365 research outputs found

    La medición retrospectiva del bienestar mediante indicadores antropométricos: Zamora, 1840-1935

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    En este trabajo analizamos la altura de la población de una ciudad castellana, Zamora, en el largo plazo, con el propósito de estimar la evolución de su nivel de vida. Nuestro objetivo es probar que el capitalismo agrario como estrategia de crecimiento provocó un incremento del nivel de vida menor que el que indujo la industrialización plena. Por otra parte, constatamos la existencia de una "penalización" urbana en Castilla. Los niveles de vida de la población rural fueron más altos que los calculados para la urbana, al menos, hasta comienzos del siglo XX.In this paper we analyse the population height of a Castilian town, Zamora, in the long term in order to estimate the evolution of standard of living. Our aim is to prove that the agrarian capitalism a economic development strategy provoked and improvement of the standard of living smaller that the industrialization. On the other hand, we reveal the existence of an "urban penalty" in Castile. Rural inhabitants' standard of living, were higher than those calculated for the urban population, at least, until the beginnings of the 20 century

    An anthropometric study of inequality and social segregation in a castilian city. Zamora, 1840-1936

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    this paper proposes several indicators for income distribution derived from the height of individuals. From the study of these indicators, we can conclude that the economic backwardness that zamora suffered led a further deterioration of living standards compared to other more economically advanced areas in the region, but less drastic changes in income distribution. Even so, anthropometric indicators show the strong bias and discrimination suffered by unskilled workers as well as the social segregation of the needy, who were isolated in the marginal areas of the city. (paper in Spanish)Living standards, Income distribution, Anthropometry, Urban history, Castille, Zamora

    Evaluation of a Bayesian Algorithm to Detect Burned Areas in the Canary Islands’ Dry Woodlands and Forests Ecoregion Using MODIS Data

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    Burned Area (BA) is deemed as a primary variable to understand the Earth’s climate system. Satellite remote sensing data have allowed for the development of various burned area detection algorithms that have been globally applied to and assessed in diverse ecosystems, ranging from tropical to boreal. In this paper, we present a Bayesian algorithm (BY-MODIS) that detects burned areas in a time series of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images from 2002 to 2012 of the Canary Islands’ dry woodlands and forests ecoregion (Spain). Based on daily image products MODIS, MOD09GQ (250 m), and MOD11A1 (1 km), the surface spectral reflectance and the land surface temperature, respectively, 10 day composites were built using the maximum temperature criterion. Variables used in BY-MODIS were the Global Environment Monitoring Index (GEMI) and Burn Boreal Forest Index (BBFI), alongside the NIR spectral band, all of which refer to the previous year and the year the fire took place in. Reference polygons for the 14 fires exceeding 100 hectares and identified within the period under analysis were developed using both post-fire LANDSAT images and official information from the forest fires national database by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment of Spain (MAPAMA). The results obtained by BY-MODIS can be compared to those by official burned area products, MCD45A1 and MCD64A1. Despite that the best overall results correspond to MCD64A1, BY-MODIS proved to be an alternative for burned area mapping in the Canary Islands, a region with a great topographic complexity and diverse types of ecosystems. The total burned area detected by the BY-MODIS classifier was 64.9% of the MAPAMA reference data, and 78.6% according to data obtained from the LANDSAT images, with the lowest average commission error (11%) out of the three products and a correlation (R2) of 0.82. The Bayesian algorithm—originally developed to detect burned areas in North American boreal forests using AVHRR archival data Long-Term Data Record—can be successfully applied to a lower latitude forest ecosystem totally different from the boreal ecosystem and using daily time series of satellite images from MODIS with a 250 m spatial resolution, as long as a set of training areas adequately characterising the dynamics of the forest canopy affected by the fire is defined


