6 research outputs found

    Efekt periferního zánětu na změny v genové expresi u pěvců a papoušků

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    (in Czech) Ptáci hrají významné role při udržování ekologické rovnováhy jako predátoři, roznašeči semen, cyklátoři živin a opylovači, což z nich činí nedílnou součást mnoha ekosystémů. Ptáci jsou často vlajkovými druhy a jsou tak důležití pro ochranu volně žijících živočichů obecně. Některé ptačí populace jsou globálně propojené v důsledku migrace, což je činí náchylnými k epidemiím infekcí. Ptáci také čelí různým existenčním hrozbám v náročných podmínkách prostředí, od pouští po studené hory. Aby se vyrovnali s těmito různorodými prostředími, potřebují nejen fyziologické adaptace, ale také velmi dobře vybavený imunitní systém optimalizovaný na patogeny běžné v prostředí, které obývají. Jak dobře imunitní systém hostitele reaguje na patogeny, určuje celkovou fitness a přežití jedince. Vhled do funkce ptačích imunitních systémů je velmi důležitý, protože ptáci jsou zásobárnou nesčetných patogenů. Byli primárním zdrojem několika velkých epidemií vedoucích k celosvětovým úmrtím lidí a zvířat (např. Covid 19, ptačí chřipka, virus západonilské horečky). Podobně jako všechny živé bytosti jsou ptačí hostitelé a patogeny vždy v neustálém adaptačním závodě ve zbrojení. Tato koevoluce hostitelů a jejich patogenů tvoří základ vývoje imunitního systému hostitele. Patogeny využívají různé mechanismy, aby se...(English) Birds have well-defined roles in maintaining the ecological balance as predators, seed dispersers, nutrient cyclers, and pollinators making them an integral part of many ecosystems. Birds are often the flag-ship species and are important for wildlife preservation. Some of the avian populations are very well connected across the globe through their annual migration, increasing risks of epidemics of infections. Birds also face different levels of existence encounters in challenging living conditions like deserts and cold mountains. To cope with these diverse environments not only need physiological adaptations, but also a very well-equipped immune system, optimised to challenges common to the environment they inhabit. How well a host immune system responds to pathogens determines the overall fitness of the organism and its survival. Insight into the avian immune system functions is of great significance as birds are reservoirs of innumerable pathogens. They have been the primary source of several major epidemics' onset leading to worldwide human and animal fatalities (e.g., COVID-19, Avian influenza, or West Nile virus outbreaks). Similar to all living beings, avian hosts and pathogens are always in a continuous adaptational arms race. This coevolution of hosts and their pathogens forms the...Katedra zoologieDepartment of ZoologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Understanding the evolution of immune genes in jawed vertebrates

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    Driven by co-evolution with pathogens, host immunity continuously adapts to optimize defence against pathogens within a given environment. Recent advances in genetics, genomics and transcriptomics have enabled a more detailed investigation into how immunogenetic variation shapes the diversity of immune responses seen across domestic and wild animal species. However, a deeper understanding of the diverse molecular mechanisms that shape immunity within and among species is still needed to gain insight into-and generate evolutionary hypotheses on-the ultimate drivers of immunological differences. Here, we discuss current advances in our understanding of molecular evolution underpinning jawed vertebrate immunity. First, we introduce the immunome concept, a framework for characterizing genes involved in immune defence from a comparative perspective, then we outline how immune genes of interest can be identified. Second, we focus on how different selection modes are observed acting across groups of immune genes and propose hypotheses to explain these differences. We then provide an overview of the approaches used so far to study the evolutionary heterogeneity of immune genes on macro and microevolutionary scales. Finally, we discuss some of the current evidence as to how specific pathogens affect the evolution of different groups of immune genes. This review results from the collective discussion on the current key challenges in evolutionary immunology conducted at the ESEB 2021 Online Satellite Symposium: Molecular evolution of the vertebrate immune system, from the lab to natural populations

