2,342 research outputs found
Conical spouted bed combustor to obtain clean energy from avocado waste
The advantages of spouted bed technology for waste treatment are linked to the high excess of renewable biomass waste generated by the large worldwide consumption of avocado. Therefore, the applicability of avocado waste as fuel in a novel conical spouted bed combustor was investigated. The solid cyclic movement in this reactor innovatively promotes better mass and heat transfer, as well as better energy exploitation of the waste. Local heat transfer coefficients were experimentally determined in the beds of avocado waste in the combustor to assess their heat transfer and determine their value as biofuels. The combustion of the avocado beds in the spouted bed regime was performed at 300–600 °C in a conical reactor at the minimum spouting velocity. The exhaust gas evolution was monitored over time, and the emission ratios were calculated. The combustion efficiencies of avocado seeds, skin, and their binary mixtures, determined from flue gas concentrations, were compared, and the effects of temperature and bed composition on combustion efficiency were analyzed.This work is part of the project Grant PID2021-126331OB-I00 and grant TED2021-130150B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. Open Access funding provided by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Vidas paralelas de las películas: circuitos estratificados de distribución y consumo
In recent years the Spanish film industry has had a level of production that
has amply surpassed one hundred films, with a market share of around 15
percent of the main amortisation windows. During the so-called “Spanish Miracle”
investments in production increased substantially (reaching nearly EUR
300 million per annum to the beat of the explosion in supply and consumption
of television), both on the exhibition side and in domestic equipment aimed
at adapting to the new digital scenario (screens, DTT, and connected TVs).
The “Great Recession” and Internet caused the sector’s endemic and structural
problems to resurface: a minimal presence in international markets, fragmentation
of production preventing the creation of strong industrial structures, an
absence of global strategies and low budgets. The problem is that this type of
production affects the business life of all amortisation windows. Nevertheless,
Internet and globalisation open the doors to some commercial possibilities with
the appearance of productive audiences.El cine español ha tenido en los últimos años un nivel de producción que supera
de largo el centenar de películas, con una cuota de mercado que ronda el 15 por
ciento en las principales ventanas de amortización. Durante el llamado “milagro
español” se incrementaron de forma notable las inversiones en producción
(casi llegaron a los 300 millones de euros anuales al calor de la explosión en la
oferta y el consumo de televisión), en la exhibición así como en el equipamiento
doméstico para adaptarse a nuevo entorno digital (pantallas, TDT o televisores
conectados). La Gran Recesión e Internet hicieron que se manifestasen de nuevo
sus problemas endémicos y estructurales: escasa presencia en los mercados
internacionales, atomización de la producción que impide crear estructuras industriales
fuertes, ausencia de estrategia global y bajos presupuestos. El problema
es que este tipo de producción condicionará su vida comercial en todas las
ventanas de amortización. No obstante, Internet y la globalización abren algunas
posibilidades comerciales con la irrupción de las audiencias productivas
La maravillosa historia de los números
La maravillosa historia de los números es un cuento-relato elaborado como material de divulgación por El CSIC en la Escuela [ http://www.csicenlaescuela.csic.es ] para el portal WEB Museo Virtual de la Ciencia del CSIC [ http://museovirtual.csic.es ].PDF de 12 páginas con 21 figuras a color. Se autoriza el uso de los textos y el material gráfico del Museo Virtual de la Ciencia únicamente con fines didácticos o divulgativos y citando siempre la fuente(Museo Virtual de la Ciencia / CSIC en la Escuela) y el autor/a correspondiente.
Los autores de los textos y material gráfico se encuentran a pie de cada página.
Los recursos contenidos en el Museo Virtual de la Ciencia del CSIC están creados para el uso de profesionales de la enseñanza, especialmente profesores de Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria; para estudiantes de Educación Secundaria y para todo público interesado en la divulgación de la ciencia.Proponemos un cuento, una historia, una maravillosa historia de los números, para que los docentes puedan trabajar en el aula conceptos como los de número, cantidad y medida. Intentamos explicar, de forma amena, como las distintas civilizaciones han contribuido al concepto de número y por lo tanto a las matemáticas en general.
Pretendemos que los maestros entiendan que los números son el alfabeto universal del lenguaje de las matemáticas y que pueden explicarse de forma divertida en clase.
Material de divulgación elaborado por El CSIC en la Escuela para el Museo Virtual de la Ciencia del CSIC.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasN
Aprendizaje y servicio en análisis económico de las organizaciones: el caso de una cooperativa de consumo responsable
[Resumen] Los Proyectos de Aprendizaje y Servicio (ApS) se caracterizan por ser propuestas educativas que
combinan procesos de aprendizaje y de servicio comunitario en un proyecto bien articulado, donde los
participantes aprenden a trabajar en necesidades reales del entorno, con el fin de mejorarlo. En este
contexto, y con la finalidad de incrementar la empatía y compromiso de los estudiantes universitarios
con la economía social y colaborativa y el consumo consciente y responsable, se ha desarrollado un
Proyecto ApS en la asignatura troncal Análisis Económico de las Organizaciones del grado en
Economía, grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (ADE) y doble grado de ADE y Derecho de
la Universidade da Coruña.
