14 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Drug Related Problems (Drps) Pada Pengobatan Pasien Infark Miokard Akut (Ima) Di Intensive Care Unit Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Banyumas Periode Agustus 2009-juni 2010

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    Acute myocardial infarction is a primer major health problem which needs special attention because of the mortality prevalence and the cost is quite high, at around 1.5 million Americans who suffer from Acute Myocardial Infarction per year with a mortality rate is 30%, while in Indonesia, deaths caused by Coronary heart disease is estimated 53.5% per 100 000 population. The patients of Acute Myocardial Infarction always complaint their chest pain like a pinched, punched, burned and the intensity is mild or long duration. Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction in patients needs mahy varieties medicine so it can enlarge the possibility of Drug Related Problems (DRPs). This study aimed to investigate the DRPs that occur in the in the Acute Myocardial Infarction treatment who get special treatment in the Intensive Care Unit, RSU Banyumas in the period August 2009 - June 2010. DRPs indications included medication necessary medicine, unnecessary medicine wrong medicine, inadequate dosage, over dosage, and drug interactions. This research is included research descriptive with retrospective design. The results of 16 cases shows that DRPs occur in necessary medicine is 31.3%, unnecessary medicine is 6.3%, inadequate dosage is not be found, over dosage is 12.5%, and medicine interaction is 100%. Based on the results can be concluded that there are many medicines those are needed in the Acute Myocardial Infarction in intensive care. Keywords: Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), DRPs, necessary medication, unnecessary medications, over dosages

    Profil Disolusi Terbanding Tablet Rifampisin Merek Dan Generik

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    This time many of people still to contemn of generic drugs because they regard as quality of generic drugs low more than trademark drugs. This research was proposed to compare dissolution profile of rifampicine tablets trademark (A, B, C) and generic (C, D). Parameter of principle to showed quality drugs in tablets form is hardness assay, disintegration assay and assay of dissolution test. Each from tablets trademark and generic taked as many three samples for tablets trademark and two samples for tablets generic from circulated market. Used rifampicine coated film tablets with 450 mg doses. It used to research of physical characteristic tablet and dissolution test. Dissolution test of rifampisin tablets trademark and generic was performed in 900 ml liquid dissolution medium of HCl 0.1 N and used dissolution insrument type two with 50 rpm. Based on research of physical characteristics such as uniformity of weight, tablets hardness and disintegration test get that all of physical characteristics rifampicine trademark and generic tablets full fill in prescript qualify. And result for dissolution test full fill in Pharmacopenia Indonesian of edition IV. And between of trademark and generic tablets have to sameness in physical characteristics and dissolution with confidence standart 95%. Keyword: rifampicine tablets, trademark, generic

    Efek Imunostimulator Ekstrak Etanol Daun Katuk (Sauropus Androgynus L Merr) Terhadap Aktivitas Fagositosis Makrofag

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    Phyllantus niruri (L) of Euphorbiaceae has stimulator effect. Katuk and meniran plants are the family of Euphorbiaceae so that it is possible to contain similiar coumpound. Katuk leaf contain flavonoid compound it is likely to have imunostimulator. The study was to determine if the ethanol extract of katuk leaf (Sauropus androgynus (L) Merr) has the imunostimulator towards macrophage activites. This is an experimental research used 2-3 month male mice of Swiss type with 20-30 g. They were diveded into six groups and given ethanol extract of katuk leaf with certain dosages 35 mg/kg BB, 70 mg/kg BB, 140 mg/kg BB, levamisol 2.5 mg/kg BB, stimuno 9.1 mg/kg BB and negative control of Na CMC 1% in seven days. On the 8th day, they were infected intraperitoneally by giving 105 Staphylococus aureus bacteria. From 100 cel macrophage cell which latex was phagocytosis on dosage 35 mg/kg BB (37.00), dosage 70 mg/kg BB (44.00), dosage 140 mg/kg BB (49.67), stimuno 9.1 mg/kg BB (57.67), levamisol 2.5 mg/kg BB ( 62.00). The result from 100 cell of latex which was phagocyt dosage 35 mg/kg BB (73.00), dosage 70 mg/kg BB (78.00), 140 mg/kg BB (84.33) levamisol 2.5 mg/kg BB (93.00), stimuno 9.1 mg/kg BB (91.67). The result showed that on dosage 140 mg/kg BB have imunostimulator effect. Key words: ethanolic extract of leaf (Sauropus androgynus (L) Merr), phagocytosis macrophage, imunostimulator cream

    Analisis Cemaran Logam Timbal (Pb) Dalam Daun Caisin (Brassica Juncea L.) Ditanam Di Lokasi Ramai Dan Sepi Lalu Lintas Kendaraan Bermotor

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    Test contaminans of heavy metal Lead (Pb) have been done to the caisin plant in crowded location (Pratin, Karang Reja, Purbalingga) and quiet location (Gombong, Belik, Pemalang). Analysis done with dry destruction method used Atomic Absorption Spektrofotometry (AAS) instrument at wave length 283,3 nm. From result analysis of caisin plant gets contaminant Lead (Pb) in crowded location 4,88 ppm and quiet location 4,79 ppm. The level is over the number which has been determined by BPOM that is 2 ppm. The result of validation method analysis performed on the test that the linearity obtained for (r) 0,9952, with value Standar Deviation (SD) and Relative Standart Deviation (RSD) in presision test are 2,93x10-4 and 2,74%. And to test limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ) with value 0,33 ppm and 1,11 ppm. Keyword: lead (Pb), atomic absorption spectrophotometry, caisi

    Pengaruh Antara Jarak Tinggal Dengan Sumber Pelayanan Informasi Obat Terhadap Pola Pengobatan Sendiri Pada Penyakit Flu Di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Pengobatan sendiri adalah upaya untuk mengobati segala keluhan pada diri sendiri dengan obat-obat yang dibeli bebas di apotek atau toko obat atas inisiatif sendiri tanpa nasehat dari dokter. Perilaku penggunaan obat oleh pasien sangat dipengaruhi oleh tingkat informasi yang diterima oleh pasien mengenai obat-obat yang digunakannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pengaruh jarak tinggal dengan sumber informasi obat berpengaruh terhadap pola pengobatan sendiri pada penyakit flu di Kabupaten Banyumas. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian observasional (deskriptif analitik) dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional dan data diambil secara retrospektif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas jarak tinggal dengan sumber informasi obat sejauh 1 - < 3 km sebanyak 35.8% dan perilaku pengobatan sendiri responden sebagian besar sebesar 42.0% . Ada pengaruh jarak tinggal dengan sumber informasi obat terhadap pola pengobatan sendiri penyakit flu di Kabupaten Banyumas (

    Uji Aktivitas Antivirus Eksrak Etanol Daun Sirih Merah (Piper Crocatum Ruitz & Pav) Terhadap Virus Newcastle Disease (Nd) Dan Profil Kromatografi Lapis Tipisnya

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    Virus it the microscopic of measured parasite, to infection the organism cell, and only reproducing in know that there is antiviral activity from the ethanol extract of Sirih Merah leaf (Piper crocatum Ruitz & Pav) into Newcastle Disease virus with thin layer chromatography profile. The extract made by the maceration method with using the ethanol 96%. This research did conducting in ovo, there is chicken's egg embryo with the age 9 – 10 days. The inspection of hindrance virus is used for hemaglutination test (HA test). This research analyze with the anava test. The resulting of research indicates that the ethanol extract of Sirih Merah leaf can delay the growth Newcastle Disease virus. The concentration third of this show that more increase of concentration, the higgest 94,79% of purpose to 50%. For knowing which one of more potent between concentration of third to Newcastle Disease virus with used BNT test, those result to show the different of meaning manner statistic (P < 0,05), it means of that the activity of antiviral ethanol extract Sirih merah leaf to Newcastle Disease virus has the different meaning between 1 µg/ml with 10 µg/ml and 1 µg/ml with 100 µg/ml concentration. Activity of antiviral ethanol extract sirih merah leaf is 10 µg/ml manner statisticEthanol extract Sirih Merah leaf have content of chemical compound like flavonoid, saponin, tannin. Keyword : antiviral, ethanol extract, sirih merah leaf, Newcastle Disease, thin layer chromatography

    Angka Kejadian dan Penatalaksanaan Keracunan di Instalasi Gawat Darurat RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekardjo Purwokerto Tahun 2012–2014

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    Poison can affect or even make dysfunction in the body that can lead to healthy status decreases inemergency situation. Poisoning management needs an appropriate therapy so we can save the life andmake the medication becomes effective and efficient. This study aimed to know the number of poisoningcase and to evaluate the management of poisoning in Emergency Department of Margono SoekarjoHospital of Purwokerto. This study was a descriptive retrospective used patient medical records ofEmergency Department of Margono Soekarjo Hospital of Purwokerto in a period of January 2012 toDecember 2014. To evaluate the management we used poisoning guideline books by BPOM RI in 2001.From January 2012 to December 2014, 117 cases of poisoning occurred, and the highest cause wassnake bites (69,2%). Other causes were pesticides, foods, drug, alcohol, plant, and shellfish. Majority ofthe patients were men (70.1%), in age 28-45 (30.5%), had low educations (49.6%) and jobless (71.8%).The managements varied among patients used antidotes, antibiotic, antihistamine, analgesic-antipiretic,hemostatic agent, anti infection, and some gastrointestinal drugs. The managements which appropriatewith the guideline were 24 cases (20.51%), 75 cases (64.10%) inappropriates with the guideline fromBadan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) also 18 cases with no management as written onthe book as a consecuency of the lack of Operasional Standard Guideline for poisoning management in Emergency Department of Margono Soekarjo Hospital of Purwokerto so there is a needed to makean Operasional Standar Guideline for poisoning management in Emergency Department of Margono Soekarjo Hospital for a better management in the future

    Pengaruh Praperlakuan Pemberian Jus Pisang Ambon Terhadap Profil Farmakokinetik Tetrasiklin Pada Tikus Putih Jantan

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    Drugs could interact with food or other drugs. The use of tetracycline with milk or food containing calcium, magnesium or iron ions could reduce the absorption due to the formation of insoluble chelate. Banana contains ions such as calcium (10 mg), iron (0.9 mg), as well as water (72 g), protein (1.3 g), fat (0.2 g) and carbohydrates (26 g) in 100 g of edible parts. The aim of this research was to compare the pharmacokinetic profiles of tetracycline with pre-treatment of 1 hour, simultaneously and without administering ambon banana juice on white male rats. The method of this research was experimental, with “Posstest only control group design” and “one way anova” as the method of data analysis. The pharmacokinetic parameters of tetracycline were changed in group 1 by administering tetracycline 63 mg/kg BB, group 2 by administering of 2 mL of ambon banana juice 1 hour before tetracycline 63 mg/kg BB, and group 3 by administering of 2 mL of banana juice simultaneously with tetracycline 63 mg/kg BB. Pharmacokinetic parameter of tetracycline that changed were value of Ka, Cl, t1/2 el, Kel, tmaks, Cpmaks, and AUC. However, based on the results of one way analysis of variance on the value of tetracycline pharmacokinetic parameters between groups showed no significant difference (p>0.05). Key words: pharmakokinetics, ambon banana juice, tetracycline

    Aktivitas Antivirus Ekstrak Etanol Daun Bandotan (Ageratum Conyzoides L.) Terhadap Virus Newcastle Disease Beserta Profil Kromatografi Lapis Tipis

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    Virus merupakan parasit berukuran mikroskopik, menginfeksi sel organisme biologis, dan hanya dapat bereproduksi dalam material hidup. Daun Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.), pada umumnya digunakan untuk mengobati demam, menghilangkan pembengkakan dan sakit tenggorokan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya aktivitas antivirus dari ekstrak etanol daun bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.) terhadap virus Newcastle Disease beserta profil kromatografi lapis tipisnya. Ektrak dibuat dengan cara maserasi menggunakan cairan penyari etanol 96 %. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara in Ovo yaitu dengan mengunakan telur ayam berembrio umur 9 – 11 hari. Pengamatan penghambatan virus digunakan uji hemaglutinasi (HA). Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan Uji Anava. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun bandotan mampu menghambat pertumbuhan virus Newcastle Disease. Konsentrasi yang digunakan adalah 1, 10 dan 100g/ml, dengan hambatan tertinggi 99.480.23 % dan terendah 50.00±0 %. Aktivitas antivirus ekstrak etanol daun bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.) terhadap virus Newcastle Disease mempunyai perbedaan yang bermakna antara ketiga konsentrasi (