7 research outputs found

    Developmental Exposure to the Flame Retardant Mixture Firemaster 550 Compromises Adult Bone Integrity in Male but not Female Rats

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    Flame retardants (FRs) are used in a variety of common items from furniture to carpet to electronics to reduce flammability and combustion, but the potential toxicity of these compounds is raising health concerns globally. Organophosphate FRs (OPFRs) are becoming more prevalent as older, brominated FRs are phased out, but the toxicity of these compounds, and the FR mixtures that contain them, is poorly understood. Work in a variety of in vitro model systems has suggested that FRs may induce metabolic reprogramming such that bone density is compromised at the expense of increasing adiposity. To address this hypothesis, the present studies maternally exposed Wistar rat dams orally across gestation and lactation to 1000 µg daily of the FR mixture Firemaster 550 (FM 550) which contains a mixture of brominated FRs and OPFRs. At six months of age, the offspring of both sexes were examined for evidence of compromised bone composition. Bone density, composition, and marrow were all significantly affected, but only in males. The fact that the phenotype was observed months after exposure suggests that FM 550 altered some fundamental aspect of mesenchymal stem cell reprogramming. The severity of the phenotype and the human-relevance of the dose employed, affirm this is an adverse outcome meriting further exploration

    EDC IMPACT: Molecular effects of developmental FM 550 exposure in Wistar rat placenta and fetal forebrain

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    Firemaster 550 (FM 550) is a flame retardant (FR) mixture that has become one of the most commonly used FRs in foam-based furniture and baby products. Human exposure to this commercial mixture, composed of brominated and organophosphate components, is widespread. We have repeatedly shown that developmental exposure can lead to sex-specific behavioral effects in rats. Accruing evidence of endocrine disruption and potential neurotoxicity has raised concerns regarding the neurodevelopmental effects of FM 550 exposure, but the specific mechanisms of action remains unclear. Additionally, we observed significant, and in some cases sex-specific, accumulation of FM 550 in placental tissue following gestational exposure. Because the placenta is an important source of hormones and neurotransmitters for the developing brain, it may be a critical target of toxicity to consider in the context of developmental neurotoxicity. Using a mixture of targeted and exploratory approaches, the goal of the present study was to identify possible mechanisms of action in the developing forebrain and placenta. Wistar rat dams were orally exposed to FM 550 (0, 300 or 1000 μg/day) for 10 days during gestation and placenta and fetal forebrain tissue collected for analysis. In placenta, evidence of endocrine, inflammatory and neurotransmitter signaling pathway disruption was identified. Notably, 5-HT turnover was reduced in placental tissue and fetal forebrains indicating that 5-HT signaling between the placenta and the embryonic brain may be disrupted. These findings demonstrate that environmental contaminants, like FM 550, have the potential to impact the developing brain by disrupting normal placental functions