252 research outputs found

    Top-quark charge asymmetry and polarization in ttˉW±t\bar{t}W^\pm production at the LHC

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    We study the charge asymmetry between the tt and tˉ\bar t quark at the LHC, when they are produced in association with a WW boson. Though sizably reducing the cross section with respect to the inclusive production, requiring a WW boson in the final state has two important implications. First, at leading order in QCD, ttˉW±t \bar t W^{\pm} production can only occur via qqˉq \bar q annihilation. As a result, the asymmetry between the tt and tˉ\bar t generated at NLO in QCD is significantly larger than that of inclusive ttˉt \bar t production, which is dominated by gluon fusion. Second, the top quarks tend to inherit the polarization of the initial-state quarks as induced by the WW-boson emission. Hence, the decay products of the top quarks display a sizable asymmetry already at the leading order in QCD. We study the relevant distributions and their uncertainties in the standard model, compare them to those obtained in a simple axigluon model and discuss prospects for measurements at the LHC and beyond.Comment: 11 pages (with figures), version accepted by PLB for publicatio

    Morphological processing in reading disabled and skilled Spanish children

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    This article presents the results of a lexical decision experiment in which the base frequency (BF)effect is explored in reading disabled children and skilled readers. Three groups of participants were created. The first group was composed of children with reading disorders, the second Group of skilled readers matched with the first group for chronological age and the third group of skilled readers matched for vocabulary size. The results of the experiment showed strong effects for Group, BF and also for the Group by BF interaction. Children matched for chronological age with children with reading disorders were significantly faster and more accurate than children of the other groups, who did not show any difference from each other. The effect of BF showed that children responded faster to stimuli composed of frequent bases than to stimuli with less frequent bases. However, the analysis of the interaction between Group and BF showed that only the skilled readers matched to children with reading disorders for chronological age benefited from the BF effect. The results of the experiment are discussed in the framework of theoretical accounts of morphological processing in children as well as considering the role played by the experimental tas

    Sobrepeso e obesidade infantil: utiliza??o de diferentes metodologias de treinamentos em escolares do munic?pio de Diamantina ? MG

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    Atualmente a obesidade infantil tem se apresentado como um desafio em v?rios pa?ses do mundo, inclusive nos pa?ses latino-americanos como o Brasil. A proposi??o de iniciativas de interven??o no problema s?o urgentes e necess?rias. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos de um programa de interven??o com exerc?cios f?sicos (acumulado e cont?nuo) em escolares do ensino fundamental no excesso de peso do grupo. Para tal, foram selecionados 40 escolares de ambos os sexos que apresentaram valores de IMC para idade ? percentil 85. Trata-se de um ensaio cl?nico controlado com crian?as de 6 a 11 anos de idade divididas em tr?s grupos: 1) Controle (n=12), 2) treinamento aer?bico acumulado (N=14) e 3) treinamento aer?bico cont?nuo (N=14), em um per?odo de 10 semanas. O grupo controle n?o participou do programa e manteve suas atividades cotidianas. Foram realizadas avalia??es antropom?tricas e bioqu?mica antes e ap?s as 10 semanas. As an?lises estat?sticas foram realizadas usando o programa livre R vers?o 3.3.2, sendo utilizado teste de Anova para avaliar diferen?as entre valor m?dio de cada vari?vel Pr? e P?s interven??o, caso identificada essa diferen?a utilizou o Teste Tukey para identificar quais essas diferen?as sendo adotado o n?vel de signific?ncia (p<0,05). Os resultados revelaram que no grupo de atividade f?sica acumulada houve diminui??o da m?dia e do desvio padr?o nos valores do IMC P?s do Grupo acumulado (20,6 ? 2,85) em rela??o ao IMC P?s do Grupo controle (21,4 ? 2,22) com o valor de p= 0,039. Dessa forma, conclui-se que o programa de atividade f?sica de forma acumulada por um per?odo de 10 semanas foi efetivo na redu??o do IMC em escolares e, consequentemente na redu??o de crian?as com sobrepeso e obesidade. Tais resultados evidenciam que as interven??es no espa?o escolar se apresentam como estrat?gias fact?veis de interven??o ao excesso de peso em crian?as.Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ensino em Sa?de, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017.Objective: To verify the effects of intervention programs with physical exercise in an accumulated and continuous way in a playful way in elementary school students in the Body Mass Index (BMI), parameter Biochemical and weight. METHODS: We selected 40 schoolchildren of both sexes who were enrolled and frequent, presenting BMI values for age ?85th percentile. This was a controlled clinical trial with children aged 6 to 11 years divided into three groups: 1) Control (N = 12), 2) aerobic training accumulated (N = 14) and 3) continuous aerobic training (N = 14) over a period of 10 weeks. The control group did not participate in the program and maintained their daily activities. BMI and Biochemical parameters and weight were measured before and after 10 weeks. The statistical analyzes were performed using the free program R version 3.3.2, using Anova test to examine the differences between the mean value of each variable Pre and Post intervention, if identified the most recent difference Tukey test to identify which are these The level of significance (p <0.05) was used. Results: The accumulated physical activity group presented significant results in the decrease of mean and standard deviation of our BMI values. Post-accumulated group (20.6 ? 2.85) in relation to BMI Post Control group (21.4 ? 2.22) With the value of P = 0.039. Conclusion: It is concluded that the program of physical activity accumulated over a period of 10 weeks, is effective in reducing BMI in schoolchildren and consequently in the reduction of children with overweight and obesity

