3,371 research outputs found

    Reproducción social y parentesco en un proceso de ascensión socioeconómica en la Vega de Granada (siglos XVIII y XIX)

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    Contemporary Andalusian historiography has consigned to oblivion the study of the origins of agrarian "Andalusian middle-class" by the light of social reproduction mechanisms used by it. However, this article stands out the importance of those mechanisms -in which kinship as a complex framework of social relationships, is the most important element- and the role of those mechanisms community throughout the 18th and 19th centuries

    Nuevas coordenadas en el ámbito de la web 2.0: el caso de la publicidad comportamental

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    Una reciente modalidad publicitaria que está protagonizando un notable éxito en Internet es la publicidad comportamental. Aunque puede suponer ciertas ventajas para las empresas y los usuarios, no está exenta de riesgos sobre todo en materia de privacidad. Para, precisamente, proteger al consumidor y/o usuario en esta novedosa faceta de la Web 2.0 se han aprobado un elenco de normas legales complementadas por el sugerente fenómeno de la autorregulación.A new mode of advertising, behavioural advertising, is enjoying considerable success on the Internet. But the advantages for companies and users are weighed against the risks to privacy. A range oflegal norms have been approved to complement self-regulation in arder to protect the consumer and / or user of this new facet of Web 2.0

    Multicast traffic aggregation in MPLS-based VPN networks

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    This article gives an overview of the current practical approaches under study for a scalable implementation of multicast in layer 2 and 3 VPNs over an IP-MPLS multiservice network. These proposals are based on a well-known technique: the aggregation of traffic into shared trees to manage the forwarding state vs. bandwidth saving trade-off. This sort of traffic engineering mechanism requires methods to estimate the resources needed to set up a multicast shared tree for a set of VPNs. The methodology proposed in this article consists of studying the effect of aggregation obtained by random shared tree allocation on a reference model of a representative network scenario.Publicad

    Memorias TeSAC Olopa, Guatemala 2019

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    La introducción del enfoque de los Territorios Sostenibles Adaptados al Clima (TeSAC) en Olopa ha permitido conformar una plataforma socialmente inclusiva, que además ha generado evidencia sobre la adopción de prácticas, el fortalecimiento de capacidades institucionales y la implementación de herramientas enfocadas en reducir la vulnerabilidad de los hogares de este municipio a los efectos negativos del cambio climático. Entre los principales avances que se resaltan de la implementación del enfoque TeSAC en 2019, se encuentra el fortalecimiento de capacidades institucionales de uno de los principales aliados locales como la Asociación Regional Campesina Ch’orti’ (ASORECH), lo cual permitirá el escalamiento y la sostenibilidad de los procesos que se han venido adelantando los últimos años. Así mismo, el fortalecimiento de capacidades y lazos entre las instituciones involucradas y la comunidad a partir de talleres, ha ayudado a mejorar la comprensión de las diferentes herramientas que desde la Agricultura Sostenible Adaptada al Clima (ASAC) permite a los hogares tener una mayor resiliencia frente a los efectos del cambio climático sobre sus sistemas productivos. De igual forma, se espera que se genere información que permita el escalamiento de las prácticas implementadas y los mecanismos de participación para la toma de decisiones, permitiendo acoplar estas herramientas a otras comunidades cercanas o a contextos similares en otras regiones. Entre las prácticas que se han implementado hasta el momento, se encuentran la creación de sistemas de recolección de agua como reservorios de agua y sistemas de cosecha de agua lluvia en 123 hogares; adaptaciones físicas de los terrenos destinados al cultivo como terraceo, huertos con cubierta plástica, labranza de conservación y uso zanjas de contorno en 95 hogares; la adaptación de sistemas rompe vientos como barreras vivas, barreras muertas y cortinas rompe vientos en 60 hogares y otro tipo de prácticas como la introducción de semillas resistentes al estrés hídrico (28 hogares), el uso de fertilizantes orgánicos (125 hogares) y la adaptación de sistemas piscícolas (14 hogares).The introduction of the Climate Smart Village (CVS) approach in Olopa has allowed the creation of a socially inclusive platform that has also generated enough evidence on the adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices, the strengthening of institutional capacities and the implementation of tools focused on reducing climate vulnerability of households in this municipality. Among the main achievements of the implementation of the CSV approach in 2019, the strengthening of institutional capacities of one of the main local parthners such as the Ch'orti ' Farmers Regional Association (ASORECH by its acronym in Spanish), has allowed the continuity and scaling of the developing processes that have been done in recent years. Likewise, the strengthening of capacities and the engagement between the institutions involved and the community through workshops, has helped to improve the understanding of the different tools that through the CSA approach allows households to have greater resilience against the effects of climate change on their production systems. Similarly, it´s expected that the information generated allow the scaling up of the different CSA practices implemented and the mechanisms of participation for decision-making, allowing these tools to be adopted to other nearby communities or producers with similar contexts in other regions. Among the CSA practices that have been implemented so far, there is the creation of water collection systems such as water reservoirs and rainwater harvesting systems in 123 households; physical adaptations of the land for cultivation such as terraces, home gardens with plastic coverage, conservation tillage, and use contour ditches in 95 households; the adaptation of windbreak systems such as live barriers, dead barriers and windbreak curtains in 60 households and other CSA practices such as the introduction of drought-resistant seeds (28 households), the use of organic fertilizers (125 households) and the adaptation of fish farming systems (14 households)

