363 research outputs found

    The practice of renaming following the example of politically correct

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    This article explores the substitution of words considered as offensive that designate marginalized and stigmatized social groups over time. The substitutions, framed in the politically correct discourse, are renamings that go against certain traditional naming ways perceived by a broad social sector as obsolete, according to an ideology which tries to remove from the vocabulary everything implying discrimination, to promote an orthodoxy of moderation and reduce the linguistic inequality in the way of referring to the strong and the weak. Thus the speaker stands between the need for freedom of expression and that of adopting ethical conduct.Cet article explore le remplacement de mots considĂ©rĂ©s comme offensifs dĂ©signant des groupes sociaux marginalisĂ©s et stigmatisĂ©s au fil du temps. Les substitutions s’encadrent dans le discours politiquement correct et constituent des redĂ©nominations qui vont contre des façons de nommer traditionnelles, perçues Ă  prĂ©sent comme obsolĂštes par un grand secteur de la population, selon une idĂ©ologie qui essaie d’effacer du vocabulaire tout ce qui implique une discrimination, afin de promouvoir une orthodoxie de la mesure et de rĂ©duire l’inĂ©galitĂ© linguistique dans la maniĂšre de dĂ©signer le fort et le faible. Le locuteur se place ainsi entre la nĂ©cessitĂ© de la libertĂ© d’expression et de l’adoption d’une conduite Ă©thique.Travail rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre du projet de recherche FFI2013-42249P

    Kopernik : modeling business processes for digital customers

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    This paper presents the Kopernik methodology for modeling business processes for digital customers. These processes require a high degree of flexibility in the execution of their tasks or actions. We achieve this by using the artifact-centric approach to process modeling and the use of condition-action rules. The processes modeled following Kopernik can then be implemented in an existing commercial tool, Balandra.Preprin

    Des « Humours » du Discours Publicitaire

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    TrĂšs prisĂ© par la publicitĂ© actuelle, l’humour s’avĂšre un moyen privilĂ©giĂ© de tenter de persuader plus facilement les destinataires potentiels. Il consiste en un procĂ©dĂ© Ă©nonciatif, producteur d’une anomalie, se manifestant en dehors des normes linguistico-communicatives, logiques ou sociales qui, pour ĂȘtre pris en considĂ©ration, doit susciter plaisir et connivence chez le rĂ©cepteur prĂ©disposĂ© au sĂ©rieux et au bon sens et contraint par la rĂ©alitĂ©. Saisi dans ses trois fonctions – ludique, cynique et critique –, l’humour se localise sur une Ă©chelle allant respectivement du jeu innocent et gratuit jusqu’à la provocation exclusivement destructrice et Ă  la critique accusatrice qui essaie, pour un bref instant, de construire un monde moins imparfait.Humor, being highly appreciated by current advertising, is considered a good way to easily convince potential receivers. It consists of a discursive proceeding, which produces an anomaly that happens outside linguistic, communicative, logic or social norms. In order to see this anomaly positively, it must produce pleasure and complicity with the receiver, who is predisposed to seriousness and common sense, and compelled by reality. Considering its three functions -amusement, cynicism and criticism-, humor lies on a scale going from innocent and gratuitous joke to exclusively destructive provocation and accusing criticism. The latter tries, only for a time, to construct a less imperfect world

    Les antonymes : quelques propositions didactiques à partir de la publicité

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    The proposal of a didactic approach based on the study of antonym and semantic oppositions in general, through antithetic advertising sentences, stimulates foreign language acquisition for students of intermediate and advanced level. In so doing lexicon is studied in its discursive performance through brief texts, easy to memorize because of both their structural regularity and their rhythm strongly marked. These texts are based on representations shared by the community. Following these examples, students must combine their linguistic and cultural knowledge as well as their creativity and imagination in order to construct an antithetic discourse, so that they can improve their language learning.La proposition d'une approche didactique de l'antonymie et des oppositions sémantiques en général par le biais des énoncés publicitaires antithétiques rend l'apprentissage de la langue étrangère stimulant à des étudiants de niveau moyen et avancé. On sollicite ainsi le lexique dans son fonctionnement discursif, en s'inspirant de textes brefs, aisément mémorisables en raison sans doute de la régularité des structures et du rythme fortement marqué, qui s'étayent sur des représentations partagées par la collectivité. À l'instar de ces exemples, les étudiants doivent mobiliser non seulement leurs connaissances linguistiques et culturelles mais aussi leur créativité et leur imagination afin de construire un discours antithétique, de telle sorte qu'ils pourront progresser dans leur maîtrise de la langue

