249 research outputs found

    Equalizer Parametrik

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    Equalizer Parametrik adalah sebuah peralatan audio yang terdapat beberapa konsep rangkaian filter pada suatu perangkat audio dengan memanfaatkan putaran potensiometer sebagai pengatur penguatan dan pelemahan sinyal output. Perancangan Equalizer Parametrik ini melewati beberapa tahap, yaitu (1) Identifikasi kebutuhan, (2) Analisis kebutuhan, (3) Perancangan perangkat keras, (4) Pembuatan, dan (5) Pengujian. Rancang bangun Equalizer Parametrik erdiri dari 4 bagian pokok, yaitu: rangkaian power supply simetris 24VDC, rangkaian low pass filter, rangkaian bandpass filter dan rangkaian highpass filter. Hasil pengujian yang dilakukan, diketahui bahwa unjuk kerja modul ini dapat menunjukkan perbandingan antara sinyal Output penguatan dan pelemahan yang diaturmenggunakan potensiometer. Hasil pengukuran membuktikan bahwa rangkaian equalizer stereo dapat menguatkan danmelemahkan sinyal audio output sesuai dengan lebar frekuensinya. Key word :, Equalizer, Parametrik


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    Futsal merupakan cabang olahraga permainan yang digemari oleh masyarakat, baik perkotaan maupun pedesaan. Futsal adalah permainan beregu, setiap regu berjumlah 5 orang termasuk 1 orang penjaga gawang. Tujuan bermain futsal adalah memasukan bola ke gawang lawan sebanyak mungkin dan mencegah gawang sendiri kemasukan bola oleh lawan dengan memanipulasi bola menggunakan kaki, paha, dada, kepala dan tangan bagi penjaga gawang. Untuk memasukan bola ke gawang lawan perlu menguasai keterampilan-keterampilan dasar menendang khususnya keterampilan shooting. Shooting yang baik adalah shooting yang cepat laju arah bolanya serta mempunyai tingkat keakuratan yang sangat baik sehingga sulit untuk diantisipasi oleh penjaga gawang tim lawan dan menghasilkan gol. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah hubungan antara koordinasi mata-kaki dengan hasil shooting 8 meter cabang olahraga futsal. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan populasi dan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet UKM Futsal UPI, dengan sampel sebanyak 20 orang. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa “Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara koordinasi mata-kaki dengan hasil shooting 8 meter”, namun terdapat pengaruh sebesar 5,8% dan 94,2% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Kata kunci: Futsal, Koordinasi Mata-Kaki, Hasil Shooting (Kecepatan dan Ketepatan


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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar peningkatan penerapan model pembelajaran STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) terhadap hasil belajar passing bawah bolavoli pada studi siswa kelas X SMK Al-Basyariyah Pilangkenceng Kabupaten Madiun dalam mengikuti mata pelajaran PJOK. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dan desain yang digunakan adalah One  Group Pre-test – Post-test Design, dimana yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMK Al-Basyariyah Pilangkenceng Kabupaten Madiun. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat dijelaskan bahwa nilai mean pretest pada aspek kognitif sebesar 65,14 menjadi sebesar 68,29 saat posttest, meningkat sebesar 4,8%. Pada aspek afektif, nilai mean pretest sebesar 61,89 menjadi 69,34 saat posttest, meningkat sebesar 12,0%. Sedangkan pada aspek psikomotor, nilai mean pretest sebesar 51,71 menjadi 60,00 saat posttest, meningkat sebesar 16,0%. Berdasarkan nilai tigas aspek tersebut, dapat dihitung mean nilai akhir pretest sebesar 57,80 menjadi 64,69 saat posttest, meningkat sebesar 11,9%. Peningkatan tersebut dinyatakan signifikan dengan dibuktikan hasil hitung t-test dependent yaitu t-hitung sebesar 3,755 dengan nilai p-value sebesar 0,000 < 0,05. Kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran, kooperatif, STAD, Passing bawah bolavoli, dan hasil belajar siswa. Abstract The purpose of this study is to find out how big the application of STAD learning model (Student Teams Achievement Division) to the learning outcomes underhand pass on the study of students of class X SMK Al-Basyariyah Pilangkenceng Madiun in following the subjects of PJOK. This research is a quasi experimental research and the design used is One Group Pre-test - Post-test Design, where the sample in this research is the students of class X SMK Al-Basyariyah Pilangkenceng Madiun Based on the results of the research (Pre-test) yields the number as the lowest score on the cognitive aspect 30, the highest score 90 mean 65.14, the standard deviation of 13.14, the variant 172.77. On the affective aspect the lowest score is 40, the highest score is 87, mean 61.89, the standard deviation of 11.33, the variant is 128.57. On the psychomotor aspect the lowest score of 10, the highest score 100, the mean 51.71, standard deviation 26.29, variant 691.09. Pre-test Score End of lowest 33 highest score 91 mean 57,80, standard deviation 14,13, variant 199,87. Lowest score on cognitive aspect 30, highest score 90, mean 68,29, standard deviation 15,04, variant 226,38 . On the affective aspect the lowest score of 47, the highest score 87, mean 69.34, standard deviation 9.59, variant 92.05. On the psychomotor aspect the lowest score of 10, the highest score 100, mean 60, standard deviation 26.56, variant 705.88. Post-test Score Final score lowest 31, highest score 91, mean 64,69, standard deviation 14,36, variant 206,28. Thus the students of class X TKR 1 SMK Al-Basyariyah Pilangkenceng Madiun experienced increased learning passing under the volleyball where the percentage increase for the results of learning passing under volleyball of 11.9%. Keywords: Learning model, cooperative, STAD, underhand pass volleyball, and student learning outcome


