372 research outputs found

    The SDGs as a useful tool in vernacular architecture management: The case of “17 objectives and a map”

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    [EN] The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) contribute to unite cities, organizations, local governments, and people networks, sharing transformation policies and challenges for the future of the planet. At present, cultural heritage is widely recognised as a fundamental pillar in the achievement of the SDGs in the coming years. Focused on people and their work to place culture, education, heritage, art and social development as a focal point, a project has been developed by the hand of the Jaume I University (Castellón). "17 objectives and a map” is a project based on the 17 SDGs, wich emphasizes the importance of traditional crafts, construction techniques and the heritage conservation to achieve the global goals. The history of construction shows that vernacular architecture have always been creative in adapting and optimizing buildings using the local resources available to fulfill people’s needs in the best way. In this process -in a natural and sustainable way- climatic, economic, social and cultural factors have been taken into account. During the first phase of the proyect (years 2020 and 2021) workshops where heritage communities exchanged experiences and good practices improving mutual learning, were developed in a playful and fluid way, identifying and extracting SDG messages from different projects. With the help of specific designed toolkits, heritage communities became aware of the importance of sustainable actions to transform the heritage future. After several months of workshop, the results of this first phase served the participants to review their projects from an SDG perspective and to restructure some points of them in favor of a more sustainable future. Also, the results constituted an excellent starting point to work, in a pioneering way, in the field of the SDGs from a heritage perspective.López Sabater, A.; García López De Andújar, V.; Laumain, X. (2022). The SDGs as a useful tool in vernacular architecture management: The case of “17 objectives and a map”. En Proceedings HERITAGE 2022 - International Conference on Vernacular Heritage: Culture, People and Sustainability. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 671-678. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.1563767167

    Oromia orahan (Curculionidae, Molytinae), a new subterranean species for the Canarian underground biodiversity

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    A new blind weevil belonging to the genus Oromia Alonso-Zarazaga, 1987 is described, being found in the underground of the laurel forest of La Gomera (Canary Islands). Individuals were mainly collected in a colluvial mesocavernous shallow substratum, besides one specimen collected in the deep humic layer of soil. This new species has clear diagnostic differences from the other Oromia species. The number of taxa in this endemic Canarian genus increases to four species, easily identified using the key provided in this article. New data on other Canarian subterranean weevils are also provided.We are grateful to David Hernández and Helena Morales for their help with sampling efforts. The English of this manuscript has been edited by Guido Jones, currently funded by the Cabildo de Tenerife, under the TFinnova Programme supported by MEDI and FDCAN funds. We acknowledge to Miguel Ángel Alonso-Zarazaga and Peter Hlaváč that helped to improve the paper with their constructive comments and suggestions, and to Garajonay National Park for the permits to study the invertebrate fauna along several years. This study was partly supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science (MINECO) (CGL2015-74178-JIN and CGL2017-85718-P).Peer reviewe


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    Phenotypic differences between plus-tree progenies of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and a comparison with Norway spruce (Picea abies)

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    Forest productivity and economic gains are two of the most important aspects to consider when managing forests these days. The performance of these depends on rotation periods and yields providing new opportunities to maximize earnings from the forest site and plant material. The selection of new species to plant in production forests is an option to address future climate changes. The use of other species, than Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), like Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) in an enabling environment can increase the overall production in the forest. The climatic conditions on the Western coast of Sweden are expected to be milder and warmer opening the opportunity to the use of Sitka spruce in the future. In favourable conditions in Southern Sweden, Norway spruce is able to produce around 8-10 m3*ha1*yr-1 whereas Sitka spruce in this field trial produced 16 m3*ha-1*yr-1. The increased use of improved plant material from different sources makes this difference even larger. This study used a field trial established by Skogforsk within a Sitka spruce breeding program. The identification and grouping of the best Sitka spruce plus-trees based on their progenies growth was done based on initial heights measurements at the age of 2 and 6. The estimations of heritability values showed low values between 14-17% for height (age 6), dbh (age 13) and wood density (age 22). Quality traits as forking, spike knots, branch diameter and wood density scores were assessed for the previous progeny groups, however, good quality traits were not linked to any specific progeny group. Most importantly, no assessed quality traits at year 22, contradicts the early selection by height at year 6. Wood density scores followed a decreasing trend with larger dbh growths, however, it was possible to select for plus-trees with large diameters and high density scores. Norway spruce trees, also present in the field trial, in comparison to Sitka spruce developed thinner branch diameters at breast height and higher values of wood density. Even so, Sitka spruce can be considered as a possible alternative to Norway spruce and Scots pine on the Western coast of Sweden for wood production

    Development and implementation of a spruce bark beetle susceptibility index: A framework to compare bark beetle susceptibility on stand level

