27 research outputs found

    How students perceive their attitudes towards the environment

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    KEYWORDS: Student attitudes, the environment, science classroom Background This paper discusses results of the research investigating student ecological affinity. The ā€˜Ecological Affinityā€™ was defined as the ā€˜perceived distanceā€™ between studentsā€™ demand on the environment to fulfil their desired lifestyles and the existence of the natural environment. The term ā€˜perceived distanceā€™ referred to personal position on a negative-positive attitudinal continuum with regard to environmental sustainability. This study believed that ecological affinity dealt with peopleā€™s right to draw a better quality of life from their interactions with the environment, and their responsibility to guarantee other peopleā€™s rights in their efforts to gain the best sustainable quality of life. Aim This study aimed at examining studentsā€™ perceptions concerning their environmental attitudes over science classroom and in different locations. Design and Methods It was recognized that the advancement of science had various impacts on human lifestyles and the environment. To measure its impacts on human attitudes, this study applied environmental attitudinal scale instrument containing three sub-scales. The first sub-scale concerned with students valuing the advancement of science and technology. Two other sub-scales dealt with studentsā€™ recognition of the limits of growth and their views of peopleā€™s dominating Nature. This study placed these sub-scales together into the Ecological Affinity Likert Scale. This study worked on descriptive quantitative data based on the instrument surveys. The surveys were administered in two phases; before and after science classrooms. Each phase of the survey was conducted in rural and urban cities. This study assumed that student responses were the function of their perceptions on the impact of economic development and technological advancement into the environment and their understanding of its representing issues learned in their classroom. Descriptive analyses were carried out to measure central tendencies, variability, and relationships between groups of respondents. As for 5-scale responses of Likert scale, this study restructured the scale into three continuing levels; ā€˜negativeā€™ (scale=1), ā€˜moderate (2)ā€™ and positive (3) positions. Results This study demonstrated that student attitudes were generally around moderate position (M=2.26, SD=0.32). Having science classroom, their attitudes moved into a more positive position (M=2.37, SD=0.21). A paired-sample T-test showed different perceptions between rural and urban students. Urban studentsā€™ perception changed significantly into a more moderate position after science classroom (M=[1.93 - 2.19], N=61, df=60, t=-16.840, p=0.000). A different situation existed to Rural students where no significant differences over science classroom (M=[2.48 - 2.49], N=86, df=85, t=-0.610, p=0.543). A similar contradictory situation appeared in all sub-scales between rural and urban studentsā€™ attitudes. An exceptional situation, however, appeared in rural studentsā€™ perception on People Dominating Nature where science classroom changes their perception into a more positive position (M=[2.27 - 2.48], N=86, df=85, t=-7.294, p=0.000). Conclusion It was evident that science classroom has effected differently to rural and urban students. Urban students were likely to perceive their attitudes as a more positive after learning environmental issues in their science classroom. The positive perceptions of rural students might point out that these persons have accepted the right to draw a better quality of life from their interactions with the environment, as well as permitted other peopleā€™s rights to achieve their best sustainable quality of life

    Universitas Terbuka amongst the National Framework for Teachersā€™ Professional Development Program Presented in the International Conference on Teacher Education

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    Efforts to increase teacher professionalism has been obliged by Law of Teacher No. 14/2005 signifying necessities in continuous supports and strong commitment from all parties and communities. In addition to national routine programs, the Government has made several efforts to improve quality of education, including allocating foreign loan programs and coordinating international partnerships. In the meantime, Universitas Terbuka (UT) has long been committed to strengthening teacher competence and qualification through distance and online programs. As a nation-wide university, UT implements its programs through 38 Regional Offices(RO) and one RO to serving students domicile abroad. Since 1984, UT has promoted 1,315,009 professional teachers, serving over 45% of the total number of teachers in Indonesia. To corroborate with current governmental educational policy, UT was challenged to assure its programs to be aligned with current issues of national quality development. Likewise, UT promotes efficiency in leading educational quality development through open and online teacher training programs. These programs foster teachersā€™ continuous professional development and expertise. Partnership and collaboration with other education-related institutions constitute apparently the key issues to succeed the programs. To conclude, it is obvious that all the programs are dully dedicated to strengthen the professionalism of teachers to be capable of meeting the national goals for nation and character building and development

    Studi Eksploratif tentang Bimbingan Akademik Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan MIPA FKIP-UT

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    V ariasi yang tinggi dalam perolehan prestasi rnahasiswa di UT tidak bisa diserahkan sepenuhnya hanya pada kemampuan mahasiswa dalam belajamya secara mandiri. Dalam hal ini, profesionalitas layanan akadernik dari para dosen serta UT berperan sangat penting, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, baik kepada individu maupun kelompok mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang format bimbingan akademik mahasiswa JPMIPA-FKIP-UT. Studi eksploratif yang dikembangkan melalui pendekatan survei dipilih untuk penelitian ini. Survei dilakukan terhadap dua jenis data; data sekunder dan primer. Data sekunder diolah untuk melihat kecenderungan profil mahasiswa yang kemudian digunakan sebagai dasar prediksi terhadap kemungkinan jenis kesulitan yang dihadapi mahasiswa selama studinya di UT. Responden untuk data primer dibagi dalam dua kelompok berdasarkan tujuan diperolehnya data, yaitu responden uji coba instrumen dan pelaksanaan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa format bimbingan akademik hendaknya dikembangkan dengan melihat potensi serta kemampuan di kedua belah pihak yang saling berkaitan, yaitu mahasiswa sebagai pengguna jasa layanan dan bimbingan akademik serta dosen atau UPBJJ/UT sebagai agen atau institusi layanan pendidikan. Dari sudut pandang mahasiswa, bimbingan akademik hendaknya sebagai berikut (1) direncanakan dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor internal mahasiswa seperti usia, tugas pokok dan keahlian mengajar, dan jarak tempuh mahasiswa ke UPBJJ, (2) dilaksanakan dengan memperhatikan komponen layanan akademik seperti kualitas modul dan tugas mandiri (baik konstruk, isi, serta ketersediannya di UPBJJ dan atau di tempat lain yang disarankan), UAS (ragam bentuk soal, jumlah butir set soal, dan konstruksinya), ragam media komunikasi (aksesibilitas mahasiswa dan dosen kepada media komunikasi), bentuk dan materi layanan dosen, serta pola layanan akademik kepada mahasiswa, (3) hingga survei ini berlangsung, nampak bahwa mahasiswa pada JPMIPA-FKIP UT cenderung memanfaatkan media belajar dan melaksanakan proses pembelajaran secara tradisional. Namlm demikian, potensi minat untuk akses dalam memanfaatkan media teknologi komunikasi jarak jauh melalui komputer sudah nampak walaupun masih dalam proporsi yang sangat kecil. Berdasarkan hasil-hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, baik saat pra- maupun pelaksanaan penelitian, maka kami menyarankan bahwa: ( 1) bimbingan akademik dilaksanakan baik dalam bentuk masal maupun individu melalui tatap muka dan media komunikasi, (2) selain itu, bimbingan masal dilakukan dalam bentuk kelompok bimbingan belajar, seperti tutorial tatap muka yang pelaksanaannya dikoordinasikan dengan UPBJJ, (3) bimbingan juga dilaksanakan dalan1 format individual. Bimbingan ini dilakukan baik melalui tatap muka, yaitu melalui kesepakatan waktu khusus antara dosen dengan mahasiswa, maupun melalui media komunikasi. Mempertimbangkan temuan dan saran penelitian tersebut, maka penelitian merekomendasikan beberapa peningkatan mutu dalam hal: (1) manajemen fasilitas media komunikasi UT/UPBJJ: berupa mekanisme lalu lintas persuratan di UT Pusat, dan jalur pengalamanatan di UT Pusat: (2) manajemen komunikasi antara mahasiswa dengan dosen, dan (3) kualitas tan1pilan BMP

    Analisis Retensi Literasi Sains Siswa SMU dalam Sikap dan Kecenderungan Bertindaknya Menghadapi Permasalahan Lingkungan Alam Sekitar

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    Penelitian ini berjudul, ā€œAnalisis retensi literasi sains siswa SMU dalam sikap dan kecenderungan bertindaknya dalam menghadapi issu and permasalahan lingkungan alam sekitar.ā€ Penelitian bertujuan, pertama, mengembangkan instrumen yang berfungsi menjaring informasi apakah proses pembelajaran sains yang menggunakan media visual berdampak pada sikap siswa sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam tujuan pendidikan nasional dan diharapkan pengejawantahannya oleh peraturan perundangan bidang pendidikan nasional. Sesuai amanat yang terkandung dalam konsep Kurikulum 2013, proses pembelajaran harus juga mengejawantah pada keterampilan sesuai karakteristik mata pelajaran yang dialaminya dalam proses pembelajaran. Dalam penelitian ini, keterampilan yang diperoleh siswa diterjemahkan sebagai kecenderungan untuk bertindak sesuai karakteristik dan tujuan pendidikan pada mata pelajaran sains, khususnya pada topik terkait dengan lingkungan alam sekitar. Kedua, penelitian ini bertujuan pada lingkup lebih luas menganalisis apakah literasi sains siswa SMU di sekolah wilayah sample terejawantah dalam sikap dan kecenderungan bertindak siswa tersebut setelah mengenali permasalahan lingkungan alam sekitar. Survey kuesioner dan wawancara akan dilakukan untuk memperoleh data literasi sains, sikap, dan kecenderungan bertindak. Uji t-test akan dilakukan untuk memberikan validitas analisa data apakah instrumen yang dikembangkan mampu membedakan ketiga aspek penelitian tersebut bila tantangan alam sekitar berbeda. Secara umum, permasalahan lingkungan berbeda antara wilayah Kota dan Kabupaten. Dengan demikian uji t-test akan ditujukan untuk menganalisis perbedaan tersebut

    The National Actions for Teachers' Professional Development Program Universitas Terbuka

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    Strong support and commitment from the government to improve the professionalism of teachers has been obliged by law of Teacher No. 14/2005 and the national regular programs. In addition, to improve the quality of education the government allocated foreign loan programs and coordination of international partnerships. In the meantime, Universitas Terbuka (UT) has long been committed to strengthening teacher competence and qualification through distance and online programs. As a nation-wide university, UT implements its programs through 38 Regional Offices (RO) and one RO to serving students domicile abroad. Since 1984, UT has promoted 1,315,009 professional teachers, serving over 45% of the total number of teachers in Indonesia. To corroborate with current governmental educational policy, UT was challenged to assure its programs to be aligned with current issues of national quality development. Likewise, UT promotes efficiency in leading educational quality development through open and online teacher training programs. These programs foster teachers' continuous professional development and expertise. Partnership and collaboration with other educationĀ­ related institutions constitute apparently the key issues to succeed the programs. To conclude, it is obvious that all the programs are dully dedicated to strengthen the professionalism of teachers to be capable of meeting the national goals for nation and character building and development

    Promoting Higher Qualification for Chemistry Teacher through Distance Education in Indonesia

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    A higher degree for a chemistry teacher education program is often considered idealistic. This opinion mainly refers to the characteristics of chemistry itself. On the other hand, distance education promotes open and flexible characteristics in services. As one of the study programs in Universitas Terbuka, the chemistry department offers more flexible services to students to reach their competencies as a bachelorā€™s degree compared with the traditional study program in Indonesia. However, due to its abstract and requiring hands-on activities in understanding chemistry, the distance education system requires more rich approaches to ideally facilitate student learning on chemistry. To meet the standard of the higher degree education system, the Study Program has made several efforts to fulfill significant achievement in implementing an educational program, namely 1) accreditation, 2) flexibility, 3) personal support and services, 4) study material, and the digital learning environment. Study Program continuously carries out efforts to improve the learning program

    Kimia Bahan Makanan

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