4,802 research outputs found

    About the need of organization of clinical examination of young people with small developmental heart abnormalities.

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    Due to the signifi­cant increase of complications developing in young people suffering from low cardiac abnormalities, detection of this disease is important. The aim of the study was to analyze the prevalence and structure of cardiovascular diseases in persone aged 18-21 years who have referred to the medical center of Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy in the period from 2012 to 2013 in order to determine the mode of physicol exercises. We examined 268 students of 1-2 courses of medical academy, who, along with the clinical examination underwent standard echocardiography 2 times a year. It is established that in the structure of cardiovascular diseases in the studied group small anomalies of the heart occupy the first place; valve pathology the second place. In the structure of small abnormality of the heart, mitral valve prolapse is detected the most frequently. Since this anomaly affects the level of tolerance to physical stress and can lead to heart disorder, routine screening of patients with this disease is mandatory and must be carried out to address the choice of the level of physical activity

    Oxidative dehydrogenation of 2,3,5-trimethyl-1,4-hydroquinone in the presence of titanium dioxide hydrogel

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    Liquid-phase oxidative dehydrogenation of 2,3,5-trimethyl-1,4-hydroquinone in the presence of titanium dioxide hydrogel was studied by a kinetic method. Associative interactions between the substrate, oxidant, and gel were detected by voltammetry and ESR and IR spectroscopy.Russian Foundation for Basic Researc

    Improvement of the workers labour rationing and motivation methodology for the manufacturing shop

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    The hypothesis considered in the work is that it is possible to normalize all works carried out at the production site and to use these norms to build a successful system of remuneration and motivation of personnel. To prove this hypothesis, the most complex and responsible in margin terms load section of the production plant was chosen. The work analyzed the causes of downtime and their impact on the productivity of workers and on the level of remuneration. The method of determining the worker's earnings depending on the unit of indicators and parameters is proposed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Characteristics of liver enzyme in various pathologies of the pancreas

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    Diseases caused by disturbance of endogenous and exogenous pancreatic functions (endocrine function - diabetes mellitus (DM) and exocrine function - chronic pancreatitis (CP)), are widely distributed in the world due to alcohol abuse, unhealthy lifestyle and negative influence of the environment. These pathologies often associate with abnormal liver functions. The goal of the study was to explore the features of the liver enzymes in 47 patients with a diagnosis of DM and CP. We revealed increase in the content of liver enzymes (aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl transferase) in disturbance of pancreatic endocrine function. This dysfunction may be caused by hepatitis B and C, and fatty liver disease. Concentration of liver enzymes in the blood of individuals with hepatitis B and C was also increased. Levels of liver enzymes in patients with exocrine pathology ranged in the reference values. The reason could be the remission of CP in the examined patients. These studies require involvement of larger number of patients with the remission of the disease, and a new group of patients with CP exacerbation stage. Also additional functional and biochemical studies are necessary to identify the diagnosis of fatty liver

    Скульптури із вторинних материалів: типи, види та фунції

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    A new type of sculptures from recycled materials, which is experimentalin nature was described, the classification of materials from which simulate three – dimensional form son the basis of modernart was created, types,basi cmethods of creating and functions o f sculptures from recycled materials were defined.Рассмотрен новый тип скульптур из вторичных материалов, носящий экспериментальный характер, предложена классификация материалов, из которых моделируют объемные формы на основе современных призведений искусства, определены виды и основные методы создания и функции скульптур и звторичных материалов.Розглянуто новий тип скульптур з вторинних матеріалів, який має експериментальний характер, запропоновано класифікацію матеріалів, з яких моделюють об’ємні форми на основі сучасних творів мистецтва, визначено види, основні методи створення та функції скульптур із вторинних матеріалів

    The financial depth of emerging markets: The case of Russia

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    The purpose of this article is to assess the financial depth of the Russian economy in the context of its main rivalries within the BRIC group. The Russian financial market is evaluated by a set of key indicators that characterize the level of maturity of the national financial system in respect to international standards. This task is implemented through descriptive analysis of extensive international data generated from a time series covering the period 1995-2010. The article demonstrates that, in comparison to other emerging markets, and its closest competitors Brazil, India and China, the financial depth of the Russian economy may be characterized as inadequate. In the Russian financial market potential for growth is combined with exceptionally high risks. Insufficient depth of the financial system undermines its long-term competitiveness and exacerbates its exposure to shocks in the international market. © The University of Hertfordshire Business School and W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2013

    Peculiarities of the foreign manufactures cars recycling in Russia

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    The main elements of the vehicle recycling system in Russia are considered on the example of passenger cars. The main problems of decommissioned vehicles recycling in the context of a cyclical economy development are described. The article presents a critique of the current state recycling policy. The strategy for the development of recycling projects that can be implemented both by the state and by private companies entrusted by the state is suggests. The article presents a structural analysis of imported cars, foreign brands of Russian production and domestic cars from the total sales for 2017 and 2018. Data on sales volumes of the best-selling car models in Russia are presented. The main advantages of the production of foreign cars in Russia in terms of the impact on the emerging Russian recycling system for decommissioned vehicles are identified. Recommendations on implementation of projects related to recycling and calculation of recycling fees are offered. The study developed two ways to use recycled material from car recycling, which can recoup some of the costs of recycling, increase the percentage of import substitution of components for the automotive industry and create a closed-cycle economy. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Equipment and newly developed methodological approaches for isotopic–geochemical studying fluid phases in rocks and minerals