    Effects of peripheral inflammation on gene expression modulation in passerines and parrots

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    (English) Birds have well-defined roles in maintaining the ecological balance as predators, seed dispersers, nutrient cyclers, and pollinators making them an integral part of many ecosystems. Birds are often the flag-ship species and are important for wildlife preservation. Some of the avian populations are very well connected across the globe through their annual migration, increasing risks of epidemics of infections. Birds also face different levels of existence encounters in challenging living conditions like deserts and cold mountains. To cope with these diverse environments not only need physiological adaptations, but also a very well-equipped immune system, optimised to challenges common to the environment they inhabit. How well a host immune system responds to pathogens determines the overall fitness of the organism and its survival. Insight into the avian immune system functions is of great significance as birds are reservoirs of innumerable pathogens. They have been the primary source of several major epidemics' onset leading to worldwide human and animal fatalities (e.g., COVID-19, Avian influenza, or West Nile virus outbreaks). Similar to all living beings, avian hosts and pathogens are always in a continuous adaptational arms race. This coevolution of hosts and their pathogens forms the..

    Supplementary Data from Cannabinoid receptor 2 evolutionary gene loss makes parrots more susceptible to neuroinflammation

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    Table S21: Putative presence or absence of given immune gene (based on GO term: “negative regulation of inflammatory response“, GO:0050728) based on Avian Immunome database (AVIMM, Mueller et. al. 2020). Chicken gene annotation is used. Gene – gene name abbreviation, Description – full gene name. Putative presence or absence of given gene is shown for each species by the name of database where sequence was retrieved or NA, respectively. Data in AVIMM were retrieved from the following public repositories: ENSEMBL, Uniprot or The Bird 10,000 Genomes project (b10k). The following avian species were included: parrots (Melopsittacus undulatus, Eolophus roseicapillus, Probosciger aterrimus, Amazona guildingii, Agapornis roseicollis, Nestor notabilis) and passerines (Corvus moneduloides, Ficedula albicollis, Hirundo rustica, Lepidothrix coronata, Lonchura striata, Molothrus ater, Parus major, Passer domesticus, Serinus canaria, Sturnus vulgaris, Taeniopygia guttata, Zonotrichia albicollis, Zosterops hypoxanthus). Reference: Mueller RC, Mallig N, Smith J et al. Avian Immunome DB: an example of a user-friendly interface for extracting genetic information. BMC Bioinformatics 2020;21:1–16.. Table S22: Gene expression data. RT-qPCR Cp values for individual genes investigated; E1-3 = experiment 1-3

    Supplementary Methods and Results from Cannabinoid receptor 2 evolutionary gene loss makes parrots more susceptible to neuroinflammation

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    In vertebrates, cannabinoids modulate neuroimmune interactions through two cannabinoid receptors (CNRs) conservatively expressed in the brain (CNR1, syn. CB1) and in the periphery (CNR2, syn. CB2). Our comparative genomic analysis indicates several evolutionary losses in the CNR2 gene that is involved in immune regulation. Notably, we show that the CNR2 gene pseudogenised in all parrots (Psittaciformes). This CNR2 gene loss occurred due to chromosomal rearrangements. Our positive selection analysis suggests the absence of any specific molecular adaptations in parrot CNR1 that would compensate for the CNR2 loss in the modulation of the neuroimmune interactions. Using transcriptomic data from the brains of birds with experimentally induced sterile inflammation we highlight possible functional effects of such a CNR2 gene loss. We compare the expression patterns of CNR and neuroinflammatory markers in CNR2-deficient parrots (represented by the budgerigar, Melopsittacus undulatus and five other parrot species) with CNR2-intact passerines (represented by the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata). Unlike in passerines, stimulation with lipopolysaccharide resulted in the parrots in neuroinflammation linked with a significant upregulation of expression in proinflammatory cytokines (including interleukin 1 beta, IL1B and IL6) in the brain. Our results indicate the functional importance of the CNR2 gene loss for increased sensitivity to brain inflammation