39 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Ekstraksi DNA Dan PCR Untuk Identifikasi Molekuler Pada 4 Jenis Karang Lunak Berbeda

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    Karang lunak merupakan salah satu penyusun komunitas karang yang berguna bagi ekosistem terumbu karang. Keberadaanya di ekosistem terumbu karang sangat penting bagi proses rantai makanan di lautan. Sulitnya identifikasi morfologi karang ini disebabkan variasi sklerit yang beragam. Oleh karena itu penting adanya identifikasi molekuler sebagai penunjang data taksonomi karang ini. Akan tetapi, dalam proses identifikasi molekuler karang ini masih banyak hambatan yang terjadi dalam proses ekstraksi maupun PCR nya. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena adanya kalsium karbonat yang tersusun di seluruh tubuh karang ini. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan proses ekstraksi DNA dan PCR yang optimal dalam proses identifikasi secara molekuler. Proses ekstraksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan Kit Ekstraksi dan PCR dengan menggunakan KIT PCR. Hasil ekstraksi menunjukan bahwa Xenia sp memiliki konsentrasi DNA yang tertinggi dengan nilai 53.90 (ng/ul) dan terendah pada jenis Sarcophyton trocheliophorum sebesar 26.70 (ng/ul). Optimalisasi PCR menghasilkan hasil yang baik pada spesies Xenia sp., dan Lobophytum pauciflorumsedangkan pada sampel jenis Sarcophyton trocheliophorum pita DNA menunjukan hasil yang smear.   Keywords: Ekstraksi, Identifikasi, Karang Lunak, Molekuler, PC

    Pembesaran Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) pada Budidaya Sistem Resirkulasi Menggunakan Filtrasi Tanaman Hydrilla verticillata dan Ceratophyllum demersum

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    Penelitian ini mengkombinasikan tanaman Hydrilla verticillata dengan Ceratophyllum demersum sebagai filter pada budidaya ikan Nila sistem resirkulasi. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui tingkat pertumbuhan ikan Nila pada budidaya sistem resirkulasi. Filtrasi yang digunakan pada budidaya sistem resirkulasi yaitu tanaman H. verticillata dan C. demersum. Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Adapun parameter yang diamati berupa kelangsungan hidup ikan, pertumbuhan mutlak, laju pertumbuhan spesifik (SGR), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) dan kualitas air. Kelangsungan hidup ikan selamat pemeliharaan yaitu 100%. Pertumbuhan bobot mutlak individu berkisar 8.76 sampai 16.6 gr/minggu. Laju pertumbuhan spesifik ikan Nila berkisar 2.74 sampai 4.49%. Nilai FCR sangat bagus yaitu 1.2 dan rata-rata nilai suhu, pH dan DO masih pada kisaran yang layak untuk pertumbuhan ikan Nila. Selama pemeliharaan hanya dilakukan satu kali pergantian air. Budidaya sistem resirkulasi tersebut sangat efektif dan efesien untuk diterapkan, terutama pada wilayah dengan ketersediaan air yang terbatas.This study combined Hydrilla verticillata with Ceratophyllum demersum as a filter in the recirculation system of Tilapia aquaculture. The research objective was to determine the growth rate of tilapia in the recirculation system culture. The filtration used in the recirculation system was H. verticillata and C. demersum. The research method used a completely randomized design (CRD). The parameters observed were fish survival, absolute growth, specific growth rate (SGR), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and water quality. The survival of the fish survived the maintenance of 100%. Individual absolute weight growth ranged from 8.76 to 16.6 g / week. The specific growth rates of tilapia ranged from 2.74 to 4.49%. The FCR value is very good, namely 1.2 and the average temperature, pH and DO values ​​are still in the proper range for the growth of tilapia. During maintenance, only one water change is carried out. Cultivation of the recirculation system is very effective and efficient to apply, especially in areas with limited water availability

    Identifikasi Morfologi Ikan Kerapu (Serranidae: Epinephelinae) yang didaratkan Di Waisai Raja Ampat

