19 research outputs found


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    Penyuluhan tentang Optimalisasi Lahan  Pekarangan dengan Budidaya Tanaman Lidah Buaya yang berkhasiat Obat di Desa di Desa Purna Jaya Kecamatan Indralaya Utara Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan memberikan penyuluhan  untuk meningkatkan keterampilan keluarga dan masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan di pedesaan untuk budidaya tanaman obat, menambah keindahan dan kesehatan lingkungan, mengembangkan kegiatan ekonomi produktif keluarga. Penyuluhan ini dilaksanakan di Desa Purna Jaya Kecamatan Indralaya Utara Kabupaten Ogan Ilir pada bulan Oktober 2013. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan pada kegiatan ini adalah pendekatan kepada masyarakat yang terhimpun Kelompok sasaran adalah rumah tangga atau kelompok rumah tangga dalam satu Rukun Tetangga, Rukun Warga atau satu dusun/kampung. Khalayak sasaran yang hadir adalah 25 orang anggota kelompok PKK yang juga adalah petani.  Pemilihan dilakukan secara sengaja agar pengetahuan ini cukup menyebar di banyak kalangan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat di Desa Purna Jaya terlihat antusias dalam mengikuti penyuluhan yang disampaikan. Materi yang disampaikan meliputi pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang manfaat dan cara budidaya tanaman Lidah Buaya. Selain melakukan penyuluhan tentang budidaya tanaman lidah buaya, tim juga menjelaskan cara pembuatan minuman dari pelepah lidah buaya, hal ini bertujuan agar tanaman ini mendapatkan nilai tambah sehingga petani yang juga anggota PKK ini tertarik untuk membudidayakannya

    Growth Characteristics of Shallot on Various Planting Media Composition

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    Shallot is one of the important vegetables and spices in Indonesia. Shallot require porous soil structure with medium to coarse texture, have good aeration and drainage, containing organic matter, with an optimum soil pH of 5.6 - 6.5. This research aimed to examine growth characteristics of shallot on various planting media compositions. An experimental field and laboratory of plant physiology, Department of Agronomy, Sriwijaya University. The research was conducted at from August to November 2017. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with 11 treatments and 3 replications. Each unit treatment consisted of 5 plants, resulting in a total of 165 plants. The treatments was media composition, consisted of P0 : Soil; P1 : Soil : chicken manure (2:1); P2 : Soil : cow manure (2:1); P3 : Soil : Palm Bunches fertilizer (2:1); P4 : Soil : chicken manure (3:1); P5 : Soil : cow manure (3:1); P6 : Soil : Pupuk Palm Bunches fertilizer (3:1); P7 : Soil : chicken manure: Palm Bunches fertilizer (2:1:1); P8 : Soil : cow manure: Palm Bunches fertilizer (2:1:1); P9 : Soil : cow manure : Palm Bunches fertilizer (3:1:1); P10: Soil : chicken manure: Palm Bunches fertilizer (3:1:1) by volumes. The result showed that the planting media consisting of soil and chicken manure with ratio of 3 : 1 increased plant height, number of leaf per panicle, number of tillers per hill. Keyword: compositions of media planting, organic materials, shallot, manureBawang merah termasuk salah satu produk hortikultura unggulan nasional dan termasuk kelompok sayuran rempah tidak bersubstitusi. Budidaya tanaman bawang merah membutuhkan tanah yang memiliki struktur remah, dengan tekstur sedang sampai liat, mengandung bahan organik tinggi, memiliki drainase dan aerasi yang baik serta memiliki pH 5.6 - 6.5. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan melihat karakter pertumbuhan tanaman bawang merah pada berbagai komposisi media tanam. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan dan Laboratorium Fisiologi Tumbuhan Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya Indralaya. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus sampai November 2017. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK), dengan 11 perlakuan yang diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Setiap unit perlakuan berjumlah lima tanaman, sehingga terdapat 11 x 3 x 5 = 165 tanaman. Dengan perlakuan sebagai berikut: P0 : tanah top soil; P1 : tanah : pupuk kandang ayam (2:1); P2 : tanah : pupuk kandang sapi (2:1); P3 : tanah : TKKS (2:1); P4 : tanah : pupuk kandang ayam (3:1); P5 : tanah : pupuk kandang sapi (3:1); P6 : tanah : pupuk TKKS (3:1); P7 : tanah : pupuk kandang ayam : TKKS (2:1:1); P8 : tanah : pupuk kandang sapi : TKKS (2:1:1); P9 : tanah : pupuk kandang sapi : TKKS (3:1:1); P10: tanah : pupuk kandang : ayam : TKKS (3:1:1). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media tanam tanah dan pupuk kandang ayam dengan perbandingan (3:1) dapat meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun dan jumlah anakan per rumpun. Kata kunci: bahan organik, bawang merah, komposisi media tanam, pupuk kandan

