9 research outputs found

    Uso de filtro de carvão ativado em poço de infiltração para retenção de contaminantes metálicos presentes no ambiente urbano

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    In cities, flooding negatively impacts the lives of its residents and passersby, who are unable to move during the phenomenon of heavy rain, with potential loss of human and material goods, coexisting with the risk of contamination through direct or indirect contact with the water retained in the pavement. With the premise of addressing this issue, this research brings, as a structural alternative, the use of an infiltration well, adapted to mitigate flooding, adjunct in parallel to the public rainwater drainage system, and capable of promoting the restitution of the water resource to the water table through infiltration and, notably, free from external pollutants. Thus, the use of granular activated carbon as filtering material in this structure was foreseen, for the retention of contaminants present in the impermeable urban surface. These contaminants include heavy metals such as Lead (Pb), Chromium (Cr), Cadmium (Cd) and Nickel (Ni). The efficiency of this filter was evaluated through a comparison with the results obtained in samples of runoff water, corresponding to the rainy season for an urban environment delimited in Cuiabá City. It was concluded that each gram of filtering material has a capacity to retain contaminants such as Pb and Cd, respectively of 12,05 mg and 30,58 mg, above the concentrations observed in the field. Therefore, such material has the potential for removal of even more metallic compounds, providing greater safety to human health and the environment. Regarding the elements Cr and Ni, these were not found in significant concentrations, thus not offering any risk to groundwater or requiring a filtering process.Nas cidades, o alagamento impacta negativamente a vida de seus moradores e transeuntes, que ficam impossibilitados de se deslocarem durante o fenômeno de chuvas intensas, havendo ainda potenciais perdas humanas e bens materiais, coexistindo ao risco de contaminação através do contato direto ou indireto com a água retida na via. Com a premissa de atender essa problemática, esta pesquisa traz, como alternativa estrutural, o uso do poço de infiltração adaptado para a mitigação do alagamento, adjunto de forma paralela ao sistema de drenagem pública de águas pluviais, capaz de promover a restituição do recurso hídrico ao lençol freático através da infiltração e notadamente, livre de poluentes externos. Deste modo, foi previsto o uso nesta estrutura como material filtrante o carvão ativado granular, para a retenção de contaminantes presentes na superfície urbana impermeável, por exemplo, metais pesados como Chumbo (Pb), Cromo (Cr), Cadmio (Cd) e Níquel (Ni), sendo a eficiência desse filtro avaliada através de um comparativo com os resultados obtidos em amostras de água de escoamento superficial, correspondentes ao período chuvoso para um ambiente urbano delimitado na cidade de Cuiabá-MT. Pôde-se concluir que cada grama de material filtrante possui uma capacidade de retenção de contaminantes como Pb e Cd, respectivamente de 12,05 mg e 30,58 mg, acima das concentrações observadas em campo, de modo que tal material apresenta condição para a remoção de ainda mais compostos metálicos, conferindo maior segurança a saúde humana e ao ambiente, enquanto os elementos Cr e Ni não foram encontrados em concentrações significativas, não oferecendo, portanto, risco as águas subterrâneas ou havendo a necessidade de um processo de filtragem

    A Scientometric Analysis of the Use Indices for Water Quality Biomonitoring

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    Water resources are supplied under strong anthropic pressures and result in several problems of water contamination in the world, which necessitates the use of methodologies for their evaluation. Thus, this research aimed to identify the biomonitoring indices based on macroinvertebrates in the evaluation of the quality of the water used and to identify its application trends. The study was developed through a scientometric review over a 20-year period (2000–2020). The search consisted of articles indexed in the Scielo, ScienceDirect, and Scopus databases, based on the keywords “biotic index” * OR “aquatic macroinvertebrates” * OR “benthic macroinvertebrates” * OR “Biomonitoring” * AND “water quality.” Selection, such as inclusion and exclusion, was applied in the Start program (State of the Art through Systematic Review-Start). The results showed that the EPT index (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) was the most used among all researched databases (20%), and among the Ecological Indicators journals from which the largest number of publications were obtained (11%). Regarding the indices used in biomonitoring research, the ASPT index (average score per taxon) was the only one with a tendency to increase in use over the years (R² = 0.29; p < 0.05). Although the biomonitoring indices are commonly used worldwide denoting that it is still an alternative tool, this literature review showed that among the indices only one has a trend of use, which must be considered for further research.Os recursos hídricos são abastecidos sob forte pressão antrópica e dão origem a diversos problemas de poluição hídrica no mundo, que exigem o uso de metodologias para sua avaliação. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar índices de biomonitoramento baseados em macroinvertebrados na avaliação da qualidade da água utilizada e identificar suas tendências de aplicação. O estudo foi desenvolvido através de uma revisão cienciométrica durante um período de 20 anos (2000-2020). A busca consiste em artigos indexados nas bases de dados Scielo, ScienceDirect e Scopus, com base nas palavras-chave "índice biótico" * OR "macroinvertebrados aquáticos" * OR "macroinvertebrados bentônicos" * OR "Biomonitoring" * AND "qualidade da água". A seleção, assim como a inclusão e a exclusão, foi aplicada no programa Start (estado da arte por meio de revisão sistemática-start). Os resultados mostraram que o índice EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera e Trichoptera) foi o mais utilizado entre todas as bases investigadas (20%) e entre os periódicos, obteve-se o maior número de Indicadores Ecológicos (11%). Em relação aos índices utilizados nas pesquisas de biomonitoramento, o índice ASPT (pontuação média por táxon) foi o único com tendência a aumentar sua utilização ao longo dos anos (R² = 0,29; p < 0,05). Embora os índices de biomonitoramento sejam comumente usados ​​em todo o mundo, indicando que ainda é uma ferramenta alternativa, esta revisão de literatura mostra que dentre os índices apenas um apresenta tendência de uso, o que deve ser considerado para pesquisas futuras

