37 research outputs found

    Healthier side dishes at restaurants: an analysis of children’s perspectives, menu content, and energy impacts

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    BACKGROUND: Children consume restaurant-prepared foods at high rates, suggesting that interventions and policies targeting consumption of these foods have the potential to improve diet quality and attenuate excess energy intake. One approach to encouraging healthier dietary intake in restaurants is to offer fruits and vegetables (FV) as side dishes, as opposed to traditional, energy-dense accompaniments like French fries. The aims of the current study were to examine: children's views about healthier side dishes at restaurants; current side dish offerings on children's menus at leading restaurants; and potential energy reductions when substituting FV side dishes in place of French fries. METHODS: To investigate children’s attitudes, a survey was administered to a nationally representative sample of U.S. 8- to 18-year-olds (n = 1178). To examine current side dish offerings, children's menus from leading quick service (QSR; n = 10) and full service restaurant chains (FSR; n = 10) were analyzed. Energy reductions that could result from substituting commonly-offered FV side dishes for French fries were estimated using nutrition information corresponding to the children's menu items. RESULTS: Two-thirds of children reported that they would not feel negatively about receiving FV sides instead of French fries with kids' meals. Liking/taste was the most common reason that children gave to explain their attitudes about FV side dishes. Nearly all restaurants offered at least 1 FV side dish option, but at most restaurants (60% of QSR; 70% of FSR), FV sides were never served by default. Substituting FV side dishes for French fries yielded an average estimated energy reduction of at least 170 calories. CONCLUSIONS: Results highlight some healthy trends in the restaurant context, including the majority of children reporting non-negative attitudes about FV side dishes and the consistent availability of FV side dish options at leading QSR and FSR. Yet the minority of restaurants offer these FV sides by default. Promoting creative, appealing FV side dishes can result in healthier, less energy-dense meals for children. Substituting or displacing energy-dense default side dishes with such FV dishes show promise as part of continued, comprehensive efforts to increase the healthfulness of meals consumed by children in restaurant settings

    Book Reviews

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    Book reviews of: Song of My Life: A Biography of Margaret Walker. By Carolyn J. Brown Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2014. Author’s note, afterword, acknowledgements, illustrations, appendices, notes, bibliography, index. Pp. xi, 147. 20.00cloth.ISBN:9781628461473.SearchingforFreedomaftertheCivilWar:Klansman,Carpetbagger,Scalawag,andFreedman.ByG.WardHubbs.(Tuscaloosa:TheUniversityofAlabamaPress,2015.Listofillustrations,preface,prologue,appendices,notes,bibliography,index.Pp.ix,223.20.00 cloth. ISBN: 9781628461473. Searching for Freedom after the Civil War: Klansman, Carpetbagger, Scalawag, and Freedman. By G. Ward Hubbs. (Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 2015. List of illustrations, preface, prologue, appendices, notes, bibliography, index. Pp. ix, 223. 34.95 cloth, 34.95ebook.ISBN:9780817318604.)ChoctawResurgenceinMississippi:Race,Class,andNationBuildingintheJimCrowSouth,18301977.ByKatherineM.B.Osburn.(Lincoln:UniversityofNebraskaPress,2014.Acknowledgements,illustrations,maps,notes,index.Pp.342.34.95 ebook. ISBN: 978-0-8173-1860-4.) Choctaw Resurgence in Mississippi: Race, Class, and Nation Building in the Jim Crow South, 1830-1977. By Katherine M. B. Osburn. (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2014. Acknowledgements, illustrations, maps, notes, index. Pp. 342. 65 Cloth, 25Paper.ISBN:0803240445.)Stennis:PlowingaStraightFurrow.ByDonH.Thompson(Oxford:TritonPress,2015.Acknowledgments,illustrations,notes.Pp.176.25 Paper. ISBN: 0803240445.) Stennis: Plowing a Straight Furrow. By Don H. Thompson (Oxford: Triton Press, 2015. Acknowledgments, illustrations, notes. Pp. 176. 35 cloth. 14.95paper.ISBN:1936946467.)CorazoˊndeDixie:MexicanosintheU.S.Southsince1910.ByJulieM.Weise.(ChapelHill:UniversityofNorthCarolinaPress,2015.Acknowledgments,appendix,notes,bibliography,index.Pp.358.14.95 paper. ISBN: 1936946467.) Corazón de Dixie: Mexicanos in the U. S. South since 1910. By Julie M. Weise. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2015. Acknowledgments, appendix, notes, bibliography, index. Pp. 358. 32.50 paper, 29.99ebook.ISBN:9781469624969.)TheGreatMelding:War,theDixiecratRebellion,andtheSouthernModelforAmericasNewConservatism.ByGlennFeldman.(Tuscaloosa:UniversityofAlabamaPress,2015.Acknowledgements,notes,index.Pp.x,388.29.99 e-book. ISBN: 9781469624969.) The Great Melding: War, the Dixiecrat Rebellion, and the Southern Model for America’s New Conservatism. By Glenn Feldman. (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2015. Acknowledgements, notes, index. Pp. x, 388. 59.95 cloth, 59.95ebook.ISBN9780817318666.)BaptistsinAmerica:AHistory.ByThomasS.KiddandBarryHankins.(NewYork:OxfordUniversityPress,2015.Preface,acknowledgements,notes,index.pp.xii,329.59.95 ebook. ISBN 978-0-8173-1866-6.) Baptists in America: A History. By Thomas S. Kidd and Barry Hankins. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. Preface, acknowledgements, notes, index. pp. xii, 329. 29.95 cloth. ISBN: 9780199977536.) One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America. By Kevin M. Kruse. (New York: Basic Books, 2015. Acknowledgements, notes, index. Pp. xvi, 352. 29.99.ISBN:9780465049493.)ConfederateGeneralsintheTransMississippi:EssaysonAmericasCivilWar,Vol.1,EditedbyLawrenceLeeHewittwithArthurW.Bergeron,Jr.,andThomasE.Schott.(Knoxville:UniversityofTennesseePress,2013.Acknowledgments,illustrations,maps,notes,index.Pp.xxiii,302.29.99. ISBN: 9780465049493.) Confederate Generals in the Trans-Mississippi: Essays on America’s Civil War, Vol. 1, Edited by Lawrence Lee Hewitt with Arthur W. Bergeron, Jr., and Thomas E. Schott. (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2013. Acknowledgments, illustrations, maps, notes, index. Pp. xxiii, 302. 54.95 cloth. ISBN: 9781572338661.) Agriculture and the Confederacy: Policy, Productivity, and Power in the Civil War South. By R. Douglas Hurt. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2015. Acknowledgements, maps, tables, notes, index. Pp. xi, 349. 45paper.ISBN:1469620006.)WomanpowerUnlimitedandtheBlackFreedomStruggleinMississippi.ByTiyiM.Morris.(Athens:UniversityofGeorgiaPress,2015.Acknowledgements,illustrations,notesindex.Pp.xvi,237.45 paper. ISBN: 1469620006.) Womanpower Unlimited and the Black Freedom Struggle in Mississippi. By Tiyi M. Morris. (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2015. Acknowledgements, illustrations, notes index. Pp. xvi, 237. 69.95 cloth, $24.95 paper. ISBN: 0820347302.

