
Profil Disolusi Terbanding Tablet Rifampisin Merek Dan Generik


This time many of people still to contemn of generic drugs because they regard as quality of generic drugs low more than trademark drugs. This research was proposed to compare dissolution profile of rifampicine tablets trademark (A, B, C) and generic (C, D). Parameter of principle to showed quality drugs in tablets form is hardness assay, disintegration assay and assay of dissolution test. Each from tablets trademark and generic taked as many three samples for tablets trademark and two samples for tablets generic from circulated market. Used rifampicine coated film tablets with 450 mg doses. It used to research of physical characteristic tablet and dissolution test. Dissolution test of rifampisin tablets trademark and generic was performed in 900 ml liquid dissolution medium of HCl 0.1 N and used dissolution insrument type two with 50 rpm. Based on research of physical characteristics such as uniformity of weight, tablets hardness and disintegration test get that all of physical characteristics rifampicine trademark and generic tablets full fill in prescript qualify. And result for dissolution test full fill in Pharmacopenia Indonesian of edition IV. And between of trademark and generic tablets have to sameness in physical characteristics and dissolution with confidence standart 95%. Keyword: rifampicine tablets, trademark, generic

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