23 research outputs found

    Design of a Virtual Laboratory Based on Virtual Reality for Learning Resources in Early Childhood Learning

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the world of education and universities, including the Open University’s Early Childhood Education study program. Because the number of students taking this course is very large at all levels, at the beginning of the pandemic, there were problems in the online learning media courses and kindergarten learning resources. It was recognized that there was a need to create a forum in the Early Childhood Education study program, namely a virtual learning laboratory program for the pandemic and post-pandemic period. It was identified that this program should use virtual reality, so that students can surf the lab in cyberspace as if they were there, with media and learning resources that are adapted to the culture of the Indonesian people and others, so that students are more independent in their learning. The ADDIE R&D model was used in this study (analysis, design, develop, implementation and evaluation). The needs were first analyzed and then the virtual reality lab product was developed, which included media for kindergarten courses and other learning resources, especially about educational game tools. This was validated by learning material experts and learning media experts with scores of 91 and 94, respectively. Keywords: design, virtual laboratory, virtual reality, independent learnin

    Design of a Mathematics Augmented Reality-Based Textbook

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    The learning media used in the mathematics education study program of UPBJJ UT Semarang are still very simple, as shown by the fact that the majority of lecturers still using PowerPoint and UT textbooks in learning. This means that there is a need for these lecturers to innovate, and one way to do so is by making augmented reality-based textbooks (BUBAR) which allow the user to see the reality of the world augmented into 3D. It is hoped that UT lecturers will be interested in developing more innovative textbooks like these. This was research and development research which used the ADDIE approach (analysis, design, develop, implementation and evaluation). In this research, textbooks from various publishers were analyzed for ordinary differential equations, which resulted in the finding that there are no national publishers that have made ordinary differential equations textbooks based on augmented reality. Then a BUBAR augmented reality-based product for the ordinary differential equation course was developed which has 5 chapters and was validated by learning material experts and learning media experts with scores of 87 and 89, respectively. This indicated that this augmented reality-based textbook product is suitable for limited testing. Keywords: design, textbooks, augmented reality, smart pedagogy, differential equation

    Tingkat Kepuasan Mahasiswa Terhadap Layanan Tutorial Online Mata Kuliah Kurikuler Matematika SMA

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    Melihat kondisi tutorial online di UPBJJ-UT Semarang masih dijumpai beberapa kendala yaitu 1) mahasiswa merasa tidak mantap ketika proses perkuliahan dilakukan secara online, mereka lebih suka perkuliahan dilakukan secara face to face (tatap muka). 2) mahasiswa UPBJJ-UT Semarang sebagian besar adalah guru-guru di pedesaan yang sampai saat ini masih lemah dalam penguasaan ICT (Information Computer Technology), sehingga bagi mereka tutorial online menjadi tidak menarik. 3) sebagian besar mahasiswa UPBJJ-UT Semarang masih sedikit yang memiliki seperangkat komputer/laptop untuk proses tutorial online. 4) keterbatasan sarana prasarana komputer dan jaringan internet di wilayah UPBJJ-UT Semarang yang tergolong terpencil, yang belum berjalan secara maksimal. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan pembelajaran online yang telah berjalan selama ini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen jenis ex post facto (Kerlinger, 1993) yang bertujuan untuk pengaruh tutorial online terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah materi kurikuler matematika SMA yang memenuhi kriteria efektif. Untuk keperluan memenuhi kriteria efektif, diperlukan instrumen penelitian yang meliputi pembelajaran tutorial online mahasiswa berkaitan dengan tingkat kepuasan layanan dan hasil belajar mahasiswa, kemudian data yang diperoleh diolah dengan analisis inferensial. Hasil penelitian: (1) dihasilkan produk media online berbasis blog yang berisi materi matematika SMA dan angket online dan tes online. (2) diketahui tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan tutorial online berbasis ProProfs di UPBJJ-UT Semarang lebih dari 70% responden menyatakan puas terhadap layanan tutorial online melalui blog yang dibuat sendiri. (2) diketahui hasil belajar mahasiswa dengan adanya tutorial online di UPBJJ-UT Semarang mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dengan rata-rata nilai mahasiswa lebih dari 75

    Design of Augmented Reality-Based Thematic Textbooks to Improve the Literacy of Elementary Students

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    During the pandemic, breakthroughs in learning were required, one of which was the conversion of printed versions of traditional teaching materials into digital teaching materials. While there were many digital textbooks or e-books available on the internet, there was no SD thematic material packaged digitally based on augmented reality and capable of displaying an engaging, augmented reality for students. This augmented reality-based thematic textbook could help elementary students understand basic thematic material, and its products could be installed on all students’ computers and smartphones, making learning more enjoyable. The research method of this study was based on the ADDIE R&D model (analysis, design, develop, implement, and evaluate). Elementary thematic textbooks from various publishers were analyzed, which revealed that no national publisher has produced augmented reality-based elementary thematic textbooks for grade 1. Following that, four chapters of augmented reality-based elementary thematic textbooks were designed, which were validated by learning material and learning media experts with scores of 90 and 92, respectively, indicating that this product is suitable for limited testing in elementary schools in Semarang and its environs. This augmented reality-based elementary thematic textbook is effective because it displays augmented reality, pictures and fun music. Keywords: design, elementary thematic textbooks, augmented reality, ability, student literac


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    The current virtual laboratory conditions are developing so rapidly, one of the indicators is the large number of Mathematics students, both PTN and PTS in Central Java, who are looking for references related to online geometry course practicums between lectures. This raises concern as a lecturer in adding value to lectures, which are adapted to the current 21st century learning era by creating a virtual laboratory based on Virtual Reality geometry courses, research methods using the ADDIE R & D model (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation and Evaluation) in this research only up to 3 steps because time constraints in product creation and validation, the results of virtual geometry lab products are expected to be able to display virtual and augmented reality which can increase student motivation and learning outcomes, based on the validation of media experts and material experts on geometry lab virtual products obtaining grades of 91 and 94 a This means that virtual geometry lab products are very suitable for learning geometry during a pandemic at the Open University of Semaran


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    Melihat kondisi tutorial online di UPBJJ-UT Semarang masih dijumpai beberapa kendala yaitu 1) mahasiswa merasa tidak mantap ketika proses perkuliahan dilakukan secara online, mereka lebih suka perkuliahan dilakukan secara face to face (tatap muka). 2) mahasiswa UPBJJ-UT Semarang sebagian besar adalah guru-guru di pedesaan yang sampai saat ini masih lemah dalam penguasaan ICT (Information Computer Technology), sehingga bagi mereka tutorial online menjadi tidak menarik. 3) sebagian besar mahasiswa UPBJJ-UT Semarang masih sedikit yang memiliki seperangkat komputer/laptop untuk proses tutorial online. 4) keterbatasan sarana prasarana komputer dan jaringan internet di wilayah UPBJJ-UT Semarang yang tergolong terpencil, yang belum berjalan secara maksimal. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan pembelajaran online yang telah berjalan selama ini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen jenis ex post facto (Kerlinger, 1993) yang bertujuan untuk pengaruh tutorial online terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah materi kurikuler matematika SMA yang memenuhi kriteria efektif. Untuk keperluan memenuhi kriteria efektif, diperlukan instrumen penelitian yang meliputi pembelajaran tutorial online mahasiswa berkaitan dengan tingkat kepuasan layanan dan hasil belajar mahasiswa, kemudian data yang diperoleh diolah dengan analisis inferensial. Hasil penelitian: (1) dihasilkan produk media online berbasis blog yang berisi materi matematika SMA dan angket online dan tes online. (2) diketahui tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan tutorial online berbasis ProProfs di UPBJJ-UT Semarang lebih dari 70% responden menyatakan puas terhadap layanan tutorial online melalui blog yang dibuat sendiri. (2) diketahui hasil belajar mahasiswa dengan adanya tutorial online di UPBJJ-UT Semarang mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dengan rata-rata nilai mahasiswa lebih dari 75 . Kata kunci: tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa, pembelajaran online, Kurikuler matematika SMA


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    Belum banyaknya tutor yang menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis permainan tradisional dalam proses tutorial, membuat mahasiswa belum mengenal secara spesifik kegunaan permainan tradisional dalam pembelajaran di kelas, oleh sebab itu mahasiswa UT khususnya di pokjar kota semarang perlu dikenalkan model permainan tersebut untuk menumbuhkan jiwa nasionalisme terhadap permainan yang ada di Indonesia, sedangkan mata kuliah yang diambil adalah pembelajaran matematika SD karena mata kuliah ini sangat cocok diajarkan bagi para mahasiswa yang mayoritas guru sekolah dasar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk berupa Model pembelajaran berbasis permainan tradisional sunda manda pada mata kuliah pembelajaran matematika SD di Universitas Terbuka sehingga dapat meningkatkan multiple intelegensi mahasiswa. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Plomp dengan Model ini terdiri dari lima fase, yaitu (1) fase investigasi awal, (2) fase desain, (3) fase realisasi, (4) fase tes, evaluasi, dan revisi, dan (5) fase implementasi. Data diambil melalui validasi ahli untuk uji produk berupa model pembelajaran dan validasi lapangan untuk uji implementasi di sekolah dasar dan di perguruan tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk desain Model Permainan Tradisional Sunda Manda untuk Meningkatkan Multiple Intelegensi telah divalidasi oleh 2 orang validator dari Universitas Islam Sultan Agung yaitu ahli desain pembelajaran berbasis multiple intelegensi dan ahli materi matematika dengan rata-rata validasinya 92 dan 84 artinya produk pengembangan model permainan sunda manda layak untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran mata kuliah pembelajaran matematika SD di universitas terbuka

