727 research outputs found

    Microclimatic variability buffers butterfly populations against increased mortality caused by phenological asynchrony between larvae and their host plants

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    Climate change affects insects in several ways, including phenological shifts that may cause asynchrony between herbivore insects and their host plants. Insect larvae typically have limited movement capacity and are consequently dependent on the microhabitat conditions of their immediate surroundings. Based on intensive field monitoring over two springs and on larger-scale metapopulation-level survey over the same years, we used Bayesian spatial regression modelling to study the effects of weather and microclimatic field conditions on the development and survival of post-diapause larvae of the Glanville fritillary butterfly Melitaea cinxia on its northern range edge. Moreover, we assessed whether the observed variation in growth and survival in a spring characterized by exceptionally warm weather early in the season translated into population dynamic effects on the metapopulation scale. While similar weather conditions enhanced larval survival and growth rate in the spring, microclimatic conditions affected survival and growth contrastingly due to the phenological asynchrony between larvae and their host plants in microclimates that supported fastest growth. In the warmest microclimates, larvae reached temperatures over 20 degrees C above ambient leading to increased feeding, which was not supported by the more slowly growing host plants. At the metapopulation level, population growth rate was highest in local populations with heterogeneous microhabitats. We demonstrate how exceptionally warm weather early in the spring caused a phenological asynchrony between butterfly larvae and their host plants. Choice of warmest microhabitats for oviposition is adaptive under predominant conditions, but it may become maladaptive if early spring temperatures rise. Such conditions may lead to larvae breaking diapause earlier without equally advancing host plant growth. Microclimatic variability within and among populations is likely to have a crucial buffering effect against climate change in many insects.peerReviewe

    Species traits explain long-term population trends of Finnish cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae)

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    1. Kleptoparasitic and parasitoid insects are expected to be particularly sensitive to changes in habitat availability due to their high trophic position and small population sizes compared with their hosts, but there are only few quantitative studies on their population changes. 2. Here, we studied the distribution and abundance of 48 kleptoparasitic and parasitoid species of cuckoo wasps (Chrysididae) and eight selected host species recorded in Finland from 1840 to 2015 based on an extensive survey of entomological collections. Population trends were assessed by studying changes in occupancy in 10 9 10 km grid squares between two study periods, 1840-1967 and 1968-2015. 3. Statistically significant decreases in occurrence were found for 11 cuckoo wasp species and one host species, while significant increases were not observed for any species. Trends of cuckoo wasps and their hosts were positively correlated, and changes were generally stronger in cuckoo wasps than in their hosts. 4. In a comparative analysis of species traits, abundance, body size and nesting type of host were related to occurrence changes of cuckoo wasps. Scarce and small species that use above ground-nesting hosts declined more than abundant and large species that use ground-nesting hosts. 5. Cuckoo wasp species dependent on dead wood are more vulnerable to changes in the environment than species associated with open sandy habitats. While both groups of species have probably suffered from habitat loss, the emergence of secondary habitats may have benefitted species living in sandy areas and compensated for the negative impact of habitat destruction.Peer reviewe

    Drug treatment service procurement : A systematic review of models, goals, and outcomes

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    Aim: To explore the goals and outcomes of public procurement of drug treatment services in OECD countries. The study explores how these complex services are procured and delivered. Methods and data: A systematic review of the literature (1990–2020) identified four partly overlapping models of drug treatment service procurement that are here labelled traditional, value-based, outcome-based, and innovative. Results: Even though different forms of drug treatment services procurement are common, only 12 empirical studies that focused on procurement were found. The four models differ in their approaches to design and performance specifications and the role of competition and collaboration in the co-creation of value. Conclusions: Competition and incentives improve neither the efficiency nor the quality or the outcomes of complex drug treatment services. Whereas many studies focus on payment mechanisms, there are important research gaps that relate to the co-creation of value with and for the service-users and other stakeholders.© The Author(s) 2023. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access page (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    MaatalousympĂ€ristön pĂ€ivĂ€perhosseuranta 1999–2008

