134 research outputs found

    Flood risk map from hydrological and mobility data: a case study in S\~ao Paulo (Brazil)

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    Cities increasingly face flood risk primarily due to extensive changes of the natural land cover to built-up areas with impervious surfaces. In urban areas, flood impacts come mainly from road interruption. This paper proposes an urban flood risk map from hydrological and mobility data, considering the megacity of S\~ao Paulo, Brazil, as a case study. We estimate the flood susceptibility through the Height Above the Nearest Drainage algorithm; and the potential impact through the exposure and vulnerability components. We aggregate all variables into a regular grid and then classify the cells of each component into three classes: Moderate, High, and Very High. All components, except the flood susceptibility, have few cells in the Very High class. The flood susceptibility component reflects the presence of watercourses, and it has a strong influence on the location of those cells classified as Very High.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figure

    Macaúba (Acrocomia aculeata) cake from biodiesel processing: a low-cost substrate to produce lipases from Moniliella spathulata R25L270 with potential application in the oleochemical industry

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    [Background]: Biodiesel industry wastes were evaluated as supplements for lipase production by Moniliella spathulata R25L270, which is newly identified yeast with great lipolytic potential. Macaúba cake (MC), used for the first time in this work as inducer to produce lipases, and residual oil (RO) were mixed to maximise enzyme production. The lipase secreted was biochemically characterised.[Results]: The best ratio for the mixture (MC:RO) was 0.66:0.34 and the fitted values for lipase activity and total protein concentration were 0.98 U mL−1 and 0.356 mg mL−1, respectively. Maximum activity obtained (2.47 U mL−1) was achieved at 31.5°C and pH 6.7, and the enzyme was stable in this condition. A novel enzyme was purified and identified for the first time by mass spectrometry. The lipase efficiently hydrolysed different natural oils and exhibited selectivity in the production of eicosapentaenoic acid from fish oil.[Conclusion]: The use of MC and RO as a supplement to produce the new lipase from M. spathulata R25L270 may be one alternative for reducing lipase production costs and simultaneously adding value to biodiesel industry residues. The potential application of the lipase in the oleochemical industry was demonstrated by its pH and temperature stabilities and selective hydrolysis.This research was supported by Brazilian agencies: CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico), INCT (Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia) de Nanomateriais de Carbono, FAPEMIG (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais), Rede Mineira de Toxinas com Ação Terapêutica and CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior).Peer reviewe

    Four new coordination polymers involving transition metals with 1,2,4,5-benzenetetracarboxylate and pyridyl-donor ligand di(4-pyridyl) sulfide

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    AbstractFour new coordination polymers namely {[Mn2(BT)(DPS)2(H2O)6]·10H2O}n (MnBTDPS), {[Co2(BT)(DPS)2(H2O)6]·10H2O}n (CoBTDPS), {[Cu2(BT)(DPS)(H2O)4]·5H2O}n (CuBTDPS) and {[Zn2(BT)(DPS)2]·6H2O}n (ZnBTDPS), where BT=1,2,4,5-benzenetetracarboxylate and DPS=di(4-pyridyl) sulfide, were synthesized and characterized by thermal analysis, vibrational spectroscopy (Raman and infrared) and single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. In all compounds, the DPS ligands are coordinated to metal sites in a bridging mode and the carboxylate moiety of BT ligands adopts a monodentate coordination mode, as indicated by the Raman spectra data through the Δν (νasym(COO)−ν sym(COO)) value. According to X-ray diffraction analysis, MnBTDPS and CoBTDPS are isostructural and in these cases, the metal centers exhibit a distorted octahedral geometry. In CuBTBPP, the Cu2+ centers geometries are best described as square-pyramids, according to the trigonality index τ=0.14 for Cu1 and τ=0.10 for Cu2. On the other hand, in ZnBTDPS, the Zn2+ sites adopt a tetrahedral geometry. Finally, the four compounds formed two-dimensional sheets that are connected to each other through hydrogen bonding giving rise to three-dimensional supramolecular arrays

    Estudo das propriedades e biodegradabilidade de blendas de poliéster/amido submetidas ao ataque microbiano

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    This work deals with the biodegradation of blends of poly(beta-hydroxybutyrate)/starch and poly(beta-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate)/starch. The blends were obtained by evaporation of the solvent in the mixture of the polymers in chloroform. Tests were carried out in presence of micro-organisms which acted as biodegradation agents. The blends were consumed as carbon substrate and the production of CO2 was evaluated in the process. In addition, the polyesters' mechanical properties were reduced by the incorporation of starch in its structure. (¹H) NMR and infrared spectroscopy detected some characteristic polyester degradation groups in the polyesters' chemical structure, thus confirming the alteration suffered by it