En este sentido, el Proyecto ApS se desarrolló con la cooperativa de consumo responsable
Zocamiñoca, de tal forma que los estudiantes elaboraron informes que respondían a sus problemas
organizativos, lo que les permitió la adquisición de competencias relacionadas con el desempeño de
labores de gestión, asesoramiento y evaluación de empresas, la aplicación de conocimientos a su
trabajo de forma profesional y el respeto de los derechos fundamentales, la promoción de los Derechos
Humanos y principios de igualdad (acción de aprendizaje).[Abstract] The Service-Learning Projects are characterised by being educational proposals that combine learning
processes and community service. Students learn how to work in the real needs of the environment with
the aim of improving it. In this context, and with the objective of increasing students´ empathy and
commitment to social problems, a Service-Learning Project was developed
in the subject Organisations Economic Analysis. It is a core subject in the grade of Business and
Economics, as well as, in the double degree in Business-Law of the University of A Coruna.
This project was developed with the responsible consumption cooperative Zocamiñoca. Students wrote
reports that solved organizational problems that allowed them to acquire competences related to
organization management and consulting, the application of knowledge to their professional life and the
respect for fundamental rights, the promotion of human rights and principles of equality (learning
La revitalización del principio de buena fe negocial en un contexto de flexibilidad laboral
As a result of the latest law reforms, negotiation procedures are becoming more important and that involves we have to pay attention to good faith principle, which can be used as a limit for the employer's power. However, this principle plays a different role too, enabling healthy dynamics for negotiation in an highly-opened system which looks for agreed solutions.
The aim of this paper is narrow the profile of a concept that is undefined and doubtful in order to set up the rules for its application according social jurisprudence.Este trabajo ha obtenido el Premio Estudios Financieros 2017 en la modalidad de Trabajo y Seguridad Social.
El mayor protagonismo que se concede a los procesos negociadores tras las últimas reformas normativas ha revitalizado la aplicación del principio de buena fe negocial, que actúa como tamiz y límite para el ejercicio de los poderes empresariales. Su operatividad tiene, sin embargo, un alcance considerablemente más amplio ya que propicia el establecimiento de dinámicas sanas de negociación en un modelo de relaciones laborales cada vez más abierto, que favorece las soluciones consensuadas y la búsqueda de acuerdos. El objetivo de este estudio es, pues, acotar los perfiles de un concepto que se caracteriza por su indefinición y amplitud y establecer los presupuestos generales para su aplicación a partir de la doctrina judicial recaída y los interrogantes que se abren con ella
Solución de conflictos laborales individuales en clave de mediación
Since Mediation Law for civil and commercial matters 5/2012 was published, there is an increasing expectation about other dispute resolution possibilities apart from litigation process. Furthermore, there is an ongoing debate about effectiveness of these alternatives. Mediation Law 5/2012 excludes mediation in the labor context as this requires specific regulation. Nevertheless, there are some interesting labor mediation experiences over the last few years, although most of them are focused on the collective bargaining.
This paper studies, taking as reference Mediation Law 5/2012, how mediation could be an appropriate choice to resolve disputes in workplaces, considering that the court litigation system is now collapsed, and therefore parties usually have to assume a higher cost and spend a longer time in the process. And, in addition, some of the obstacles that have commonly been argued regarding labor mediation, for example employee´s rights, are evaluated from a different point of view.Este trabajo ha obtenido el 1.er Premio Estudios Financieros 2014 en la modalidad de Trabajo y Seguridad Social.
El Jurado ha estado compuesto por: don Martín Godino Reyes, don Fermín Guardiola Madera, doña Sofía Olarte Encabo, don Ángel Luis Sánchez Iglesias y don Juan Miguel Torres Andrés.
La aparición de la Ley 5/2012 de Mediación en asuntos civiles y mercantiles ha generado una gran expectación en torno a los mecanismos de solución extrajudicial de conflictos, reabriendo el debate acerca de su eficacia y viabilidad. Esta norma excluye de su ámbito de aplicación a la mediación laboral, con vistas a una futura regulación sectorial. Pese a ello, son diversas las experiencias de mediación que se han puesto en marcha en los últimos años en el ámbito laboral, si bien es cierto que centradas principalmente en los conflictos colectivos.
