132 research outputs found

    Clinical Assessment and Imaging of Two Preservation Techniques of Alveolar Ridge Post Exodontia

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.RESUMEN: Ninguna técnica de preservación alveolar ha logrado conservar totalmente las dimensiones iniciales del reborde, luego de la extracción dentaria. Se ha reportado falta de evidencia científica y de estudios prospectivos que utilicen los alvéolos post exodoncia como control. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar clínica e imagenológicamente las variaciones dimensionales del reborde óseo utilizando diferentes técnicas de preservación alveolar en un periodo de 6 a 8 semanas post exodoncia. Se recolectaron 10 pacientes con indicación de exodoncia de cuatro premolares por indicación de ortodoncia, usando un diseño de maxilares divididos. Un lado experimental (dos alvéolos) y el otro lado como control (dos alvéolos). Se observó que existieron diferencias significativas (p<0,05) de reabsorción ósea entre el grupo experimental superior con el grupo control superior. El 33,3% se los alvéolos experimentales presentaron algún tipo de exposición de membrana oclusiva, siendo la más frecuente la Matriz Dérmica Acelular (50%). La técnica de exodoncia mínimamente traumática es la forma más simple y económica de preservar el reborde alveolar. No fue posible determinar cuál técnica es más eficiente para conservar las dimensiones del reborde alveolar.http://ref.scielo.org/j9r2g

    Linearly elastic seismic evaluation of masonry historical buildings in Santiago, Chile : The case of the Pereira Palace

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    Congreso celebrado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el 24 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015.Seismic assessment of the Pereira Palace by means of linear elastic analysis using finite elements techniques is the purpose of this work. Three static analysis based on the provisions of the current Chilean seismic code were performed, along with modal spectral and time-history analyses (responsespectrum-compatible records). Aiming to obtain from the analysis the same shear strain distribution and the current deteriorated building conditions, acceleration records experienced by the building on February 2010 were also used. Maximum shear stress obtained on the masonry elements were compared against an experimental value obtained from an in-situ test. The results obtained provide a first approach to the diagnosis of the building performance while proving the limitations and gaps on the current codes with respect to the seismic evaluation of these types of buildings

    Occurrence and enumeration of Campylobacter spp. during the processing of Chilean broilers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Thermotolerant <it>Campylobacter </it>is among the more prevalent bacterial pathogens that cause foodborne diseases. This study aimed at evaluating the occurrence of thermotolerant <it>Campylobacter </it>contamination in chicken carcasses and processing plant stations (chilling water, scalding water, defeathering machinery, evisceration machine, and transport crates) in two of the Chilean main slaughterhouses. In addition, the isolation rates of thermotolerant <it>Campylobacter </it>during evisceration and following chiller processing were compared.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall slaughterhouse contamination with thermotolerant <it>Campylobacter </it>was 54%. Differences were evident when the results from each plant were compared (plant A and plant B was 72% and 36%, respectively). The sampling points with the greatest contamination rates in both plants were after evisceration (90% and 54%, for plants A and B respectively). The decrease of thermotolerant <it>Campylobacter </it>contamination after chilling was significant (2 and 1.6 logs for plant A and B respectively P < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings indicate that chilling process has a limited effect in the final products <it>Campylobacter </it>contamination because poultry enter the slaughter processing with high counts of contamination. This may represent a health risk to consumers, if proper cooking practices are not employed. The levels and frequencies of <it>Campylobacter </it>found during the processing of Chilean poultry appear to be similar to those reported elsewhere in the world.</p

    El dinero compra la felicidad en pagos constantes1

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    Nobody doubts that money buys at least some happiness. The question is how and why. This study answers that question. Some university students were asked to imagine they would win a one million dollars prize payable in five yearly payments, and to choose what plan –an increasing, constant, or decreasing payments plan– would make them happier. They were also asked why, and what would they spend the money on. The findings suggest that money buys happiness in constant payments because of better expense management on basic goods. And they provide converging evidence that money promotes happiness when spent on others.Nadie duda que el dinero compra al menos algo de felicidad. La pregunta es cómo y porqué. Este estudio responde esa pregunta. Se pidió a algunos estudiantes universitarios queimaginaran ganar un premio de un millón de dólares pagable en cinco pagos anuales y queeligieran qué plan –un plan de pagos crecientes, constantes o decrecientes– los haría másfeliz. También se les preguntó por qué y en qué gastarían el dinero. Los hallazgos sugierenque el dinero compra la felicidad en pagos constantes por una mejor gestión de gastos enbienes básicos. Y proveen evidencia convergente de que el dinero promueve la felicidadcuando se gasta en otros

    Measurement of the dynamic absorption capacity of project management in companies in the IT sector in Colombia