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.The paper presents data on an original equipment complex, consisting of two apparatuses, designed to prepare rock and mineral samples for the isotopic analysis of their fluid and/or gas inclusions. An example of samples from the Guli alkaline ultramafic massif in the Maimecha–Kutui province, northern central Siberia, is employed to demonstrate the capabilities of the technique of stepwise sample crushing and multiple-isotope analysis of the fluid phase

    Analytical determination of the time of handling process of polymeric parts in a machine with a complex movement of working container

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    Проведено аналітичне дослідження процесу обробки дрібних полімерних деталей абразивом у вигляді вільних гранул в машині, робоча ємкості якої виконує складний просторовий рух, для визначення раціональних умов полірування. На основі проведеного аналітичного дослідження процесу обробки дрібних полімерних деталей в машині зі складним просторовим рухом робочої ємкості отримано математичні залежності, що дають можливість прогнозувати технологічний результат на стадії проектування, отримано математичні вирази, що дозволяють розрахувати необхідний час виконання технологічної операції полірування полімерних деталей. Аналітично встановлено, що в робочій ємкості, яка має пропорційно більші геометричні параметри, процес обробки деталей займатиме менше часу. Встановлені закономірності впливу геометричних параметрів робочої ємкості, що виконує складний просторовий рух та режимів руху сипкого робочого середовища на інтенсивність процесу полірування дрібних полімерних деталей абразивом у вигляді вільних гранул, встановлений взаємозв’язок між шляхом тертя, який проходить деталь в середині ємкості та необхідним її часом обробки. Отримані математичні залежності для розрахунку часу обробки та настанови щодо реалізації відповідного режиму руху сипкого робочого середовища, що забезпечують інтенсивне полірування дрібних полімерних деталей вільним абразивом у вигляді гранул в машині робоча ємкості якої виконує складний просторовий рух.Проведено аналитическое исследование процесса обработки мелких полимерных деталей абразивом в виде свободных гранул в машине, рабочая емкость которой выполняет сложное пространственное движение, для определения рациональных условий полирования. На основе проведенного аналитического исследования процесса обработки мелких полимерных деталей в машине со сложным пространственным движением рабочей емкости получены математические зависимости, позволяющие прогнозировать технологический результат на стадии проектирования, получены математические выражения, позволяющие рассчитать необходимое время выполнения технологической операции полировки полимерных деталей. Аналитически установлено, что в емкости, которая имеет пропорционально большие геометрические параметры, процесс обработки будет занимать меньше времени. Установлены закономерности влияния геометрических параметров рабочей емкости, выполняющей сложное пространственное движение и режимов движения сыпучей рабочей среды на интенсивность процесса полирования мелких полимерных деталей абразивом в виде свободных гранул. Полученные математические зависимости для расчета времени обработки и установки по реализации соответствующего режима движения сыпучего рабочей среды, обеспечивающие интенсивное полирование мелких полимерных деталей свободным абразивом в виде гранул в машине, рабочая емкость которой выполняет сложное пространственное движение.An analytical determination of the main technological parameters of polishing small polymer parts with a free abrasive in the form of granules in containers that perform a complex spatial movement, determination of the time of handling process of polymeric details in a machine with a complex movement of working container. An analytical research was conducted of the processing of small polymeric parts by abrasive in the form of free granules in a machine whose working capacities performs a complex spatial movement to determine rational polishing conditions. On the basis of the conducted analytical research of the processing of small polymer parts in a machine with a complex spatial motion of a working container, mathematical dependencies were obtained that enable to predict the technological result at the design stage. It has been analytically established that in a container with proportional greater geometric parameters processing will take less time. The regularities of the influence of the geometric parameters of the working container, which performs the complex spatial motion and the modes of motion of a friable working medium, are determined on the intensity of the process of polishing small polymer parts by abrasive in the form of free granules. The mathematical dependences are obtained for the calculation of the processing time and instructions for realization of the corresponding mode of movement of a friable working medium, which provide intensive polishing of small polymer parts with a free abrasive in the form of granules, are obtained in a machine whose working capacities performs a complex spatial movement

    US Fairytales of the First Half of the 20th Century: Constructing the National

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    В статье рассматриваются способы репрезентации национальной идентичности на примере жанра сказки, представленные в творчестве писателей США.This article considers the ways of representing national identity with reference to fairytales written by US authors (L. F. Baum, C. Sandburg, J. Thurber, E. B. White). The article aims at exploring the multitude of means employed by the authors to establish a new national tradition of the genre (the correlation between fantasy and realism, the system of characters, poetic onomastics, style and plot characteristics of the literary fairytales of the first half of the twentieth century, etc.)