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    ABSTRACT Violence that is carried out by collective personnel against people in public is a criminal act, besides that it is also to find out the basis for the consideration of the Malang district court judges in imposing crimes against the perpetrators of criminal acts with the collective labor of committing violence against people in public as regulated in Article 170 of the Criminal Code. . This research was conducted in Malang Regency by selecting the agencies related to this case, namely this research was conducted in Malang Regency District Court. The data collection method used is a qualitative method and is presented in descriptions, namely explaining, describing, and describing according to the problems that are closely related to this research, then drawing a conclusion based on the analysis that has been done. From the research conducted, the authors obtained the following results: that the defendant Khasan alias Kembar bin Paino was legally and illegally guilty of committing a criminal act with the collective power of committing violence against people as stipulated in Article 170 of the Criminal Code.Keywords: Implementation, Crime.ABSTRAKKekerasan yang di lakuan dengan tenaga bersama terhadap orang di muka umum merupakan tindak pidana, selain itu juga untuk mengetahui dasar pertimbangan hakim pengadilan negeri kabupaten malang dalam  menjatuhkan pidana terhadap pelaku tindak pidana dengan tenaga bersama melakukan kekerasan terhadap orang dimuka umum sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 170 KUHP.Penelitian ini di lakukan di Kabupaten Malang dengan memilih instansi yang terkait dengan perkara ini, yakni penelitian ini di lakukan di Pengadilan Negeri Kabupaten Malang. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dan disajikan secara deskripsi yaitu menjelaskan, menguraikan, dan menggambarkan sesuai dengan permasalahan yang erat kaitannya dengan penelitian ini, kemudian menarik suatu kesimpulan berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan.Dari penelitian yang di lakukan penulis mendapatkan hasil sebagai berikut : bahwa Terdakwa Khasan alias Kembar bin Paino secara sah dan melawan hukum bersalah melakukan tindak pidana dengan tenaga bersama melakukan kekerasan terhadap orang sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 170 KUHP.Kata – Kata Kunci : Implementasi, Tindak Pidana

    Pemanfaatan Data Anomali GravitasiCitra GEOSAT dan ERS-1 Satelliteuntuk Memodelkan Struktur GeologiCekungan BentarsariBrebes