    Development, cytotoxicity and eye irritation profile of a new sunscreen formulation based on benzophenone-3-poly(-caprolactone) nanocapsules

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    The objective of this work was to characterize the toxicological profile of a newly developed sunscreen formulation based on polymeric nanocapsules (NCs) loading benzophenone-3 (BZP3). NCs composed of poly(ε-caprolactone) carrot oil and Pluronic® F68 were produced by emulsification-diffusion method. Their mean particle size (Z-Ave) ranged from 280 to 420 nm, polydispersity index (PDI) was below 0.37, while zeta potential (ZP) reached about |+11 mV|. No cytotoxic effects were observed in L929 fibroblast cell line for the blank (i.e., non-loaded) NCs and BZP3-loaded NCs (BZP3-NCs). The semi-solid sunscreen formulation was stable over time (centrifugation testing) and exhibited non-Newtonian pseudoplastic behavior, which is typical of products for topical application onto the skin. The sun protection factor (SPF) value reached 8.84, when incorporating BZP3-NCs (SPF of 8.64) into the semi-solid formulation. A synergistic effect was also observed when combining the formulation ingredients of nanocapsules, i.e., SPF of carrot oil was 6.82, blank NCs was 6.84, and BZP3-loaded NCs was 8.64. From the hen’s egg-chorioallantoic membrane test (HET-CAM) test, the non-irritation profile of the developed formulations could also be confirmed. The obtained results show a promising use of poly(ε-caprolactone) nanocapsules to be loaded with lipophilic sunscreens as benzophenone-3.This research was funded by Coordenação Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sergipe (FAPITEC), and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). This work was also financed through the project M-ERA-NET/0004/2015 and scholarship grant SFRH/BD/130555/2017, from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, Ministry of Science and Education (FCT/MEC) from national funds, and co-financed by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cymbopogon winterianus essential oil attenuates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in a murine model

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    The essential oil of Cymbopogon winterianus (EOCW) is a natural product with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antifibrotic properties. We studied the effect of EOCW in the progression of histological changes of pulmonary fibrosis (PF) in a rodent model. The oil was obtained by hydrodistillation and characterized using gas chromatographymass spectrometry. Intratracheal instillation of bleomycin was performed in 30 rats to induce PF, while Sham animals were subjected to instillation of saline solution. The treatment was performed using daily oral administration of distilled water, EOCW at 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg, and deflazacort (DFC). After 28 days, hemogram and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), tissue levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) were assayed. Histological grading of PF, immunohistochemical expression of -smooth muscle actin (-SMA), and transforming growth factor- (TGF-) were also analyzed. The EOCW major compounds were found to be citronellal, geraniol, and citronellol. EOCW significantly reduced inflammation in BALF, reduced MDA levels, and increased SOD activity. EOCW attenuated histological grading of PF and reduced immunohistochemical expression of -SMA and TGF- in a dose-dependent way, likely due to the reduction of oxidative stress, inflammation, and TGF--induced myofibroblast differentiation.This research was financed by the Coordenação Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sergipe (FAPITEC), and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). EBS wishes to acknowledge the sponsorship of the project UIDB/04469/2020 (strategic fund) from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, Ministry of Science and Education (FCT/MEC) through national funds, and was co-financed by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fatores de virulência de Neisseria spp

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    O gênero Neisseria é constituído de dez espécies, duas das quais são patógenos estritamente humanos, a Neisseriagonorrheae e a Neisseria meningitidis. As neissérias são diplococos Gram-negativas imóveis, exigente para o crescimentoe capinofílicas. N. meningitidis apresentam cápsulas enquanto N. gonorrhoeae não é capsulado. N. meningitidis apresentacomo fatores antigênicos, polissacárides que permitem a divisão antigênica em vários subgrupos, proteínas de membranaexterna (Omp) e os lipossacárides. A bactéria também possui receptores específi cos dos pili meningocócicos que favorecema sua colonização na nasofaringe; e a cápsula protege da fagocitose mediada por anticorpos. Pode apresentar duas formasclínicas: a meningite (que pode ser causada também por outros microrganismos) e a meningococcinemia (septicemia com ousem meningite, fatal). N. gonorrhoeae aparesenta como fator de virulência: a cápsula e as proteínas pilina, Por, Opa, ProteínaIII, Tbp1 e Tbp2, Lbp, LOS e β-lactamase. A bactéria causa a doença conhecida como gonorréia, que pode se apresentar comodoença pélvica infl amatória, salpingite em mulheres, epididimite em homens e oftalmia neonatal em crianças. Além disso, abactéria pode-se disseminar para outras partes do copo

    A gente é um passador de informação: práticas educativas de agentes de combate a endemias no serviço de controle de zoonoses em Belo Horizonte, MG

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    As zoonoses ocupam importante lugar entre as causas de adoecimento no Brasil. A revisão histórica das diretrizes dos programas governamentais de controle destas enfermidades revela avanços, mas a sua operacionalização no âmbito estadual e municipal depende de fatores socioambientais, institucionais e epidemiológicos. Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar as práticas educativas desenvolvidas por agentes de combate a endemias (ACEs), a partir de um estudo de caso numa região de Belo Horizonte, MG. A investigação envolveu análise documental, dois meses de observação participante da rotina de trabalho dos agentes e entrevistas com 16 ACEs e dois coordenadores do serviço. A região apresentou diversos elementos ambientais, socioeconômicos e culturais associados à ocorrência de zoonoses, mas tais fatores não foram considerados nas orientações dos ACEs aos moradores. Nas ações educativas, predomina a transmissão de informações técnico-científicas relacionadas ao controle de focos, criadouros de vetores e reservatórios de zoonoses; os saberes e a lógica popular não são valorizados. Apesar da centralidade do papel educativo dos ACEs no discurso institucional, as atividades educativas dos agentes são limitadas diante das lacunas na formação profissional, na estrutura organizacional do serviço e no modelo de gerenciamento, pautado em indicadores quantitativos de produtividade. Para compreender a resistência da população ao discurso técnico-científico e incrementar as atividades educativas dos ACEs, é preciso mudar a organização do serviço e desenvolver cursos de formação dos ACEs, centrados na multideterminação do processo saúde-doença, na importância do contexto socioeconômico e ambiental no controle das zoonoses e na educação participativa.Zoonoses have an important place among illnesses causes in Brazil. A historical review of governmental programs guidelines to control such diseases reveals advances, but their implementation at the municipal and state level depends on socio-environmental factors and on institutional and epidemiological characteristics. This research aims to analyze the educational practices developed by agents that fight endemic diseases (ACE) through a case study in one of Belo Horizonte’s burroughs, MG. The research involved documental analysis, two months of observation of ACE work and interviews with 16 ACE and two coordinators of the service. The region presented several environmental, socioeconomics and cultural elements associated with the occurrence of zoonoses, but these factors were not considered by ACE. The educational activities’ developed by them were based on the transmission of technical-scientific information related to the control of zoonoses’ vectors and reservoirs ; the knowledge of the population was not valued. In spite of the central place attributed to ACE’s educational activities in the institutional discourse, those actions are limited by gaps in their training process and by the organizational structure of the service and management model, based on quantitative indicators of productivity. In order to understand the resistance of the population to technical-scientific discourse and to improve ACE’s educational activities it is necessary to review the service organization and to develop a training process for them based on the multiple determinations of health-disease process, on the importance of environmental and socioeconomic contexts in zoonoses control and on participatory education

    Clay content drives carbon stocks in soils under a plantation of Eucalyptus saligna Labill. in southern Brazil

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    Soil carbon accumulation is largely dependent on net primary productivity. To our knowledge, there have been no studies investigating the dynamics of carbon accumulation in weathered subtropical soils, especially in managed eucalyptus plantations. We quantified the seasonal input of leaf litter, the leaf decomposition rate and soil carbon stocks in an commercial plantation of Eucalyptus saligna Labill. in southern Brazil. Our goal was to evaluate, through multiple linear regression, the influence that certain chemical characteristics of litter, as well as chemical and physical characteristics of soil, have on carbon accumulation in soil organic matter fractions. Variables related to the chemical composition of litter were not associated with the soil carbon stock in the particulate and mineral fractions. However, certain soil characteristics were significantly associated with the carbon stock in both fractions. The concentrations of nutrients associated with plant growth and productivity, such as phosphorus, sulfur, copper and zinc, were associated with variations in the labile carbon pool (particulate fraction). Clay content was strongly associated with the carbon stock in the mineral fraction. The carbon accumulation and stabilization in weathered subtropical Ultisol seems to be mainly associated with the intrinsic characteristics of the soil, particularly clay content, rather than with the quantity, chemical composition or decomposition rate of the litter