Sony, 1972; Panasonic, 1973) i va assolir el seu zenit a mitjan anys noranta. El teixit industrial català, gràcies a les seves infraestructures i nivell de desenvolupament, ha ocupat una posició privilegiada per a la inversió japonesa a Espanya amb el resultat de l'especial concentració de les seves empreses


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