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    An estimation of subsurface geological structure of Bentarsari Basin has been done by using gravity field anomaly data. Gravity anomaly data which used in this study is from Geodetic Satellite (GeoSat) dan European Remote Sensing-1 (ERS-1) satellite that is processed up to Free Air Correction. The step in the Next data processing is applying Bougercorrection and Terrin Correction to obtain complete Bougeranomaly that is topographically dependent. Projection on to a flat surface an altitude of 482m is equivalent to using the Taylor approximation method. The anomalies that are used in the interpretation of gravity data is the continuation of the residual anomaly lifted to an altitude of 13,000m. The Bougerdensity used in this survey is average density of the earth crust 2.67g/cm3 . Subsurface modeling is done using the Gav2DC for windows software. The general results of the modeling showed thatthe subsurface geological structure of Bentarsari Basin is composed of 5 rock layers. These layers are breccia which has a density of 2.82 g/cm3 and average thickness 1000 –4300m, andesite has a density of 2.67g/cm3 and average thickness 300 –2000m,sandstone has a density of 2.32g/cm3 and average thickness 300 –1000m, clay has a density of 2,25g/cm3 and average thickness 600 –1500m, and sandy clay has a density of 2,17g/cm3 and average of thickness 300 –1000m. Based onthe available geologicalinformation it can be inferredthat solid bitumen of coal is locatedon alayer of the sandy clay. Keywords: gravity anomaly, Bentarsari Basin, GeoSat, ERS-1 satellit


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    This research aimed to investigate the preferred Multiple Intelligences (MI) and Language Learning Strategies (LLS) used by the eleventh-grade students of Integrated Agriculture Vocational High School. In addition, the researcher also looked for any relationships of each Multiple Intelligence profiles and different use of Language Learning Strategies. The multiple Intelligences questionnaire by Armstrong (2009) was used to identify the dominant intelligence among the students. While Students Inventory Language Learning Strategies (SILL) by Oxford (1990) was administered to know the students’ used learning strategies. Fifty-five (55) eleventh-grade students were chosen randomly to participate in this study. The result of the descriptive and inferential analysis showed that all of the students could excel in all types of intelligence at high and medium levels, then language learning strategies were mostly used at high and medium levels and rarely used at a low level. While Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis revealed that each type of multiple intelligence and language learning strategy was having a significant correlation, as well as Linguistic, Logical, and Musical intelligence, which had medium and low correlations to all types of strategies except social strategy. Similarly, Visual intelligence had a medium and low correlation to all different uses of strategy. Yet, Kinesthetic intelligence only correlated to Memory and Compensation Strategy.  Keywords: multiple intelligences, language learning strategie


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    Belo Laut Village has 3,337 ha of mangrove potential spread over three hamlet areas, namely Belo Laut, Tanjung Punai, and Sukal. On the muddy beaches around the mangroves, the community has developed extensive cultivation of blood clams (Anadara granusa). The existence of cultivation in mangrove areas also has the potential to affect the existence of mangroves in the area. For this reason, it is necessary to know the perception of shellfish cultivators on mangroves and the reality of the condition of mangroves in Belo Laut Village so as to provide an overview of the potential for mangrove destruction due to Blood Clam cultivation. Data were collected by interviewing shellfish farmers in Sukal and Tanjung Punai Hamlets. The production of blood clam cultivation has become a new source of economy in Belo Laut Village which is carried out by almost all family heads in Sukal and Tanjung Punai Hamlets. The community considers that the mangroves in Belo Laut village had not changed in quantity and there was no indication of their use other than for tourism. The perception and understanding of shellfish farmers not to disturb the mangroves were based on the protection of their main source of income as shrimp and crab fishermen.Desa Belo Laut memiliki potensi mangrove 3.337 ha yang tersebar pada tiga wilayah dusunnya yaitu Belo Laut, Tanjung Punai, dan Sukal. Pada pantai berlumpur sekitar mangrove, masyarakat  mengembangkan budidaya Kerang Darah (Anadara granusa) secara ekstensif. Keberadaan budidaya di kawasan mangrove juga berpotensi memberikan pengaruh pada keberadaan mangrove di wilayah tersebut. Untuk itu perlu mengetahui persepsi pembudidaya kerang terhadap mangrove dan realistas kondisi mangrove di Desa Belo Laut sehingga memberikan gambaran potensi perusakan mangrove akibat budidaya Kerang Darah. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara pembudidaya kerang di Dusun Sukal dan Tanjung Punai. Produksi budidaya Kerang Darah menjadi sumber perekonomian baru di Desa Belo Laut yang dilakukan oleh hampir seluruh kepala keluarga di Dusun Sukal dan Tanjung Punai. Masyarakat menilai mangrove di Desa Belo Laut tidak mengalami perubahan kuantitasnya dan tidak terindikasi pemanfaatannya selain untuk pariwisata. Persepsi dan pemahaman pembudidaya kerang untuk tidak mengganggu mangrove dilandasi oleh perlindungan terhadap sumber penghasilan utama mereka sebagai nelayan udang dan rajungan
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