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    El presente documento condensa los resultados de un análisis cuantitativo sobre la capacidad dinámica de absorción en la gerencia de proyectos y su relación con el éxito en la ejecución de los proyectos en empresas de Bogotá del sector de Tecnologías de la Información. Se hace una revisión bibliográfica y se contrastan los aspectos más relevantes citados por diversos autores. Así mismo, se aplica al grupo de empresas seleccionado, un instrumento diseñado para medir la capacidad dinámica de absorción en la gerencia de proyectos y con el análisis de los resultados se establece que existe una relación positiva con el éxito en la ejecución de los proyectos en la población objeto de estudio.This document condenses the results of a quantitative analysis on the dynamic absorptive capacity in project management and its relationship with the success in the execution of projects in companies in Bogotá in the Information Technology sector. A bibliographic review is made and the most relevant aspects cited by various authors are contrasted. Likewise, an instrument designed to measure the dynamic absorptive capacity in project management is applied to the selected group of companies and with the analysis of the results it is established that there is a positive relationship with the success in the execution of projects in the population under study.Magíster en Gerencia de Proyecto

    Bodega Los Maquis

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    Primeras mediciones de isótopos estables de agua y su comportamiento en fiordos de los Campos de Hielo Patagónico Sur, Chile: First measurements of water stable isotopes and their behavior in fjords of the Southern Patagonian Icefield, Chile

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    Stable isotope measurements of seawater from fjords in the Southern Patagonian Icefields area are presented for the first time. Stable water isotope variability was associated with physiographic and oceanographic factors. Isotope depletion and lower salinity were observed at lower depths, which is consistent with shallow estuarine waters. At greater depths, the characteristics of the modified Subantarctic water mass are inferred, and the glacier proximity and temperature do not show a clear relationship with the isotopic contents. These results could be a robust basis for a possible new proxy associated with changes in water masses, freshwater mixing, and paleoclimatic studies

    Temporal variability in the abundance and diversity of birds in the Mataquito River wetland, Región del Maule, Chile

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    Los humedales costeros son ecosistemas que tienen una alta diversidad biológica. No obstante, en Chile existe una carencia de estudios sobre la estructura y dinámica de las comunidades de aves que los habitan. Para investigar la importancia del humedal del río Mataquito como hábitat de aves acuáticas se realizaron censos estacionales entre 2006 y 2010. Se estudió la diversidad de aves acuáticas, se caracterizó la estructura temporal del ensamble y se identificó a las especies que caracterizan el patrón temporal de la estructura comunitaria a través de un Análisis de Especies Indicadoras (IndVal). Se registró un total de 54 especies de aves pertenecientes a 18 familias, las que representan un 41% del total de especies de aves acuáticas de Chile. El 81% fueron residentes, el 17% visitantes y el 2% esporádicas. Larus pipixcan, Rynchops niger, Pelecanus occidentalis, Thalasseus elegans, Larus modestus y Haematopus palliatus fueron las especies más abundantes. La estructura del ensamble de aves no presentó un patrón temporal definido. El Análisis de Especies Indicadoras mostró que Rynchops niger, Egretta alba, Egretta thula, Anas georgica y Thalasseus elegans caracterizaron significativamente los períodos de verano-otoño. Debido a su gran riqueza de especies, este humedal cumple un rol importante como hábitat de aves acuáticas tanto residentes como migratorias.Coastal wetlands support high biological diversity. However, in Chile there is a lack of information in terms of the structure and dynamics of bird assemblages in this kind of ecosystems. To investigate the importance of the Mataquito River wetland for waterbirds, we conducted seasonal censuses between 2006 and 2010. We evaluated waterbird diversity, characterized the temporal pattern of the assemblage and used an Indicator Species Analysis (IndVal) to identify those bird species that characterize the temporal pattern of the assemblage structure. We recorded 54 bird species belonging to 18 families, which represent 41% of the Chilean waterbird species. The 81% of the species were resident, 17% were visitant, and 2% were sporadic. Larus pipixcan, Rynchops niger, Pelecanus occidentalis, Thalasseus elegans, Larus modestus and Haematopus palliatus were the most abundant species. The assemblage structure did not show a clear temporal pattern. Indicator Species Analysis showed that Rynchops niger, Egretta alba, Egretta thula, Anas georgica and Thalasseus elegans characterized the summer-autumn period. Due to its high species richness, this wetland has an important role for migrant and resident waterbird species

    Evaluation of GJB2 and GJB6 gene mutation in Chilean patients with congenital deafness identified through neonatal screening

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    Se pretende evaluar la presencia de mutaciones de los genes GJB2 y GJB6 en una población de niños diagnosticados con hipoacusia congénita en el Complejo Hospitalario Dr. Sótero del Río a través del programa de screening auditivo universal