1,316 research outputs found

    La comunidad judía de Tetuán (1881-1940) : datos sociológicos en el libro de registro de circuncisiones de R. Yishaq Bar Vidal Ha-Serfaty

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    Este articulo, cuyos datos básicos fian sido extraídos del Libro registro de Circuncisiones de Rabí Yisiiaq Bar Vidal Ha-Serfaty, manuscrito aljamiado tiebreo-español y íiaquetía, que se encuentra en el Museo Sefardí de Toledo, intenta ser una aportación al conocimiento de la tiistoria de la comunidad sefardí de Tetuán en Marruecos, entre los años 1881-1940. Consta de una introducción histórica sobre esta comunidad durante el periodo que abarca este manuscrito, una descripción del mismo, así como un estudio biográfico de su autor, rabino de esta comunidad entre 1880- 1941, el cual nos proporciona una serie de datos de natalidad, onomástica, lengua, oficios y trabajos, emigración y otros detalles, que nos permiten conocer desde su interior, al analizar una fuente sefardí, la evolución de esta comunidad durante el periodo citado.This paper intends to contribute to the knowledge of the Sephardic community in Tetuán, Maroc, between the years 1881 and 1940. Its basic data have been drown out af the Register Circumcision Book by Rabí Yishaq Bar Vidal Ha-Serfaty from Tetuán, an aljamiado manuscrpt in Spanish-Hebrew and Haquetia, which is at the Sephardic Museum in Toledo. The paper consists of a historical introduction about that community along the period covered, followed by a descrption of the manuscript, as well as a biographic study of the author, rabbi of the community between 1880 and 1941

    Auditoría urbana: indicadores y tipología de las ciudades europeas

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    La ciudad es algo más que una simple concentración de actividades económicas y residenciales. El análisis urbano considera a las ciudades como entidades socioeconómicas con auténtica autonomía en sí mismas. Una ciudad es un lugar para vivir, desarrollarse, trabajar, estudiar y convivir en sociedad. Por este motivo, existe un interés creciente por estudiar cuestiones como el grado de habitabilidad en las ciudades, su nivel de bienestar y competitividad. Para conocer la realidad socioeconómica global de las ciudades es preciso recurrir al establecimiento de indicadores de «auditoría urbana». Precisamente, ésta es la línea que se aborda en el proyecto Urban Audit de Eurostat, que se centra en la recopilación y publicación de indicadores de contenido socioeconómico, con el fin de conocer y medir la calidad de vida en las ciudades europeas, posibilitando así una tipología de las ciudades existentes en Europa. En este artículo se exponen todos estos temas con más amplitud

    Un estudio retrospectivo de caracterización en pacientes con fisuras orales en Medellín, Colombia, Suramérica

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    ABSTRACT: El objetivo de este estudio consistió en caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente pacientes con labio y/o paladar hendido (LPH) que consultaron el Hospital Infantil Clínica Noel de Medellín, Colombia, entre 1985 y 2003. Métodos: se evaluaron 919 historias clínicas, para un estudio de tipo descriptivo, longitudinal y retrospectivo. Se realizó un análisis univariado para las variables cualitativas, y medidas descriptivas para las variables cuantitativas. Se realizó análisis bivariado para determinar la asociación entre las variables cualitativas con un nivel de significancia del 5%. Resultados: 50,3% de los casos fueron clasificados como unilaterales y 19,8% como bilaterales. Dentro de los unilaterales, el 59,0% se presentaron al lado izquierdo y el 41,3% al lado derecho. El 3,4% presentó labio hendido, el 12,4% presentó paladar duro hendido, y el 12,8% presentó paladar blando hendido. El 1,2% de la muestra no incluía clasificación de la patología. En cuanto al sexo, los hombres representaron 48,0% y las mujeres 38,1%; no se encontraron datos en el 13,9%. El 87,3% de los pacientes provenían del departamento de Antioquia. La edad predominante de ingreso a la Fundación fue antes de treinta días de nacido. La mayoría de los padres estaban entre diecinueve y 30 años de edad. La mayoría de las historias clínicas no tenían reporte acerca de historia familiar de la madre y el padre, enfermedades sufridas durante el embarazo o consumo de cigarrillo y bebidas alcohólicas durante el embarazo. Conclusiones: este estudio permitió evaluar la historia clínica usada en la Fundación Clínica Noel. Se sugiere calibrar los profesionales que diligencian los registros, y estandarizar los instrumentos para generar una base de datos confiable para futuras investigaciones.RESUMEN: The objective of this study was to make a clinical and epidemiological characterization of the patients with cleft lip and/or palate (CLP) who consulted at the Children’s Hospital Clínica Noel Foundation of Medellín, Colombia, South America, between 1985 and 2003. Methods: 919 clinical records were evaluated for a descriptive, longitudinal, retrospective study. A univariate statistical analysis was used for the qualitative variables, and descriptive measures for the quantitative ones. A two-variate statistical analysis was performed in order to determine the association among the qualitative variables with a significance level of 5%. Results: 50.3% of the cases were classified as unilateral and 19.8% as bilateral. Among the unilateral ones, 59.0% were located at the left side and 41.3% at the right side. 3.4% presented cleft lip, 12.4% presented cleft palate, and 12.8% presented cleft soft palate. 1.2% of the sample did not present pathology classification. In terms of gender, males represented 48.0% and females 38.1%; no data was found in 13.9% of the cases. Concerning location, 87.3% of the patients came from the State of Antioquia. As for age at the time of admission to the institution, 44.3% of the children were less than thirty days old. Most parents were between nineteen and thirty years old. Most medical records did not show reports on the father or mother’s family history, diseases during pregnancy or tobacco and alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Conclusions: this study evaluated the clinical records used at the Clínica Noel Foundation. As a result, we recommend to homogenize the professionals who fill in the records and to standardize the instruments in order to generate reliable databases for future research