    Dynamic of fish trophic guilds in the plateau-plain gradient in the Paraguay River, Northern Pantanal

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    This study aims to evaluate the dynamics of fish trophic guilds according to the longitudinal gradient of the Paraguay River, northern Pantanal, Brazil. Three river segments were sampled: plateau, confluence and plain. These segments have different physical and biological characteristics, with high water flow in forest areas in plateau and slow flow in meanders, with Pantanal typical vegetation. In total, 26,542 individuals distributed in 130 fish species were collected. The sampled species were characterized in seven trophic guilds. From the seven trophic guilds identified, only three were statistically related to the type of the environment; herbivores were more abundant in the plateau, piscivores in the confluence, and invertivores in the plain. According to values of corrected Akaike Information Criteria, the environmental variable that best explains the abundance of piscivorous fishes in the segments sampled in the Paraguay River was water transparency. For herbivores, the model that explained the variation in abundance was composed by temperature, altitude and dense forest proportion. The variable altitude best represented the abundance of invertivores. Water transparency, temperature, altitude, river width and dense forest proportion were determining factors for the distribution of piscivorous, herbivorous and invertivorous fishes as a response to an environmental gradient that meets its ecological requirements. Understanding the trophic relationships is fundamental for management actions, contributing to the maintenance of ecosystem services of different species. Therefore, future research must be taken into account regarding management and ecological relationships

    As iscas vivas do Pantanal Norte e os desafios enfrentados pelos pescadores profissionais

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    A pesca profissional artesanal é uma atividade que possui uma importância econômica notável para as comunidades ribeirinhas devido ao fato de ser a principal fonte de renda dessas comunidades. Nesta modalidade de pesca existe uma subcategoria em que pescadores profissionais se especializaram na captura de iscas vivas, estes profissionais são denominados “isqueiros”. Com o objetivo de identificar a dinâmica da coleta e do uso de iscas vivas, foi realizado um levantamento dos isqueiros do Pantanal utilizando a metodologia snowball sampling , questionários semiestruturados e períodos de vivência no acampamento dos isqueiros. Ao todo, foram entrevistados 16 isqueiros – 15 homens e uma mulher, todos residentes do munícipio de Cáceres-MT. As iscas mais coletadas por estes pescadores foram tuvira e camboatá, os quais são comercializados na região do município no setor do turismo de pesca. Diante desse trabalho, identicou-se uma alta demanda da atividade de coleta de iscas nas região, em que a atividade vem crescendo nos últimos anos, principalmente devido ao aumento da procura pelo setor turístico. Ainda foram identificados três etnoespécies de cupins utilizados para extração de iscas vivas. Em adição, constatou a preferência pela tuvira como isca viva, apontando para um potencial desequilíbrio ambiental grave, bem como, podendo comprometer a atividade econômica em questã