    Euphémisation du discours journalistique et cadrage dialogique

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    Desde la perspectiva socio-discursiva del dialogismo bakhtiniano, examinamos algunos eufemismos que circulan en textos informativos de la prensa digital francĂłfona actual. Estos eufemismos forjan referencias difusas a lo que se dice segĂșn la doxa, al tiempo que convocan opiniones y puntos de vista compartidos. En la designaciĂłn de un objeto, las expresiones eufemĂ­sticas resultan ser elementos con ecos externos que los hablantes usan a priori por moderaciĂłn de cara a los demĂĄs. BasĂĄndonos en un enfoque semĂĄntico y pragmĂĄtico, veremos cĂłmo se elabora el significado y las palabras se minimizan. AsĂ­ las cosas, el discurso oscila entre decir lo que ya se ha dicho en otra parte y no decir realmente lo que estĂĄ en juego en la enunciaciĂłn. Los eufemismos aparecen, ademĂĄs, desde el punto de vista formal, sin ninguna marca grĂĄfica particular que los aĂ­sle del resto del enunciado, tanto si pertenecen al periodista como si se derivan de un discurso referido.Dans l’optique socio-discursive du dialogisme bakhtinien, nous examinons quelques euphĂ©mismes qui circulent dans des textes informatifs de la presse numĂ©rique francophone actuelle. Ils tissent des renvois diffus au on-dit de la doxa tout en convoquant des opinions et des vues partagĂ©es. Dans la dĂ©signation d’un objet, les expressions euphĂ©miques s’avĂšrent des Ă©lĂ©ments porteurs d’échos extĂ©rieurs que les locuteurs utilisent a priori pour des raisons de retenue Ă  l’égard d’autrui. En nous appuyant sur une dĂ©marche sĂ©mantique et pragmatique nous verrons comment le sens s’élabore et le propos est minimisĂ©. Le discours oscille de ce fait entre dire ce qui a Ă©tĂ© dit ailleurs et ne pas vraiment dire ce qui est rĂ©ellement en jeu dans l’énonciation. En outre, les euphĂ©mismes apparaissent formellement sans un marquage phique particulier qui les isole du reste de l’énoncĂ©, tant s’ils appartiennent au journaliste que s’ils dĂ©rivent d’un discours rapportĂ©.In the socio-discursive perspective of Bakhtinian dialogism, we examine some euphemisms that circulate in informative texts of the current French-language digital press. They build diffuse references to what is said in the doxa, summoning shared opinions and views. In the designation of an object, the euphemistic expressions turn out to be elements carrying external echoes that the speakers use a priori for reasons of self-control with respect to others. By relying on a semantic and pragmatic approach, we will see how the meaning evolves and the subject is minimized. Thus, the discourse oscillates between saying what has been said elsewhere and not really saying what is really at stake in discourse. In addition, the euphemisms appear formally without any distinctive graphic mark which isolates them from the rest of the utterance, whether they belong to the journalist or they derive from a reported speech

    Les discours de l’identitĂ© fĂ©minine dans les publicitĂ©s automobiles

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    The article analyzes the way in which the modern car-advertisement defines the identity of women as potential purchasers – to whom it is designed to get through. The research includes language and iconic instruments by which this type of advertisement aims to create a feminized market of products formerly recognized as traditionally masculine. The identification of the addressee of each publicity material might be subsumed under a set of stereotypes, thus enabling advertisers to get across their message using the code of addressee’s own values. The present paper concentrates on the linguistic specifity of the ads for high-tech goods (automobiles) targeting the feminine public and eventually points out their high degree of markedness according to the sex of addressees. Discourse analysis and a closer look at linguistic means appearing in French, Spanish and Polish automotive commercials both reveals a stereotyped woman’s image and shows how they happen to perpetutate it.The article analyzes the way in which the modern car-advertisement defines the identity of women as potential purchasers – to whom it is designed to get through. The research includes language and iconic instruments by which this type of advertisement aims to create a feminized market of products formerly recognized as traditionally masculine. The identification of the addressee of each publicity material might be subsumed under a set of stereotypes, thus enabling advertisers to get across their message using the code of addressee’s own values. The present paper concentrates on the linguistic specifity of the ads for high-tech goods (automobiles) targeting the feminine public and eventually points out their high degree of markedness according to the sex of addressees. Discourse analysis and a closer look at linguistic means appearing in French, Spanish and Polish automotive commercials both reveals a stereotyped woman’s image and shows how they happen to perpetutate it


