1,704 research outputs found

    Physical Properties of Unconventional Superconductors

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    In the following development, we attempt to obtain basic physical properties of majority of unconventional superconductors through a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer-type weak-coupling approach. The method we adopted in our study is model-independent. The weak-coupling approach depends only on the symmetry of the coupling, not on its origin. It is known that a general analysis of physical properties of unconventional superconductors is possible, but has not been done yet. The goal of our work is to develop and test such analysis, using available experimental data. Since paramagnetic limiting for spin-singlet superconductors can be suppressed in superconductors with broken inversion symmetry of crystal lattice, a possibility for triplet-pairing opens up. However, it contradicts a P.W. Anderson theorem that spin-triplet is unlikely to occur in a material without an inversion center. Nevertheless, experimental evidence (in CePt3Si, for example) strongly supports the p-wave pairing mechanism in A12 (non-centrosymmetric) compounds. In our research, we found Re3W to be the most attractive material from the A12 family for experimental investigation and decided to concentrate on it. Although theoretically favorable in many aspects for some degree of p-wave superconductivity, annealed bulk Re3W exhibited no evidence for triplet pairing upon experimental study. Instead, we discovered behaviors usually attributed to BCS-like s-wave pairing in SC state, such as ΔCel / Cel ≈BCS value, exponential T-dependence of the specific heat and dirty-limit BCS-like normalized superfluid density,λ2 (0) / λ2 (T), at low temperatures. We report remarkably large (up to 60% of the upper critical magnetic field Hc2) reversible and linear in field magnetization, M(H), in Re3W. Subsequent magnetic measurements with application of modified flux line lattice relaxation method allowed us to construct/determine a reliable SC state phase diagram in this mildly hysteretic material, that includes data for the lower critical field Hc1(T), penetration field Hp(T), and thermodynamic critical field Hc(T). The developed technique is fast, reliable and requires virtually no processing time

    Bed bug cytogenetics: karyotype, sex chromosome system, FISH mapping of 18S rDNA, and male meiosis in Cimex lectularius Linnaeus, 1758 (Heteroptera: Cimicidae)

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    Bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera) are frequently used as examples of unusual cytogenetic characters, and the family Cimicidae is one of most interest in this respect. We have performed a cytogenetic study of the common bed bug Cimex lectularius Linnaeus, 1758 using both classical (Schiff-Giemsa and AgNO3-staining) and molecular cytogenetic techniques (base-specific DAPI/CMA3 fluorochromes and FISH with an 18S rDNA probe). Males originated from a wild population of C. lectularius were found to have 2n = 26 + X1X2Y, holokinetic chromosomes, 18S rRNA genes located on the X1 and Y chromosomes; achiasmate male meiosis of a collochore type; MI and MII plates nonradial and radial respectively

    Public consumption in the context of sustainable development: requirement for modernization

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    Article deals with basic features of current system of consumption and its incompatibility with the principles of sustainable development. The analyses argues for necessity of forming the new model of consumption, proposes its principles aimed to achieving balanced economic, social and environmental development

    Political philosophy of Hannah Arendt (political culture and civil society in the political philosophy of Hannah Arendt)

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    The main purpose of the dissertation "Political philosophy of Hannah Arendt civil society in the political philosophy of Hannah Arendt)" is the research and analysis of the of "preliminary understanding" and "origin" the issue of the matter. The transitivity of M. Heidegger's philosophy lies in the "thinking reading" ἀρχή, and banality of evil. "Culture and politics", in which Heidegger's thinking about polis and Arendt's reflections on the "Totalitarianism in the Russian philosophical tradition (Hannah Arendt and Russian sophers)". In her work Arendt quotes the Russian philosophers Berdyaev and Fedotov. In the - -- - - - -Hlavním cílem disertační práce "Politická filozofie Hannah Arendtové (politická kultura a občanská společnost v politické filozofii Hannah Arendtové)" výzkum a analýza politické filosofie Hannah Arendtové a následné kritické přehodnocení.V první kapitole jde o myšlení Hannah Arendtové. Na příkladě pojmů "předběžné porozumění" "původ" Arendtová ukazuje na způsob myšlení, které se nazývá tranzitivním. ámci tohoto myšlení nemyslí o něčem, ale myslí něco. Tímto vstupuje do problematiky věci. Tranzitivnost filosofie M. Heideggera spočívá v "myslícím čtení" filosofických textů, proniknutí do samého myšlení. Hannah Arendtová prodloužila tradici myslícího čt ní Heideggera, které lze vidět na příkladě použití Arendtovou pojmů natality, ἀρχή Příčinu banality zla Arendtová vidí v neschopnosti myslet. Problém banalit sí s myšlením. Druhá kapitola se jmenuje "Kultura a politika", ve které je propojeno myšlení Heideggera o polis a úvahy Arendtové o politické sféře. Problém totalitarismu je řešen otázkami kolektivní odpovědností a paradoxem lidských práv. Třetí kapitola se jmenuje "Totalitarism v ruské filosofické tradici (Hannah Arendtová a rušti filosofové)". Ve své práci Arendtová cituje ruské filozofy Berďajeva a Fedotova. V filosofii ruských myslitelů se nachází klíč k pochopení totalitního systému v KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA...Oddělení pro vědeckou činnostPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Multiple parthenoforms of Empoasca leafhoppers from Madeira Island: where are these unisexual forms coming from?