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    El impacto de la niebla que cubre una zona determinada puede parecer poco importante en comparación con otros riesgos meteorológicos como los tornados, los huracanes, o las tormentas locales severas (TLS), sin embargo los episodios de niebla son más frecuentes que esos otros peligros meteorológicos y sus consecuencias son considerables. En este trabajo se presenta el comportamiento temporal de los días con nieblas en Cayo Coco, importante polo turístico de la cayería norte de la provincia de Ciego de Ávila, en donde se encuentra ubicado un aeropuerto internacional. La información se obtuvo de las observaciones de la estación meteorológica ubicada en el Centro de Ecosistemas Costeros de Cayo Coco, con la cual se conformo una base de datos que permite analizar la problemática desde dos puntos de vista: primero, el diagnóstico y el comportamiento temporal de este fenómeno, y el segundo, determinar las condiciones sinópticas especificas bajo las cuales se origina la niebla en Cayo Coco, obteniéndolas mediante la relación de los días de ocurrencia con niebla con los Patrones Sinópticos Objetivos de Fernández (2005), con vista a poder emplear esta herramienta en el pronóstico de la niebla, fenómeno este que no se pronostica en Cuba

    Clinical perspective and translational oncology of liquid biopsy

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    Producción CientíficaThe term liquid biopsy (LB) refers to the study of circulating tumor cells, circulating tumors nucleic acids free of cells or contained in exosomes, and information about platelets associated with tumors. LB can be performed in different biofluids and allows the limitations of tissue biopsy to be overcome offering possibilities of tumor identification reflecting in real time tumor heterogeneity. In addition, LB allows screening and early detection of cancer, real-time monitoring of therapy, stratification and therapeutic intervention, a therapeutic target and resistance mechanism, and a risk of metastatic relapse. Currently, LB has been shown to be effective for its application in different types of tumors including lung, colorectal, prostate, melanoma, breast and pancreatic cancer, by the determination and identification of biomarkers that with a high probability have the potential to change the way in which medical oncology could predict the course of the disease. These biomarkers make it possible to capture the heterogeneity of the cancer, monitor its clonal evolution, indicate new treatments or retreatments and evaluate the responses to different evolutionary and/or therapeutic pressures in the cancer disease

    Liquid Biopsy as Novel Tool in Precision Medicine: Origins, Properties, Identification and Clinical Perspective of Cancer’s Biomarkers

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    Producción CientíficaIn recent years, there has been an increase in knowledge of cancer, accompanied by a technological development that gives rise to medical oncology. An instrument that allows the implementation of individualized therapeutic strategies is the liquid biopsy. Currently, it is the most innovative methodology in medical oncology. Its high potential as a tool for screening and early detection, the possibility of assessing the patient’s condition after diagnosis and relapse, as well as the effectiveness of real-time treatments in different types of cancer. Liquid biopsy is capable of overcoming the limitations of tissue biopsies. The elements that compose the liquid biopsy are circulating tumor cells, circulating tumor nucleic acids, free of cells or contained in exosomes, microvesicle and platelets. Liquid biopsy studies are performed on various biofluids extracted in a non-invasive way, and they can be performed both from the blood and in urine, saliva or cerebrospinal fluid. The development of genotyping techniques, using the elements that make up liquid biopsy, make it possible to detect mutations, intertumoral and intratumoral heterogeneity, and provide molecular information on cancer for application in medical oncology in an individualized way in different types of tumors. Therefore, liquid biopsy has the potential to change the way medical oncology could predict the course of the disease

    Evaluación de actividad física como coadyuvante terapéutico para pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal: una revisión.

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    [ES]La enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) incluye la enfermedad de Crohn (EC) y la colitis ulcerosa (CU). El tratamiento farmacológico en la EII presenta pérdida de eficacia y efectos secundarios, por esta razón es necesario el planteamiento de estrategias alternativas, como la práctica de actividad física (AF), como coadyuvante terapéutico. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar la efectividad de las intervenciones de AF como herramienta para aumentar la condición física, la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) y mejorar la sintomatología en pacientes con EC y CU, identificando el componente de AF óptimo. Se realizó una revisión mediante una búsqueda en las bases electrónicas de datos Medline (PubMed), SciELO y Cochrane Library Plus, que incluyó ensayos controlados aleatorios de los últimos 10 años que relacionaran la EII y la AF, hasta el 31 de enero de 2022. Se incluyeron 4 estudios con un total de 133 pacientes. La realización de AF de pacientes con EII (CU y EC) aumentó (p>0.05) la capacidad física, la masa muscular esquelética, la densidad mineral ósea y la CVRS, incrementando significativamente (p0,05) de la fatiga, la tensión arterial y la restauración de la microbiota. La AF moderada y realizada regularmente durante un mínimo de 8 semanas, favorece la mejoría del paciente con EII a nivel físico, psicológico, la CVRS y la sintomatología.S

    25-Hydroxyvitamin D Serum Levels Linked to Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs2228570, rs2282679, rs10741657) in Skeletal Muscle Aging in Institutionalized Elderly Men Not Supplemented with Vitamin D

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    Sarcopenia (Sp) is the loss of skeletal muscle mass associated with aging that results in an involution of muscle function and strength. Vitamin D deficiency is a common health problem worldwide, especially among the elderly, and hypovitaminosis D leads to musculoskeletal disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact and presence of a possible linkage between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) CYP2R1 (rs10741657), GC (rs2282679), and VDR (rs2228570), serum 25-OH/D concentrations and the link with the degree of sarcopenia in 19 institutionalized elderly men not supplemented with vitamin D. Levels of 25-OH vitamin D were quantified with a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit and 3 SNPs were genotyped with KASPar assays. Significant differences in 25-OH/D concentration were determined between the bi-allelic combinations of rs228679 and rs228570. We detected statistically significant weak positive correlations between the AA (rs10741657 and rs228570) and TT (rs228679) and alleles and 25-OH/D and the probability of having higher 25-OH/D concentrations was 2- to 3-fold higher. However, the GG alleles of the 3 SNPs showed that the probability of having optimal 25-0H/D concentrations decreases by 32% for rs10741657, 38% for rs228679, and 74% for rs228570, showing a strong negative correlation between the degree of sarcopenia and 25-OH/D levels. Allelic variations in CYP2R1 (rs10741657), GC (rs2282679), and VDR (rs10741657) affect vitamin D levels and decisively influence the degree of sarcopenia in institutionalized elderly people.This research has been funded by the Chair of Knowledge and Innovation “Caja Rural de Soria” University of Valladolid Campus de Soria, Soria (Spain) in the call for funding research projects with project number SO-1-2020. D.F.-L. and J.M.-A. were members of the research team

    Relación de la mejora de la calidad de vida de los sujetos que practican actividad física con daño cerebral adquirido

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    25-hydroxyvitamin D serum levels linked to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs2228570, rs2282679, rs10741657) in skeletal muscle aging in institutionalized elderly men not supplemented with vitamin D

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    Producción CientíficaSarcopenia (Sp) is the loss of skeletal muscle mass associated with aging that results in an involution of muscle function and strength. Vitamin D deficiency is a common health problem worldwide, especially among the elderly, and hypovitaminosis D leads to musculoskeletal disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact and presence of a possible linkage between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) CYP2R1 (rs10741657), GC (rs2282679), and VDR (rs2228570), serum 25-OH/D concentrations and the link with the degree of sarcopenia in 19 institutionalized elderly men not supplemented with vitamin D. Levels of 25-OH vitamin D were quantified with a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit and 3 SNPs were genotyped with KASPar assays. Significant differences in 25-OH/D concentration were determined between the bi-allelic combinations of rs228679 and rs228570. We detected statistically significant weak positive correlations between the AA (rs10741657 and rs228570) and TT (rs228679) and alleles and 25-OH/D and the probability of having higher 25-OH/D concentrations was 2- to 3-fold higher. However, the GG alleles of the 3 SNPs showed that the probability of having optimal 25-0H/D concentrations decreases by 32% for rs10741657, 38% for rs228679, and 74% for rs228570, showing a strong negative correlation between the degree of sarcopenia and 25-OH/D levels. Allelic variations in CYP2R1 (rs10741657), GC (rs2282679), and VDR (rs10741657) affect vitamin D levels and decisively influence the degree of sarcopenia in institutionalized elderly people.Universidad de Valladolid, Cátedra de Conocimiento e Innovación “Caja Rural de Soria” - (project SO-1-2020