14 research outputs found

    A Classical Approach in Simple Nuclear Fusion Reaction 1H2 + 1H3 using Two-Dimension Granular Molecular Dynamics Model

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    Molecular dynamics in 2-D accompanied by granular model provides an opportunity to investigate binding between nuclei particles and its properties that arises during collision in a fusion reaction. A fully classical approach is used to observe the influence of initial angle of nucleus orientation to the product yielded by the reaction. As an example, a simplest fusion reaction between 1H2 and 1H3 is observed. Several products of the fusion reaction have been obtained, even the unreported ones, including temporary 2He4 nucleus.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, submitted to International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Science and Engineering (ICANSE) 201


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    Introduction: Social problems caused by leprosy arise due to the fear that leprosy sufferers experience in society (leprophobia). Low knowledge, lack of socialization in society, and bad stigma in society, resulting in a lack of community participation in eradicating leprosy. After India and Brazil, Indonesia is one of the developing countries with the highest number of newly diagnosed sufferers. leprosy case. third highest in the world. Purpose: The purpose of this community service is to increase public understanding of early detection of leprosy in Kolo Kota Bima Village. Method: The method used in this community service is health education and training on the identification of leprosy by tough cadres caring for leprosy. Community service activities were carried out in the Kolo Community Health Center hall, Bima City, which was attended by 15 cadres, 5 enumerators, the Head of the Kolo Community Health Center, the KTU of the Kolo Health Center, and servants. This activity is training for cadres and counseling about leprosy including the meaning, signs, symptoms, management, process of transmission of leprosy. Results: The results of the pre-test community service were 27% of cadres with good knowledge. While the post test 100% of cadres have good knowledge. The results of this dedication are important to assist the government's efforts to improve national health development. Conclusions and Recommendations: All targeted leprosy care cadres have understood the signs and symptoms of leprosy. It is hoped that community service will be carried out regularly and to health cadres so that leprosy cases can be handled immediately.Pendahuluan: Masalah sosial akibat penyakit kusta muncul akibat ketakutan yang dialami penderita kusta di masyarakat (leprophobia).  Rendahnya pengetahuan, kurang bersosialisasi di masyarakat, dan stigma buruk di masyarakat, sehingga berakibat pada kurangnya peran serta masyarakat dalam pemberantasan penyakit kusta.  Setelah India dan Brazil, Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara berkembang dengan angka tertinggi penderita baru terdiagnosis. kasus kusta. tertinggi ketiga di dunia. Tujuan: Tujuan pengabdian kepada masayarakat ini untuk meningkatan pemahaman masyarakat dalam deteksi dini Penyakit Kusta di Kelurahan KoloKota Bima. Metode: Metode  yang  digunakan  dalam  pengabdian  kepada  masyarakat  ini  adalah dengan penyuluhan kesehatan dan pelatihan mengenai identifikasi penyakit kusta oleh kader tangguh peduli kusta. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan di aula pusksemas kolo kota bima, yang dihadiri oleh 15 Kader,  5 enumerator,  Kepala Pusksemas kolo,  KTU puskesmas kolo,  dan  pengabdi. Kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan bagi kader dan penyuluhan  mengenai penyakit kusta meliputi pengertian, tanda, gejala, penatalaksanaan, proses penularan penyakit kusta. Hasil: Hasil pengabdian masyarakat pre-test sebanyak 27% kader berpengetahuan baik. Sedangkan post test 100 % kader berpengetahuan baik. Hasil pengabdian  ini  penting  untuk  membantu  upaya  pemerintah  dalam meningkatkan pembangunan kesehatan nasional. Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi: Seluruh   kader tangguh peduli leopra  yang  menjadi  sasaran telah memahami terkait tanda dan gejala penderita kusta.  Diharapkan  pengabdian&nbsp

    Plutonium and Minor Actinides Recycling in Standard BWR using Equilibrium Burnup Model

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    Plutonium (Pu) and minor actinides (MA) recycling in standard BWR with equilibrium burnup model has been studied. We considered the equilibrium burnup model as a simple time independent burnup method, which can manage all possible produced nuclides in any nuclear system. The equilibrium burnup code was bundled with a SRAC cell-calculation code to become a coupled cell-burnup calculation code system. The results show that the uranium enrichment for the criticality of the reactor, the amount of loaded fuel and the required natural uranium supply per year decrease for the Pu recycling and even much lower for the Pu & MA recycling case compared to those of the standard once-through BWR case. The neutron spectra become harder with the increasing number of recycled heavy nuclides in the reactor core. The total fissile rises from 4.77% of the total nuclides number density in the reactor core for the standard once-through BWR case to 6.64% and 6.72% for the Plutonium recycling case and the Pu & MA recycling case, respectively. The two later data may become the main basis why the required uranium enrichment declines and consequently diminishes the annual loaded fuel and the required natural uranium supply. All these facts demonstrate the advantage of plutonium and minor actinides recycling in BWR


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    Salah satu permasalahan yang biasa muncul pada transformator daya adalah bagaimana mendispasikan panas yang ditimbulkan oleh inti transformator secara aman dan efektif. Solusi yang umum digunakan adalah dengan merendam inti transformator dalam wadah yang mengandung bahan isolasi minyak. Minyak berfungsi sebagai pendingin sekaligus isolasi. Ketika terjadi gangguan minyak tidak dapat menahan beban yang berlebih sehingga menimbulkna gas. Mengidentifikasi jenis dan jumlah konsentrasi gas yang terlarut pada minyak dapat memberikan informasi akan adanya indikasi kegagalan yang terjadi pada transformator. Skripsi ini akan membahas bagaimana uji Dissolved Gas Analysis dapat mengidentifikasi indikasi kegagalan pada transformator. Dissolved Gas Analysis akan diolah dengan metode Roger Ratio ASTM, CEGB, dan IEC menggunakan Fuzzy Logic pada Matlab. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kegagalan transformator dapat diidentifikasi menggunakan 3 standar Roger Ratio namun pada metode ASTM beberapa kegagalan tidak dapat terdeteksi dikarenakan keterbatasan value yang telah di tentukan oleh standar tersebut; One of the usual problems with power transformers is how to dispose of the heat generated by the transformer core safely and effectively. A solution commonly used is by lowering the transformer core in containers containing oil insulating materials. Oil functions as cooler as well as insulation. When an oil disturbance occurs, it cannot withstand the excessive load causing gas. Identifying the type and amount of gas concentration in the oil can provide information on the indication of failure that occurs in the transformer. This mini thesis will discuss how the Dissolved Gas Analysis test can identify indications of failure in the transformer. The Dissolved Gas Analysis method will be processed with the Roger Ratio ASTM, CEGM, and IEC methods using Fuzzy Logic in Matlab. Based on the result of the research, the transformer failure can be identified using 3 standard Roger Ratio however in the ASTM method some failures cannot be detected due to the limited value that has been determined by the standard

    A Simple Stress Test on Indonesian Islamic Banking Industry

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    The purpose of this study is to conduct a stress test on Indonesian Islamic Banking industry in order toassess the capability of the industry to absorb the extreme risks that may happen in the future. Using data from April 2008 to September 2014, the study employs balance sheet approach in performing the stress test on profitability and capital position and the value at risk technique for liquidity stress test. The results of this study show that in term of profitability, Islamic banks in Indonesia are immune from losses if the default rate (Non-Performing Loan) is less than 8.5 %. If the industry can improve the profit margin, the resistance will be higher.In term of capital position, by assuming loss given default (LGD) is constant at 40%, the industry will not go bankrupt if probability of default (PD) is less than 9%. If the PD is more than 9%, total expected loss is more than available capital. Using the value at risk (VaR) at 99% confidence, the study finds that possible deposit flight will not exceed IDR 26 trillion and the liquid asset available is IDR 28 trillion. The study concludes that there is no liquidity threat for Islamic banks in Indonesia. The findingsalso uncover the risky condition that even though the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) is on average 14%, real capital measured by Equity to total asset (ETA) is only 5.4% Keywords Capital, Liquidity, Profitability, Simulation, Stress Tes

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Monitoring Pekerjaan Umum dengan Pendekatan Konsep Nilai Hasil

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    Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) merupakan lembaga pemerintahan yang bergerak dibidang perkejaan umum dalam pemerintahan yang diantaranya melakukan pembangunan dan tata kelola kota/kabupaten se-Sultra. Dalam melakukan penelitian di Dinas Pekerjaan Umum tersebut ditemukan permasalah yaitu dalam hal pelaporan progres pekerjaan proyek, karyawan yang berada di lapangan harus datang ke kantor untuk melaporkan hasil kerja mereka kepada pimpinan. Dengan banyaknya proyek kerja yang dilakukan di setiap bidang, tentunya akan sangat tidak efisien baik dari segi waktu maupun biaya pada saat akan melaporkan progres maupun hasil kerja ke pimpinan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, dibangun sebuah sistem yang dapat memudahkan karyawan maupun pimpinan menjalankan tugasnya. Dengan adanya sistem ini maka dapat meningkatkan efisiensi kerja para karyawan dalam melakukan pelaporan progres pekerjaan proyek.


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    Peranan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) adalah menyediakan kebutuhan data bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat. Data ini didapatkan dari sensus atau survei yang dilakukan sendiri dan juga dari departemen atau lembaga pemerintahan lainnya sebagai data sekunder. Data ini bisa dilihat dalam bentuk informasi di website resmi BPS, tetapi informasi yang disajikan belum lengkap karena terdapat data-data lain yang belum bisa di tampilkan khususnya untuk BPS Kabupaten Garut. BPS dibagi-bagi kedalam beberapa seksi untuk memenuhi tugas atau peranannya, dan yang menangani tugas diatas adalah seksi IPDS (Integrasi Pengolahan Diseminasi Statistik). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang Aplikasi Indikator Strategis Garut Berbasis Android. Metode yang digunakan adalah Unified Approach dengan tahapannya yaitu Analisis, Desain, dan Kontruksi, sedangkan untuk pemodelannya menggunakan Unified Modelling Language. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah perancangan aplikasi indikator strategis garut berbasis android yang diharapkan dapat digunakan dengan baik dan mampu membantu kinerja bidang IPDS menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien

    Plutonium and Minor Actinides Recycling in Standard BWR using Equilibrium Burnup Model

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    Plutonium (Pu) and minor actinides (MA) recycling in standard BWR with equilibrium burnup model has been studied. We considered the equilibrium burnup model as a simple time independent burnup method, which can manage all possible produced nuclides in any nuclear system. The equilibrium burnup code was bundled with a SRAC cell-calculation code to become a coupled cell-burnup calculation code system. The results show that the uranium enrichment for the criticality of the reactor, the amount of loaded fuel and the required natural uranium supply per year decrease for the Pu recycling and even much lower for the Pu & MA recycling case compared to those of the standard once-through BWR case. The neutron spectra become harder with the increasing number of recycled heavy nuclides in the reactor core. The total fissile rises from 4.77% of the total nuclides number density in the reactor core for the standard once-through BWR case to 6.64% and 6.72% for the Plutonium recycling case and the Pu & MA recycling case, respectively. The two later data may become the main basis why the required uranium enrichment declines and consequently diminishes the annual loaded fuel and the required natural uranium supply. All these facts demonstrate the advantage of plutonium and minor actinides recycling in BWR