    CD24 signalling through macrophage Siglec-10 is a target for cancer immunotherapy.

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    Ovarian cancer and triple-negative breast cancer are among the most lethal diseases affecting women, with few targeted therapies and high rates of metastasis. Cancer cells are capable of evading clearance by macrophages through the overexpression of anti-phagocytic surface proteins called 'don't eat me' signals-including CD471, programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1)2 and the beta-2 microglobulin subunit of the major histocompatibility class I complex (B2M)3. Monoclonal antibodies that antagonize the interaction of 'don't eat me' signals with their macrophage-expressed receptors have demonstrated therapeutic potential in several cancers4,5. However, variability in the magnitude and durability of the response to these agents has suggested the presence of additional, as yet unknown 'don't eat me' signals. Here we show that CD24 can be the dominant innate immune checkpoint in ovarian cancer and breast cancer, and is a promising target for cancer immunotherapy. We demonstrate a role for tumour-expressed CD24 in promoting immune evasion through its interaction with the inhibitory receptor sialic-acid-binding Ig-like lectin 10 (Siglec-10), which is expressed by tumour-associated macrophages. We find that many tumours overexpress CD24 and that tumour-associated macrophages express high levels of Siglec-10. Genetic ablation of either CD24 or Siglec-10, as well as blockade of the CD24-Siglec-10 interaction using monoclonal antibodies, robustly augment the phagocytosis of all CD24-expressing human tumours that we tested. Genetic ablation and therapeutic blockade of CD24 resulted in a macrophage-dependent reduction of tumour growth in vivo and an increase in survival time. These data reveal CD24 as a highly expressed, anti-phagocytic signal in several cancers and demonstrate the therapeutic potential for CD24 blockade in cancer immunotherapy

    Thermographic evaluation of hind paw skin temperature and functional recovery of locomotion after sciatic nerve crush in rats

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    INTRODUCTION: Peripheral nerves are often damaged by direct mechanical injury, diseases, and tumors. The peripheral nerve injuries that result from these conditions can lead to a partial or complete loss of motor, sensory, and autonomic functions, which in turn are related to changes in skin temperature, in the involved segments of the body. The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in hind paw skin temperature after sciatic nerve crush in rats in an attempt to determine whether changes in skin temperature correlate with the functional recovery of locomotion. METHODS: Wistar rats were divided into three groups: control (n = 7), sham (n = 25), and crush (n = 25). All groups were subjected to thermographic, functional, and histological assessments. RESULTS: DT in the crush group was different from the control and sham groups at the 1st, 3rd and 7rd postoperative days (p,0.05). The functional recovery from the crush group returned to normal values between the 3rd and 4th week post-injury, and morphological analysis of the nerve revealed incomplete regeneration at the 4th week after injury. DISCUSSION: This study is the first demonstration that sciatic nerve crush in rats induces an increase in hind paw skin temperature and that skin temperature changes do not correlate closely with functional recovery

    Fatty acids as therapeutic auxiliaries for oral and parenteral formulations

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    Many drugs have decreased therapeutic activity due to issues with absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. The co-formulation or covalent attachment of drugs with fatty acids has demonstrated some capacity to overcome these issues by improving intestinal permeability, slowing clearance and binding serum proteins for selective tissue uptake and metabolism. For orally administered drugs, albeit at low level of availability, the presence of fatty acids and triglycerides in the intestinal lumen may promote intestinal uptake of small hydrophilic molecules. Small lipophilic drugs or acylated hydrophilic drugs also show increased lymphatic uptake and enhanced passive diffusional uptake. Fatty acid conjugation of small and large proteins or peptides have exhibited protracted plasma half-lives, site-specific delivery and sustained release upon parenteral administration. These improvements are most likely due to associations with lipid-binding serum proteins, namely albumin, LDL and HDL. These molecular interactions, although not fully characterized, could provide the ability of using the endogenous carrier systems for improving therapeutic outcomes

    Plan de negocio para la venta de kits de productos para el hogar con capacidades de conexi?n a internet (IOT)

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    Plan de negocio para la venta de Kits de productos para el hogar con capacidades de conexi?n a internet (IOT), espec?ficamente dispositivos inteligentes como sockets para focos, enchufes, c?maras, sensores de puerta o ventana, timers para termas y focos. La iniciativa surge al identificar que los principales problemas que enfrentan los hogares peruanos son mejorar la calidad de vida, la seguridad y reducir el consumo de energ?a cuidando el medio ambiente. La empresa se desarrollar? bajo la marca ?IOTech Home Per?? y la presente tesis se enfoca en determinar la viabilidad econ?mica, financiera y comercial para la implementaci?n del modelo de negocio que permita cubrir y satisfacer las necesidades de un mercado peruano que demanda dispositivos con capacidades de conexi?n a internet (IOT)

    Plan de negocio para una fintech que colabora en la colocaci?n y uso de tarjetas de cr?dito de consumo de las empresas financieras y banca m?ltiple

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    Se realiz? un plan de negocio para formar una Fintech cuyo prop?sito es de colaborar en la colocaci?n y uso de tarjetas de cr?ditos para la banca m?ltiple y financieras, brindando a sus consumidores finales, informaci?n personalizada acerca de los beneficios y promociones de la tarjeta de cr?dito mediante una plataforma digital de recomendaciones. Existen problemas en las entidades bancarias para enviar la informaci?n de los beneficios a los consumidores, tales como: campa?as que no son efectivas al no tener el consentimiento de las personas por la ley de protecci?n de datos y como los consumidores finales no pueden acceder a la informaci?n de una forma f?cil y confiable para utilizar los beneficios y promociones de las tarjetas de cr?ditos. Se realiz? dos estudios de mercado: se valid? las necesidades de los consumidores para medir la intenci?n de uso de beneficios, por ultimo se verific? la necesidad que tienen la financieras en entregar la informaci?n a los consumidores (Banco Falabella y Financiera oh). Por lo tanto, se concluye que la utilizaci?n de la plataforma de recomendaciones para beneficios y promociones es viable por la intenci?n de uso de los consumidores finales y banca m?ltiple y adem?s se demuestra viabilidad econ?mica y tecnol?gica para el plan de negocio de la tesis