    PERTUMBUHAN BENIH KELAPA SAWIT (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) PADA MEDIA TANAM KOMBINASI ANTARA GAMBUT, TANAH LAPISAN ATAS DAN ARANG SEKAM PADI DI PEMBIBITAN AWAL/The Growth of Oil Palm Seeds (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) on Combinated Media of Peat, Topsoil an

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    Growth medium is very important to produce good quality of seedling. The use of different growing media would give a different influence on plant colonization, as each medium type has different nutrient content.  The purpose of the study was to evaluate the growth of oil palm seedlings in a variety of growing media composition in pre-nursery. The research was carried out in smallholder estate of Keramasan Karyajaya Village, Kertapati Sub district of South Sumatra from September 2017 until December 2017. The design used was completely randomized design with growing media (M) as treatments: M0 (topsoil/controls), M1 (peat), M2 (topsoil+rice husk charcoal), M3 (peat + rice husk charcoal), M4 (topsoil+peat+rice husk charcoal). The observed variables were plant height number of leaves, greenness of leaves, and the number of survival seeds. The results of this study showed that growth media significantly affected plant height and the greenness of leaves. The percentage of oil palm seeds growing on peat media increase about 13% compared to the top soil medium. So, peat moss media can be used as an alternative media to replace the top soil media.Key words: topsoil, peat, rice husk charcoal, oil palm, pre-nursery AbstrakMedia pembibitan sangat penting dalam menghasilkan bibit yang berkualitas baik. Penggunaan media tanam yang berbeda-beda diduga akan memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman, karena setiap jenis media tanam memiliki kandungan unsur hara yang berbeda.  Tujuan penelitian adalah mengevaluasi pertumbuhan benih kelapa sawit pada berbagai komposisi media tanam di pembibitan awal. Penelitian dilaksanakan di perkebunan rakyat Desa Keramasan Karyajaya, Kecamatan Kertapati, Sumatera Selatan dari bulan September 2017 sampai Desember 2017. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan media tanam (M): M0 (Tanah lapisan atas/kontrol), M1 (Gambut), M2 (Tanah lapisan atas+arang sekam padi), M3 (Gambut+arang sekam padi), M4 (Tanah lapisan atas+gambut+arang sekam padi). Peubah yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, tingkat kehijauan daun, dan jumlah benih yang hidup.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan media tanam berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman dan tingkat kehijauan. Persentase tumbuh benih kelapa sawit pada media gambut naik sekitar 13% jika dibandingkan dengan media tanah lapisan atas, sehingga media gambut dapat digunakan sebagi media alternatif untuk menggantikan media tanah lapisan atas.Kata kunci: Tanah lapisan atas, gambut, arang sekam padi, kelapa sawit, pembibitan awa


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    Abstract:The aim of this research is to identify cultivars of bananas are cultivated in the Lombok based on morphological characterization (pseudostem, leaves, and flowers). This research was explorative by identifying directly into the field of cultivated banana cultivars. There are 19 cultivars of banana plants cultivated in Lombok. There are variations in the morphological characteristics of the pseudostem, leaves, and flowers, except on petiole margins, male bract shape, and lobe colour of compound tepal. Especially for the characterization of free tepal, only one Ketip cultivars that do not have free tepal. Key words : Banana, morphological, characterization Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi jenis pisang yang dibudidayakan di daerah Lombok berdasarkan karakterisasi morfologi (pseudostem/batang semu, daun dan bunga). Penelitian ini bersifat eksploratif dengan mengidentifikasi secara langsung ke lapangan jenis tanaman pisang yang dibudidayakan. Terdapat 19 kultivar tanaman pisang yang dibudidayakan di Lombok. Karakteristik morfologi bervariasi pada pseudostem, daun, dan bunga, kecuali pada keadaan tepi pelepah daun, ukuran bractea, warna lobe pada compound tepal. Khusus untuk karakteristik free tepal, hanya kultivar Ketip yang tidak memiliki free tepal.  Kata Kunci : Pisang, Morfologi, Karakterisas

    Effect of Plant Gowth Regulator on The Gowth of Zygotic Embryos in Three Types of Oil Palm Fruit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) in Tissue Culture