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    Introduction: Malignant tumor of the small intestine are extremely rare, with an incidence of less than one in 100,000 patients. The most frequence histology underlying is adenocarcinoma, followed by squamous carcinoma. Methods: We have carried out a review of the scientific literature about the main epidemiological, histological and diagnostic aspects of squamous cell carcinoma of the small intestine. Results: We present the clinical case of a 69-year-old man diagnosed with localized small cell carcinoma of the lung, with good response after concomitant chemoradiotherapy (QTRT). During the follow-up period, the patient presented with an acute abdomen due to intestinal perforation. Anatomopathological analysis (A-P) of the small intestine resection piece revealed squamous cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid features and stage pT4pNx. Conclusions: The interest of this case lies in the metachronous diagnosis of two primary tumors of different origin (small cell carcinoma of the lung and squamous cell carcinoma of the small intestine), being an unprecedented finding in the current scientific literature.Introdução: Os tumores malignos do intestino delgado são extremamente raros, com uma incidência inferior a um em 100.000 doentes. O tipo histologico mais frequente é o adenocarcinoma, seguido do carcinoma escamoso. Métodos: A propósito de um caso clínico, realizamos uma revisão da literatura científica sobre os principais aspetos epidemiológicos, histológicos e diagnósticos do carcinoma espinocelular do intestino delgado. Resultados: Apresentamos um caso clínico sobre um doente do sexo masculino de 69 anos de idade com antecedentes de um carcinoma de pequenas células localizado do pulmão e com boa resposta após tratamento com quimiorradioterapia (QTRT) concomitante. Durante o seguimento, a doente apresentou quadro de abdómen agudo por perfuração intestinal. A análise anatomopatológica (AP) da peça de ressecção do intestino delgado revelou um carcinoma de células escamosas com características sarcomatoides e foi estadiado como pT4pNx. Conclusões: O interesse deste caso reside na ocorrência metacrónica de dois tumores primários de origem distinta (carcinoma de pequenas células do pulmão e carcinoma espinocelular do intestino delgado), Este facto revelou-se muito raro na literatura científica atual

    Dynamics of Changes in Climate Zones and Building Energy Demand. A Case Study in Spain

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    In the current context of the climate crisis, it is essential to design buildings that can cope with climate dynamics throughout their life cycle. It will ensure the development of sustainable and resilient building stock. Thus, this study’s primary objective has been to demonstrate that the current climatic zones for buildings in peninsular Spain do not represent the current climatic reality and are not adapted to climate change and the impact on the energy demand of buildings. For this reason, the climatic zones of 7967 peninsular cities have been updated and adapted to the RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios by using the data measured in 77 meteorological reference stations. The results obtained have shown that in more than 80% of the cities, buildings are designed and constructed according to an obsolete climatic classification that does not take into account the current or future climatic reality, which will significantly affect the thermal performance of a building and highlights the need to review the climatic zoning in the country. The results obtained can be extrapolated to other regions. The methodology defined in this work can be used as a reference, thus making an essential scientific contribution in reflecting on current capacities and the possibilities of improving the building stock.Junta de AndalucĂ­a (Research Groups FQM191, TEP968 and FQM178)University of JaĂ©n (Research Structure EI_FQM8)FundaciĂłn BiodiversidadMinisterio para la TransiciĂłn EcolĂłgica (the Ministry for Ecological Transition) Agencia Nacional de InvestigaciĂłn y Desarrollo (ANID) de Chile: ANID FONDECYT 1201052: ANID PFCHA/DOCTORADO BECAS CHILE/2019—21191227

    Recycling Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste: Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends

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    The authors appreciate the support of the research group TEP-968 (Technologies for Circular Economy) of the University of Granada.The organic fraction is usually the predominant fraction in municipal solid waste, so its recycling is a potential alternative to disposal in landfill sites, as well as helping to reach targets included in the European Circular Economy Package. The existing body of knowledge in this research field is very large, so a comprehensive review of the existing scientific literature has been considered of interest to provide researchers and professionals with a detailed understanding of the status quo and predict the dynamic directions of this field. A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis have been performed to provide objective criteria for evaluating the work carried out by researchers and a macroscopic overview of the existing body of knowledge in this field. The analysis of 452 scientific articles published from 1980 to 2019 has shown that the application of composting technologies is relevant, especially since 2014, when policies aimed at reducing emissions to the atmosphere were increased and focused on the use of this waste fraction to produce biogas. Nevertheless, the scientific field is still evolving to impose a model of a circular economy; in fact, emerging studies are being conducted on the production of biomethane, contributing to the decarbonised energy system.Research group TEP-968 (Technologies for Circular Economy) of the University of Granad