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    ABSTRAK Identifikasi morfologi ikan kerapu sangat penting dilakukan untuk memantaukeanekaragaman spesies ikan kerapu sehingga dapat membantu dalam merumuskan suatu pengelolaan perikanan berkelanjutan di Raja Ampat.Oleh karena itu penelitian tentang deskripsi ikan kerapu anggota Serranidae: Epinephelinaeyang ditemukan ditempat pendaratan ikan di Waisai, Raja Ampat akan membantu pemerintah daerah untuk dapat membuat database tentang hasil tangkapan nelayan didaerah setempat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi anggota Serranidae: Epinephelinae yang didaratkan di Raja Ampatsehingga bisa menjadibasis data dalam mengontrol keberadaan keanekaragaman hasil perikanan tangkap oleh nelayan di perairan Raja Ampat. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Ikan kerapu dikumpulkan dari pasar tradisional dan juga tempat pelelangan ikan. Sebanyak 8 spesies ikan kerapu anggota (Serranidae: Epinephelinae)ditemukan di Waisai Raja Ampat, yaitu  Epinephelus areolatus, Epinephelus fasciatus, Epinephelus ongus, Cephalopholis sexmaculata, Cephalopholis miniata, Cephalopholis Urodeta, Cephalopholis sonnerati, Variola albimarginata Kata kunci: Kerapu, Morfologi, Raja Ampat, Serranida


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    Coral reefs, the habitat of tens of thousands of marine species, are an ecosystem with the highest biodiversity. Several threats, however, have impaired coral reefs. One having a potentially catastrophic effect is the increasing temperature of the ocean that leads to a coral bleaching event. This study aimed to determine the diversity of stony coral based on their lifeform, to assess the condition of reefs by measuring percent cover of live coral, and to determine the bleaching occurrence based on the stony coral lifeform in the Tengah patch-reef of Karimunjawa National (Marine) Park. The research was a visual survey with line intercept transects (LIT) used to collect data. The data were presented as percent cover of living coral and their lifeforms. The result showed the diversity of coral in the Tengah patch-reef was very high as indicated by the presence of all coral lifeforms in the study site. The most diverse lifeform was found at 10 m depth with 13 lifeforms, while the lowest lifeform was found at 3 m depth with ten lifeforms. The most extensive live coral cover was found at 3 m depth estimated around 73.71%, and the the lowest coverage was found at 10 m depth, no more than 50.42%. The bleaching event was found in Acropora branching and Acropora digitate at the 3 m dept

    Ikan Kepe – kepe (Chaetodontidae) sebagai Bioindikator Kerusakan Perairan Ekosistem Terumbu Karang Pulau Tikus

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    Coral reef is one of ecosystem in the ocean that have important ecologycal functions. Coral reef could be habitat for coral fishes.The demage of coral reef could be impacted on ecologycal proceses in the ocean. Therefore, The monitoring of coral reef health should be done to know the healthinees of coral reef. Butterfly fish is fish that can be used as bioindicator of coral demage. The aims of this study were analyzed condition of precent cover of coral reef, and also to measured mortality index of coral reef, abundance index of butterfly fish, and corelation between butterfly fish and coral reef. Survey method was used in this research. Line Intercept Transect  used to measuring percent cover of coral reef along 50 m. The resuts showed that station 7 has the higest of precent cover of coral reef (67%), and station 3 has the lowest of of precent cover of coral reef (20.84%). Coral demage could be caused by illegal fishing. Totally, There were 136 of buterfly fish that found which are categoryzed into 9 specieses. The statistical result found that there are positif corelation between coral reef and butterfly fish. It is indicted that the increasing of percent cover of coral reef could be increasing the abundace of butterfly fish too. Precent cover of live coral reef could be impacted on abundance of buterfly fish due to associated with food and shelter.


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    Fitoplankton merupakan salah satu bioindikator untuk memantau tingkat pencemaran suatu perairan. Tingkat pencemaran ditentukan berdasarkan indeks saprobitas melalui analisis komposisi dan kelimpahan fitoplankton. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2017 di Perairan Muara Sungai Hitam, Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah, Provinsi Bengkulu dengan menggunakan metode survei. Jenis fitoplankton yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian terdiri dari 4 kelas dan 22 spesies dengan komposisi spesies terbanyak terjadi pada kelas Bacillariophyceae dan yang terendah terjadi pada kelompok fitoplankton kelas Dinophyceae. Rata-rata kelimpahan fitoplankton pada muara Sungai Hitam sebanyak 322 ind/L tergolong dalam kelimpahan rendah, yang mecerminkan kesuburan perairan yang rendah. Berdasarkan nilai indeks saprobitas yang didapati perairan muara Sungai Hitam tergolong dalam tingkat saprobitas perairan ?-Meso/Oligo saprobik, yang diindikasikan telah terjadi pencemaran bahan organik ringan

    Pertumbuhan Chlorella sp. pada beberapa konsentrasi limbah batubara (The growth rate of the Chlorella sp. at different concentrations of coal waste water)

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    Chlorella sp. is a single-celled microalga that mostly grows in marine waters. Chlorella sp. can grow in heavy polluted waters and therefore it has potency as a bioremediation agent. This study aimed was to analyze the effect of coal on the growth of Chlorella sp. in plant isolation media and the quality of water in plant isolation media for Chlorella sp. The complete randomized design with 4 treatments of coal concentration was used in this study. Four concentration concentrations were tested namely, 0 ppt, 1 ppt, 3 ppt and 5 ppt. The results revealed that coal with different concentrations gave no significant effect on the growth of Chlorella sp. (p 0.05). The density among the concentrations of 0 ppt, 1 ppt, 3 ppt and 5 ppt were not significantly different. In addition, the coal concentration gave no significant effect on temperature, salinity and potential hydrogen (pH) (p0.05). The Chlorella sp. can grow in the polluted water by coal, and therefore this alga can be used as potential organisms for bioremediation of coal waste.Chlorella sp. merupakan mikroalga bersel satu yang banyak tumbuh di perairan laut. Chlorella sp. dapat tumbuh di perairan yang tercemar berat sehingga berpotensi sebagai bioremediator. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konsentrasi batubara terhadap pertumbuhan Chlorella sp. dan kualitas air pada media kultur Chlorella sp. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen skala laboratorium. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan konsentrasi batubara 0 ppt, 1 ppt, 3 ppt dan 5 ppt. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa batubara dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap laju pertumbuhan Chlorella sp (P0,05). Kepadatan antara konsentrasi 0 ppt, 1 ppt, 3 ppt dan 5 ppt tidak terlalu jauh berbeda. Konsentrasi batubara juga tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter suhu, salinitas dan derajat keasaman (pH) (p0,05). Chlorella sp. dapat tumbuh pada lingkungan yang tercemar oleh batubara, sehingga dapat dipakai sebagai organisme yang berpotensi untuk bioremediasi batubara.


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    Terumbu karang adalah suatu habitat untuk berbagai interaksi antar organisme dalam ekosistem yang ada diperairan. terumbu karang juga  mempunyai berbagai fungsi yang antara lain sebagai gudang keanekaragaman hayati biota-biota laut, tempat tinggal sementara atau tetap, tempat mencari makan , memijah, daerah asuhan dan tempat berlindung bagi hewan laut lainnya.Identifikasi jenis karang di kawasan Perairan Pulau Tikus, Kota Bengkulu belum pernah dilakukan, oleh karena itu penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan mengingat fungsi dan manfaat terumbu karang yang sangat penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis karang yang ada di perairan pulau Tikus, Kota Bengkulu. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survey. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Purposive sampling. Identifikasi karang menggunakan metode morfometrik. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 8 genus dan 12 spesies yaitu : genus Acropora (Acropora Intermedia, Acropora Pulchra) genus Hydnopora (Hydnopora Pilosa) genus Pocillopora (Pocillopora Damicornis) genus Porites (Porites Cylindrica, Porites Lobata, Porites Synarea rus) genus Pavona (Pavona Clavus) genus Montipora (Montipora Foliosa, Montipora Samarensis) genus Ctenactis (Ctenactis Echinata) genus Palauastrea (PalauastreaRamosa)Coral reef is a habitat for various interactions between organisms in aquatic ecosystems. Coral reefs also have various functions, including as a place  for biodiversity of marine biota, temporary or permanent shelter, foraging, spawning, nursery and shelter for other marine animals. Identification of coral species in Pulau Tikus waters, Kota Bengkulu has never been conducted, therefore research is important to do considering the very important functions and benefits of coral reefs. This study aims to determine the types of corals in the waters of Tikus Island, Bengkulu City. The research method used was the survey method. The sampling method used was purposive sampling method. Coral identification using the morphometric method. The results found 8 genera and 12 species, namely: genus Acropora (Acropora intermedia, Acropora pulchra) genus Hydnopora (Hydnopora pilosa) genus Pocillopora (Pocillopora damicornis) genus Porites (Porites cylindrica, Porites lobata, Porites synarea rus) genus Pavona (Pavona clavus) genus Montipora (Montipora foliosa, Montipora samarensis) genus Ctenactis (Ctenactis echinata) genus Palauastrea (Palauastrea ramosa)


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    Tambrauw merupakan salah satu Kabupaten di Papua Barat, dikenal sebagai daerah mega-biodiversitas, termasuk mikroalga laut yang memiliki peran penting dalam sistem rantai makanan di perairan. Namun di sisi lain keanekaragaman mikroalga laut di daerah ini masih belum banyak diteliti. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengisolasi dan mengidentifikasi mikroalga laut dari Tambrauw berdasarkan pendekatan morfologi dan molekular. Mikroalga laut diisolasi dari sumber alami di Tambrauw, dimurnikan dan dikultur di bawah kondisi standar. Empat belas kultur mikroalga laut dipilih berdasarkan pertumbuhan, keragaman morfologi dan homogenitas. Karakteristik morfologi diamati dalam kondisi kultur menggunakan mikroskop cahaya dan hubungan filogenetik dari masing-masing strain didefinisikan sesuai dengan analisis sekuen 18S rRNA pada kelompok mikroalga eukariot dan 16S rRNA pada kelompok mikroalga prokariot. Sekuen yang dihasilkan dibandingkan dengan database yang tersedia di situs web NCBI melalui alat bioinformatika BLAST. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan similaritas yang tinggi dengan identitas urutan nukleotida yang dikenal, sebagai Monoraphidium neglectum (99%), Chlorella sorokiniana (99%), Oocystis heteromucosa (99%), Ettlia texensis (99%), Dilabifilum arthopyreniae (98%), Auxenochlorella protothecoides (99%), Trichosarcina polymorpha (98%), Scenedesmus vacuolatus (99%), Chlorella kessleri (99%), Coelastrella oocystiformis (99%), dan Foliisarcina bertiogensis (99%). Studi ini menjadi informasi dasar dalam mengungkap pola keanekaragaman mikroalga, yang sangat penting untuk mendapatkan sumber daya baru genetik untuk kepentingan industri serta studi taksonomi.Tambrauw as one of the regencies in West Papua, is well known as a megabiodiversity area, including marine microalgae that have an important role in the food chain system in the water. On the other hand the diversity of marine microalgae in this area has not been studied much. This study was conducted to identify marine microalgae from Tambrauw based on morphology and molecular approach. Marine microalgae were isolated from natural sources in Tambrauw, purified and cultivated under standard conditions. Fourteen cultures of marine microalgae were selected based on growth, diversity of morphology and homogeneity. The morphological characteristics were observed using light microscopy and the phylogenetic relationships of each strain were defined according to the 18S rRNA sequence analysis in the eukaryotic group and 16S rRNA in the prokaryotic microalgae group. The resultant sequences were compared with those available on the NCBI website database through the BLAST bioinformatic tool. The results showed high similarity with known nucleotide sequence identified as Monoraphidium neglectum (99%), Chlorella sorokiniana (99%), Oocystis heteromucosa (99%), Ettlia texensis (99%), Dilabifilum arthopyreniae (98%), Auxenochlorella protothecoides (99%), Trichosarcina polymorpha (98%), Scenedesmus vacuolatus (99%), Chlorella kessleri (99%), Coelastrella oocystiformis (99%), dan Foliisarcina bertiogensis (99%). This study is the basic information in revealing the diversity patterns of microalgae, which are very important to obtain new genetic resources for industrial purposes as well as for taxonomic studies

    Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals biodiversity marine fish diversity of a small island at Manokwari District, West Papua, Indonesia

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    Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals biodiversity marine fish diversity of a small island at Manokwari District, West Papua, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 5982-5988. The uniqueness of small island biodiversity becomes very important to study. Molecular approaches to collecting biodiversity information are currently quite developed. Manokwari district, which is located at the head of Papua Island, Indonesia, has very diversity of marine resources, especially coral reef fish. Currently, we successfully identified marine fish in the coral reef fish ecosystem of Lemon and Mansinam Island. Environmental DNA on Lemon Island and Mansinam Island was successfully carried out. This small island area is located in Manokwari District, Papua, which has a high biodiversity potential, including fishery resources. The MiFish pipeline is used in this Metabarcoding approach by combining water samples from Lemon Island and Mansinam Island. We filtered 1 liter of marine water and pool together from fourteen sampling sites for genomic DNA extraction. A total of 101,001 reads (88.31%) were assigned to 34 species. From the environmental DNA metabarcoding analysis results, the Pomacentridae (8 species), which are reef fish, dominate in this area. Besides, Acanthuridae, Carangidae, and Lutjanidae were identified in this area, which as coral reef fish associates. The results of this environmental DNA also identified 2 species from the Family Scombridae, namely Gymnosarda unicolor and Thunnus obesus. This information is expected to support the sustainable management of the Lemon Island and Mansinam Island Areas for tourism and conservation activities