49 research outputs found

    Late Cretaceous flora of James Ross Island (Antarctica) – preliminary report

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    Fossil plants from Late Cretaceous strata (Hidden Lake Formation and Santa Marta Formation) of James Ross Basin exposed in the northern part of the James Ross Island are preliminary described. Both formations contain plant mega fossils, petrified wood, and charcoalified mesofossils. Fossil plants from the Hidden Lake Formation are represented by leaf impressions of pteridophytes (Microphyllopteris, Delosorus, Lygodium), conifers (Elatocladus, Brachyphyllum, Pagiophyllum, Araucaria, Podozamites vel Lindleycladus), Bennettitales vel Cycadales (Zamites vel Dioonites sp.) and angiosperms (Cinnamomoides, Dicotylophyllum ssp., Proteophyllum, Juglandi-phyllum vel Dicotylophyllum). Fossil wood can be attributed to the very broadly defined morphogenus Antarctoxylon Poole & Cantrill

    The Vegetation of Antartica through Geological Time.

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    David.J. Cantrill and Imogene PooleCambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2012. ISBN 978−0−521−85598−3, 480 pages

    Forced passage of participating securities

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    This rigorous thesis deals with the topic of the forced passage of participating securities in a joint stock company as regulated by Act No. 90/2012 Coll., on Business Companies and Cooperatives (Act on Business Corporations), as amended, that has been extensively amended with effect from 1 January 2021. The purpose of this thesis is to conduct an in-depth legal analysis of the amended legislation, inter alia, by using the case law of the Czech courts, to draw attention to the shortcomings and ambiguities of the legislation, to suggest possible solutions and to try to identify the most appropriate one. In order to clarify the thesis, the text is divided into several chapters, of which every chapter contains an in-depth analysis of individual parts of the examined problematics, which can be understood as relatively separate areas. The chapters are further divided into subchapters. The first chapter is devoted to the explanation of the basic terms and instruments that are inseparably linked with the forced passage of participating securities. Understanding these terms and instruments is crucial for understanding the complex problematics of the forced passage of participating securities in general. The second chapter examines the problematics of the constitutional conformity of the legislation and...Tato rigorózní práce pojednává o institutu nuceného přechodu účastnických cenných papírů v akciové společnosti, jak je upraven v zákoně č. 90/2012 Sb., o obchodních společnostech a družstvech (zákon o obchodních korporacích), ve znění pozdějších předpisů, a který prošel s účinností od 1. ledna 2021 rozsáhlou novelou. Cílem této práce je podrobit novelizovanou právní úpravu důkladnému zkoumání mimo jiné s pomocí judikatury českých soudů, upozornit na případné nedostatky či nejasnosti právní úpravy a navrhnout možné způsoby jejich řešení, případně se pokusit identifikovat ten nejvhodnější. Text práce je v zájmu přehlednosti členěn do několika kapitol, které obsahují podrobný rozbor jednotlivých částí zkoumané problematiky, a které lze chápat jako relativně samostatné oblasti. Jednotlivé kapitoly jsou dále členěny na podkapitoly. První kapitola je věnována vysvětlení základních pojmů a institutů, které s nuceným přechodem účastnických cenných papírů neodmyslitelně souvisejí a jejichž pochopení je nezbytné pro pochopení komplexní problematiky nuceného přechodu účastnických cenných papírů. Druhá kapitola je věnována problematice ústavní konformity právní úpravy a rozboru související judikatury Ústavního soudu. Třetí kapitola obsahuje podrobnou právní analýzu celého procesu nuceného přechodu účastnických...Department of Business LawKatedra obchodního právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Orontiophyllum, a new genus for foliage of fossil Orontioideae (Araceae) from the Cretaceous of central Europe

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111905/1/boj12256.pd

    Late Cretaceous Floras in Central Europe and their palaeoenvironment

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    Přírodovědecká fakult

    Методология компьютерного моделирования процесса алмазного выглаживания

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    Приведены результаты компьютерного динамического моделирования процесса алмазного выглаживания методом конечных элементов в программном пакете Third Wave AdvantEdge. Установлено влияние модуля упругости обрабатываемого материала, радиуса выглаживателя, глубины и скорости выглаживания на величину напряжений в зоне обработки.The results of the computer simulation of the process of diamond smoothing by the finite element method in the software package Third Wave AdvantEdge are presented. The effect of the modulus of elasticity of the processed material, the radius of the smoother, the depth and the speed of smoothing on the value of stresses in the treatment zone is established

    Biodiversity of ecosystems in an arid setting: The late Albian plant communities and associated biota from eastern Iberia

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    Deserts are stressful environments where the living beings must acquire different strategies to survive due to the water stress conditions. From the late Albian to the early Cenomanian, the northern and eastern parts of Iberia were the location of the desert system represented by deposits assigned to the Utrillas Group, which bear abundant amber with numerous bioinclusions, including diverse arthropods and vertebrate remains. In the Maestrazgo Basin (E Spain), the late Albian to early Cenomanian sedimentary succession represents the most distal part of the desert system (fore-erg) that was characterised by an alternation of aeolian and shallow marine sedimentary environments in the proximity of the Western Tethys palaeo-coast, with rare to frequent dinoflagellate cysts. The terrestrial ecosystems from this area were biodiverse, and comprised plant communities whose fossils are associated with sedimentological indicators of aridity. The palynoflora dominated by wind-transported conifer pollen is interpreted to reflect various types of xerophytic woodlands from the hinterlands and the coastal settings. Therefore, fern and angiosperm communities abundantly grew in wet interdunes and coastal wetlands (temporary to semi-permanent freshwater/salt marshes and water bodies). In addition, the occurrence of low-diversity megafloral assemblages reflects the existence of coastal salt-influenced settings. The palaeobotanical study carried out in this paper which is an integrative work on palynology and palaeobotany, does not only allow the reconstruction of the vegetation that developed in the mid-Cretaceous fore-erg from the eastern Iberia, in addition, provides new biostratigraphic and palaeogeographic data considering the context of angiosperm radiation as well as the biota inferred in the amber-bearing outcrops of San Just, Arroyo de la Pascueta and La Hoya (within Cortes de Arenoso succesion). Importantly, the studied assemblages include Afropollis, Dichastopollenites, Cretacaeiporites together with pollen produced by Ephedraceae (known for its tolerance to arid conditions). The presence of these pollen grains, typical for northern Gondwana, associates the Iberian ecosystems with those characterising the mentioned region.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovacio ́n y UniversidadesIGME-CSICSecretaria d’Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de CataloniaEuropean Social Fundpu

    Hazards and disasters in the geological and geomorphological record: a key to understanding past and future hazards and disasters

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    Hazards and disasters have occurred throughout Earth's History and thus the geological record is an important resource for understanding future hazards and disasters. The Earth Science Group (ESG) of the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF) carried out a "Hazard and Disaster Event Survey" to identify Earth Science collections in European museums that represent hazards and disasters throughout the geological record, and recent times. The aim is to use the collections within the survey as an educational and research resource that promotes the importance of museum collections for understanding past and future hazard and disaster events. The survey pinpointed a wide variety of hazards (e.g. earthquakes, volcanism, floods, impact events, etc.), representing a vast time span in Earth's history (Proterozoic to Holocene), that are documented in the collections of the participating museums. Each hazard and disaster event has been described in terms of how they are preserved (e.g. fossil record or rock record), spatial scale, impact on life, and geological age. Here we showcase seven examples in detail which include well-known and less-known events from the survey that have contributed to our understanding of hazard and disaster processes and their impact on life. Also we present general conclusions and lessons learnt from the "Hazard and Disaster Event Survey"