    Benefits Mathematical Mindset of Management Education

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    The existence of mathematics in schools aim to equip students to be able to think and reason in drawing conclusions. It is also to develop the creative ability to solve problems by using the mindset that a logical, systematic, and effective. This capacity is expected to be the provision sensitizing learners when dealing with various phenomena of life problems. Moreover, as a mathematics teacher should be increasingly sensitive to the cause of the success or failure of the learning that has been done. As a leader who has mathematical abilities are expected to use mathematical mindset that can mengelolaan education maximally as expected the vision and mission of the institution. For example, employment at all establishments or institutions, usually tailored to the skills of the workforce, so that the expected goals these institutions can be achieved. Workforce skills can be measured, among others, through the evidence of diplomas or training certificates have been followed. Labor or human resources (HR) is a major asset of an organization, so that the necessary maintenance of the assets on a regular basis with a serious handling. But in reality, not all institutions aware of the importance of the maintenance of the asset has been owned. Through the Ex-post facto research aims to find out what is the cause of many teachers who have been certified lecturers even still less qualified in performing basic tasks and functions (TOR) it. Interviews were conducted with students who come in Distance Learning Program Unit (UPBJJ) Open University (UT) Semarang also as a teacher. Respondents are teachers in elementary, junior high school or equivalent in a variety of areas that are in the area of Semarang. The interview was done in the period of approximately 4 years on each working day, 5 days a week and on average there are 2 to 3 guests consult students about various things about the education being undertaken at UT. The interview was to ensure the participation of teachers in training to career development as enhancing the competence and quality of self. The question asked among other things, what are the needs of teachers can improve their competence and career. Respondents who have reported to have been involved in training that leads to the career development of teachers, as many as 148 of the 163 teachers, this is equivalent to 91%. This means that only 15 teachers who claimed to have participated in various training, among others, following the introduction of the curriculum in 2013, although in the end in schools where teaching is not used anymore. This statement shows that teachers lack a strong foundation of science keguruannya and requires a lot of preparation to be well qualified. In addition, there is no equalization of training and training programs are planned both for short term and long-term care on career development for teachers. These findings are evidence that there has been a wrong prediction, whether by simply encourage teachers to continue their studies to a higher level can automatically transform and improve the competence of teachers which is useful for the development of his career. When we use the logical mindset will know the answer, why many teachers especially those who have obtained the certification have not been able to perform optimally tupoksinya. Why have not planned equalization institute training programs that can improve the quality and competence of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of teachers? What exactly is required teachers to improve their competence and her career? Actually, when we were able to take advantage of the use of mathematical reasoning and mindset then we have the sharpness think logically to solve the existing problems. Besides a mathematical mindset is actually very affecting work patterns are expected to achieve the vision and mission of the institution as well as in educational institutions


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    Di Indonesia masih banyak pengangguran dan makin kecil peluang untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan bagi para lulusan sekolah. Diperlukan inovasi pengajar dalam pembelajaran untuk menumbuhkan karakter siswa seperti kerja keras, tanggung jawab, ulet, jujur, dan sebagainya, dalam karakter tersebut bisa dirangkum sebagai karakter kewirausahaan. Karakter kewirausahaan perlu ditumbuhkan pada setiap siswa untuk membentuk jiwa wirausaha, sehingga dapat mewujudkan pembangunan ekonomi dan membuka lapangan kerja sendiri. Untuk membangun karakter kewirausahaan melalui internalisasi dalam kehidupan, pembelajaran di sekolah dibutuhkan suatu kajian yang komprehensif mengenai potensi dari mata pelajaran matematika yang diajarkan kepada siswa. Pembelajaran Entrepreneur berbasis matematika dapat menjadi solusi dalam menanamkan karakter kewirausahaan kepada siswa melalui pembelajaran matematika. Pembelajaran matematika secara tidak langsung memiliki nilai-nilai kewirausahaan salah satu contohnya materi aritmatika yang dapat mengenalkan siswa mengenai prinsip jual-beli, untung dan rugi

    Implementation and Evaluation of Using Virtual Laboratory Media to Learning Geometry in Universitas Terbuka and Universitas PGRI Semarang

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    The current condition of the virtual laboratory is developing so rapidly, one indicator is the number of Mathematics students both State and Private Universities in Central Java who are looking for references related to practical geometry courses via online between lectures, this raises concern as a lecturer in adding value to lectures, which are adapted to the 21st century learning era today by creating virtual laboratories based on Virtual Reality, research methods using the ADDIE R & D model (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation and Evaluation) after the product is finished, the next step is implementing and marketing the product in state university & private university in the region of Central Java and its surroundings, this is because the science faculty virtual lab product has not been developed much in Indonesia, another thing that makes the appeal of this virtual lab product is that it is able to display virtual and augmented reality which can increase motivation and learning outcomes. Student, based on the validation of media experts and material experts on the virtual geometry lab product, it scores 89,57 and 70,84 meaning that the virtual geometry lab product is very suitable for use, then more than 90% of lecturers and students at the Open University are very happy to use it