    Recreación de la prueba de Tracción a punto fijo de un remolcador de doble propulsor mediante dinámica de fluidos computacional

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    Use of CFD simulations is an affordable and trustworthy way of determining a vessel’s capacity before its construction. This study focuses in simulating a bollard pull of a specific tugboat and comparing the results with those of the real test to which it was subjected after construction. In compliance with the regulations of the classification societies regarding these types of tests, simulations will be carried out to study the bollard pull tests of a double propeller two boat. The results showed that the mathematical model is suitable for a numerical calculation of the bollard pull tests.La utilización de simulaciones CFD es un modo económico y fiable de determinar las capacidades de un buque antes de su construcción. Este estudio está enfocado a simular la prueba de tracción a punto fijo de un remolcador específico y comparar los resultados obtenidos con los de la prueba real a la que fue sometido después de su construcción. Atendiendo a la normativa de las sociedades de clasificación sobre este tipo de pruebas, se realizarán simulaciones para estudiar la prueba de tracción a punto fijo de un remolcador de doble propulsión. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que el modelo matemático es apto para realizar de forma numérica las pruebas de tracción a punto fijo (bollard pull).

    Une nouvelle variété de solidus au nom de Constance II avec le chrisme à l’intérieur du bouclier

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    Un solidus au nom de Constance II a été trouvé récemment à 3 km de la ville romaine de Cáparra (province moderne de Cáceres, ancienne province de Lusitanie, Espagne. Le graveur a fait figurer sur le bouclier de l'avers un chrisme, le rho étant inversé, vers la gauche. La présence du chrisme au solidus espagnol fait de cette monnaie une nouvelle variété inconnue jusqu’à présent

    A QoS-Driven ISP Selection Mechanism for IPv6 Multi-homed Sites

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    A global solution for the provision of QoS in IPng sites must include ISP selection based on per-application requirements. In this article we present a new site-local architecture for QoS-driven ISP selection in multi-homed domains, performed in a per application basis. This architecture proposes the novel use of existent network services, a new type of routing header, and the modification of address selection mechanisms to take into account QoS requirements. This proposal is an evolution of current technology, and therefore precludes the addition of new protocols, enabling fast deployment. The sitelocal scope of the proposed solution results in ISP transparency and thus in ISP independency.This research was supported by the LONG (Laboratories Over the Next Generation Networks) project IST-1999-20393.Publicad

    Use of the environment as a way for learning: planning, organization and development of the school trips on the pre-school education

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave también en inglésSe pretende ofrecer, a partir de la realidad educativa de un centro escolar público de nivel socioeconómico y cultural medio-bajo, un marco teórico-práctico que señale el valor de las salidas escolares como estrategias óptimas para utilizar el entorno natural, social y cultural como recurso. Dicho entorno recibe una especial atención desde el marco legislativo de la etapa de Educación Infantil por contribuir a la formación integral del alumnado. Por ello, es importante planificar las salidas, organizarlas y desarrollarlas teniendo en cuenta el contexto del centro y las posibilidades que éste ofrece. Así pues, a partir de los documentos institucionales del centro y las experiencias durante las prácticas escolares, se presenta una fundamentación teórica que incluye diferentes aspectos de las salidas escolares según el contexto socioeconómico y cultural del centro y la didáctica propia de una escuela del siglo XXI, y está complementada por unos ejemplos prácticos que pretendan mejorar el uso de estas estrategias y con ellas el aprendizaje del alumno y la calidad educativa. Para acabar, se extraen una serie de conclusiones que proponen mejoras en este ámbito, reflexionando a su vez sobre las salidas escolares como instrumento de compensación educativa.ES

    Child-to-parent violence, peer victimization and cybervictimization in spanish adolescents.

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between child-to-parent violence (CPV) (high, moderate and low), peer victimization (PV) (relational and overt, both physical and verbal) and cybervictimization (CV) (relational and overt), taking into account the role of sex. 1304 adolescents (53.14% girls) between the ages of 11 and 18 enrolled at secondary schools in the Autonomous Communities of Valencia, Aragón and Andalusia participated in the study. Adolescents with high CPV scores obtained higher scores for all types of PV and CV compared to the other CPV groups. Boys scored higher than girls in overt physical PV and in overt CV and girls obtained higher scores in relational PV. A statistically significant interaction effect was observed; boys with high CPV scores reported greater overt CV. The results suggest the importance of CPV in relation to specific forms of PV and CV and highlight the need to take into account the different processes of family socialization between boys and girls to reduce the likelihood of adolescents being victimized

    The role of parental communication and emotional intelligence in child-to-parent violence.

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    In recent years, cases of child-to-parent violence (CPV) have increased significantly, prompting greater scientific interest in clarifying its causes. The aim of this research was to study the relationship between styles of family communication (open, offensive and avoidant), emotional intelligence or EI (attention, repair and perceived emotional clarity) and CPV, taking into account the gender of the aggressors. The participants of the study were 1200 adolescents (46.86% boys) between the ages of 12 and 18 enrolled at secondary schools in the Autonomous Communities of Andalusia and Valencia (M = 13.88, SD = 1.32). A Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA, 3 × 2) was performed with CPV and gender as independent variables and family communication styles and EI as dependent variables. The results showed that the adolescents with low CPV obtained lower scores for offensive and avoidant family communication and higher scores for both positive family communication and emotional repair. The girls scored higher than the boys in both offensive communication and perceived emotional attention. The results highlight the importance of encouraging positive communication, as well as the need to strengthen perceived emotional repair to prevent future cases of CPV