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    There are controversial opinions on whether asexual reproduction is more common on islands than on the mainland. Al though some authors consider that the evidences of geographical parthenogenesis support the view that asexual reproduction is more common on islands, comparative data on the modes of reproduction of insular and continental taxa confirming this statement are very limited. In this work, we report the presence of three unisexual forms and three bisexual species of the genus Empoasca (Cicadelloidea, Hemiptera, Insecta) from Madeira Island. Experimentally, the unisexual forms reproduced in the absence of males for several generations. The chromosome analysis has shown that the bisexual species differ from one another in chromosome number, and unisexual forms are apomictic and also each have different chromosome numbers. Of parthenoforms, one is triploid and two are of obscure level of ploidy, 2n or 3n. The results obtained show that for this genus unisexual forms are more common on Madeira Island than in the nearby continental areas. It is suggested that unisexual forms may be more plentiful on islands than on the mainland because if an asexual reproduction event occurs, the relaxing com petition in these underexploited and enemy-free habitats may favor the establishment of new parthenogenetic lineages.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mediterranean species of the spittlebug genus "Philaenus" : modes of chromosome evolution

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    The evolution of karyotypes and sex determination system of Philaenus Stål (Auchenorrhyncha: Aphrophoridae) species is studied here in detail. The most plausible scenario of chromosomal rearrangements accompanying phylogenetic differentiation in Philaenus is advanced. It is postulated that the ancestral karyotype of Philaenus was 2n = 24 + X0. Karyotype changes occurred several times independently in the genus. The karyotype of 2n = 22 + X0 (P. spumarius and P. tesselatus) originated from 2n = 24 + X0 by fusion between two autosomal pairs. The neo—XY system (P. arslani, P. loukasi, P. signatus, P. maghresignus, and P. tarifa) also originated from the 24 + X0 karyotype by means of independent fusions between autosomes and the original X chromosome. The neo—X(1)X(2)Y system (P. italosignus) evolved from the 2n = 22 + neo—XY karyotype by an additional fusion between the Y chromosome and one more autosomal pair. The neo—X(n)Y system of P. italosignus is the first reported case of an evolutionarily fixed multiple sex chromosome system in Auchenorrhyncha

    The effects of self-regulation techniques on human functional states: The moderating role of dominant sensory modality

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    The application of self-regulation techniques forms a long tradition in Russian work and organizational psychology. The recent research line in this domain focuses on the elaboration of multilevel health promotion programs that provide for efficient learning of self-regulation skills and enlarge individual repertoires of coping strategies. Obtained data allowed to extract two main principles of self-regulation programs’ adaptation: 1) taking into account the grade of fit between self-regulation means and the nature of human functional states’ (HFS) negative transformations in work process; 2) acceptance of individual sensitivity to various self-regulation means. An individualized approach in using self-regulation techniques promotes higher effectiveness in their application and can be considered as a promising way for improving HFS and human reliability in different work settings. This paper investigates dominant sensory modality of imagery as one of individual traits on which selection of the most adequate and individually efficient self-regulation technique depends

    Blockchain in the social sphere of Smart Cities

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    The development of smart cities is based on the use of new technologies. One of these promising technologies is Blockchain. The use of Blockchain gives great opportunities for solving a complex of problems related to: ensuring energy efficiency in buildings, the introduction of sustainable energy technologies for megacities, the formation of eco-friendly settlements, etc. The article analyzes the possibilities of using Blockchain technology in the social sphere of the city. The analysis is carried out on the example of health and pharmaceuticals. The study was carried out in the framework of the institutional approach and the concept of economic opportunities. The objectives of the study were: to identify specific areas of use of Blockchain technology in the pharmaceutical and health care industries; to evaluate the role of this technology in ensuring compliance with medical standards, transparency and safety of drugs at all stages of their development, promotion and use; to determine the possibilities of technology in identifying more effective and high-quality treatment methods, their implementation in practical health care. The article presents the structure of the areas of pharmaceuticals and health care, where the Blockchain is used. The strategies are offered to reduce labour and energy costs for processing medical information, accelerating the creation of new treatment technologies and the creation of medicines, their implementation in practical health care.

    Comparative cytogenetics of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera, Homoptera): a review

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    A comprehensive review of cytogenetic features is provided for the large hemipteran suborder Auche norrhyncha, which currently contains approximately 42,000 valid species. This review is based on the analysis of 819 species, 483 genera, and 31 families representing all presently recognized Auchenorrhyn cha superfamilies, e.i. Cicadoidea (cicadas), Cercopoidea (spittle bugs), Membracoidea (leafhoppers and treehoppers), Myerslopioidea (ground-dwelling leafhoppers), and Fulgoroidea (planthoppers). History and present status of chromosome studies are described, as well as the structure of chromosomes, chro mosome counts, trends and mechanisms of evolution of karyotypes and sex determining systems, their variation at different taxonomic levels and most characteristic (modal) states, occurrence of partheno genesis, polyploidy, B-chromosomes and chromosome rearrangements, and methods used for cytoge netic analysis of Auchenorrhyncha.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio