126 research outputs found

    Evidence-Based Solution-Focused Care for School-Age Children Experiencing Cyberbullying

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    Cyberbullying is a global phenomenon. The experiences of bullied children are the same across cultures and languages, and psychiatric nursing interventions are known to be effective. It is critical to widely disseminate effective interventions to identify and address cyberbullying. Therefore, evidence-based care plans addressing cyberbullying at the individual and community levels were developed using the Omaha System, a terminology that is used internationally to guide and document care. This article presents a case study in which an evidence-based intervention was used to help a bullied child arrive at a solution, and demonstrates the use of the Omaha System to document evidence-based cyberbullying interventions with individuals and communities


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan diberlakukannya Kurikulum 2013 yang menekankan pada dimensi pedagogik modern dalam pembelajaran, yaitu menggunakan pendekatan scientific. Pada pelaksanaan Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL), mahasiswa dituntut untuk menggunakan pendekatan scientific. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh data mengenai pendapat mahasiswa tentang pendekatan scientific dalam pembelajaran keterampilan produktif yang berkaitan dengan (1) pengetahuan tentang konsep (2) pemahaman tentang prosedur, dan (3) analisis penerapan pendekatan scientific. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitik. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 21 orang mahasiswa. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan mahasiswa berpendapat positif tentang pendekatan scientific dan (1) Tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa tentang konsep pendekatan scientific dalam pembelajaran keterampilan produktif di SMK berada pada kriteria tinggi. Mahasiswa mengetahui bahwa dalam konsep pendekatan scientific memiliki karakteristik pendekatan scientific, prinsip pembelajaran, dan tujuan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan scientific. (2) Tingkat pemahaman prosedur pendekatan scientific oleh mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran keterampilan produktif di SMK berada pada kriteria tinggi sekali. Mahasiswa memahami prosedur atau langkah-langkah pembelajaran dengan pendekatan scientific dilaksanakan secara sistematis, mulai dari kegiatan mengamati, menanya, menalar, mencoba, dan mengkomunikasikan. Setiap prosedur pendekatan scientific memiliki maksud dan tujuan masing-masing. (3) Analisis penerapan pendekatan scientific dalam pembelajaran keterampilan produktif di SMK berada pada kriteria tinggi. Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan kegiatan mengamati, menanya, menalar, mecoba, dan mengkomunikasikan dalam pembelajaran. Setiap prosedur atau langkah-langkah pendekatan scientific tersebut sesuai untuk diterapkan dalam pembelajaran keterampilan produktif di SMK.----------This research was effected by the enactment of the 2013 Curriculum that emphasizes on the dimensions of modern pedagogy in learning, i.e. using scientific approach. On the implementation of the field experience program, students are required to use a scientific approach. The purpose of this research is to obtain data about student opinion about the scientific approach in learning productive skills related to (1) knowledge of the concept (2) understanding of the procedures, and (3) an analysis of the application of the scientific approach. The research method used is descriptive analytic method. Technique data collection using the questionnaire with the number of respondents as much as 21 students. The findings of the study showed the students had a positive opinion about the scientific approach and (1) the level of knowledge of students about the concepts of scientific approaches in the study of productive skills at vocational high school is at once high criteria. Students learn that in the concept of scientific approach has the characteristics of a scientific approach, principles of learning, and learning objectives with scientific approach. (2) level of understanding of the learning procedures with scientific approach by students in productive skills learning at the vocational high school is at once high criteria. Students understood the procedures or steps scientific approach implemented systematically, from observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, and networking activities. Each procedure has a scientific approach to the goals and purpose of each. (3) an analysis of the application of scientific approaches in the study of productive skills at vocational high school is at once high criteria. Students was able to implement activities to observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, and networking in learning. Any procedures or steps of the scientific approach is appropriate to applied in productive skills learning at the vocational high school

    Håndhygiene - er Antibac® den mest effektive bakteriedreperen?

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    I dette forskningsprosjektet ble det forsøkt å påvise forskjell på desinfeksjonsmidler med ulike ingredienser, og om disse var bedre enn håndvask. Mange bruker desinfeksjonsmidler når såpe og vann ikke er tilgjengelig. Firmaet Antibac® AS produserer antibakterielle midler, og man kaller gjerne desinfeksjonsmidler for «antibac» selv om dette er et merkevare-beskyttet produkt. Desinfeksjonsmidlene brukt i prosjektet er imidlertid begge hentet fra Antibac® AS. Prosjektets forskningsspørsmål går ut på om det er forskjell på et desinfeksjonsmiddel tilsatt klorhexidin, som brukes innenfor helsesektoren, og vanlig desinfeksjonsmiddel, som selges over disk til husholdningene. Og er desinfeksjonsmidlene bedre enn såpe og vann? Forsøket ble utført ved å dyrke frem bakterier avsatt med fingre i petriskåler med kjøttpeptonagar. Deretter ble fingrene vasket i ulike midler, før de igjen ble avtrykket i nye agarskåler for å finne eventuelle resterende bakterier. Resultatene viser små eller ingen forskjeller mellom desinfeksjonsmidlene, mens etter håndvask er det betydelig flere gjenværende bakterier

    I feel I mean something to someone: solution-focused brief therapy support groups for bullied schoolchildren

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    The aim of this study was to investigate how bullied schoolchildren experience solution-focused brief therapy support groups, and to examine how members of the support group experience their participation in the group. An explorative qualitative design, with individual and focus group interviews, was used. The sample consisted of 19 schoolchildren, aged 12–13 years, three of whom were bullied. Six individual interviews were conducted with the bullied children and three focus group interviews were held with the support groups. The bullied children reported that the bullying stopped after they received help from the support group and the improvements remained after three months. Their daily lives at school changed and they felt safer and happier and made friends. Members of the support groups reported that they were doing a meaningful job in helping the victims. It is important that school nurses, educational psychologists and teachers, together with parents, follow up bullied children, to prevent further bullyin