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    TĂ€hĂ€n raporttiin on koottu vuonna 1999 alkaneen maatalousympĂ€ristön pĂ€ivĂ€perhosseurannan pÀÀtulokset vuosilta 1999–2008. LisĂ€ksi kuvataan kattavasti seurannassa kĂ€ytetyt menetelmĂ€t. Seurantaa koordinoi Suomen ympĂ€ristökeskus ja havaintojen kerÀÀmisestĂ€ vastaavat vapaaehtoiset perhosharrastajat. Seuranta tuottaa tietoa yleisten ja melko tavanomaisten lajien runsauksien muutoksista. Perhoshavainnot kerĂ€tÀÀn ns. linjalaskentamenetelmĂ€llĂ€. Vuosittain tuotetaan  arvio yhteensĂ€ 51 pĂ€ivĂ€perhoslajin kannankehityksestĂ€. YksittĂ€isten lajien indekseistĂ€ on koostettu myös pĂ€ivĂ€perhoslajistomme tilaa laaja-alaisemmin kuvastava seurantaindikaattori. Seurantajaksolla on kertynyt havaintoja yli 430 000 yksilöÀ kaikkiaan 80 pĂ€ivĂ€perhoslajista. LisĂ€ksi laskennoissa on havaittu yli 78 000 yksilöÀ muita suurperhosia. Havaintoja on kerĂ€tty kaikkiaan 84 eri harrastajalinjalta, joiden mÀÀrĂ€ on vaihdellut vuosittain 30 ja 55 vĂ€lillĂ€. Viime vuosina seurannan laajuus on vakiintunut noin 50 harrastajalinjaan. Seurantaverkosto on kattavin Uudellamaalla ja Varsinais-Suomessa. PĂ€ivĂ€perhosten kannalta kesĂ€t 2000, 2002 ja 2006 olivat keskimÀÀrin seurantajakson parhaita, ja vastaavasti kesĂ€t 2004 ja 2008 heikoimpia. Seurantajakson aikana vĂ€hentyneitĂ€ lajeja (18) on ollut selvĂ€sti enemmĂ€n kuin runsastuneita (8). TĂ€hĂ€n vaikuttaa kuitenkin osin se, ettĂ€ jakson viimeinen vuosi 2008 oli sÀÀoloiltaan perhosille erityisen epĂ€edullinen. Seurannan toiminta on vakiintunutta, ja tuloksia levitetÀÀn aktiivisesti sekĂ€ perhosharrastajien ettĂ€ median tietoon. Seuranta tuottaa sÀÀnnöllistĂ€ runsaustietoa yli puolesta maamme vakituisista pĂ€ivĂ€perhoslajeista

    Description of the female of Hyptioxesta magadanica, with notes on the occurrence of H. magadanica and H. penthima adults (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)

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    The previously unknown female of the noctuid moth Hyptioxesta magadanica (Kononenko, 1981) is described and compared with other Hyptioxesta species. The H. magadanica female is brachypterous, unlike the females of the other two species included in the genus. The female genitalia of H. magadanica and the adults of all three species are illustrated. Notes on the flight behaviour of the adults of H. magadanica and H. penthima (Erschoff, 1870) are given and their habitats are illustrated

    Enhancing ecosystem service provision by floral biodiversity in long-term set-asides

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    Species richness of pollinators increased throughout the four-year experiment in all treatments. Pollinator species richness and abundance were highest during the whole experiment in the seed mixture containing meadow plants but the difference to the other seed mixtures decreased during the last two years. The experiment showed that the benefits of applying alternative seed mixtures vary between ecosystem services. This suggests that the promotion of each ecosystem service requires specific management

    Linking pollinator occurrence in field margins to pollinator visitation to a mass-flowering crop

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    Uncultivated field margins are important refugia for pollinating insects in agricultural landscapes. However, the spill-over of pollination services from field margins to adjacent crops is poorly understood. This study (i) examined the effects of landscape heterogeneity on pollinator occurrence in permanent field margins and pollinator visitation to adjacent mass-flowering turnip rape (Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera) in boreal agricultural landscapes, and (ii) tested whether pollinator abundance and species richness in field margins predict abundance and species richness of crop visitors. Pollinators visiting the crop were more affected by landscape heterogeneity than pollinators in adjacent margins. Species richness, total abundance, and the abundance of syrphid flies visiting the crop increased with increasing landscape heterogeneity, whereas, in field margins, landscape heterogeneity had little effect on pollinators. In field-dominated homogeneous landscapes, wild pollinators rarely visited the crop even if they occurred in adjacent margins, whereas in heterogeneous landscapes, differences between the two habitats were smaller. Total pollinator abundance and species richness in field margins were poor predictors of pollinator visitation to adjacent crop. However, high abundances of honeybees and bumblebees in margins were related to high numbers of crop visitors from these taxa. Our results suggest that, while uncultivated field margins help pollinators persist in boreal agricultural landscapes, they do not always result in enhanced pollinator visitation to the adjacent crop. More studies quantifying pollination service delivery from semi-natural habitats to crops in different landscape settings will help develop management approaches to support crop pollination.Peer reviewe

    Bryodema tuberculata and Psophus stridulus in southwestern Finland (Saltatoria, Acrididae)

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    Bryodema tuberculata (Fabricius) was discovered as a species new to Finland at St: SÀkylÀ, SÀkylÀnharju, where it occurred sparsely together with Psophus stridulus (Linnaeus). The habitat on a SW-facing esker slope is described, and the spatial distribution of the two species is examined. Preliminarily estimates of the population density, aggregation and vagility are calculated for P. stridulus. The biogeography and conservation biology of the species are discussed

    Attraction of Melitaea cinxia butterflies to previously-attacked hosts : a likely complement to known Allee effects?

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    Clumped distributions of herbivorous insect eggs often result from independent assess- ments of individual plants by different ovipositing females. Here we ask whether, in addition, plants might be rendered more or less attractive to ovipositing Melitaea cinxia butter ies by presence of conspeci c eggs and/or by prior larval attack. Both eggs and larval damage rendered Veronica spicata plants signi cantly more accept- able; the effect of eggs was particularly strong. Larval damage caused a marginally signi cant increase in acceptability of Plantago lanceolata, but there was no trend for an effect of eggs on this host. Variable oviposition preferences of Melitaeine butter ies are known to drive their metapopulation dynamics by affecting rates of emigration and patch colonization. Therefore variable host acceptability, as documented here, should do likewise, reducing emigration rates at high population densities where V. spicata is present in the landscape and complementing Allee effects that are already known in this system.Peer reviewe