Este trabajo explora, partiendo de las previsiones de la Ley 5/2012, las posibilidades que ofrece la mediación como cauce de solución de controversias en la relación individual de trabajo, considerando que nos encontramos en un momento especialmente propicio para su desarrollo –ante el colapso del sistema judicial y la potenciación cada vez mayor de la autonomía individual– y sin que los escollos que tradicionalmente se han esgrimido para justificar su inoperatividad en este ámbito –como el principio de indisponibilidad legal de derechos– resulten ya insalvables
Percepção dos estudantes sobre comportamento no ensino do professor e satisfação com a Educação Física: uma questão de gênero?
Este estudio analiza la satisfacción con la
Educación Física (EF) y la percepción del
comportamiento instructivo del profesor (CIP).
Participaron 2.536 estudiantes (edad 13,7 ± 2,0). Se
aplicaron dos escalas: a) escala de satisfacción con
la EF; y b) escala de comportamientos instructivos del
profesorado. Los resultados muestran una elevada
satisfacción con la EF y la percepción de una buena
frecuencia del CIP. Existen algunas diferencias significativas
en función del género de los alumnos y
profesores. No se produce empatía de género descrita
en otros estudios: chicos y chicas perciben mayor
frecuencia de comportamientos instructivos deseables
cuando el profesor es mujer.Este trabalho analisa a satisfação com a
educação física (EF) e a percepção do comportamento
no ensino do professor. Participaram 2.536 estudantes
(idade 13,77 ± 2,0). Foram aplicadas duas escalas: a)
escala de satisfação com a educação física; y b)
escala de comportamento no ensino dos professores.
Os resultados demonstram uma alta satisfação com a
EF, bem como a percepção de uma boa freqüência do
comportamento no ensino do professor. Existem
algumas diferenças significativas em função do
gênero dos alunos e professores. Não há relação
direta de simpatia de gênero encontrada em outros
estudos: meninos e meninas percebem com mais
frequência um comportamento no ensino do professor
de maneira desejável, quando ele é uma mulher.The purposes of this study were to analyze
the satisfaction with PE and the perception of the
students about of the Teacher´ Instructional
Behaviours. Participants were 2,536 students (13.7 ±
2.0 years old). Two scales were applied: a) the
satisfaction with PE scale; and b) the scale of
perception of the Teacher´ Instructional Behaviours.
The results illustrate a high level of satisfaction with
PE. Students perceive instructional desirable
behaviours of their teachers occur frequently. The
findings show some significant differences in gender.
There is not empathy of gender: both boys and girls
perceive more f requent instructional desirable
behaviour when the teacher is female.Estudio financiado por el Ministerio Español de Ciencia y Tecnología (Proyecto
código SEJ2007-67267/EDU
Training Characteristics and Competitive Demands in Women Road Cyclists: A Systematic Review
[EN] Purpose: To identify the main training characteristics and competitive demands in women’s road cycling. Methods: A systematic search was conducted on 5 databases according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis) guidelines. The articles had to be primary studies, written after 1990 with a sample of competitive women between the ages of 15 and 50. The Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies and the Oxford Levels of Evidence scales were used. Results: The search yielded 1713 articles, of which 20 were included. Studies on training and competitive demands (n = 5) found that both external and internal loads are higher in women than in men. Studies on strength and endurance training (n = 5) showed that both velocity-based and heavy-load strength training programs performed at least 2 days per week and including 3 to 4 lower- body exercises improved performance. Altitude-training studies (n = 3) found that “Live High–Train Low” was effective to increase performance during the first 9 days after the training camp. The 7 remaining studies focused on a range of topics. The methodological quality was strong for 12 studies and moderate for 8. In contrast, the level of evidence was high in 7 and low in the other 13. Conclusions: Endurance training and competitive demands in women’s road cycling are higher than those of men. Strength training is effective in women when the frequency, intensity, and number of exercises are appropriate, while altitude training should be completed a few days before competing. Further studies are warranted to better define the participants’ competitive level, using a methodological design with a higher level of evidence.SIMinistry of Universities of Spai
Recommendations on seismic actions on bridges
The paper describes the main features of a technical Recommendation first draft on Seismic Actions on Bridges, promoted by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works (MOPT). Although much more research is needed to clarify the seismic behaviour of the vast class of problems present in port structures the current state of the art allows at least a classificaton of subjects and the establishment of minimum requirements to guide the design. Also the use of more refined methods for specially dangerous situations needs some general guidelines that contribute to mantein the design under reasonable safety margins. The Recommendations of the Spanish MOPT are a first try in those directions
Vineyard area estimation using medium spatial resolution satellite imagery
P. 441-452The European Union requires member states to estimate their wine growing potential. For this porpose, most member states have developed or updated vineyard registers. The present study suggests locating vineyards using medium spatial resolution satellite imagery. The work was carried out using Landsat images that were validated for the Designation of Origin "Bierzo", León, SpainS
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