127 research outputs found

    Some problems in neutron transport theory

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    A novel scheme for control by active and reactive power utilized in gearless variable speed wind turbine system with PMSG connected to the grid

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    Introduction. As a result of increasing fossil fuel price and state-of-the-art technology, more and more residential and commercial consumers of electricity have been installing wind turbines. The motivation being to cut energy bills and carbon dioxide emissions. Purpose. The main goal of this work is developing a control scheme for a variable speed wind turbine generator in order to produce utmost power from varying wind types, and variable wind speed. Novelty. This research paper presents an IGBT power converter control scheme for active power in relation to wind speed and reactive power by adjusting Q-reference (Qref) value in a gearless variable speed wind turbine with permanent magnet synchronous generator. Methods. An effective modelling and control of the wind turbine with the suggested power converter is executed by utilizing MATLAB/Simulink software. The control scheme consists of both the wind turbine control and the power converter control. Simulation results are utilized in the analysis and deliberation of the ability of the control scheme, which reveals that the wind turbine generator has the capability to actively sustain an electric power grid network, owing to its ability to independently control active and reactive power according to applied reference values at variable wind speed. Practical value. This research can be utilized for assessing the control methodology, the dynamic capabilities and influence of a gearless variable-speed wind energy conversion system on electric power grids. A case study has been presented with a (3×10 MW = 30 MW) wind farm scheme.Вступ. Внаслідок зростання цін на викопне паливо та використання найсучасніших технологій, дедалі більше побутових та комерційних споживачів електроенергії встановлюють вітряні турбіни. Мотивація полягає в тому, щоб скоротити рахунки за електроенергію та викиди вуглекислого газу. Мета. Основною метою цієї роботи є розробка схеми управління вітряним генератором зі змінною швидкістю для отримання максимальної потужності від різних типів вітру та змінної швидкості вітру. Новизна. У даній дослідницькій роботі представлена схема управління силовим IGBT перетворювачем для активної потужності в залежності від швидкості вітру та реактивної потужності шляхом регулювання значенняQ-еталона (Qref) у безредукторній вітровій турбіні з регульованою швидкістю та синхронним генератором із постійними магнітами. Методи. Ефективне моделювання та керування вітровою турбіною з запропонованим перетворювачем потужності здійснюється з використанням програмного забезпечення MATLAB/Simulink. Схема управління складається з управління вітряною турбіною і з управління силовим перетворювачем. Результати моделювання використовуються для аналізу та обговорення можливостей схеми управління, що показує, що генератор вітрової турбіни здатний активно підтримувати електроенергетичну мережу завдяки своїй здатності незалежно контролювати активну та реактивну потужність відповідно до застосовуваних еталонних значень при змінній швидкості вітру. Практична цінність. Це дослідження може бути використане для оцінки методології управління, динамічних можливостей та впливу безредукторної системи перетворення енергії вітру зі змінною швидкістю на електричні мережі. Наведено тематичне дослідження зі схемою вітряної електростанції (3×10 МВт = 30 МВт)

    Excess cardiovascular mortality associated with cold spells in the Czech Republic

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The association between cardiovascular mortality and winter cold spells was evaluated in the population of the Czech Republic over 21-yr period 1986–2006. No comprehensive study on cold-related mortality in central Europe has been carried out despite the fact that cold air invasions are more frequent and severe in this region than in western and southern Europe.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cold spells were defined as periods of days on which air temperature does not exceed -3.5°C. Days on which mortality was affected by epidemics of influenza/acute respiratory infections were identified and omitted from the analysis. Excess cardiovascular mortality was determined after the long-term changes and the seasonal cycle in mortality had been removed. Excess mortality during and after cold spells was examined in individual age groups and genders.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cold spells were associated with positive mean excess cardiovascular mortality in all age groups (25–59, 60–69, 70–79 and 80+ years) and in both men and women. The relative mortality effects were most pronounced and most direct in middle-aged men (25–59 years), which contrasts with majority of studies on cold-related mortality in other regions. The estimated excess mortality during the severe cold spells in January 1987 (+274 cardiovascular deaths) is comparable to that attributed to the most severe heat wave in this region in 1994.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results show that cold stress has a considerable impact on mortality in central Europe, representing a public health threat of an importance similar to heat waves. The elevated mortality risks in men aged 25–59 years may be related to occupational exposure of large numbers of men working outdoors in winter. Early warnings and preventive measures based on weather forecast and targeted on the susceptible parts of the population may help mitigate the effects of cold spells and save lives.</p

    Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging in pediatric oncology — recommendations by the Oncology Task Force of the ESPR

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    The purpose of this recommendation of the Oncology Task Force of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR) is to indicate reasonable applications of whole-body MRI in children with cancer and to address useful protocols to optimize workflow and diagnostic performance. Whole-body MRI as a radiation-free modality has been increasingly performed over the last two decades, and newer applications, as in screening of children with germ-line mutation cancer-related gene defects, are now widely accepted. We aim to provide a comprehensive outline of the diagnostic value for use in daily practice. Based on the results of our task force session in 2018 and the revision in 2019 during the ESPR meeting, we summarized our group’s experiences in whole-body MRI. The lack of large evidence by clinical studies is challenging when focusing on a balanced view regarding the impact of whole-body MRI in pediatric oncology. Therefore, the final version of this recommendation was supported by the members of Oncology Task Force

    Tree-Ring Amplification of the Early Nineteenth-Century Summer Cooling in Central Europe

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    Les prokinéticines sont des facteurs angiogènic potentiels qui se liant aux récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (PKR1 et PKR2) pour initier leurs effets biologiques. Nous avons montré que le transfert transitoire du gène PKR1 après ligation de l’artère coronaire réduit la mortalité et préserve la fonction du ventricule gauche en favorisant la néovascularisation et protegé des cardiomyocytes. Nous avons montré que des souris transgéniques (TG) surexprimant PKR1 dans le coeur aucune anomalie spontanée dans les cardiomyocytes, mais on observe une augmentation de néovascularization. Cependant des souris TG surexprimant PKR2 dans le coeur ont montré de l'hypertrophie excentrique et la perméabilité vasculaire. Pour la première fois nous avons montré que la balance entre l'activation de la voie de signalisation de PKR1 et de PKR2 pouvait être très importante pour protéger les cardiomyocytes des lésions causées par l'ischémie et/ou d’induire la neovascularisation dans le coeur.Cardiovascular disease is first cause of mortality worldwide. Prokineticins are potent angiogenic factors that bind to two G protein-coupled receptors (PKR1 and PKR2) to initiate their biological effects. We showed that transient PKR1 gene transfer after coronary ligation reduces mortality and preserves left ventricular function by promoting neovascularization and protecting cardiomyocytes. Next we showed that transgenic (TG) mice overexpressing PKR1 in heart exhibit neovascularization without inducing any spontaneous pathology in cardiomyocytes. However TG mice overexpressing PKR2 in heart exhibit eccentric hypertrophy in cardiomyocyte and vascular leakage. As a conclusion, for the first time we have shown that the balance between the activation of PKR1 and PKR2 signaling could be very important to prevent cardiomyocytes from ischemic insult and/or to induce neovascularization in heart

    Old World megadroughts and pluvials during the Common Era

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    Climate model projections suggest widespread drying in the Mediterranean Basin and wetting in Fennoscandia in the coming decades largely as a consequence of greenhouse gas forcing of climate. To place these and other “Old World” climate projections into historical perspective based on more complete estimates of natural hydroclimatic variability, we have developed the “Old World Drought Atlas” (OWDA), a set of year-to-year maps of tree-ring reconstructed summer wetness and dryness over Europe and the Mediterranean Basin during the Common Era. The OWDA matches historical accounts of severe drought and wetness with a spatial completeness not previously available. In addition, megadroughts reconstructed over north-central Europe in the 11th and mid-15th centuries reinforce other evidence from North America and Asia that droughts were more severe, extensive, and prolonged over Northern Hemisphere land areas before the 20th century, with an inadequate understanding of their causes. The OWDA provides new data to determine the causes of Old World drought and wetness and attribute past climate variability to forced and/or internal variability

    Influenza activity in Europe during eight seasons (1999–2007): an evaluation of the indicators used to measure activity and an assessment of the timing, length and course of peak activity (spread) across Europe

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The European Influenza Surveillance Scheme (EISS) has collected clinical and virological data on influenza since 1996 in an increasing number of countries. The EISS dataset was used to characterise important epidemiological features of influenza activity in Europe during eight winters (1999–2007). The following questions were addressed: 1) are the sentinel clinical reports a good measure of influenza activity? 2) how long is a typical influenza season in Europe? 3) is there a west-east and/or south-north course of peak activity ('spread') of influenza in Europe?</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Influenza activity was measured by collecting data from sentinel general practitioners (GPs) and reports by national reference laboratories. The sentinel reports were first evaluated by comparing them to the laboratory reports and were then used to assess the timing and spread of influenza activity across Europe during eight seasons.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found a good match between the clinical sentinel data and laboratory reports of influenza collected by sentinel physicians (overall match of 72% for +/- 1 week difference). We also found a moderate to good match between the clinical sentinel data and laboratory reports of influenza from non-sentinel sources (overall match of 60% for +/- 1 week). There were no statistically significant differences between countries using ILI (influenza-like illness) or ARI (acute respiratory disease) as case definition. When looking at the peak-weeks of clinical activity, the average length of an influenza season in Europe was 15.6 weeks (median 15 weeks; range 12–19 weeks). Plotting the peak weeks of clinical influenza activity reported by sentinel GPs against the longitude or latitude of each country indicated that there was a west-east spread of peak activity (spread) of influenza across Europe in four winters (2001–2002, 2002–2003, 2003–2004 and 2004–2005) and a south-north spread in three winters (2001–2002, 2004–2005 and 2006–2007).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We found that: 1) the clinical data reported by sentinel physicians is a valid indicator of influenza activity; 2) the length of influenza activity across the whole of Europe was surprisingly long, ranging from 12–19 weeks; 3) in 4 out of the 8 seasons, there was a west-east spread of influenza, in 3 seasons a south-north spread; not associated with type of dominant virus in those seasons.</p

    Main Results of Phase IV BEMUSE Project: Simulation of LBLOCA in an NPP

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    Phase IV of BEMUSE Program is a necessary step for a subsequent uncertainty analysis. It includes the simulation of the reference scenario and a sensitivity study. The scenario is a LBLOCA and the reference plant is Zion 1 NPP, a 4 loop PWR unit. Thirteen participants coming from ten different countries have taken part in the exercise. The BEMUSE (Best Estimate Methods plus Uncertainty and Sensitivity Evaluation) Programhas been promoted by theWorking Group on AccidentManagement and Analysis (WGAMA) and endorsed by the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI). The paper presents the results of the calculations performed by participants and emphasizes its usefulness for future uncertainty evaluation, to be performed in next phase. The objectives of the activity are basically to simulate the LBLOCA reproducing the phenomena associated to the scenario and also to build a common, well-known, basis for the future comparison of uncertainty evaluation results among different methodologies and codes. The sensitivity calculations performed by participants are also presented. They allow studying the influence of different parameters such as material properties or initial and boundary conditions, upon the behaviour of the most relevant parameters related to the scenario