    The coastal defence in Scandinavia : the role and composition of the military organisation in the Viking and early Middle Ages

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    This thesis sets out to examine the coastal defence in Scandinavia in the Viking and early middle ages, with main emphasis on Norway, the organisation and the elements' level of co-existence. The idea is that the military organisation consisted of three main elements. First and foremost the levy system, based on ships being mustered from the various administrative districts in the countries, in order to protect the land from seaborne attacks. Secondly a signalling system, consisting of several sites, to be lit and warn the settlements of approaching fleets or other danger, so that a defence could be mustered. Thirdly, underwater fortifications, man made defensive constructions positioned in water at favourable locations to prevent enemy vessels from using fjords and inlets as inroads. As the latter category has only been researched in Denmark and Sweden, special interest will be put in studying this element and to evaluate the possibilities for it having been employed in Norway. A study of the various available, and valid, sources in order to obtain knowledge regarding each of the elements will be presented, emphasising on the ramifications involved when applying them in research. The study will be multi-disciplinary, for though the basis being archaeological, the lack of archaeological material will in many cases, make the use of other sources necessary. Additionally will various sources make the picture more complete and a better understanding can be reached. Especially will place-names be regarded as a valuable source

    Effekten av anti-mobbetiltak på skolebarn

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    Mobbing har stor utbredelse i skolen og mobbing kan bidra til store helseproblemer for de som rammes av den. Mange anti-mobbeprogram har blitt implementert i skolen, men få har blitt evaluert med fokus på hvilket tiltaksnivå som er mest effektivt. I denne artikkelen presenteres hvilke antimobbetiltak som har mest effekt på ulike nivåer i tre utvalgte oversiktsartikler. Resultatet fra disse oversiktsartiklene viste at tiltak som rettes mot både individ og miljø har mest effekt mot mobbing. Intensive og vedvarende skolebaserte tiltak der lærer og elever sammen med andre samarbeidspartnere deltar, viser best effekt. Det er behov for mer forskning om nettmobbing og på tverrfaglig samarbeid med hjem og skole

    Jordmødres opplevelse av fødselsangst i fødsel.

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    Sammendrag Hensikt: Å få en bedre forståelse og fordypet kunnskap om hvordan jordmødre opplever å møte og støtte kvinner med fødselsangst i fødsel, og sette søkelys på et viktig tema innen jordmoryrket. Metode: Kvalitativ metode med fenomenologisk tilnærming. Det ble gjennomført 10 semistrukturerte individuelle intervju med jordmødre som arbeidet på lokalsykehus og kvinneklinikk. Datamateriale ble analysert ved bruk av systematisk tekstkondensering (STC) av Malterud. Resultat: Funnene er presentert i tre kategorier: «en profesjonell jordmor som ivaretar kvinner», «tid har betydning for trygghet og tillit» og «å møte og se kvinner uten fordommer». Å være en profesjonell jordmor handlet om å ha selvtillit, kontroll, kompetanse/erfaring, selvstendighet, fremme normal fødsel og motivere. Mangel på tid kunne gjøre det utfordrende å etablere trygghet og tillit. Kontinuitet, tilstedeværelse, relasjonsbygging og ha en rolig tilnærming var viktig. Jordmødrene opplevde individuell omsorg som vel så viktig som å behandle alle likt for å unngå diskriminering og fordommer. Selvinnsikt var viktig for å vurdere om relasjonen stemte, og et jordmorbytte var akseptert. Det var også viktig å ha kontroll på begrepet «fødselsangst», og jordmødrene etterlyste retningslinjer for dette og hvordan ivareta kvinnene. Konklusjon: Aspekter relatert til profesjonelle jordmorfaglige ferdigheter, organisasjonsfaktorer som tid for å etablere trygghet og tillit, samt hvordan begrepet fødselsangst anvendes var alle viktig for å møte og støtte kvinner med fødselsangst i fødsel. Alle aspektene trenger å forbedres i jordmoromsorgen for kvinner med fødselsangst. I tillegg var det behov for definerte retningslinjer for håndtering av fødselsangst i fødsel. Nøkkelord: Jordmor, fødselsangst, møte, støtte, opplevelse

    The Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ): Initial validity testing in a Norwegian sample.

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    This study tested the Norwegian version of the Health Literacy Questionnaire. The questionnaire (44 items across nine scales) was completed by 368 nursing students. Despite some overlap between scale 7 (“navigating in the health care system”) and scale 8 (“ability to find good health information”), the questionnaire appears to serve as a good measurement for health literacy in the Norwegian population.publishedVersio

    Helsesøstres utfordringer for å fremme elevenes psykiske helse

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    Challenges school nurses have to promote students’ mental healthThe school is an important arena for promoting students' mental health. Prevalence of mental health problems among young people is of concern, and focusing on prevention efforts in schools has been considered to be important. The purpose of this qualitative study was to gain further insight into how collaboration between school nurses and teachers can promote students' mental health. This article is based on four interviews with school nurses from secondary and high school. The school nurses highlighted the importance of establishing themselves as visible partners for teachers, while at the same time providing low threshold for services to students. Factors like lack of time and the location of the school nurse’s office, created tension and influenced their work. Much of the work concerning students' mental health was experienced as "fire fighting", while they instead wanted to emphasize health promotion and primary prevention efforts on class and group levels