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    Surahman H, Sulaksono G, Sembiring Z, Kurnianingsih A, Priadi DP, Asmono D. 2020. Effect of plant gowth regulator on the gowth of zygotic embryos in three types of oil palm fruit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) in tissue culture. Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal : Journal of Suboptimal Lands 9(2): 149-159.Embryo culture is a widely used and effective way of overcoming the dormancy nature of seeds in oil palm.  At the germination stage, the influence of gowth regulators play an important role although in relatively lower concentrations in the germination media. This aim research determined the effect of adding various concentrations of gowth regulator on the three types of oil palm fruit based on the thickness of the shell. This research carried out at the Tissue Culture Laboratory of PT. Sampoerna Ago Tbk. from September 2018 to January 2019. The gowth regulator substances used in this study were NAA, BAP and GA3. The composition of the gowth regulators used were H1 = 0.05 mg/L NAA + 0.1 mg/L BAP + 0.1 mg/L GA3, H2 = 0.05 mg/L NAA + 0.3 mg/L BAP + 0.1 mg/L GA3, H3 = 0.05 mg/L NAA + 0.5 mg/L BAP + 0.1 mg/L GA3 and H4 = No gowth regulator. While the types of oil palm fruit used were C1 = Dura, C2 = Tenera and C3 = Pisifera. This research used a factorial complete randomized design with three replications. The results showed that in general the use of gowth regulator substances H1 = 0.05 mg/L NAA + 0.1 mg/L BAP + 0.1 mg/L GA3 and the type of dura fruit showed positive results based on viability, scoring, survival and height of plantlets when compared with other treatments

    Identification of Morphological Characters and Time of Mitotic Musa Paradisiaca cv. Haji

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    Musa paradisiaca cv Haji is a local banana of Lombok that has a longer shelf life. The determination of the haji banana genome still uses a scoring method based on morphological character. Clarification of ploidy levels and genome types can be done using chromosome analysis. The initial information needed to perform the karyotype analysis is identifying the cleavage time of M. paradisiaca cv Haji. Banana Haji on the island of Lombok has a different local name, so morphological identification of the haji banana accession is required. Morphological observations were conducted on three accessions of Haji bananas from different cultivation sites. Identification of the time of mitosis cleavage is made by the Squash method. The results showed a uniform synapomorphic character in the haji banana accession. The characters include the aspects of pseudostem (normal), shiny pseudostem, imbricate young bractea (young bractea slightly stacked), red inner bractea, straight ovary, and no pigmentation on the stylus. The autapomorphic character of Haji banana accession in this study included inside the pseudostem of the red-green, the position of horizontal fruit bunches, a fair amount of wax on the surface of the lower leaf, and the petiole of the lower leaf in pink. There are morphological character differences in Haji cultivar accession on pseudostem color and tepal color pigmentation. The time of mitosis division in Haji bananas, especially the prophase stage - metaphase from 06.38 - 07.38 Wita. The results obtained in this study can be used as a foundation to conduct karyotype analysis of Musa paradisisaca cv Haji.


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    Abstrak: Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra pengabdian tentang teknik kultur jaringan tanaman. Kegiatan pelatihan dibagi menjadi 2 sesi yaitu sesi pertama, penyampaian materi tentang konsep dasar kultur jaringan, kebutuhan peralatan dan bahan, media, zat pengatur tumbuh, kondisi lingkungan tumbuh, tahapan kultur jaringan dan macam-macam teknik kultur in vitro. Sesi kedua, praktek teknik kultur jaringan di laboratorium meliputi pengenalan laboratorium,alat dan bahan beserta fungsinya, multiplikasi (perbanyakan) tunas anggrek in vitro, kultur kalus, kultur embrio dan kultur mata tunas dengan sistem single node. Kegiatan pengabdian pelatihan teknik dasar kultur jaringan dapat membantu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta tentang kultur jaringan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari antusiasme peserta selama kegiatan dan meningkatnya persentase pemahaman peserta menjadi 54,5% (tingkat pengetahuan baik), 36,4% peserta dengan tingkat pengetahuan cukup, dan 9,1% peserta dengan tingkat pengetahuan kurang.Abstract: This activity aims to improve the knowledge and skills of partners about plant tissue culture techniques. The training activity is divided into 2 sessions, namely the first session, delivering material on the basic concepts of tissue culture, equipment and material requirements, media, growth regulators, growing environmental conditions, tissue culture stages, and various in vitro culture techniques. In the second session, the practice of tissue culture techniques in the laboratory included introducing the laboratory tools and materials and their functions, multiplication (propagation) of orchid shoots in vitro, callus culture, embryo culture, and organ culture using a single node system. Basic technique training of plant tissue culture can help increase participants' knowledge and skills about tissue culture. This can be seen from the participants' enthusiasm during the activity and the increase in the percentage of participants' knowledge to 54,5% (good level of knowledge), 36,4% of participants with a sufficient level of knowledge and 9,1% of participants with a low level of knowledge