    Green Kingfishers as Sentinel Species for Mercury Contamination in Amazon

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    Mercury is a global contaminant found in the Amazon; it can be biomagnified in the aquatic trophic chain. The use of piscivorous birds for biomonitoring of mercury contamination is increasing, mainly due to the non-mobility of mercury in bird feathers. We examined the concentrations of total mercury and methylmercury in different tissues of the green kingfisher, Chloroceryle americana collected from the Teles Pires and Juruena Rivers in the southern Brazilian Amazon. We also evaluated total mercury in small Characidae fish (potential C. americana food) in the same areas. The results indicate contamination of the birds with high concentrations, on average two-times higher in the green kingfishers from the Teles Pires River compared to the Juruena River; the same results were found for the fish specimens. Fifty-eight per cent of the feather samples from the Juruena River and 90% from the Teles Pires River had total mercury concentrations above 5 µg/g, a level previously associated with adverse effects related to bird breeding. The methylmercury concentration was lowest in the liver, followed by feathers and highest in muscle. Although Juruena River bird feathers had a lower total mercury concentration, > 96% of the total mercury was methylmercury, the highest amount for specimens from both rivers. Although the concentration of Hg in the muscle of the green kingfisher is higher when compared to the feather and liver, the non-invasive monitoring through analysis of samples of feathers is an efficient biomonitoring tool for evaluation of mercury contamination in tropical birds.The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose. The authors are part of a research group linked to the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences.Peer reviewe

    Cyanobacteria as regulators of methylmercury production in periphyton

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    Biotic mercury (Hg) methylation appears to depend on factors such as microbial activity and the concentration and bioavailability of Hg 2+ to the Hg-methylating organisms. Recently, the presence of cyanobacteria has been linked with high methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations. The aim of this work was to test MeHg production in microcosms, in relation to the amount of periphytic cyanobacteria, dissolved organic matter (DOM) and phosphorus concentrations, as well as periphytic primary production rates. Water and periphyton samples were collected for cultivation and isolation of cyanobacteria from the Guaporé River floodplain, Brazil. We cultivated the periphyton in microcosms with different concentrations of cyanobacteria, total phosphorus and DOM. The highest net MeHg production (6.8 to 24.6% of added Hg d −1 ) occurred in the microcosm with added cyanobacteria, followed by microcosms with added phosphorus (6.1 to 11.4%) and added DOM (6.4 to 9.1%). Positive correlations were found between MeHg production, addition of cyanobacteria, phosphorus and DOM and periphytic primary productivity. Our results bring the first direct experimental evidence of the relevance of cyanobacteria and primary production as regulators of MeHg production in periphyton. These findings have numerous implications for the management of natural and engineered wetlands. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.This work was supported by the Rede Bionorte “Project Biodiversity Conservation, use and bio-prospection in the Meridional Amazon-Mato Grosso, under the auspices of MCTI/CNPq/FAPEMAT, grant n. 554330/2010-5 , CNPq grant n. 205983/2011 , and project CNPq/ INPeTAm . JRDG is a CNPq research fellow and has a CNE FAPERJ grant 202.954/2015.Peer reviewe

    New insights on the use of bill sheath as a biomonitoring tool for mercury in two kingfisher species: A comparison with different tissues

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    Bird species have been widely used as suitable bioindicators of environmental mercury (Hg). However, there is still some debate about the most suitable tissue to indicate Hg body burden in birds. For a long time, blood and feathers have proved to be relevant to monitor Hg at different time scales, and recently, bill sheath has been suggested as a potential tissue to this end. In the present study, we evaluated THg in muscle, liver, feathers, claws, and bill sheath in two waterbird species (i.e. the ringed and the Amazon kingfishers) from the Teles Pires, Juruena and Paraguay rivers. Considering all species and sites, feathers (5.47 ± 2.15 μg/g) and bill sheath (3.39 ± 1.37 μg/g) had mean THg concentrations about 2-, 3- and 10-times higher than claws, liver and muscle, respectively. When bird species were segregated, the ringed kingfisher showed THg values 1.8 times higher than the Amazon kingfisher in all tissues. Moreover, results showed that the Amazon kingfisher from the Juruena and Teles Pires rivers was clearly separated from the Paraguay River (control site), and was associated with higher THg values in the claws and feathers. Results obtained for the THg concentrations in bill sheath, muscle and liver tissues of the Amazon kingfisher using multivariate analysis of canonical variates (CVA) showed a pattern of segregation between the sampling areas, being the highest THg values in Teles Pires River samples. The largest bill sheath vector in the CVA suggests that this tissue is a key variable in the segregation of the samples. Overall, feathers may be useful for effects monitoring or spatial patterns, whereas bill sheath, which are more invasive, may be advantejous for temporal trends and retrospective studies of Hg pollution.G. de Medeiros Costa would like to express her gratitude to Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES/Brazil) for a scholarship under the Programa de Doutorado Sanduiche no Exterior (PDSE), file 88881.189396/2018–01. The authors would also like to acknowledge the CYTED (Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo), for financing the MercuRed Network (420RT0007).Peer reviewe

    ESICM LIVES 2016: part two : Milan, Italy. 1-5 October 2016.

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