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    The spruce bark beetle (spruce bark beetle) (Ips typographus) is one of the major disturbance agents in European forests. Damage by spruce bark beetle is expected to increase in the future, as a result of e.g. increased temperatures. However, not all forest stands are equally vulnerable. Therefore, describing the relative difference in susceptibility of different forest stands to spruce bark beetle infestation and to try to estimate changes in susceptibility under different management or climate scenarios is necessary to support decision making on forest management. We present a spruce bark beetle susceptibility index, which describes the relative sus-ceptibility of forest stands to spruce bark beetle infestation. The index is based on empirical findings and expert opinion, and takes both climatic and stand variables into account. The index can be implemented in forest simulation programs. The susceptibility index was implemented in Heureka, a forest decision support system. To demonstrate the use of the index, simulations were run for three management scenarios: baseline; even-aged management focused on conifers, longer rotation: same as baseline but with longer rotation periods and mixed forest: same as baseline but retaining a higher share of broadleaves. For this purpose, an area of 2451 ha consisting of 751 stands was used. The index value per stand per five-year time period was obtained from the simulations. The index was calculated individually, per management strategy, for all 751 stands and thereafter mean index and harvest volume was obtained for the whole area. Mean susceptibility was higher, and harvest slightly lower, in the longer rotation scenario, compared with the baseline, while there were no differences between baseline and mixed. At individual stand level, the differences are more nuanced and, for example, certain stands have lower susceptibility in the mixed compared with the baseline scenario. The ability to simulate forest development and simultaneously get a measure of spruce bark beetle susceptibility will enable forest owners to identify vulnerable stands and evaluate effects of different management decisions to reduce the risk for future economic losses

    Anàlisi, diagnòstic i propostes de gestió per al desenvolupament sostenible de llocs arqueològics maies en època de pandèmia a Petén, Guatemala. El cas de La Blanca.

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    [ES] La aldea La Blanca, ubicada en el este del Departamento de Petén en Guatemala, está asentada en las proximidades del Sitio Arqueológico que lleva el mismo nombre. Desde 2004, el Proyecto La Blanca ha trabajado en la zona con el objetivo de fomentar el desarrollo sostenible de la aldea a partir de su patrimonio maya. Los trabajos de excavación y restauración del patrimonio arqueológico de La Blanca finalizaron en 2019, pero las acciones no concluyeron ahí. En este marco, y con la voluntad de crear un modelo actuación extrapolable a otras comunidades con características similares, surge este TFM, alineado con los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible, en el que se realiza un análisis de la evolución del Proyecto de investigación y cooperación ¿La Blanca¿ desde un enfoque de Patrimonio para el Desarrollo para el entorno más inmediato, se revisa la influencia de la pandemia derivada de la COVID 19 en la visita pública y el desarrollo local de este y otros sitios arqueológicos de Petén (Guatemala) y se proponen unas líneas de acción y unas propuestas de gestión del sitio que permitan seguir contribuyendo al fortalecimiento comunitario y a la conservación del bien patrimonial. Asimismo, se pretende desarrollar un protocolo metodológico para la implementación de estrategias que faciliten la réplica del modelo de La Blanca en otros sitios arqueológicos en los que las comunidades próximas sean protagonistas del desarrollo.[EN] The village of La Blanca, located in the southeast of the Department of Petén in Guatemala, is settled near to the Archaeological Site with the same name. Since 2004, ¿Proyecto La Blanca¿ has worked in the area with the aim of promoting the sustainable development of the village based on its Mayan heritage. The excavation and restoration work on the archaeological heritage of La Blanca ended in 2019, but the actions did not finish there. Within this framework, and with the desire to create an action model that could be extrapolated to other communities with similar characteristics, this TFM, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, arises. In the TFM, an analysis of the evolution of the Research and Cooperation Project " La Blanca¿ is carried out from a Heritage for Development point. The TFM also reviews the influence of the pandemic derived from COVID 19 on the public visit and the local development of this and other archaeological sites in Petén (Guatemala) and it proposes some lines of action and some management proposals for the site that allow it to continue contributing to community strengthening and the conservation of the heritage asset. Finally, it is intended to develop a methodological protocol for the implementation of strategies that facilitate the replication of the La Blanca model in other archaeological sites in which the nearby communities are protagonists of development.García López De Andújar, V. (2022). Análisis, diagnóstico y propuestas de gestión para el desarrollo sostenible de sitios arqueológicos mayas en época de pandemia en Petén, Guatemala. El caso de La Blanca. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19127

    Caracterització del temps de vol en relació amb variables biomecàniques de l’estirada en l’arrencada d’halterofília