    Biogenic carbonate mercury and marine temperature records reveal global influence of Late Cretaceous Deccan Traps

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155784/1/Meyer_et_al_2019_Biogenic_carbonate_mercury.pd

    The effects of inspiratory muscle training in older adults

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    Purpose: Declining inspiratory muscle function and structure and systemic low-level inflammation and oxidative stress may contribute to morbidity and mortality during normal ageing. Therefore, we examined the effects of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) in older adults on inspiratory muscle function and structure and systemic inflammation and oxidative stress, and re-examined the reported positive effects of IMT on respiratory muscle strength, inspiratory muscle endurance, spirometry, exercise performance, physical activity levels (PAL) and quality of life (QoL). Methods: Thirty-four healthy older adults (68 ± 3 years) with normal spirometry, respiratory muscle strength and physical fitness were divided equally into a pressure-threshold IMT or sham-hypoxic placebo group. Before and after an 8 week intervention, measurements were taken for dynamic inspiratory muscle function and inspiratory muscle endurance using a weighted plunger pressure-threshold loading device, diaphragm thickness using B-mode ultrasonography, plasma cytokine concentrations using immunoassays, DNA damage levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) using Comet Assays, spirometry, maximal mouth pressures, exercise performance using a six minute walk test, PAL using a questionnaire and accelerometry, and QoL using a questionnaire

    The effect of decoys in IED warfare

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    This report examines two forms of decoy that may arise in warfare involving improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The first is a fake IED, which costs less than a real IED and wastes the time of route-clearing patrols that investigate it. The second is an understaffed surveillance tower, which may provide some deterrence to insurgent activities, as from the outside the tower appears to be fully operational. For each form of decoy, we formulate mathematical models to study the optimal strategies for both the insurgents and the government forces. We use numerical examples to demonstrate our models, and to point out the situations when these decoys may play a significant role in IED warfare.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    A graph patrol problem with random attack times

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    This paper presents a patrol problem, where a patroller traverses a graph through edges to detect potential attacks at nodes. To design a patrol policy, the patroller needs to take into account not only the graph structure, but also the different attack time distributions, as well as different costs incurred due to successful attacks, at different nodes. We consider both random attackers and strategic attackers. A random attacker chooses which node to attack according to a probability distribution known to the patroller. A strategic attacker plays a two-person zero-sum game with the patroller. For each case, we give an exact linear program to compute the optimal solution. Because the linear programs quickly become computationally intractable as the problem size grows, we develop index-based heuristics. In the random-attacker case, our heuristic is optimal when there are two nodes, and in a suitably chosen asymptotic regime. In the strategic-attacker case, our heuristic is optimal when there are two nodes if the attack times are deterministic taking integer values. In our numerical experiments, our heuristic typically achieves within 1% of optimality with computation time orders of magnitude less than what is required to compute the optimal policy