96 research outputs found

    Rooting and dating maples (Acer) with an uncorrelated-rates molecular clock

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    Simulations suggest that molecular clock analyses can correctly identify the root of a tree even when the clock assumption is severely violated. Clock-based rooting of phylogenies may be particularly useful when outgroup rooting is problematic. Here, we explore relaxed-clock rooting in the Acer/Dipteronia clade of Sapindaceae, which comprises genera of highly uneven species richness and problematic mutual monophyly. Using an approach that does not presuppose rate autocorrelation between ancestral and descendant branches and hence does not require a rooted a priori topology, we analyzed data fromup to seven chloroplast loci for some 50 ingroup species. For comparison,weused midpoint and outgroup rooting and dating methods that rely on rooted input trees, namely penalized likelihood, a Bayesian autocorrelated-rates model, and a strict clock. The chloroplast sequences used here reject a single global substitution rate, and the assumption of autocorrelated rates was also rejected. The root was placed between Acer and Dipteronia by all three rooting methods, albeit with low statistical support. Analyses of Acer diversification with a lineage-through-time plot and different survival models, although sensitive to missing data, suggest a gradual decrease in the average diversification rate. The nine North American species of Acer diverged from their nearest relatives at widely different times: eastern American Acer diverged in the Oligocene and Late Miocene; western American species in the Late Eocene and Mid Miocene; and the Acer core clade, including A. saccharum, dates to the Miocene. Recent diversification in North America is strikingly rare compared to diversification in eastern Asia

    Newly recognized diversity in Trochodendraceae from the Eocene of Western North America

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    The Eocene flora of the Okanogan Highlands in the Pacific Northwest of North America has been recognized previously to include extinct species of both extant genera of the Trochodendraceae. Here, using microcomputed tomography (μCT) scanning to augment traditional methods, we recognize additional diversity, including two new fruit types. Concavistylon wehrii sp. nov. is documented by a fertile twig with attached leaves and an infructescence, allowing for an unusually complete reconstruction of this extinct genus. Concavistyon wehrii infructescences are racemes bearing fruits on short pedicels. Fruits are apically dehiscent capsules with four to six styles. The leaves resemble those of modern Trochodendron in pinnate venation, glandular teeth, and epidermal anatomy but have short petioles. The second new type of infructescence, Pentacentron sternhartae gen. et sp. nov., resembles extant Tetracentron in having small, sessile, apically dehiscent capsules but consistently has five, rather than four, styles. The μCT X-ray imaging demonstrates that fruits of both Concavistylon and Pentacentron differ from those of extant Trochodendraceae in having styles that are concave with stigmas directed inward rather than outward. These fossils, together with previously recognized fossil fruits and leaves of Trochodendron and leaves of Tetracentron from the same beds, indicate that the Trochodendraceae family was more diverse 50–52 Ma than it is today

    A brackish to non-marine aquatic and terrestrial fossil assemblage with vertebrates from the lower Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous) Gosau Group of the Tiefengraben locality near St. Wolfgang, Austria

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    The Turonian–Coniacian continental fossil record in Europe is scarce. Here we present a new fossil assemblage of early Coniacian age that was systematically collected from the coal-bearing Gosau Group of the Tiefengraben locality near St. Wolfgang, Austria. The diverse assemblage is composed of at least 60 taxa including sporomorphs and Normapolles-related pollen, seeds and leaves of angiosperms and gymnosperms, charophytes, gastropods, bivalves, ostracods, termites, fishes, crocodiles and dinosaurs. Concerning charophytes, ostracods, gastropods, crocodiles and dinosaurs, the discovered specimens either extend the temporal and spatial range of specific groups (in some cases as possible relict forms) or suggest the occurrence of new taxa. The discovered remains of algae, molluscs, ostracods, calcareous nannofossils and lepisosteid fish represent a mixed faunal assemblage from different palaeohabitats, from marginal marine to low salinity and freshwater or terrestrial environments. As Normapolles-related angiosperm plants dominate the flora with a relatively high number dentate leaves, a slightly cooler microenvironment compared to other Turonian–Coniacian Central European localities is indicated. The characteristically grooved crocodylian teeth of Tiefengraben differ from the previously known Late Upper Cretaceous European crocodyliform teeth and suggest a more diverse crocodyliform fauna in the region. Dinosaurs are represented by teeth of at least three different theropods, the largest of which is referred here to as basal tetanurans. The fossil assemblage of this early Gosau Group occurrence is of great importance for our understanding of the continental floristic and faunistic composition of the western Tethyan archipelago during the Cenomanian–Campanian gap

    Synchrotron X-rayimaging of a dichasium cupule of Castanopsis from Eocene Baltic amber

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    The partial female inflorescence reported here provides an important addition to acorns of Castanopsis described from middle Eocene strata of Europe. Furthermore, the intercontinental distribution of Castanopsis in the Eocene is confirmed. The amber fossil also broadens the picture of the Baltic amber source area, indicating oligotrophic, sandy, bog-like habitats. Finally, this study underscores the great benefit of SRμCT as a powerful tool to investigate plant inclusions from amber in a nondestructive way

    Nitrogen isotopes reveal independent origins of N2-fixing symbiosis in extant cycad lineages

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    Funding for isotopic analyses was provided by the University of Washington Royalty Research Fund and NASA Exobiology grant NNX16AI37G to R.B., as well as by a Paleontological Society student grant to M.A.K.Cycads are ancient seed plants (gymnosperms) that emerged by the early Permian. Although they were common understory flora and food for dinosaurs in the Mesozoic, their abundance declined markedly in the Cenozoic. Extant cycads persist in restricted populations in tropical and subtropical habitats and, with their conserved morphology, are often called ‘living fossils.’ All surviving taxa receive nitrogen from symbiotic N2-fixing cyanobacteria living in modified roots, suggesting an ancestral origin of this symbiosis. However, such an ancient acquisition is discordant with the abundance of cycads in Mesozoic fossil assemblages, as modern N2-fixing symbioses typically occur only in nutrient-poor habitats where advantageous for survival. Here, we use foliar nitrogen isotope ratios—a proxy for N2 fixation in modern plants—to probe the antiquity of the cycad–cyanobacterial symbiosis. We find that fossilized cycad leaves from two Cenozoic representatives of extant genera have nitrogen isotopic compositions consistent with microbial N2 fixation. In contrast, all extinct cycad genera have nitrogen isotope ratios that are indistinguishable from co-existing non-cycad plants and generally inconsistent with microbial N2 fixation, pointing to nitrogen assimilation from soils and not through symbiosis. This pattern indicates that, rather than being ancestral within cycads, N2-fixing symbiosis arose independently in the lineages leading to living cycads during or after the Jurassic. The preferential survival of these lineages may therefore reflect the effects of competition with angiosperms and Cenozoic climatic change.PostprintPeer reviewe