    Optimalisasi Produksi dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jahe pada Beberapa Naungan

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    Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the Zingiberaceae family. The rhizome of the ginger plant contains two classes of constituents: essential oils and oleoresins, which are useful for treating various diseases such as; diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and many other diseases. This study aims to see the effect of shading on plant growth, biomass, and gingerol content. The research was conducted at the Cikabayan Education Garden in July 2021-April 2022. This experiment used a one-factor Randomized Group Design, namely shade consisting of four levels, namely N0 0% (full light), and paranet with a density of N1 = 25%, N2 = 50%, and N3 = 75%. Each treatment was repeated three times, so there were 12 experimental units, each experimental unit had 6 sample plants. The results showed that shading with 50% and 75% density produced the highest plant height and number of ginger leaves compared to no shading and 25% density shading. Plant biomass components were influenced by shading. Shade treatment was not significantly different in leaf thickness, number of stomata, and stomatal density. The treatment of shading on gingerol compound levels in ginger plants gave a significant difference in 75% shading treatment, the highest value was in the 50% density shading treatment with a value of 12.10. Ginger plants can be grown and adapt well to low light intensity. Keywords: biomass, gingerol, intensity, rhizomeJahe (Zingiber officinale) merupakan tumbuhan herba tahunan termasuk famili Zingiberaceae. Rimpang tanaman jahe mengandung dua kelas konstituen: minyak atsiri dan oleoresin, yang bermanfaat untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit seperti; diabetes, tekanan darah tinggi, kanker dan banyak penyakit lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh naungan terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman, biomassa dan kandungan gingerol. Percobaan dilakukan di Kebun Pendidikan Cikabayan bulan Juli 2021-April 2022. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok satu faktor yaitu naungan yang terdiri dari empat taraf yaitu N0 0% (cahaya penuh), dan paranet dengan kerapatan N1 = 25%, N2 = 50% dan N3 = 75%. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali, sehingga terdapat 12 unit percobaan, masing-masing unit percobaan memiliki 6 tanaman contoh. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa pemberian naungan dengan kerapatan 50% dan 75% menghasilkan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun jahe tertinggi dibandingkan tanpa naungan dan naungan kerapatan 25%. Komponen biomassa tanaman dipengaruhi oleh pemberian naungan. Pemberian perlakuan naungan tidak berbeda nyata terhadap tebal daun, jumlah stomata dan kerapatan stomata. Perlakuan pemberian naungan terhadap kadar senyawa gingerol pada tanaman jahe memberikan perbedaan yang nyata pada perlakuan naungan 75%, nilai tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan naungan dengan kerapatan 50% dengan nilai 12.10. Tanaman jahe dapat ditanam dan beradaptasi baik pada intensitas cahaya yang rendah.Kata kunci: biomass, gingerol, intensitas, rimpan

    Penggunaan Biochar dan Tinggi Muka Air pada Umur Satu Bulan setelah Tanam terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Bawang Merah

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    Susilawati S, Irmawati I, Sukarmi S, Kurnianingsih A, Mutia A. 2019. The application of biochar and water table at one month after planting on growth and yield of shallot. Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands. 8(2):202-212. The success of onion self-sufficiency is the arrangement and growth of production centers that are not only concentrated in Java. The research aimed to evaluate the effect of biochar application and water table treatment on growth and yield of shallot plant. The research was conducted in Experimental Farm of Agriculture Faculty, Sriwijaya University at 2019. Materials used consisted of shallot bulb of Bima Brebes variety, oil palm shells biochar, paper bag, and plastic bag. While the tools used were hoe, gauge, pH meter, basin, scale, and oven. Factorial Randomized Block Design was used with two factors and three replicates. The first factor was biochar dosages consisting of P1 (51 g/plant) and P2 (102 g/plant) and the second factor was soil water table consisting of T0 (no water table treatment), T1 (10 cm of water table below soil surface), T2 (15 cm of water table below soil surface) and T3 (30 cm of water table below soil surface). The observed parameters included plant height, leaf number, tiller number, total bulb fresh weight, bulb fresh weight, bulb dry weight and root length. Results showed that the application of biochar and water table treatment statistically affected the growth and yield of shallot plant. The effect on both growth and yield parameters were obtained from the combination of P2T3. Correlation was found between plant height and leaf number, total bulb fresh weight and bulb fresh weight