    Investigación sobre el papel de la mujer en la historia del cartelismo. El sexismo en las aulas a través del cartel

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    Treball final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra de Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic 2016-2017Actualmente, los medios de comunicación son una de las armas más poderosas y cautivadoras de la sociedad. Sin apenas darnos cuenta nos encontramos rodeados de publicidad. Ésta nos hace encaminar nuestro pensamiento y comportamiento hacia lo que el anunciante desea, es decir, a lo que se está publicitando. El espectador es un objeto pasivo que se deja vender por lo que sus ojos ven en cada momento. El diseñador hace que los anuncios sean atractivos, elaborando y cuidando minuciosamente cada detalle. En el presente trabajo nos centraremos en la desigualdad de género a través del cartelismo. Haremos una investigación a partir de los inicios, pasando por los años 50 y 60, hasta la actualidad. En ella, observaremos mediante varios productos visuales cómo ha evolucionado el sexismo. Además se evidenciarán los distintos estereotipos que ha sufrido la mujer y se hará un análisis de un cartel de cada época. Finalmente, con el fin de otorgar un toque instructivo, proponemos una unidad didáctica para llevarla a cabo dentro de las aulas de Primaria, en la que se demostrará que a través de la Educación Plástica y Visual, y en nuestro caso el cartelismo, podemos inculcar en el alumnado una serie de valores como: igualdad entre géneros, respeto y pensamiento crítico, entre otros.Nowadays, the media is one of the most powerful and captivating weapons of our society. Without hardly realizing we find ourselves surrounded by advertising. This can lead our thoughts and behavior towards what the sponsor desires, in other words, what is being advertised. The observer is just a passive object that gets carried away by what his eyes see in every moment. The designer makes the adverts look appealing by elaborating and taking extremely care in every detail. In this paper we focus on sex inequality in cartelism. A research will be done since its beginning, passing by the fifties and sixties until now. The evolution of sexism will be observed using several visual products. In addition, different women stereotypes will be evidenced and an analysis of one cartel of each period of time will be carried out. Finally, aiming towards an instructive touch, a didactic unit will be suggested in order to be applied in our elementary schools. We will prove that throughout arts and crafts, and in our case cartelism, values such as gender equality, respect and critic thinking can be taught to students

    Objective and subjective quality of life in adults with autism spectrum disorders in southern Spain

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    Subjective and objective measures of quality of life (QoL) were obtained for adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) living in Andalusia (Spain). Seventy-four families responded to question- naires about objective QoL indicators such as employment, health, adaptive behaviour and social network, and were asked to act as proxies for subjective QoL measures. Outcome on objective QoL was extremely poor. Social networks were most frequently composed of family members. Community-oriented resources were absent in most cases. For two-thirds of the families, the ability to act as proxies for subjective QoL was seriously limited by the participants’ poor social and communicative abilities. The results are indicative of the need for additional support to families of adults with ASD and increased community-based resources. Further conceptualization of indicators and measurement of subjective QoL in individuals with severe disabilities and ASD is also needed in order to include their own perspective in the evaluation of service provision


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    Disponer de estadísticas socioeconómicas microterritoriales no es frecuente a pesar de los esfuerzos de instituciones oficiales de generarlas, particularmente en el caso de lugares de difícil acceso y/o despoblados. En este documento, las autoras recurren al uso de técnicas de interpolación espacial para predecir microdatos de variables socioeconómicas ausentes. En particular, se utiliza la técnica del Inverso de la Distancia (IDW), conocida por su facilidad de implementación e interpretación. El IDW estima el valor de una variable desconocida a través de la ponderación inversa de la distancia a valores cercanos conocidos. Tal asunción se basa en la ley geográfica de Tobler de que “todo está relacionado con todo, pero las cosas cercanas están más relacionadas entre sí que las distantes”. Para mejorar la estimación de la predicción, se propone una nueva especificación de IDW compuesta por una función gravitatoria, en que la distancia inversa (variable de fricción) se combina específicamente con la longitud relativa de la frontera común entre dos unidades espaciales (variable de atracción). Probamos el funcionamiento de esta función para predecir los ingresos disponibles en algunos municipios metropolitanos en Madrid (España). La eficacia de las predicciones espaciales se evalúa mediante el error medio cuadrático (EMC) por el método de la validación cruzada, el error producto de las diferencias entre los valores reales e interpolados y el coeficiente de correlación entre los valores reales y estimados

    Perineal Massage during Pregnancy for the Prevention of Postpartum Urinary Incontinence: Controlled Clinical Trial

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    [EN] Background and objectives: Urinary incontinence is any involuntary loss of urine. It may result in anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and social isolation. Perineal massage has spread as a prophylactic technique for treating complications during labor. Acknowledged effects of perineal massage are reduction of incidence and severity of perineal tear and use of equipment directly related to the intrapartum perineal trauma. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of massage in urinary incontinence prevention and identification of possible differences in its form of application (self-massage or by a physiotherapist), with the previous assumption that it is effective and that there are differences between the different forms of application. Materials and Methods: A controlled clinical trial with a sample of 81 pregnant women was conducted. The participants were divided into three groups: a group that received the massage applied by a specialized physiotherapist, another group that applied the massage to themselves, and a control group that only received ordinary obstetric care. Results: No differences were identified in the incidence or severity of urinary incontinence among the three groups. The severity of the incontinence was only affected by the body mass index and the weight of the baby at the time of delivery. Conclusions: A relationship between perineal massage interventions and development of urinary incontinence has not been observed.S

    Prevalence of Perineal Tear Peripartum after Two Antepartum Perineal Massage Techniques: A Non-Randomised Controlled Trial

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    [EN] Perineal massage increases elasticity of myofascial perineal tissue and decreases the burn-ing and perineal pain during labour, thus optimising child birth, although an application protocol has not been standardised yet. The objective of this study is to determine the efficiency of massage in perineal tear prevention and identification of possible differences in massage application. Total of 90 pregnant participants were divided into three groups: perineal massage and EPI-NO® device group, applied by an expert physiotherapist, self-massage group, where women were instructed to apply perineal massage in domestic household, and a control group, which received ordinary obstetric attention. Results: The results showed significant differences among the control group and the two perineal massage groups in perineal postpartum pain. Correlations in perineal postpartum pain, labour duration and the baby’s weight were not statistically significant. Lithotomy posture was significantly less prevalent in the massage group than in the other two; this variable is known to have a direct effect on episiotomy incidence and could act as a causal covariate of the different incidence of episiotomy in the groups. Perineal massage reduces postpartum perineal pain, prevalence and severity of perineal tear during delivery.S

    Liquid Chromatography with a Fluorimetric Detection Method for Analysis of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins and Tetrodotoxin Based on a Porous Graphitic Carbon Column

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    The research leading to these results has received funding from the following FEDER cofunded-grants. From CDTI and Technological Funds, supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, AGL2012-40185-CO2-01, AGL2014-58210-R, Xunta de Galicia Axencia Galega de Innovación, ITC-20133020 SINTOX, and Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, GRC2013-016. From CDTI under ISIP Programme, Spain, IDI-20130304 APTAFOOD. From the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme managed by REA—Research Executive Agency (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 312184 PHARMASEAS

    What do consumers care about when purchasing experiential packaging?

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    Purpose: The importance of packaging attributes for purchase decisions has generated interest in the research and food industry. As a matter of fact, innovation in packaging is constantly searching for new solutions that generate customer experience. The aim of this study is to analyse the effect of packaging attributes (protection, convenience, portability and storage, information, sustainability, branding and engagement) on consumer purchase intention of experiential packaging especially designed to provide an extraordinary sensory or interactive communicational experience and the influence of potential moderators. Design/methodology/approach: The authors used a quantitative methodology based on the partial least squares (PLS) technique to estimate the structural model proposed. A purposely developed questionnaire was administered to a non-probabilistic sample of 1,489 European consumers. The questionnaire included questions related to consumers' perception of packaging attributes and purchase intention of different experiential packages. Findings: The results indicate that packaging attributes are related to consumer purchase intention of experiential packaging. Engagement attributes show the strongest positive influence followed by branding and economy. However, attributes such as sustainability showed a negative effect on the purchase intention of these packages. The authors’ results also show the influence of gender, family structure and residential background as moderators of the relationships. Originality/value: Customers' decision-making processes are strongly influenced by product packaging. However, little is known about how new technologies and design in packaging influence consumers' responses. This research provides evidence of the influence of packaging attributes on consumer purchase intention for experiential packaging, a proliferating area of research