158 research outputs found

    Lernen mit Computer/Internet und Schulbuch: Ein Prozessmodell zur theoriegeleiteten empirischen Erforschung der schulrelevanten Medienrezeption Jugendlicher in der Freizeit und ihrer Auswirkungen auf den Kompetenzerwerb mit Medien in der Schule

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    Im Beitrag werden aus Desideraten des aktuellen Forschungsstands zur bildungsorientierten Medienrezeption und zum Umgang mit Schulbüchern weitere Forschungsmöglichkeiten zum Lernen mit Computer/Internet und Schulbüchern abgeleitet. Darauf aufbauend wird ein Forschungskonzept vorgestellt, mit dem die informelle schulrelevante Medienrezeption mit Computer/Internet und Schulbüchern einschliesslich ihres Bedingungsgefüges sowie ihrer Effekte auf den formalen Kompetenzerwerb mit diesen Medien aus Schülersicht untersucht werden können. Das Konzept mündet in ein Prozessmodell, in dem unterschiedliche theoretische Ansätze triangulativ zusammengeführt und in ihrer spezifischen Bedeutung für ein mögliches empirisches Vorgehen skizziert werden

    Verifying OCL Specifications of UML models

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    Semantics of UML 2.2 State Machines in Rewriting Logic

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    While the semantics of (labeled) transition systems and the relations between these are well understood. However, the same has not yet been achieved for UML 2.2 state machines. Their many semantics often is defined in terms of labeled transition systems, because the standard document is ambiguous. A formal, modular core semantics for UML 2.2 state machines is given in rewriting logic

    Semantic Issues in UML 2.0 State Machines

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    A precise semantics for the modeling language UML 2.0 is necessary for code generation and for formal verification of models during the early stages of design. We present a formal semantics of the firing of transitions in UML 2.0 state machines. In particular, we handle shallow/deep history pseudostates, final states, join/fork pseudostates, entry/exit actions and the different kinds of transition. Furthermore, our semantics captures all orderings of actions in a run-to-completion step. We point out ambiguities and uncertainties in the UML 2.0 standard, especially in the meaning of history pseudostates and priority between transitions. We discuss different attempts in resolving these

    Das Selbstverständnis des Skalden: eine Untersuchung zu den Selbstaussagen in der Dichtung

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    Es werden die Aussagen des Dichters über sich selbst, d. h. über seine Dichtung und über seine Beziehung zum Fürsten in den Preisliedstrophen und Lausavísur, untersucht. Es wurden dabei Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in beiden Strophenarten herausgestellt und untersucht, ob es zu einem Wandel im Dichterbild vom 9. bis zum 14. Jahrhundert gekommen ist.The propositions of a skald in his panegyric and his Lausavísur about himself, i.e. about his poetry and his relationship to his prince, are described. The commonalities and differences between the kinds of stanzas are described and it is analysed whether the view on a poet changed between the 9th and 14th century

    Verifying OCL specifications of UML models : tool support and compositionality

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    The Unified Modelling Language (UML) and the Object Constraint Language (OCL) serve as specification languages for embedded and real-time systems used in a safety-critical environment. In this dissertation class diagrams, object diagrams, and OCL constraints are formalised. The formalisation serves as foundation for a translation of class diagrams, state machines, and constraints into the theorem prover PVS. This enables the formal verification of models defined in a subset of UML using the interactive theorem prover. The type system of OCL makes writing specifications difficult while the model is still under development. To overcome this difficulty a new type system is proposed, based on intersection types, union types, and bounded operator abstraction. To reduce the complexity of the model and to increase the structure of the specification, compositional reasoning is used. The introduction of history variables allows compositional specifications. Proof rules support compositional reasoning. The feasibility of the presented approach is demonstrated by two case-studies. The first one is the "Sieve of Eratosthenes" and the second one is a part of the medium altitude reconnaissance system (MARS) deployed in F-16 fighters of the Royal Dutch Air Force.Part of this work has been financially supported by IST project OMEGA (IST-33522-2001) and NWO/DFG project Mobi-j (RO 1122/9-1, RO 1122/9-2). The work has been carried out at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany.UBL - phd migration 201

    CLAN: A Tool for Contract Analysis and Conflict Discovery

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    TTSS'11 - 5th International Workshop on Harnessing Theories for Tool Support in Software

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    The aim of the workshop is to bring together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and government to present and discuss ideas about: • How to deal with the complexity of software projects by multi-view modeling and separation of concerns about the design of functionality, interaction, concurrency, scheduling, and nonfunctional requirements, and • How to ensure correctness and dependability of software by integrating formal methods and tools for modeling, design, verification and validation into design and development processes and environments. • Case studies and experience reports about harnessing static analysis tools such as model checking, theorem proving, testing, as well as runtime monitoring

    The Concept of Ecologically Oriented Progress and Natural Resource Preservation

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    The most important issue of scientific and technological progress is considering the environment challenges of industrial development. It means that the progress must be ecologically oriented and environmentally friendly. The most adequate concept for the approach to the issue of "man - society – nature" relations is the ontology of the noosphere - the idea of a common space for human beings and nature. It presents an ideal example of an optimistic attitude towards the coordination between accelerating the scientific and technological development and natural resource saving. However, to maintain the balance between human needs and environmental processes determined by this concept, it is essential to include the lean production training into technological development of society