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    L’objecte del present estudi és caracteritzar el temps de vol (Tv) de la fase aèria en l’exercici d’arrencada en halterofília. Es descriu el seu comportament en funció de l’increment progressiu de la càrrega i en relació a variables biomecàniques de l’estirada, així com la seva evolució en un cicle d’entrenament. Es va fer un test màxim de càrregues progressives amb set halterofilistes (n = 7) de competició. Mitjançant els sistemes de valoració Musclelab i Chronojump es van registrar els valors de: força (F), potència (P), velocitat (V), pic de velocitat (pV) i alçada relativa (Hrel) de la barra en l’estirada, al costat del Tv del desplaçament dels peus de l’aixecador a l’entrada sota la barra. Es va observar una moderada correlació negativa (r = –0,561; p

    Caracterització del temps de vol en relació amb variables biomecàniques de l’estirada en l’arrencada d’halterofília

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    L’objecte del present estudi és caracteritzar el temps de vol (Tv) de la fase aèria en l’exercici d’arrencada en halterofília. Es descriu el seu comportament en funció de l’increment progressiu de la càrrega i en relació a variables biomecàniques de l’estirada, així com la seva evolució en un cicle d’entrenament. Es va fer un test màxim de càrregues progressives amb set halterofilistes (n = 7) de competició. Mitjançant els sistemes de valoració Musclelab i Chronojump es van registrar els valors de: força (F), potència (P), velocitat (V), pic de velocitat (pV) i alçada relativa (Hrel ) de la barra en l’estirada, al costat del Tv del desplaçament dels peus de l’aixecador a l’entrada sota la barra. Es va observar una moderada correlació negativa (r = –0,561; p < 0,01) entre el Tv i la càrrega màxima del test (%1RMT). No es van trobar correlacions significatives per al Tv respecte a la resta de variables analitzades. El Tv disminuïa amb l’increment de la càrrega en rangs submàxims, i era de natura aleatòria amb l’ocupació de càrregues màximes. En un subgrup de la mostra (n = 4) es van valorar les mateixes variables passades vuit setmanes. El Tv, la Pmàx i el pV suggereixen ser variables suficientment sensibles per monitoritzar els canvis generats per l’entrenament en vuit setmanes, encara que la reduïda dimensió mostral no va permetre aconseguir diferències significatives. Aquests resultats destaquen la possibilitat de considerar el Tv i la P com a mesures de control en l’entrenament d’halterofilistes, preferentment en l’ús de càrregues submàximes.The purpose of this study is to describe the flight time (Ft) of the aerial phase in the snatch exercise in weightlifting. Behaviour is described based on the progressive increase in the load and in relation to biomechanical variables for the pull and its evolution in a training cycle. A maximum progressive load test with seven competition lifters (n = 7) was performed. The Musclelab and Chronojump scoring systems were used to record values for strength (S), power (P), velocity (V), peak velocity (pV) and relative height (Hrel) of the bar on the pull, together with the Ft of displacement of the lifter’s feet when entering under the bar. Moderate negative correlation (r = –0.561; p < 0.01) was observed between Ft and the maximum test load (%1RMT). No significant correlations for Ft with respect to the other variables examined were found. Ft decreased with increasing load in submaximal ranks and was random with the use of maximum loads. In a subset of the sample (n = 4) the same variables were evaluated after eight weeks. Ft, Pmax and pV seem to be sufficiently sensitive variables to monitor changes generated by training over eight weeks, although the small sample size did not make it possible to achieve significant differences. These results highlight the possibility of considering Ft and P as control measures in the training of weightlifters, preferably using submaximal loads

    The pharmacist in the local health control in Andalucía: evolution and body of pharmaceutical news headlines

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    Hasta mediados del siglo XIX no hubo en España una organización sanitaria municipal estable. El Cuerpo de Farmacéuticos Titulares nace en pleno bienio progresista del General Espartero, conociendo posteriormente periodos tan distintos como el reinado de Isabel II bajo el cual se inicia una organización racional de la sanidad española1. En la época actual, con el traspaso de competencias hacia las Comunidades Autónomas el Cuerpo de Farmacéuticos Titulares a sufrido una modificación importante y se ha integrado en los Servicios Autonómicos de Salud en la mayoría de las CCAA. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo, analizar la evolución histórica del Cuerpo y definir su consideración como funcionarios dentro del Cuerpo Superior Facultativo de Instituciones Sanitarias de la Junta de Andalucía, concretando sus funciones dentro de las competencias que le son atribuidas en la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza.Until the mid-nineteenth century in Spain there was a stable municipal health organization. Pharmacists Corps was created in full biennium General Espartero progressive, knowing later periods as diverse as the reign of Isabel II, under which initiates a rational organization of the Spanish health. At the present time, with the transfer of powers to the Autonomous Communities Corps pharmacists has undergone significant changes and has been integrated into regional health services in most regions. This study aims to analyze the historical evolution of the body and define its consideration as officers within the Senior Corps Optional Health Institutions of the Government of Andalusia, specifying their duties within the powers conferred on it in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia