Promoting Higher Qualification for Chemistry Teacher through Distance Education in Indonesia


A higher degree for a chemistry teacher education program is often considered idealistic. This opinion mainly refers to the characteristics of chemistry itself. On the other hand, distance education promotes open and flexible characteristics in services. As one of the study programs in Universitas Terbuka, the chemistry department offers more flexible services to students to reach their competencies as a bachelor’s degree compared with the traditional study program in Indonesia. However, due to its abstract and requiring hands-on activities in understanding chemistry, the distance education system requires more rich approaches to ideally facilitate student learning on chemistry. To meet the standard of the higher degree education system, the Study Program has made several efforts to fulfill significant achievement in implementing an educational program, namely 1) accreditation, 2) flexibility, 3) personal support and services, 4) study material, and the digital learning environment. Study Program continuously carries out efforts to improve the learning program

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