65 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya sikap selama proses pembelajaran dan hasil belajar siswa kelas VIIIE SMP 3 Bae Kudus. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan sikap dalam proses dan hasil belajar siswa kelas VIIIE SMP 3 Bae Kudus pada materi Sistem Persamaan Linier Dua Variabel (SPLDV) dengan menerapkan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri  atas dua siklus. Penelitian  dilaksanakan di kelas VIIIE SMP 3 Bae Kudus. Jumlah siswa 28 orang terdiri 20 orang siswa putri dan 8 orang siswa putra. PTK  dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus yang masing-masing terdiri atas 4 tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi terhadap hasil tindakan. Dari hasil tindakan sikap tanggung jawab, kerja sama, menghargai pendapat dan percaya diri siswa pada siklus I rata-rata mencapai  43% dan meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 68%. Sementara itu hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran juga mengalami peningkatan. Pada siklus I hasil belajar siswa mencapai rata-rata 58 dengan siswa tuntas belajar sebanyak 54% dan pada siklus II hasil belajar siswa mencapai rata-rata 77 dengan siswa tuntas belajar sebanyak 78,6%. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini adalah penerapan model pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe TSTS dapat meningkatkan sikap dan hasil belajar siswa pada materi Sistem Persamaan Linier Dua Variabel dikelas VIIIE SMP 3 Bae Kudus

    Removal of Rhodamine-B From Aqueous Solution by Adsorption Onto Chitosan/Polymethylmetacryalte/Cloisite-10A Composites

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the use chitosan/polymethyl methacrylate/cloisite-10A (Chi/PMMA/Cloi) composites as an adsorbent for Rhodamine-B. The Chi/PMMA/Cloi composites were synthesized by solution induced intercalation method. The properties of the composites were investigated by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effects of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) loading and contact times on the adsorption process of Rhodamine-B were investigated. The results show that the adsorption capacity for the Rhodamine-B increased with increase in contact times but there was not significant change observed with respect to increase in PMMA loading. Abilities of Chi/PMMA/Cloi composites to adsorb rhodamine-B were higher than those found in the pristine of cloisite-10A, chitosan, and PMMA, respectively. The adsorption capacity of rhodamine-B from solution by using the composites was reached 89.20 – 91.58% with contact times from 40 - 120 min. The results indicate that the Chi/PMMA/Cloi composites can be used for the removal of rhodamine-B from aqueous solutions


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    The aim of this classroom action research is to find out the utilization of serial pictorial learning media for the speaking skills for the third grade students of State Primary School 03 of Lalung, Karanganyar in the academic year of 2008/2009. The aim includes two aspects, namely :1) improving the students’ activenees in the speaking skill learning process in the Indonesian Language subject matter, and (2) improving the result of the Students’ speaking skills in the Indonesian Language subject matter. The subjeck of this research was all of the 34 third grade students of State Primary School 03 of Lalung, Karanganyar in the academic year of 2008/2009. Its data were gathered through documentation. The actions of the serial pictorial learning media utilization in the speaking skill learning were conducted through three cycles, and the utilization of the serial pictorial learning media in each cycle was improved based on the reflection of the previos cycle(s). Each cycle consisted of planning stage, implementation stage, and observation and reflection stage. The data were analyzed by using a comparative descriptive technique of analysis, that is, comparing between the students’ activenees score and the result of their speaking skills in each cycle to the former cycles. Based on the analysis, a conclusion in drawn that the utilization of serial pictorial learning media for the speaking skills for the third grade studens of State Primary School 03 of Lalung, Karanganyar in the academic year of 2008/2009 is able to improve (1) the students’ activeness in the spaking skill learning process in the Indonesian Language subject matter as indicated by students’ activeness where the average scores in pre-action cycle, Cycle I, Cycle II, and Cycle III are 38%,42.5%, 63.5% and 88% respectively, and (2) the result of the students’ speaking skiil in the Indonesian Language subject matter as indicated by their average scores in each cycle, namely : 59, 60, 69 and 74.32 respetively. The number of students whose average score is > 70 in pre-action cycle, Cycle I, Cycle II, and Cycle III are 8 (23.5%), 10 (29%), 17 (56%), and 29 (87%) respectivel


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    Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk dapat meningkatkan  hasil belajar kerjaan-kerajaan  Islam di Indonesia  dengan menggunakan teknik Mind Mapping. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada semester 1 tahun pelajaran 2017/2018 selama 3 bulan  mulai dari bulan Agustus sampai dengan Oktober. Tempat penelitian di SMK Negeri I Magelang dengan alamat di Jl. Cawang No 2 (0293)362172Fax (0293) 368821 Magelang. Sebagai subyek penelitian ini adalah kelas X Mesin D SMK Negeri 1 Magelang Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018 semester 1. Sumber data meliputi data kuantitatif berupa hasil tes kerajaan-kerajaan  Islam di Indonesia dan data kualitatif berupa  hasil observasi, dan dokumentasi pembelajaran. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu teknik kuantitatif berupa tes dan teknik kualitatif berupa nontes. Teknik analisis yang digunakan: data kuantitatif menggunakan analisis deskriptif; data kualitatif dianalisis menggunakan metode triangulasi. Prosedur penelitian terdiri atas dua siklus. Masing-masing siklus menggunakan empat tahapan tindakan: perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, daan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:  (1) teknik Mind Mapping  dapat meningkatkan rerata hasil belajar kerajaan-kerajaan   Islam di Indonesia  dari kategori kurang (44,38) menjadi kategori baik (80,16). Simpulan penelitian adalah penerapan teknik Mind Mapping   dalam pembelajaran kerajaan-kerajaan Islam di Indonesia  dapat meningkatkan  hasil belajar sejarah. Peneliti memberikan saran pada guru sebaiknya dalam mengajar menggunakan model pembelajaran yang bervariasi

    Removal of Rhodamine-B From Aqueous Solution by Adsorption Onto Chitosan/Polymethylmetacryalte/Cloisite-10A Composites

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the use chitosan/polymethyl methacrylate/cloisite-10A (Chi/PMMA/Cloi) composites as an adsorbent for Rhodamine-B. The Chi/PMMA/Cloi composites were synthesized by solution induced intercalation method. The properties of the composites were investigated by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effects of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) loading and contact times on the adsorption process of Rhodamine-B were investigated. The results show that the adsorption capacity for the Rhodamine-B increased with increase in contact times but there was not significant change observed with respect to increase in PMMA loading. Abilities of Chi/PMMA/Cloi composites to adsorb rhodamine-B were higher than those found in the pristine of cloisite-10A, chitosan, and PMMA, respectively. The adsorption capacity of rhodamine-B from solution by using the composites was reached 89.20 – 91.58% with contact times from 40 - 120 min. The results indicate that the Chi/PMMA/Cloi composites can be used for the removal of rhodamine-B from aqueous solutions

    Optimizing the Process Conditions in Science and Engineering for Improvement of Product Engineering

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    Finding the novelty in and developing new science and engineering applications in the world is very important and interesting. Overall, process and product engineering aims to improve and increase the effectiveness of the engineering process in order to achieve the optimum conditions. However, engineering and environmental applications still contain various limitations such as high energy demand, catalyst costs, and less reuse or regeneration of adsorbents and catalysts. These challenges have led to the exploration of cheaper precursors, the regeneration of adsorbents or catalysts, mechanisms reactions, and overall optimization of the engineering process. Moreover, multifunctional and advanced materials could be promising as materials for further applications. To the best of our knowledge, investigation and exploration of the precursors, methods, design, instruments, product, and/or manufacturing is required for the future as they facilitate and integrate with each other. The adsorption process is a simple and important method for many applications within the environment and industries to deal with the removal of heavy metals, pollutants, and odor from wastewater, and to tackle polluted air. Clean energy sources and global warming have been major issues and challenges for many years, including a reduction of CO2. Much attention has been paid to the key issue of developing alternative uses for by-products (waste) in addressing the sustainability of this resource. In particular, the utilization of any by-product (waste) as a useful product should be considered as a source of economic, eco-friendly, high-efficiency, and renewable materials, and should follow at least one rule, such as the â€œpolluter pays” principle. This is expected to pave the way for the attainment of advanced applications. All of the findings of this research are effective and may be used to enable the further development of environmental applications for the removal of a diverse range of pollutants, diminish hazardous pollutants, and facilitate the minimization method for the management of waste. On the other hand, to improve the production of renewable energy and further applications, the overall process also needs to be considered, including the temperature, time, feedstock composition, catalyst, and arrangement of the design.To address the above problems, the 2nd International Tropical Renewable Energy Conference (i-TREC) 2017 was held on October 3–4, 2017 at the Courtyard by Marriott Bali Nusa Dua Resort, Bali, Indonesia. The 2nd i-TREC 2017 was proudly organized by the Tropical Renewable Energy Center, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. The main theme of the 2nd i-TREC 2017 was “Towards Tropical Renewable Energy Innovation and Technology Integration.” The 168 presented papers came from various countries, such as Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Brazil, France, Indonesia, Japan, and Malaysia. The 2nd i-TREC 2017 covered three symposia, namely Renewable Energy System and Regulation, Biomass and Biotechnology, and Multifunctional and Advanced Materials for Renewable Energy Applications. From a total of 168 papers from the three symposia, we selected 22 for publication in IJTech. The papers are from a range of fields, as follows: architecture (1), chemical engineering (9), civil engineering (1), electrical engineering (1), mechanical engineering (7), and metallurgical and materials engineering (3). All of the 22 selected papers from the three symposia are summarized below

    Speech Function Analysis of the Obama and Jay Leno’s Interview on NBC ‘Tonight Show’.

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    Fungsi bicara adalah suatu fungsi dari bahasa yang kita hasilkan di dalam percakapan kita dengan orang lain. Untuk memperoleh tafsiran yang benar tentang apa yang orang katakana, kita harus memahami tentang fungsi bicara. Fungsi bicara itu sediri mengandung maksud dan tujuan tertentu., oleh karena itu juga dapat diartikan fungsi basi bicara berisi tentang maksud pembicara. Ketika seseorang berinteraksi dengan orang lain dengan menggunakan bahasa, dia mempunyai dua pilihan pokok; yaitu member dan meminta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan fungsi-fungsi bicara yang diungkapkan oleh Obama dan Jay Leno di dalam naskah wawancara di NBC ‘Tonight Sho’ oleh David Nakamura. Penelitian ini tergolong ke dalam deskriptif kualilatif. Data penelitian ini adalah fungsi-fungsi bicara yang direalisasikan oleh klausa mood. Sumber data diperoleh dari naskah wawancara Obama dan Jay Leno di NBC ‘Tonight Show’ oleh David Nakamura. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat 454 klausa mood yang merealisasikan fungsi-fungsi bicara oleh wawancara Obama dan Jay Leno. Mereka adalah 356 (78,4%) pernyataan, 36 (8,0%) pertanyaan, 34 (7,50%) perintah, 7 (1,50%) pengakuan, 15 (3,30%) jawaban, 5 (1,10%) pemenuhan, dan 1 (0,20%) sangkalan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, saya menyarankan kepada Dosen jurusan pendidikan bahasa Inggris, saya menyarankan hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai contoh dalam mengajar grammar terutama mood dan fungsi bicara. Untuk mahasiswa jurusan bahasa Inggris, saya sarankan dengan membaca penelitian ini mereka akan memahami tentang jenis-jenis mood dan fungsi bahasa. Ini juga diharapkan untuk peneliti selanjutnya untuk melanjutkan dan mengembangkan penelitian ini dengan analisis fungsi bicara yang digunakan oleh pembicara lain, karena penelitian ini hanya membahas tentang fungsi bicara yang direalisasikan oleh klausa mood di dalam naskah wawancara Obama dan Jay Leno di NBC ‘Tonight Show


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    Pelayanan kesehatan untuk pasien di suatu rumah sakit bertujuan untuk memberikan layanan kesehatan yang bersifat layanan secara menyeluruh pada penyembuhan penyakit pasien.Pelayanan meliputi kemudahan dalam mencari data dan informasi pasien dan kemudahan dalam pembiayaan kesehatan pada tindakan yang dilakukan untuk penyembuhan yang berawal dari proses mendaftar, konsultasi dengan dokter, layanan penyembuhan yang bersifat besar serta layanan berobat jalan. Dalam meningkatkan pelayanan lebih baik kepada pasien diperlukan informasi awal dari kriteria pasien yang menderita sakit, prioritas layanan kesehatan sampai biaya kesehatan sehingga memberikan rasa aman dan terlindungi dari tiap tindakan medis yang dilakukan oleh pihak rumah sakit.Layanan informasi tersebut memberikan hasil konseling dan tindakan yang dilakukan pada layanan rumah sakit bagi pasien.Informasi layanan sesuai dengan hasil rujukan dan pelayanan fasilitas rumah sakit pada pasien. Penentuan layanan sesuai fasilitas yang ada, dengan penghitungan skala prioritas layanan terhadap penyakit pasien, tindakan yang akan dilakukan oleh tim dokter dan perawat serta pembiayaan pada tiap layanan tersebut. Akses pada proses layanan kesehatan perlu disusun dalam manajemen basis data dalam sistem informasi Pelayanan Kesehatan pilihansehingga akuntabilitas dan pelayanan kesehatan menjadi jelas sesuai dengan pola pelayanan kesehatan dan pembiayaan layanan.Program menggunakan sistem database management systemberbasis internetterintegrasi sehingga layanan kesehatan pada RSUD Kayen Pati lebih baik kepada para pasien

    Revolutions in Chemical Engineering through the Development of Materials Science and Product Design for Sustainable Energy and Future Applications

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    Materials science is an interdisciplinary engineering and science area covering the nature of materials and their applications in various fields of science, chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, engineering, applied physics, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil, and electricity. Its main focus is to explore the key relation between the structure, properties and application of matter. Therefore, it is one of the broadest and most active areas in chemical engineering, involving the discovery, evaluation and manipulation of useful material properties of different substances. To date, materials science has been expanding the array of materials that have unique characteristics and are useful for the development and fabrication of desirable, imaginative, and revolutionary new products.  Related research has been contributing to great progress towards a sustainable future based on clean energy generation, through the development of ethanol production using syngas fermentation, transmission and distribution, the storage of electrical and chemical energy, energy efficiency, and better energy management systems. These advances aim to fulfill the widescale growing demand for energy in both developed and developing countries. Clean energy policy is also associated with the concerns about the detrimental effects of fossil fuels on the environment. Such environmental concerns have been at the forefront of limiting technological advances in various industrial sectors, prompting the intensive utilization of membrane filters, sensors and catalysts. In addition to the climate change associated with gas emissions from automobiles and factories, access to clean water, consumption of raw materials in the refining and separation processes of fossil fuels, and waste management have become important environmental issues, which scientists and engineers are actively trying to solve for present-day and future life. Innovative biocompatible materials, for instance, have improved the quality of life and lengthened people’s life spans. Chemical engineers have been at the forefront of these advances, creating applicable materials in the fields of biochemistry, thermodynamics and supercritical, nanomaterials and nanotechnology, chemical engineering management, separation and purification, renewable energy, water and waste treatment, food technology and pharmaceuticals, catalysts, chemical reactions, and engineering process systems. To address the abovementioned issues, the 1st International Symposium of Indonesian Chemical Engineering 2018 (ISIChem), with the main theme of “Chemical Engineering,” was held from October 4–6, 2018, at Kyriad Bumiminang Hotel, Padang, Sumatra Barat, Indonesia. The symposium, which was organized by Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Kimia Indonesia (APTEKIM), facilitated researchers, academics and industry practitioners to present and discuss their research in scientific forums in the field of chemical engineering and to share their  knowledge. In the symposium, twenty papers from various countries across the globe, including Japan, Libya, Taiwan, Malaysia and Indonesia, were presented.  This Insight discusses the latest advances in materials science, which may boost the transition to a more sustainable environment and energy systems. In this issue of the International Journal of Technology, we provide coverage of the 1st International Symposium of Indonesian Chemical Engineering 2018 (ISIChem). At the symposium, the participants updated the current trends in new materials and approaches to the reuse of energy and waste, providing a space for discussion focusing on the methodology, technology, and empirical work of tropical renewable energy. Publishing information on the conference via traditional printed media, however, takes time and, for several reasons, the discussion presented might remain unknown to a wider audience. In this current special issue of the International Journal of Technology, we would therefore like to present the discussions in the form of research papers, thereby making them available to a wider readership. We are pleased to present 20 papers and, through the availability of the published materials, enrich and extend the ISIChem symposium reports

    Shaping a Sustainable Future: The Convergence of Materials Science, Critical Minerals and Technological Innovation

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    The National Academy of Engineering recognized the Grand Challenges in engineering for the 21st century in 2008. These challenges encompass tasks such as ensuring access to economical solar energy, managing the nitrogen cycle, engineering the tools of scientific discovery, and other obstacles that must be overcome for humans to continue advancing. More than half of these challenges will necessitate the development and use of novel advanced materials. The question at hand is the origin of these novel elements. Surprisingly, many everyday items have their origins in were stumbled upon by coincidence. Products like playdough, stainless steel, rubber tires, superconductors, and superglue stand as a testament to this phenomenon in engineering materials, where their defining characteristics were uncovered almost by accident. Take into account artificial sweeteners such as saccharin. In 1878, Constantin Fahlberg was diligently conducting research on coal-tar compounds. After accidentally spilling chemicals on his hands, he proceeds to find it excessively sweet. After a span of ninety years, the artificial sweetener aspartame was discovered using the same method. James Schlatter inadvertently exposed his hands to a chemical substance and subsequently chose to orally moisten his fingers in order to separate two adhered pages of a book. This incident exemplifies yet another instance of the accidental discovery of new materials for future applications. On the other hand, critical minerals and advanced materials are very useful for many applications to support advanced technologies now and future. These innovations would provide new materials for the development of eco-friendly advanced technologies which are necessary to enhance the living standard and economic developments in the future.   How materials are discovered today? Now, even when materials have not been discovered serendipitously. The processes and procedures for making new materials and their discoveries are needed more explored due to the complex process, composition and to achieve as products need more days to analyze the impact and their functions. Thomas Edison did not actually invent the light bulb, but he was the first person to produce it long-lasting and economical. In 1878 year, he was trying to develop a light bulb filament material that would stay lit for more than a few hours. During a two-year tour de force he tests over 6,000 different plant fibers before eventually stumbling across a carbonized bamboo that stays lit for 1,200 hours. Presently, the Edisonian method of trial-and-error, albeit somewhat directed by fundamental design principles, remains the predominant strategy for the discovery of new materials. This approach, characterized by its reliance on extensive trial and error complemented by high-volume testing, is the mainstay of our current methodology. However, it's increasingly clear that this method falls short of what is needed. Given the formidable engineering challenges we face in critical areas such as clean energy, carbon sequestration, and medical discovery, this traditional approach appears insufficient and inadequate for addressing the complex demands of these fields. In order to address these challenges of feeding around 8 billion individuals with the aid of contemporary fertilizers, the US Government initiated the Materials Genome Initiative in 2011 year. This initiative set a highly ambitious target including to developing and deploy new materials at twice the speed and at a fraction of the cost. Initially, the Materials Genome Initiative primarily focused on increasing the number of simulated experiments while reducing physical ones, as simulations are generally faster and less expensive. This strategy made significant progress, but it also encountered certain inherent limitations. One major issue is the time-intensive nature of calculating new material's properties, even with the most advanced supercomputers. Completing these calculations for just one property of a single compound can require more than a week of continuous computing. Since the stone age, humanity has pursued harder materials. This is where materials informatics steps in. With support from the National Science Foundation, the Sparks Lab from the University of Utah embarked on using machine learning to identify new super-hard materials. Any candidate material must possess qualities like incompressibility and rigidity. While there were slow but reasonably accurate calculations of these properties for about 5,000 compounds, the challenge lay in the hundreds of thousands of other compounds with unknown properties. After building and validating their model, they could predict properties for any chemical composition. They tested over 100,000 compounds, including many previously incalculable due to rare earth elements or disordered structures. Impressively, these predictions were made in just 30 seconds on a standard laptop. The success in this case illustrates the effectiveness of the applied approach. Within a span of just over six months, the team progressed from a basic understanding of super-hard materials to the discovery and confirmation of two of the hardest materials known. This achievement reflects the core goal of the Materials Genome Initiative, which is to accelerate the discovery of materials in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. The breakthrough was not due to exceptional chemistry skills but rather the strategic direction of the research.   Sustainable materials for the future It is so important to note that almost all human activities contribute to greenhouse gas emissions driving global warming. A large portion of these emissions stems from industrial processes that subtly permeate every facet of our lives. Consider our home refrigeration and other heating and cooling systems account for about 6% of total emissions. Agriculture, crucial for food production, contributes around 18%. Electricity generation is also responsible for approximately about 27%. Stepping outside, the transportation sectors including cars, planes, trains and also other activities also give rise to around 16%. Furthermore, the production of everyday items results in substantial emissions and triggers to increasing global warming. The creation of materials such as concrete, steel, plastic, glass, and aluminum is responsible to contributed around 31% of greenhouse gas emissions and damaging the environment. Existing technologies for example carbon dioxide capture, green energies and renewable energies and other efforts from government policies and private still lack to cover the sustainable world but their adoption is limited due to a lack of economic incentives. The costs associated with transporting and storing captured CO2 are prohibitive. However, one company has innovated a solution by integrating captured CO2 into the concrete itself, achieving permanent storage. Materials informatics has already proven successful in various domains, with impressive breakthroughs emerging regularly. Consider a hypothetical situation: envision a chemical that was previously thought to be unachievable. In the movie 'Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home', the concept of 'transparent aluminum', a metal that can be seen through, was portrayed as purely fictional. Currently, there exist substances such as indium tin oxide, which maintains transparency while also functioning as a conductor of electricity like a metal. Additionally, there is aluminum oxynitride, which exhibits both the strength and stiffness of a metal while remaining completely transparent to ultraviolet, visible, and infrared light. The integration of machine learning in the search for new materials with specific characteristics marks a significant advancement over previous methods. This shift is as transformative for humanity as the discovery of bronze, iron, steel, or silicon. As the exploration of the information age continues, the emerging field of materials informatics is beginning to reveal its vast potential. This approach, termed 'rational serendipity,' is reshaping the landscape of materials discovery
